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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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It would be hard for 2AM to release a new album because their members are with different companies. Most veteran idol artists of JYP are leaving. Starting with Miss A Jia, Wonder Girls and 2AM.  2PM contract is only until 2018 so let's see what will happen. 


What's good with JYP is that when his artists leave the company they still remain close just like Rain and G.O.D. He's been visiting Jia in China too. 


Wy's good for his upcoming solo concert are so good. Who would go to Japan? Please buy me the goods hehe. 

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Wy's schedule 


2017.10.24 (Tue)  MUSIC ON! TV 'M - ON! SPECIAL' WOOYOUNG (From 2 PM) '' (17: 30 ~ 18: 00)

WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) Special program 



2017.10.23 (Monday) CanCam WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) interview posted


2017.10.19 (Thursday) BARFOUT WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) back cover & 8 pages feature interview posted 



2017.10.12 (Thursday) BAILA WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) Interview posted 



Tuesday 2017.9.26 





WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) LINE LIVE Raw delivery decision! 
2nd Mini Album scheduled to be released on October 11 "I am still ..." Production secret story, special program to deliver such as enthusiasm for tour starting from the end of September!
In addition, 2PM 's LINE official account "WOOYOUNG answers your concerns" Great recruitment for the project.

What advice would you do ...! What? Look forward to live delivery.

In case

Furthermore, on this day Heart mission "I still am ..." MV monopoly is the first lifting ban! !

Please push the heart and join the program. 
On air (planned) 9 / 26㈫21: 30-22: 30


2017.9.24 (Sunday)  smart WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) Interview posted 


More pics


Cr jngwyng
















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Chapter Ten

“How are you?” Jay asked. They are now seated facing each other, with the drink Seyoung gave him.

“I am doing very well. Thank you. How is London?” Seyoung asked.

“It’s good. I am enjoying my work and the place itself.” Jay answered. ”How is Cheon Ah?”

“She is doing well. Still adjusting to our new home but okay. She now goes to kindergarten for half a day. That's why she isn't home.” Seyoung said.

“How old would she be now? Four? Five?” Jay asked.

“Four. What brought you to Seoul?” Seyoung asked. Pretending not to know why.

“I was invited as a one of the guest speaker at Seoul University. Mom graduated there.” Jay answered. “I have another two weeks before I fly back to London. I took some holiday off work.”

“Okay. How are you liking it so far?” Seyoung asked.

“Better than I thought. I like the food. The people. The history. I wished Mom had encouraged me much sooner for a visit.” Jay said.

“How are your parents, by the way?” Seyoung asked again.

“They are good. They are also here. Dad is loving it.” Jay answered.

“That’s nice to know. Please say hi to them for me.” Seyoung said.

“Sure. I will pass on your greetings.” Jay answered. “Seyoung. Will it be alright if…” Jay was about to ask something, when Seyoung’s phone rang.

When Seyoung looked who was it from, it was Wooyoung. She excused herself to answer the call.

”Hello.” Seyoung greeted,

“I’m in the neighbourhood and got your favourite food. Can I bring it over?” Wooyoung asked.

“Sure. I will tell the security I’m expecting you.”Seyoung said.

“Okay. I won’t be long.” Wooyoung replied.

“See you then.” Seyoung said before hanging up and went back to where Jay was.

“Sorry. I had to take that call.” Seyoung apologised.

“It was fine. I was just asking if I could ask you out for dinner one night. You know, just dinner while I’m in town.” Jay asked,

“It should be fine. Just let me know ahead of time so I can arrange for someone to mind Cheon Ah while I’m out.” Seyoung agreed.

“Bring Cheon Ah too.” Jay added. “I’d like to see her.”

“Are you sure?” Seyoung queried.

“I’m sure.” Jay said.

The doorbell sounded. Seyoung excused herself to answer it.

“Hi.” Wooyoung greeted. Showing her two bags full of food containers.

“Hi. Come in.” Seyoung invited. Wooyoung followed her but stopped on his tracks when saw a man standing in the middle of Seyoung’s apartment.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you are expecting someone.” Jay said.

“It’s okay. Wooyoung this is Jay. An old friend from Boston. Jay this is Wooyoung.” Seyoung introducing the two.

“Hi. I’m Jay O’Donnell.” Jay said extending his hand.

“Hi I’m Wooyoung.” Wooyoung put the bags he was carrying on the dining table to shake Jay’s hand.

Few seconds of awkward silence followed, until Seyoung broke it.

“Jay is in town for business for two weeks. He came to say hello.” Seyoung said, gesturing for the men to sit down.

“That’s good. How are you liking Korea so far?” Wooyoung asked when they were seated.

“It’s been good. Thank you.” Jay replied.

“I brought some food. Would you like to join us for lunch?” Wooyoung offered. Looking at Seyoung for approval.

“Thank you for the offer but not today. I still have somethings to do.” Jay declined and turned his attention to Seyoung. “I won’t take too long of your time. Would dinner be okay for tomorrow night? Or that is too soon?.”

“You made plans for tomorrow evening?” Wooyoung asked Seyoung.

“My apologies. Before you came. I invited Seyoung for dinner. If that’s okay.” Jay said.

“Tomorrow night is okay,” Seyoung said to Jay, not looking at Wooyoung.

“I’ll pick you up at six?” Jay continued.

“We’ll be ready at six.” Seyoung said.

“See you then.” Jay said. He stood up to leave.”It was nice meeting you.” Jay again shook Wooyoung’s hand.

“Likewise.”Wooyoung replied.

Wooyoung and Seyoung walked Jay to the elevator and bid him goodbye. When they got back to her apartment. Wooyoung needed the urge to ask the question.“You are really going out for dinner with him?”

“Yes. With Cheon Ah.” Seyoung answered, while getting the food Wooyoung brought ready for them.

Wooyoung felt relieved when she said Cheon Ah’s coming. Seyoung discreetly gave him a quick look and could tell he was glad of her answer.

“Were you and Jay just friends in Boston?” Wooyoung asked again.

“No. We dated briefly.” Seyoung replied honestly. “Does it bother you?”

“I’d like to say no. You are free to date whoever you like if I haven’t met him. But after meeting him just now. Yes. It does bother me.” Wooyoung replied honestly.

“Should I cancel tomorrow’s dinner then?” Seyoung asked.



Hi Ladies. Finally weekend! Here's the next chapter. I have some catching up to do here.

Sad still have no news on Seyoung's next project???:(

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Chapter Eleven

“Did you just asked me if you should cancel tomorrow’s dinner with Jay?” Wooyoung clarified what he just heard. He went around to stand in front of Seyoung.

“Yes. Should I cancel?” Seyoung asked again. Looking straight at him in the eye. The combined surprised and happiness written all over his face.

“I…I don’t know. Do you have to? I mean. It’s okay with me because you are friends and he wanted you to bring Cheon Ah along. So I don’t see any harm in it.” Wooyoung started talking. “And he is only here for a short period. I think it’s rude to cancel. I…”

Seyoung leaned forward to silence Wooyoung with a kiss. Their lips met, tender as if it was their first. Slow and delicate. Wooyoungs arms, slid around Seyoung’s back, pulling her closer. And stayed like that for a moment.

“Seyoung-ah --” Wooyoung said her name when the kiss ended.

“I need you to tell me what do you want from me Wooyoung-shi.” Seyoung said. “Because honestly. I am scared. Scared that if I allow my heart to take over. I’ll get hurt again. But this time, I have my daughter to protect from that hurt too. That is my biggest fear.”

“I’m the same. But I don’t want to loose you again the second time. I love Cheon Ah, you know that.And I will love her like my own. I will do my best to be a good dad to her. Can you trust me on this?” Wooyoung assured Seyoung.

“Yes.” Seyoung said, looking at Wooyoung.

Seyoung could only think of the man standing in front of her. She is letting it all go for now. Time had vanished and reappeared. She had no memory of removing clothes, of anything but only Wooyoung’s lips and hands and his body against her. Nothing mattered. Only the two of them, together. Though Wooyoung still haven’t said what he wanted but he hadn’t needed to. It was quite clear. No words needed to be said. Lunch forgotten.


“Stop thinking so hard,” Wooyoung said moments later. They are in bed, cuddled in each other’s arms.

“Are you a mind reader?” Seyoung said, surprised how he knew.

Wooyoung turned to face her. Giving Seyoung kiss on the cheek, then her chin. “Sometimes. You wear your thoughts on your face, though at times it makes it easier. We don’t have to figure anything out yet. Just be with me.”

Seyoung nodded. She could feel Wooyoung’s stubble on her temple. “You are right. I’m sorry.”

“In as much as I wanted to stay like this with you. Naked and all. We have a daughter to pick up from kindergarten.” Wooyoung said softly while rubbing her exposed arm.

“Oh my! What time is it?” Seyoung suddenly sat up. Pulling the sheet up in the process to cover her bare chest. How could she forget Cheon Ah!

Wooyoung pulled her back into his arms. “We still have half an hour until school finishes.” He said. “From today, you don’t have to think all of these. We will share the responsibility. Arasso?”

“Thank you.” Seyoung said. Her heart bursting with love for this man, all over again. “Are you really okay with me having dinner with Jay tomorrow evening?”

“I am good with it. He asked you out in good faith. He seemed to be a good person. It’s fine.” Wooyoung said reassuringly.

“Yes. Jay is a good man. Thank you for understanding.”

“Park Seyoung,” Wooyoung said her name softly.


“I love you. Very much.” Wooyoung said.

“Jang Wooyoung-shi.” Seyoung said his name this time.


“I love you too. Very much.” Seyoung replied back.

Wooyoung pulled Seyoung closer and tighter towards him. Lifted her chin, and kissed her. A deep, tongue - touching kiss. A kiss that made Seyoung’s knees buckle even when she's in bed with him. And then, he stopped.

“Time to pick up our daughter.” Wooyoung got up to get dressed. Laughing as he watched Seyoung, looking lost after the mind blowing kiss he gave her.

“Don’t worry. You will have lots and lots of kisses from today.” Wooyoung said, kissing the top of her head. “Let’s go.”


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Chapter Twelve

“Why is Uncle Wooyoung not coming with us?” Cheon Ah asked. This is like the tenth time she asked Seyoung. She is getting Cheon Ah ready for their dinner out.

“Because Uncle Jay is our friend from Boston. Uncle Wooyoung only met him yesterday. So for now, there’s only you and me having dinner with him.” Seyoung again explained.

“Is Uncle Jay nice?” Chean Ah asked.

“Yes, he is.” Seyoung replied while tying up Cheon Ah’s hair into a ponytail.

“Then why he is not friends with Uncle Wooyoung?”

“They will become friends soon. There! My baby looked really pretty.”

“Pretty like Mommy.” Cheon Ah added.

“Thank you sweetheart.” Seyoung said, kissing and hugging Cheon Ah. Wooyoung arrived shortly after. Cheon Ah immediately ran to him for a carry and a kiss.

“Look how pretty you are!” Wooyoung said to Cheon Ah.

“Really? But Mommy said you are not going with us.” Cheon Ah said to him.

“It’s okay Princess. Uncle Wooyoung will go next time. Why don’t you go play and I’ll help Mommy for a bit.” Putting Cheon Ah down and went to give Seyoung a kiss. “Hi.”

“Hi. Thank God you’re here. She asked me like ten times already why you are not coming.” Seyoung said. Putting her head to his chest.

“She must be disappointed.” Wooyoung answered laughing. Giving her arms gentle rubs.”Just don’t look too beautiful tonight.”

Seyoung gave him the look that scares Wooyoung sometimes.”I’m only joking.” He said. Seyoung went to her room to change. Minutes later, Seyoung came out wearing a black coloured, off shoulder jumpsuit, with wide pants that hugs her beautiful figure.

“What do you think?” Seyoung asked.

“You need to change.” Wooyoung straight away disapproved.


“You look very pretty Mommy!” Cheon Ah exclaimed.

“Because if it was me. And you’ll turn up for out date dressed like that. You will not only distract me but also other people. You looked too pretty wearing that.” Wooyoung said. Pulling Seyoung back to her room.

It took another two clothes change before Wooyoung approved. But the problem was, Seyoung looked good in anything. Although he approved of the mocha shade lacy dress Seyoung is wearing, the high neckline, full sleeves that covered her arms and below knee hem of the dress still emphasized her beautiful curves. She looked stunning. Deep inside, he is regretting the decision of allowing his girlfriend to have dinner with her ex-boyfriend. If he will not agree one this time, Seyoung might send him home or worst, won’t speak to him for days.

At exactly six pm, a car with a driver pulled in front of the apartment building where Seyoung lives. Jay was surprised to see Wooyoung waiting with Seyoung and Cheon Ah.

“Hi.” Jay greeted. “Hi Cheon Ah. Remember me?”. The men exchanged handshake.

Cheon Ah shook her head, holding on to Wooyoung’s hand tighter.”Say hi.” Wooyoung told her. Which she obliged.

“What time are you bringing Seyoung and Cheon Ah home?” Wooyoung asked.

“Jay, Cheon Ah’s bedtime is eight thirty and the latest is nine.” Seyoung reminded him.

“I will bring you both home at nine.” Jay assured Seyoung.

“Thank you Jay.” Wooyoung said.

“Shall we?” Jay said, opening the door for them.


In the car on the way to dinner. Jay asked Seyoung if she is seeing Wooyoung. Seyoung said yes.

“Is he good to you and Cheon Ah?” Jay added.

“He is a good man. I knew Wooyoung before I went to live in Boston.” Seyoung said.

“Ahh. What does Wooyoung do?”

“Uncle Wooyoung writes songs and goes on TV.” Cheon Ah quickly answered.

“Does he?” Jay said, acknowledging Cheon Ah’s answer. “Yes.”

“He is a singer and a composer. He is one of the members of the boyband or idol group as they are called here named 2PM. They are not that active anymore as a group but still active in the business individually.” Seyoung explained.

“I’m glad to know that.” Jay said with full sincerity.


Three hours later, Wooyoung was waiting for Seyoung and Cheon Ah’s return. The same car that picked them up earlier turned up on time. Jay came out first then Seyoung with the obviously tired Cheon Ah holding her hand. Wooyoung walked towards the car. Cheon Ah immediately went to him when she saw Wooyoung coming.

“Did you have fun?” Wooyoung asked Cheon Ah, who is now wrapping her arms around his neck sleepily. “Yes.” She answered.

“Thank you Jay for the dinner.” Seyoung said.

“I’m glad you liked it.” Jay replied.

“We did. Thank you.”

“Thank you Jay for bringing both my girls home safe.” Wooyoung said, extending his hand for a handshake.

“Thank you for allowing me to take Seyoung and Cheon Ah out for dinner.” Jay replied, shaking Wooyoung’s hand.

“No problem.”

“Wooyoung. Please take care of them well. They are as precious to me as they are to you.” Jay added.

“I will.” Wooyoung said. “Goodnight Jay.”

“Goodnight. Goodbye Seyoung.” Jay said before heading back into car and left.

“Are you okay?” Wooyoung asked Seyoung as Jay’s car is disappearing from their view.

“Yeah. I’m glad I went to see him for the last time. And thank you for understanding.” Seyoung leaned towards Wooyoung for a hug,

“You are most welcome. I love you both.” Wooyoung said, holding the two most precious people in his life.

“I love you too Jang Wooyoung.” Seyoung reached for his hand and interlocked her fingers in his as they walked towards the elevator.



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Good morning YY Nation 

@standingtallyy- thanks for the fanfic again

Please continue to vote for sy daily till 10 oct. 

It is good she gets nominated, let's get more votes for her. Even though winning the contest is low, the more vote counts will show she is much loved.

Just read dramabean and very happy someone mentioned her as a candidate for the remake of American show - Suits. I watched this and is really good. Hope she gets an offer cos the role is a lawyer- same as Whisper. I will definitely watch her drama. 


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Good morning. I have a same feeling with you. Iam thinking about SY when i hear  about remake american drama 'Suits' . i watch 'Suits' and drama ws good. Love Matt Bomer character and the girl who played his girlfriend ( I forget the name who the actress is)

Yes hope she get an offer, because  I know it will be hit like her drama before like Whisper. Finger crossed. SY will do her best

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Wooyoung is obviously going through something...but I'm glad he is being positive and healing through his music.He definitely wears his heart on his sleeve..


Had a chat with my friend. I asked her why her fanfics about YY are about second chances. She said because the fan in her hopes this is not the end. She also wanted to look at what the future may bring for our couple. They need to be apart to realise how much they mean to each other. She said how hard it must have been for them to go separate ways knowing both are not the type who plays with emotions.She is extending her thanks to everbody who are reading her work.

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