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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Seyoung will play a Mum of a 5 year old boy? Great!  Me too, I wish there will be few scenes of her and ‘son’. Can’t wait for Money Flower to start.


That interview with Wooyoung...true, he surely gonna miss his 2PM brothers.


I’m all for the project...sorry read it too late. Happy to contribute :).


Off topic - What a mixed emotions from K-Entertainment world with the sudden death of a famous actor and supposedly ‘wedding of the year’ of Song couple overshadowed with grief. Apparently some of the invited celebrities (Running Man cast) didn’t go to the wedding to pay their respects to the late actor by going to the wake. I did like him when he was still with 2D&1N...and watched an episode of his last drama Argon. May he rest in peace...

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@standingtallyy I feel sad too with the death of the actor. Been watching him in 2D1N. His death is really a shock. I watched the 10 year anniversary of the show, the members were joking about him and then after he died. He even won his first acting award after 20 years.


Not too excited with Song Song wedding though. Their "private" wedding is not so "private" hehehehe.  

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My friend is on fire. More chapters to read...


Chapter Six

I got curious, so I waited for Park Seyoung to come out from the ladies washroom. I find her cute with big brown eyes hiding behind those glasses. Hyung Sang Woo had an emergency call from his younger brother, dropped me off the bar and went. Before going in, I took my tie and left the suit jacket in the car and rolled my sleeves up so I don’t look too business like. While waiting for my drink to be served I saw the lady rushing towards my direction but suddenly Park Seyoung turned and that is how she landed heavily into my arms, held her tight to keep her from falling with the drink all over us. Her body pinned close to mine created heat in me. It was impossible not to stare, seeing how the wet flimsy material of her top sticking to her skin. Eventually, I saw her came out. She tied the front hem of the shirt into a knot, giving it a feminine fit. It went well with her black tailored pants, the shoulder bag hanging across her body. I’ve never seen anyone wearing a man’s t-shirt looking both sexy and cute on a woman.

“Hey!Park Seyoung!” I called out. I knew she was pretending not to see me.

“Hey.” Turning around to acknowledge me, scratching the side of her non-itchy head. A sign of embarrassment. “You’re still here?”

“I can’t leave. You owe me a drink for my shirt.” I told her. Showing her my most charming self. I can’t believe I am actually flirting with her. Often, it happens the other way around.

“Okay.” She replied.” Shall we?” Walking towards the main area of the bar. I ordered a whiskey on the rocks while she ordered beer.

“What do you do?” I asked her once we were seated, sipping my drink, popping a peanut into my mouth.

“Just an ordinary company employee.” She briefly answered, taking a sip from her pint.

“What company?” I asked again.

“I don’t answer personal questions to strangers.” She quickly said. “And don’t bother telling me your name. It won’t make any difference.”

“Why is that?” Surprised by what she said.

“A woman shouldn’t trust men you meet in a bar. For them, you are just a fleeting fancy.” Park Seyoung said.

“Is that so?” I said looking at her. To a degree she was right. You don’t look for love in places like this. People come here to chill and have fun. And I am actually liking her cynicism and views on men coming to bars. “Even with your views. I find you really cute.” Me, flirting again.

“Cute? Really? I don’t think cute is the right word to a woman who loves a pint or two.” Park Seyoung said looking at me behind those glasses. Her index finger tracing around the rim of the glass. “Is that your best pick up line?”

“Okay. I’ll be honest then.” I put a hand to stop her doing that. “I find you really attractive.” I saw the mixed expression on her face. Amidst the dim lighting, I know she was blushing.


Chapter Seven

What is this man doing to me? I asked myself. Calling me cute and attractive. Is he blind? Drunk maybe? No man has ever hit on me like this. Is it the atmosphere affecting this man’s visual acuity? But there is something in him I’m finding hard to ignore and attractive. For one, putting the earlier episode aside, he has the most beautiful uneven shaped pair of eyes. His lips are pink and well- shaped. For a man, he has the boy next door charm. And by the way, that firm muscular chest I wish I could lay my head forever. Those arms too. I can tell he works out regularly. I am so blushing at the moment with these thoughts running in my head. Well, two can play the same game. And why not? I’m sure our paths will not cross again. Ever.

“You are really pushing your luck, boy.” I said to the man.

“Boy?” The man replied. “Trust me, I am way past the age to be called a boy.” Giving me that look again. Damn! I gulped down the rest of my beer and ordered for another one, drank half the glass the moment it landed in front of me. The man did same on his, and ordered another round.

“Are you dating someone?” The man asked again.

“I told you, I don’t answer personal questions.” I said.

“What sort of question do you answer then? Tell me.” The man insisted. Our eyes met. None of us looked away for a brief moment. It felt like we were the only people in the room. The show started and the band was playing. We both stayed where we were. I’ve completely forgotten where Jenny and the rest of the gang are. I couldn’t be bothered looking for them amongst the crowd. I’m sure they are having a wonderful time, and so am I in the company of this stranger. The band was good as they said. The crowd really got into the rhythm of the music, it was contagious. I’m sure I had another round of beer by the time the first set ended. People were going to the bar to order more drinks. The man pulled me aside to a quiet corner, a small table for two.

“The band was great.” I said when we sat down.

“Is this your first time here?” He asked. We are seated across each other, my knees are brushing his unintentionally due to limited space.

“Yes. It was recommended from a girl at work.” I can feel the alcohol is getting in to my system when I start twirling my hair around my fingers. The man kept looking at me like he was afraid I’d disappear from his sight. I smiled at him. He smiled back, he ran his tongue on his lower lip as if to moistened it. The next thing I knew, I was kissing that lips. And he was kissing me back too. The smell and taste of whiskey on his lips tasted good. It was drowning me. I couldn’t believe I am making out with a stranger in a bar. Everything I said earlier about meeting men in bars went down the drain.

“You want to get out of here?” He asked after we briefly separated. I nodded yes. I didn’t care. I just want to be with this man tonight. “Let’s go.” He stood up, picked up my bag and held my hand as we headed for the door.


Chapter Eight

I woke up holding Park Seyoung close to me. I looked at the time. It was one o’clock in the morning. She looked so fragile in her sleep. I brushed aside the hair covering face, touching her smooth pink cheek. The exposed shoulder felt smooth as silk. Everything happened so quickly last night. The moment her lips touched mine, I knew there was no turning back. I live only three blocks away from the bar. When we reached my apartment, we were all over each other, kissing, touching, clothes flying everywhere. I am not one to sleep with a woman I am not in a relationship with. But I just did.

“Park Seyoung.” I whispered softly, waking her up. She moved, snuggling closer to me. I moved back a little. Then she looked up, opening her eyes to me. “Time to go home.” I said. Rule Number One, I never let a woman stay the night, even if she is a girlfriend.

“Yes.” She said gathering the sheet to cover her naked body. Got out of bed, picking up her undergarments and clothes before going to the bathroom to get dressed. I can hear the shower turned on. I was fully dressed and ready the time she came out from the room, still wearing my shirt.

“I’m taking you home.” I offered. Rule Number Two. Ensure a woman gets home safe.

“It’s okay. I can get a taxi home.” Park Seyoung said.

“No. I will take you home.” I insisted. Leading the way out towards the lifts. “For my own peace of mind.”

“But you had few drinks.” Seyoung said.

“That was three hours ago.” I answered. “Why? Are you worried about me now?”

Ani!” She replied back instantaneously. “I’m worried about me.”

“I can tell you are sober.” I said, half laughing. “Don’t worry. I got someone else to drive.”

Hyung Sang Woo was already waiting for us downstairs. Earlier he insisted that I should call him anytime if I need someone to drive me later in the night. The ‘emergency’ with his brother was sorted out much quicker than expected. He was waiting for me outside when Seyoung and I left the bar and driven us to my apartment.

“Where do you live?” I asked Seyoung when we got in the car, both of us seated at the back.

“Yongsan.” She replied.”If you can give me your address. I will post your t-shirt after I washed it.” Handing me her phone to type in my address.

“It’s okay. I have about ten of those.” I said. She withdrew her phone back. Instead, I took hold of it and entered my number. I am Mr J in her list of contacts. She remained silent, looking out to the window. “Are you okay?” Tapping her gently on the shoulder.

“I’m okay. Thank you.” Looking my way, with a faint smile. The car was in complete silence until we arrived at Seyoung’s place.

I got out of the car when Seyoung did, walking her to the gate. “I enjoyed your company.”

“I hope you won’t misunderstand.” Seyoung started to say. “I don’t sleep around. This is the first time.”

“Don’t worry. There is no misunderstanding.” I replied, reassuring her. ”I wish you the best.” I extended my hand for a hand shake. Seyoung shook mine briefly before going inside the apartment building. Rule Number Three. Make sure not to regret one’s action. I sure hope so too.







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Chapter Nine

I was glad work kept me occupied the whole day. Thank God we are all set up for the two sessions we were running and basically stayed in the training room the entire time. Though I struggled initially after only managing to sleep for three hours, two mugs of strong coffee kept me going. Jenny asked where I was because she couldn’t find me last night at the bar, but admitted she didn’t get there until after 10 pm. I only remembered checking my phone when I got home early this morning and saw the missed calls. Looking at the time of her call, I was already with Mr J. I don’t know what was I thinking. The first man I ever slept with was not even a boyfriend, but someone I met at a bar. I could have run away when I had the chance, but I didn’t. I was willing. I had few drinks, but I was sober enough to remember everything that happened last night. Every intimate detail. A car was already waiting with a driver the moment we were outside, giving him instructions to go to his place.We were holding hands the entire trip as if we were afraid one might change his or her mind and let go. But none of us did. When we got inside his apartment, all inhibitions were gone. I am sure he used protection, or did he not?

Kurae. If he turns out to be a jerk there was no one else to blame but you. I said to myself. But basing on what I saw, he seemed decent. His lives in a posh neighbourhood. His apartment done tastefully, from the appliances, furniture and decors. His car was an expensive model. Probably he is a high maintenance playboy? Oh my God! What have I done? After telling myself off and short moment of hysteria, I saw few missed calls from my Mom. So, I called her back.

“Yes Omma,” I greeted my Mom.

“I’ve arranged a blind date for you tomorrow evening. He is the son of a former college classmate. He just got back from America after finishing his PhD in Psychology. I’m sure you will have common ground to talk about because you are a Psychology major. He is only two years older than you. He is about 184 cm tall and very good looking, ” My Mom describing the man I am meeting.

“Okay Mom. What time and where am I meeting him?” I asked without arguing. I am surprised with myself too.

“Really? You are coming?” My Mom couldn’t hide the shock in her voice. Usually, a lot of backwards and forward exchange of words happen before she can convince me to a blind date, or to anything I don’t like to do. It was over a year since the last one.

“Yes. Where am I meeting him?” My Mom gave me the name of the restaurant. It is not far from work. I can easily go there when I finish.

“Seyoung-ah. Are you okay?” I nearly gave out a laugh when Mom asked me that. She couldn’t believe I said yes straight away. “Are you planning to ask me buy you something? Because, usually this is what you are like when you want something from me.”

“I am alright, Omma.” I reassured her. “No catch. I just thought I’ll give it a try. That’s all.”

Senja?” My Mom still in doubt. “Okay. Wear a dress please when you meet him? You are really pretty when you wear a dress you know and put some make up.” Mom reminded me.

Arasso.” Assuring her again before hanging up. I know it means buying one as I’ve never bought a dress for ages. I went to a mall and looked for a dress to wear for the blind date before going home.


Chapter Ten

“Your coffee Mr Vice President.” Hyung placed the coffee he picked up for me on my desk.

“Thanks Hyung.” I said, giving it a sip. I am not supposed to be at the office today being a Friday but somehow Dad convinced me to sign some documents on his behalf. My Uncle who is the President is also away on a business trip himself, so being the next in the hierarchy, I have no choice but to turn up at the office to finalize the deal. Yesterday was a busy day too. After dropping Park Seyoung at her place. I slept until midday and went to see my friends and business partners Junho and Nick. We spent the rest of the day deciding which artist we will be choosing to produce their music. Ten came down to five. Five came down to three. Then three came down to one. Later, we are going to meet up for dinner but this time they are bringing their dates. They have been asking me to meet them because between the three of us, I seem to be the best judge of character when it comes to women. True enough, the last girlfriends didn’t turn out well. Although both were very pretty but that’s all they know, with very high maintenance tastes that goes with it.

“Mr Vice President. Can I ask you a question?” Hyung asked.

“Sure. Go ahead.” I said. Curious of what he was going to ask, looking at him.

“The lady you went out with last night. Is she your girlfriend?” He asked.

Ani.” I answered him. “Waeyo?

“I just thought she looked familiar, that’s all.” He answered.

“Really? You’ve seen her before?” I asked him again.

“Yes. But I could be wrong.” Hyung said. “Is there anything else you’d like me to do for you Sir.”

“No more. Cham, I am meeting friends for dinner around the area at seven tonight. You can go home after you drop me there.” I said to him. Hyung bowed in acknowledgement then left, closing the door behind. I put my pen down and leaned back on my chair, thinking about what Hyung Sang Woo just said about Park Seyoung. He said she looked familiar. I wonder where he had seen her before. I noticed the apartment she lived is in a decent neighbourhood. The building blocks were gated, it is obviously not cheap to rent or own. She must be earning decent money. Even the way she was dressed, she must be a department head or a team leader. She was articulate and quick witted. Too bad I didn’t ask for her number. Although I gave her mine she may not call me at all. That actually suits me if she doesn’t.

The French restaurant was not far from the office. It could have been an easy ten minutes away on foot. These two friends of mine want to impress their dates by picking this fancy restaurant. When I got in, I was ushered by a waitress to the table booked under Junho’s name, located on the first level accessible by stairs. They were already at the table with three ladies, instead of two waiting for my arrival. It was next to the glass window facing the main road.

“Wooyoung-ah.” Junho and Nick stood up to greet me shaking my hand. “Ladies, let me introduce to you our friend. Jang Wooyoung.” Junho started introducing me to all ladies, shaking their hands individually.

“I hope you didn’t mind we invited our friend Doo Nah to come along.” Says Min Young, who was Nick’s date. I think she is the one Junho and Nick was telling me about.

“Oh no. Of course not. I was only invited to come. Junho and Nick arranged this not me.” I told her.

The ladies are pretty as expected. Fashionably dressed, combining trendy and sexy in one. Min Young was wearing a black figure hugging lacy dress, showing her black undergarments. Doo Nah in beige tight fitting dress with straight neckline just sitting on top of her chest, with a thin strap to her shoulder. While Junho’s date Se Rah, wore a red long-sleeved satin top with very low neckline. The women really knows how to show some skin. Food and wine was delicious. The girls are fun and good company. I found out they are established career women themselves all working in the advertising world. After dinner, I excused myself to go to the washroom. As I was heading towards the corridor where it is, I was shocked bumping into Park Seyoung! I barely recognized her with how different she looked tonight.

“What are you doing here?” We both asked in unison.


Chapter Eleven

Why in God’s name I have to bump into this man! After what happened the other night, I was really hoping not to see him again.

“What are you doing here?” Mr J asked.

“For a meal with someone.” I answered straight away. We then heard voices coming, he grabbed my hand and went inside the disabled washroom, locking the door. “Why are we hiding?” I asked.

“We are not. We are just talking.” He said. “Are you here on a date?”

“Why does it matter to you if I am on a date or not. We are strangers to each other.” I replied, looking at him.“What about you? Why are you here?”

“I’m having dinner with friends.” He answered. “It must be a blind date looking how you looked tonight. So different from before.”

I know right? I nearly wanted to say to him. I bought this blue off shoulder dress, matched with three inches beige coloured pumps. It took me the whole night to finally settle on this one. A little too pricey for my standards but I promised Mom to wear one and I did. I even had make up, put some false lashes on and wore contact lenses. Overall, I know I looked extra pretty tonight. Even my blind date Jihoon said the same. And Mr J too, well, he used the word different.

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you very much. “ I said. “But I need to go back to my date before he ask for a search party to find me. Now, if you can please step out of the room so I can do my business?” I reached for the door knob when suddenly I heard voices directly outside the door.

“Doo Nah, you are lucky if you hook up with him. I heard he is a son of the CEO of that company. So technically he is the richest amongst the group.” One lady said.

“Nick is rich too. But you are right, Wooyoung is more well off.” Another voice said.

“Can you imagine? If we get married to these three men. We will all live in luxury!” Says another one who sounded more excited than the previous. Then the voices were gone.

I turned to look at Mr J. who was also listening to the conversation. “I can’t believe how shallow those women are. They think marriage is all about money. I bet you, if those women think you are loaded, they will be all over you too. So you’d better watch out.” I said to him. He nodded, then I unlocked the door and left. Few minutes later, I was back to my table on the lower ground of the restaurant.

“I was afraid you’ve left.” Jihoon said when I sat down.

“I bumped into an acquaintance upstairs so it took a little while to come back. I’m sorry.” I apologised to him.

“That is fine. I’m glad that is the case.” Jihoon said. “Would you like to order some dessert?” He offered.

“Yes please.” I took the dessert menu from him, chose what I like and ordered it. My eyes started to wander around, looking for him. When I looked up, there he was watching me from the top floor. He nodded his head to me before moving away from my view.


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It's the weekend everyone  :)

@standingtallyy- your friend's latest fanfic is amazing- mbc should turn it into a drama starring sy. Storyline is really good. Can't wait to read more. 

Wow this coming week will be great cos sy will appear in press conference- eagerly awaiting to see what she will wear.

wy at the concert- boy he looks tired, hope he gets to rest well 

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Chapter Twelve

I felt a pang of jealousy watching Park Seyoung having dinner with another man. Not only that, she seemed to genuinely enjoying his company. When she looked up and caught me watching them, I can only nod and walked back to our table to deal with the three cunning women who thought can charm their way through to us with their superficial appearances. They are wrong.

“That trip took you a while.” Nick asked when I sat down.

“Sorry, I was checking how my stocks were doing in the market. And they looked good.” I said to Nick.

“Well it better be because I’ve put few thousands on that.” Junho added. “I know it is only spare change to you but I am not as well off as you and Nick are.”

“It’s okay Wooyoung. I can live loosing that money. Junho, let me know if you get stuck. That’s what friends do.” Nick said patting Junho’s shoulder.

I can see how the three women giving each other meaningful look and smiling. Their eyes flashing Won signs. When Park Seyoung left the washroom, I immediately sent Nick and Junho a text message telling them of what I heard.

“So you are into stock investments too?” Fake No 1 Minyoung asked Nick.

“Just for fun really. Wooyoung is the genius. He is into everything that can make money.” Nick replied. Of course, that was also a fake statement.

“Where did you invest all those money?” Fake No 2 Se Rah asked as well.

“In the oil market.” Junho answered. Flashing a fake smile to his date.

“Doo Nah. Are you not interested about business? You have been fairly quiet.” I asked Fake No 3. Her acting demure and being prim makes me want to puke.

“No. I don’t really know anything about stock market.” Was her fake answer.

“Man, I got to go. I’m beat. I’ll take care of the bill.” I said. I just can’t stand being with these women anymore. ”Good night ladies.” I stood up shook Nick and Junho’s hand and left them. I can see the disappointment on Fake No 3’s face. Seyoung and her date was still in the restaurant but instead of leaving, I went to where they are seated. She can see me approaching, her eyes getting bigger as I walked closer towards them.

“Seyoung-ah.” I said when I reached their table. “Nice to see you here.” She immediately stood up to greet me.

“Hi. Good to see you too.” She said. “This is Jay a friend. Jay this is Jihoon.” Jay? How did I become Jay? Right, it was the name I’ve entered on her phone the other night. She doesn’t know my real name. Jihoon stood up and shook my hand. Seeing him up close even made my blood boil. Her date is taller than me and as good looking as my friend Nick. How can she meet someone after spending a passionate night with me not long ago? Huh!

“Nice to meet you, Jay.” Jihoon replied after shaking my hand.

“Jihoon, can I just speak to Seyoung for a sec?” I asked him.

“Sure.” Jihoon answered. I held Seyoung’s elbow and walked few tables away from him.

“What are you doing?” Seyoung asked, looking annoyed. Her back facing Jihoon on purpose.

“Give me your number.” I asked, taking my phone out from my suit jacket.

“Why?” Seyoung asked. Refusing to give in.

“You know why. Come on.” I asked again giving her my best smile. “Please.”

“No.” She said firmly, glaring at me.

“No? Okay. I can just go back to your date and tell him what happened to us two nights ago. Either that or give me your number. Your choice.” Half threatening her.

She only looked at me and saw her dialling Mr J on her phone. “Happy?”

“Thank you.” I said after saving her number. “Your date is waiting.” Walking her back to her table.

“Thanks again Jihoon. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Park Seyoung?” I left after bidding them goodnight.


Chapter Thirteen

I dropped my purse on the bed, sat down and rubbed my sore ankles from wearing those heels. The encounter with Mr J tonight was the tipping point for me. How can I forget him when he turns up wherever I go? I enjoyed Jihoon’s company. He was smart and charming. I thought I really wanted to give him a chance. But when he asked if I can see him again, I made lame excuses about business trips and projects keeping me occupied the entire next week and will just let our Moms know when to set for another date. I even refused his offer to drop me home. The less he knows about me, the better. I feel it’s not right to be involved with him when two nights ago, I spent the night with another man. I was about to get up when I heard my phone buzzing. It was Mr J.

“Why are you calling me?” Was my greeting to him.

“I’m outside. Can you come down?” He said.

“What do you mean you are outside?” I asked again.

“I’m at the gate of your apartment building.” He said.

“Why are you here this late at night?.” I asked again.

“We need to talk.” He said. “Please.” He wants to talk? About what?

“I’m coming down.” I don’t even know why I agreed for this talk. Put a light jacket on and went down to meet him. “How did you remember my address.” I asked when I got there.

“I have a sharp memory.” He replied. “How was your date?”

“It was alright.” I said. “What is it that you wanted to talk about?”

“Something happened that disappointed me tonight.” I looked at him when I heard what he said.

“I thought you were dining with friends. Did you not talk to them about it? Why see me?” I got curious.

“Because we are going through the same ordeal. Someone outside the circle can probably give us a better opinion.” He is sounding deeper than I thought he was.

“Is it bad?” I asked, now feeling a bit sorry for him.

“No. Not really. But enough to upset me.” He said. His head bent low.

“You are not a stalker or anything right?” I asked him out of nowhere.

“Park Seyoung. I have my flaws but I am a decent person. Stalker? Really? And why are you asking suddenly out of the blue?” My question took him by surprise as well.

“It’s just that, I’m getting cold and my legs are tired. I think it would be better if we talk inside rather than out here.” I told him honestly. Rubbing my arms to warm myself.

“I can stand in front of the CCTV camera if you want so I can be easily identified. If that will put your mind at ease.”

“Let’s go.” I agreed to his suggestion. And walked towards my apartment building.

“I was only joking!” He said, following me behind. When we got in the elevator, I made him stand facing the CCTV camera all the way up to my apartment which he obliged, and pointed to where all the cameras are along the corridors. But in reality it was so hard to control the sexual tension building inside me being that close to him. What is it with this man I just couldn’t resist!

“Come in.” I invited him, but he stopped at the door. “Why are you not coming?” I asked.

“Because if I take another step. You know what’s going to happen, right? And I don’t mean talking.” Mr J said. He felt it too.

I looked at him, trying to read his mind. I understood what he meant. “I know.” Was the only answer I gave him. Two steps forward and we were kissing. Like hungry animals feasting on its prey. The sexual tension on the rise at rapid rate filled the whole room. I wanted him. He wanted me. We were pulling each other’s jacket off. I was working on the buttons of his shirt, he was reaching for the zipper of my dress while none of us breaking the kiss. He lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his hip for support, arms around his neck. His arms on my back, holding me tight keeping me as close as he can to him.

“The bedroom?” He asked briefly between kisses. “End of corridor.” I said, kissing his cheeks, nose, eyes. Anywhere I could touch my lips on. When he laid me down in bed, he looked at me. “Are you sure about this?” He asked. “Yes.” I nodded. And he started kissing me again and did more than that.


Chapter Fourteen

I decided to drive for work today, being the start of the week. I expect traffic all the way. I got up at the usual time, shower and got dressed. I try to come early to prepare for the meeting with the new Vice President at eleven.  Actually, I’m also trying to leave the events of the last few days. I know, I did a lot of crazy things but not to the degree of sleeping twice with someone I barely know. Park Seyoung! You’ve really done it silly! Banging my hand on the steering wheel. The morning went smoothly despite the usual manic Mondays. The weekly brainstorming with the team, looking at ways to improve training strategies to make it more interesting and fun. The phone calls to be returned from other departments and so on, and so forth. Then it was time to meet the new Vice President. It was bizarre, how low key his joining the company was. Usually there would be photos and announcements on staff notice boards but none of it came. The entire Training Department personnel were standing in line waiting for his arrival, then I heard people talking getting louder on approach. I recognized the man himself straight away. Standing next to him was the man who droved the car from the bar and back to my apartment. He must be his personal assistant. Mr J, he is the new Vice President? The stranger I slept with, is the company’s new Vice President! Before they get any closer, I took two small steps backward to hide behind Minho one of the men in our team.

“Good morning everyone. My name is Jo Sang Woo, personal assistant to the company’s new Vice President, Mr Jang Wooyoung.” I heard his introduction. I was keeping my head down trying not to be noticed.

“Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all.” Mr J or rather the Vice President greeted us.

“Who among you is Team Leader, Park Seyoung.” Sang Woo asked. I can feel all eyes on me. Minho moving backward so I can be seen.

“Ms Park Seyoung?” Sang Woo asked. I looked up when he called my name.

“Welcome Mr Vice President to the Training Department. My name is Park Seyoung. And these are my team members.” Saying my introduction. The new VP extended his hand to me for a hand shake.

“Hello Ms Park Seyoung. Mr Jang Wooyoung at your service.” I accepted his hand for a shake. I am seriously hoping the ground will open and swallow me at this very instant.

“Do you mind introducing me to your team?” He requested. Flashing that deadly smile again, finally letting go of my hand. I introduced each one to him as requested.

“I heard your department is doing a marvellous job. Well done.” The Vice President said. “Don’t hesitate to contact my office if there is anything I can help you with.”

“Thank you very much Mr. Vice President. The whole team are working hard.” Bowing to him. He looked at me and smiled. Is he amused with my discomfort? I wish I could say something to him like I always did, but learning he is the VP of the company I am working is a total game changer.

“I’d like to have a word with your Team Leader. It was lovely meeting all of you. You may go back to what you were doing, Thank you for your time.” He said to the entire staff, then Mr VP turned to me. “Where can we talk?”

“This way Sir.” I showed him the Training Room. I heard him say to his assistant to wait outside. I opened the door and followed him in, closing the door behind me.

“Hello Park Syoung-shi.” He greeted. “I didn’t know we work in the same company.” Working in the same company is an understatement. He is the company.

“Me either. Mr Vice President.” I answered, keeping my head down.

“I’m sorry I left while you were still sleeping the other day.” The VP said.

“If you don’t mind Sir. I prefer not to talk about it. I’m already embarrassed as it is.” I said, still keeping my head down.

“What is there to be embarrassed about? That I am the VP of the company you are working? Or the fact that you slept with me.” He asked. I kept silent. “Don’t you think it is rather rude not to look me in the eye when I’m talking to you?”

“I apologise Sir.” I said, lifting my head up to look at him. I can feel my cheeks burning.

“Why are you blushing?” He asked. He is half- sitting on the table, with his arms crossed. He really looked every inch of an Executive right now dressed in an expensive suit. While me, just a mere employee, in tailored black pants and beige long sleeved top and black loafers.

“This is not blushing. Sir. I honestly don’t know what to say.” I told him.

“Please don’t feel uncomfortable when I’m around. I want you to be the same person you were before finding out who I am in this company. We need to separate personal from professional. I expect that much from you.” The Vice President said. “Arasso?”

“I understand Sir.” I replied. “Again, my apologies.”

“Have a good day, Park Seyoung.” Then he left, leaving his beautiful manly scent linger in the room.


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