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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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These cars are too hot on Dispatch eyes. They can't date using these. It's good that Wooyoung is keeping it simple and a secret so that he can date freely hahaha.

[PIC 1] Jun. K's car : MERCEDES BENZ AMG GT-S Coupe Designo Diamond White
Approx. $143,000

[PIC 2] Taecyeon's car : 2015 Audi R8 Spyder | White x Red top 

[PIC 3] Junho's car : Lamborghini Gallardo SE(Verde Ithaca & Customized Front Bumpers) approx. $200,000

via: Kulasatree_KY , yourvoice_JH


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Guest elenskivios38

:D:D:DThats true my dear @standingtallyy nothing beats the original ! they should think new activities ,for new couple 

they look ike dulicate!:) copycut !:) pity for new couples they all seems good partner.

the new role of Park Se Young is another challenge for her versatility.im excited to watch her in a doctor white uniform its

really suits her coz shes a lovely .cheerful .modest lady even her co-stars and staff praise her for her devotion to  new role

What shes doing like searching .learning medical terms is added knowledge  for her which she might use in the future.

Lucky Wooyoung to have such girl eager and never stop  learning  things ..Truly Park SeYong and Jang Wooyoung are the same

they are both learner.Wooyoung slowly discovering new talents of him very productive and creative man and Seyoung before really shy 

 but now challenge herself with diff.roles and finally she did it !!! but remain humble with good manners so proud of our YYCouple:heart:

They were so inspired by each other ...i pray they continue pouring positive energy to each other and to people around them

               This is what  :heart: LOVE  :heart: means.


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The boys' cars are so impressive!! I know junho owns a Lamborghini, didn't know jun.k and Taec own expensive cars- Taec's car might be sponsored cos he advertise for Audi. All the prices can be used as down payment for a house. Hopefully that's why wy doesn't own one. 

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Among 2PM, I thought it's Jun K who spends big - you know with his gold rings and expensive watch, so I expect him to drive a top of the range Mercedes Benz coupe. Didn't expect Junho drives a Lamborghini. Wooyoung and Taec drives Audis, the difference though are the models -Taec is to attract, Wooyoung is to keep his privacy. 

You are right @Gerry58 the amount of Junho's car can pay off most of my home loan :D

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@Gerry58 LOL Wooyoung is no exception, the cheapest Audi is still not a cheap car in Asia. All of them have luxury apartments so I'd say even with a home loan, they have that much money to buy an expensive car. Japan's industry really treats 2PM well. Touring is how most artists in the world makes money. JYP's revenue last year have listed Jun.K, Junho and Wooyoung's Solo revenue separate from 2PM's total revenue because it is that big amount of money that it deserves it's own slot in their chart. 

Jun.K's apartment is like a two level penthouse. Taecyeon's apartment with his parents is really spacious (even if his room is like empty, lol some thinks he has another apartment for himself). Junho's is also spacious. While Wooyoung might have a smaller apartment, his interior work is no joke. Those oak and wood materials are expensive. I work in interior and from naked eyes, none of the stuff we see in his work room is cheap.


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Of course all 2PM members are  well off and can buy an expensive car. I think the difference here is the model of the car they have chosen. The other three have cars that can really attract while Wooyoung on the hand chose a simpler one. :)

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@ilikeme- 2pm's individual activities they don't share right? That's why jun.k, junho and wy earn money cos they have solo concerts? On the other hand, acting pays well too cos can get a lot of cf eg Taec 

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@Gerry58 English subs already added on the videos. Unfortunately Wooyoung lost to Mina on the final round. JYP lost too so he was teased by Wooyoung that he won't be able to sing the song he wrote. Taec lost too against Jackson. Chansung lost too. So far no 2PM member is included.  Still waiting for the other games.

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A photo from Lotte Duty Free. The company just loves them. I think they recognized how popular 2PM is internationally so they keep  getting them as models. Also the company must have also considered how good their image is.  It's been years that they've been models.

Energetic boys! This idol group is our new model again from 2015. Happy to hear that : )

Can you guess who they are?


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@Gerry58 They used to share their revenue if 2PM's name is included so I don't know if 2PM have changed their share of revenue for individual activities though it seems likely. I mean Junho's Lambo kind of explains that their individual profit is not shared, LOL.

In JYP, the artist now gets 70% of the revenue and 30% is to the company. Quite a contrast to YG's 50:50 and SM's 90:10, 90 for the company, yikes. Jun.K probably have the most revenue being the producer for 2PM albums and then Taecyeon as assistant producer. Jun.K is a known producer even in Korea, he pretty much have the best connection between music composers. Taecyeon has good connection with PD's in broadcast companies which is why for a group that rarely promotes in Korea, 2PM still have the best stage props on broadcast. You can see all the Gayo Festival, 2PM have the most stage props compared to other groups. Which is why fans said it is unlikely 2PM would have any release as a group once the two brothers enlist, they are the force in the group. 

Wooyoung seems like he's not doing anything now but the money keeps rolling in. He even gets royalty from the tour GOT7 have. Somehow it feels like he had found his focus. Before when he was younger, it seems like Wooyoung is just taking everything all at once, broadcast, dancing, singing, MCing, variety, but nowadays he's really focused on music and performance. Nichkhun have said before while being busy is good, being too busy can have it's down side and taking it slow can be good for an artist.

I saw Jun.K in Baek Ah Yeon's V App and he said 2pm is preparing something. He didn't say comeback but they are preparing something after their Japan Tour. 

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