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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@Gerry58 It's true, the two main actors were really good in that movie. It was pretty gruesome how PSD was made up, acting as a girl possessed wasn't easy but if the critics said she was good, I'd say the same. You are right too, her web drama turned out well because she acted her real age plus the cameos of other known actors and idols too? I know the lead was the famous member of SHINEE, Minho (my niece love him!). That's why I said, I'm getting apprehensive for Park Seyoung. I so want to see her in another drama. I'm deeply hoping and that it won't get canned. I doubt it will though because of Jang Hyuk and other well respected actors have already confirmed. Please just let PSD go! Though I feel sorry for her, I like Park Seyoung 100 times more :wub:

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I agree with @standingtallyy. Why wait for PSD to settle everything and start BM? Yes she is good but there are so many good actresses or even better actresses from her that have that role. The drama had been moved for a year now because of not able to get a male lead. I don't want this drama to be moved because of the controversy concerning a female lead. Sorry for PSD fans. I just like to see PSY that's why I really want this drama to start.

@Gerry58  Thanks for sharing. Did they celebrate Wooyoung birthday late?

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I remember now. Not that sure if the same event though. They talked about it on their concert.   Khun and Woo went out together because Khun would be buying Wooyoung's birthday gift. They went to an LP store  since Wooyoung loves LPs so much. Then Khun saw a Mickey Mouse player then both them bought 35 LPs on that day. 

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I may be mistaken since Khun bought Wy''s gift in Japan so that may be  a different party for him. It's so sweet for them to still give gifts to one another during birthdays. This was the fan account when they talked about Khun buying the Mickey Mouse player and the LPs. Only Jun K was not able to give Wooyoung a present at that time but he was preparing something expensive.(cr: jngwyng)

-Q&A- Q: During the con in Yoyogi, u said that those who don't have a child yet must give a reward to oneself. What did u give to yourself?

TY (to NK): You do have a child, right? (CS and JH were scolding TY) TY: Nichkhun chan, what did you give to yourself?

NK: WY has been into LP records so WY and I went to a recording shop in Shibuya together for his bday gift TY:So that means WY is your child

NK: After I bought my bday gift for him, I went around the shop and found a Mickey turntable. *shows a photo of it*

NK: Isn't it cute!? It tempted me as if it was saying "Buy me! Buy me!". That's why I ended up buying it right away.

MJ: You two bought a lot right? NK: We bought around 35 LP CS: Really? WY: Yes MJ: That's why our staff had a hard time because it was heavy

NK: So my gift for myself are turntable and 15 LP NK: With this, I've entered the LP world just like WY

CS (to WY): So u received a bday gift from NK right? WY: Yeah. Also from JH, CS... Jun. K is the only one who hasn't given anything yet

MJ: I'm preparing it now CS: His bday was Apr 30! MJ: It's a special gift so pls wait for it CS: Is it expensive? JH: Like around 1 million?

I think this was like what Khun bought. So cute.




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Thank you @AryRa I've seen screen shots of this performance but not the actual video. Indeed it was Daebak!! Seyoung got matching brand of that glasses Wooyoung wore. This was after WGM, colour Blue is our couple's favourite and become meaningful to Wooyoung. 

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[2PMedia] LEL's perspective on ‪#‎Wooyoung‬ as a musician

[Interview] Producer and singer-songwriter LEL, "I want to work with the best rock vocalist Kim Bada"
Source: Korean Economy via NAVER

The talented producer and singer-songwriter LEL-- who joint composed, arranged, and placed 2PM's Japan single 'HIGHER' on it's spot on Oricon chart-- released his single album 'Am I the only one curious (feat. Super Kiro, Wizil)'.

▶ What's your reason for including a rap?
- It shifts the song atmosphere to prevent the song from becoming boring, and if I think it will suit the song well. In the beginning, I composed a melody after the second section of the chorus, but I wanted to give a innovative feel.

▶How's your collaboration with weasels. 
- I introduced 2PM Jang Wooyoung. His tone is extremely well for rapping. On top of that, I had worked on different songs with him, and he is a musician who knows how to create creative lyrics and a flow. I think he will be famous for that in the future.

▶ You'd worked with many artist. Who was the most comfortable to work with....
- The most comfortable artist is 2PM Jang Wooyounh. His emotional aspect in music matches well with me; therefore, most productions are done with leisure.

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