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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@kho39 Curiousity killed the cat - they say. If it means it will break our hearts, so be it! I think it's okay to post it here. Wooyoung has his own set of friends, so does Seyoung. Though both are in the entertainment business, they revolve in two different worlds. With one of her friends now pregnant, and her turning 30. She is on that age of considering a partner for life. I wonder who will get married first? Is it Seyoung? Or Wooyoung? Well, he still has his enlistment coming soon...whoever the girl WY is dating (if he is), then she's got to wait another two years at least for him going back to life outside the army. I love how Yoon Hyun Min and Park Seyoung have maintained the friendship...they should have dated instead, or hopefully Lee Sang Yoon and Seyoung have become friends too after working together :D

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Here's to lift our mood up...a pleasant surprise from my writer friend. Enjoy :D





Chapter One

“Mommy look!” Cheon Ah called out Seyoung’s attention, pointing towards the soft pink roses blooming next to the foot path they were walking.

“They are very pretty just like you, Sweetie.” Seyoung said, kneeling down to be at the level of her daughter.

“Pretty like Mommy.” Cheon Ah said wrapping her chubby arms around her neck before giving Seyoung a kiss on her cheek.

This is life now for actress Park Seyoung. A happy contented mother of a four-year old girl. The daughter born from her heart four years ago. July 30 marks Park Seyoung’s birthday. Since turning thirty she have been doing charity work every year. Her way of giving back for all the good fortune she received over the years from her acting career. That year, she decided to spend it in an orphanage outside of Seoul. And one little girl have captured her heart. Cheon Ah, meaning Angel was only six months old. The orphanage director told her she was left at the gate in the middle of winter, only wrapped in a blanket. It was the cook who comes to work at five o’clock each morning discovered the baby, they thought will not last a day due to possible hypothermia. They rushed her to the nearest hospital and miraculously, within two days was discharged and brought her back to the orphanage. Four months later, Cheon Ah came home with Seyoung as her daughter. It was a shock to her friends but her family were very supportive of her decision to adopt. When Cheon Ah was ten months old, Seyoung along with her parents went to Boston, Massachusetts and built a life as a single mother in the last four years. It had only been a month since they returned. A decision they have to make after her Dad underwent a hip surgery from a fall. Although he recovered well, he misses home and wanted to return to South Korea. Seyoung couldn’t refuse her Dad’s request. This is the least she can do for all the support he has given her over the years. Although she will miss life in Boston, it feels good to be home again.

“Your daughter is very cute.” One lady said who saw Cheon Ah admiring the roses.

Gamshamida.” Seyoung replied back with the compliment.

“Where is Dad?” The lady probed. But Seyoung pretended not to hear.

“Can we take one home Mommy?” Cheon Ah asked.

‘I don’t think we can Sweetheart.” Seyoung replied.

“Why?” Cheon Ah asked again, obviously disappointed.

“Because it belongs to someone else, but we can touch it.”

“Okay.” Cheon Ah said.

“Your daughter don’t speak Korean? Is your husband American?” The lady asked again surprised how Cheon Ah speaking in fluent English.

“I’m sorry but we have to go.” Seyoung said to the lady. One thing she already miss in Boston. People there do not pry on your personal matters. Whether she is out shopping, going for walks or taking her daughter to day care once a week for play group, none of the mothers ever asked about her ‘husband’. But it seems that all are going to change sooner than she thought.







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Chapter Two

“I think the concept of the music video is great. It will certainly catch the audience attention. I’m quite happy with that.” Wooyoung told his co-producers.

“I agree. It is Got7’s comeback after two years it will certainly create a buzz.” Sam, one of the producers agreed on same.

“It’s a wrap then. You guys order lunch. I just need to make a phone call.” Wooyoung excused himself and left the room. He was busy looking through his phone when all of a sudden something bumped him hard. His phone slipped through his fingers, hitting a little girls forehead. Then all he could see was blood flowing down her face, amidst her cry. He immediately grabbed a table napkin to put pressure on where he suspected the source of the bleeding was, holding the now frightened little girls in his arms.

“Sorry. I’m really sorry.” Wooyoung said to the girl who starting to cry louder.

“Mommy! Mommy!” The girl called.

“Cheon Ah!” Seyoung came rushing, in a state of panic.

When Wooyoung looked up, he came face to face with Park Seyoung.”She is your daughter?”

“Mommy!” Cheon Ah cried louder, reaching out to Seyoung. Every one that were in the restaurant have gathered, including Wooyoung’s friends came out to investigate the commotion.

“Let’s take her to hospital now.” Wooyoung quickly liftedCheon Ah, then remembered he didn’t have his car, he was dropped by his driver earlier on. “Did you bring your car?”

“Yes,” Seyoung replied nervously.

“Let’s take yours then.” Wooyoung suggested following Seyoung’s lead. Wooyoung did the driving while Seyoung was seating at the back if the car with her daughter in her arms, keeping the pressure to her forehead. She could see blood seeping through the cloth.

“I swear. I didn’t see her coming. It was an accident. I’m sorry.” Wooyoung said over to Seyoung.

“Please just focus on your driving. We can talk about that later.” Seyoung told Wooyoung.

“Mommy I’m scared. It hurts.” Cheon Ah said sobbing.

“Don’t be scared Sweetheart. Mommy is here. We will go see a nice doctor who will look where it hurts, okay?” Seyoung reassured her.

Wooyoung noticed Seyoung spoke to her daughter in straight English. Also admiring how she remained very calm. When they got to the Emergency Room, Wooyoung immediately asked for the next available doctor to see Cheon Ah. One came immediately and took them to the nearest patient cubicle to examine her. Thankfully, it was only a small cut that only required gluing. Wooyoung provided the information what happened to the doctor while Seyoung did the rest – Cheon Ah’s age, allergy status and past medical history. But the application of the glue to her head was the most challenging part. Seyoung and Wooyoung have to hold Cheon Ah still because she was screaming and crying loudly. But with the doctors skills, after few seconds, it was all done and were asked to stay for another hour in case a local reaction to the glue might occur. Cheon Ah fell asleep, shortly after in Seyoung’s arms, who is sitting in the patient trolley cuddling her. Wooyoung standing close by watching them with utmost concern.

“Can I get you anything to drink? Water, tea, coffee?” Wooyoung offered.

“Water would be nice. Thank you.” Seyoung replied.

“I won’t be long.” Wooyoung said. He left the cubicle closing the privacy curtain behind him..

When Wooyoung returned with their drinks. Seyoung was in tears, kissing her daughter’s forehead.“I’ve never been so scared in my life.” Seyoung said between quiet sobs.

“Seyoung-ah. I’m really, really sorry.” Wooyoung apologised. He sat in the trolley next to her feeling so bad.

“It was my fault. I got distracted. Not realizing she let go of my hand when she saw the big fish tank at the restaurant. She wasn’t watching where she was going that’s how she bumped into you.” Seyoung explained.

“But still, I should have watched where I was going not just on the phone. I’m so sorry.” Wooyoung again apologised.

“Let’s forget what happened. I’m glad there was nothing serious.” Seyoung said.

“I admired how calm you were the whole time. I mean,she isn’t my child but I was shaking when I saw blood coming down her face earlier and when the doctor was examining her.” Wooyoung said.

“I can’t be weak in front of my daughter. I am her source of strength.”

“You are right.” Wooyoung said. Reaching out to touch Cheon Ah’s cheek.Handing Seyoung her drink.“Your daughter is very pretty.”

“Thank you.”Seyoung replied.







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Hi ladies, it's been a while.




Miss u all...




Taec enlisted his military service, Junho with his solo tour and Wooyoung will follow after him, Khun with his drama, our Seyoung hang out with her friends.




Kho39, I'm curious too, what happened?




Standingtallyy, it's always nice to read your friend's fanfic, thank you..



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Chapter Three

“Is your husband coming?” Wooyoung asked after a while, when he noticed there were no mention about Cheon Ah’s Dad.

“No.” Seyoung shook her head.

“Meaning he is away on a trip?” Wooyoung asked curiously.

“Because I don’t have one. I’m not married.” Seyoung replied honestly.

“Ow. I’m sorry.” Wooyoung was surprised to hear it.

“It’s okay.” Seyoung said. Then the curtain opened for the doctor to examine Cheon Ah again and told she is good to go home.

“There shouldn’t be any problem once you get home. It was a small cut so it should heal in less than a week. Just make sure, you don’t play with your mobile phone when your daughter is running around you.” The doctor said to Wooyoung who obviously thought is the father.

“She’s…” Wooyoung was about to say but Seyoung immediately butted in to say thank you.

Seyoung tried to get ou from the trolley after the doctor left them, but struggled with Cheon Ah in her arms. Wooyoung immediately took her from Seyoung and insisted to carry her all the way to the car.

“I need to go and settle the bill.” Seyoung suddenly remembered.

“It’s all done. Don’t worry.” Wooyoung said.

“What do you mean it’s all done? Did you pay for it?” Seyoung asked.

“Park Seyoung. It was because of me why your daughter is here. Please don’t argue because you won’t win this time.” Wooyoung told her firmly. “Let’s go.”

Seyoung just looked at him, dumbfounded with what he said. She quietly followed him behind and thoughts from the past came flashing into her head how Wooyoung used to let her win over an argument even when she knew he was on the right.

“Thank you for driving us home.”Seyoung said to Wooyoung as parked the car at the basement of the apartment block Seyoung lives.

“You are welcome. The least I can do for the trouble I’ve caused.” Wooyoung replied. He went to open the car door for her, watching Seyoung trying to undo the car seat belt where Cheon Ah was sitting and still sleeping but was struggling. Obviously the events of the day have taken it’s toll on her.

“Let me do it.” Wooyoung offered. With a quick press of a button, belt was released. Wooyoung lifted Cheon Ah with one gentle swift who despite her sleep state, straight away locked her small arms around his neck for a cuddle.

Seyoung tried taking her from Wooyoung but tightened her hold instead.”Let me carry her.”

Seyoung’s apartment was on the tenth floor of the building. A two bedroom with open plan design kitchen and living area feature. Still bare except for lounge set, coffee table and flat screen TV and a playhouse in one corner. Seyoung led Wooyoung to her room and he laid Cheon Ah in bed, fixing the blanket on her.

“Thank you.” Seyoung said when they were back in the living room

“It was nothing. It was the least I could do.” Wooyoung replied. “May I?” Asking Seyoung if it’s okay for him to sit on the couch.

“Of course. Would you like a drink?” Seyoung offered.

“Water is fine, thank you.” Wooyoung replied. Watching her go to the kitchen to get his drink and made a call on his mobile phone to arrange for a pick up.

“Here.” Seyoung handed him bottled water. Wooyoung thanking her taking the drink.

“How’s life been?” Wooyoung initiating the conversation. “You went overseas to live for a while?”

“Life is good. As you can see, I have a daughter now. I was in Boston for the last few years. That’s why Cheon Ah can only speak English at the moment. It hasn’t been long since we got back.” Seyoung replied.

“How are your parents?”

“They are both okay. Thank you for asking. What about your parents? How are they?”

“They’re doing well. Still live in Busan.” Wooyoung replied. “Seyoung- ah. I don’t mean to pry but why are you raising Cheon Ah alone? You said you are not married. Did you divorced her Dad?” Wooyoung couldn’t help but ask.

“I didn’t give birth to Cheon Ah. I found her from an orphanage four years ago.” Seyoung said.

Wooyoung looked behind him to check in case Cheon Ah happen to wake up before asking. “She is adopted?”

“Are you surprised?”Seyoung asked when she saw the look in his face.

“A little off guard but not surprised at all. Because that is who you are. People tend to say you have a cold exterior but deep inside lies a very kind hearted woman.”

‘You think so?” Seyoung gae out a small laugh with what he just said.

“I know so.” Wooyoung smiled back at her. “Are you going to be active in show business again?”

“I honestly don’t know yet. I have to settle Cheon Ah first. I still need to get the apartment furnished and all. But I’m not closing my doors to the idea. Who knows?” Seyoung replied.

“I can help you. You know, with anything.” Wooyoung offered. ”I’m sincere.”

“No. Thank you. I am fine. As you know. Being a Mom changes everything. I became more resilient.”

“Mommy?” Cheon Ah suddenly came out from the room and went straight to Seyoung for a hug.

“Hi Sweetie. Are you hungry?” Seyoung asked her daughter.

“Yes.” Cheon Ah answered sleepily.

“Mommy will get you something to eat. Okay?” Seyoung said.

“Want to come to Uncle Wooyoung so Mommy can get you food?” Wooyoung asked. Without hesitation, Cheon Ah went to Wooyoung and wrapped her arms again around his neck.

“You smell nice.” Eunhye said her head, lying on his shoulder.

“Thank you.” Wooyoung asked, couldn’t help smile with Cheon Ah’s compliment.

“Mommy, Uncle Wooyoung smell nice.” Cheon Ah said.

“Really Sweetie? That’s good then.” Seyoung said. I know Sweetheart. Seyoung thought to herself.







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I found something wrong in soompi is. Besides there'no option for likes comment, the space between the paragraph are too wide 




Yes i like SY still having a good time with her old friends, like casts of school 2013 and YHM. If SY hang out with WY will be a big news hihihi (ofcourse i wait that to be happen)




Agree with you, i like to hear SY become friends with LSY after working together in Whisper. I read somewhere (but i forget the source was) LSY found SY's character is joyfull , different with Choi so Yeon's character in whisper. 



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12 hours ago, standingtallyy said:


@kho39 Curiousity killed the cat - they say. If it means it will break our hearts, so be it! I think it's okay to post it here. Wooyoung has his own set of friends, so does Seyoung. Though both are in the entertainment business, they revolve in two different worlds. With one of her friends now pregnant, and her turning 30. She is on that age of considering a partner for life. I wonder who will get married first? Is it Seyoung? Or Wooyoung? Well, he still has his enlistment coming soon...whoever the girl WY is dating (if he is), then she's got to wait another two years at least for him going back to life outside the army. I love how Yoon Hyun Min and Park Seyoung have maintained the friendship...they should have dated instead, or hopefully Lee Sang Yoon and Seyoung have become friends too after working together :D

@standingtallyy- agree with u. Dating an idol is hard esp one who haven't gone military. Waiting is difficult for us girls especially there is no certainty. Also as a girl gets older, the available guys get less. Sy should be looking for life partner now, someone with same background. I personally don't mind YHM for her. LSY dated 2 actresses so he isn't my ideal, though he is good looking. :)

Tell your friend thanks for the fanfic. At least something to do while waiting for sy.

Don't know why I suddenly no interest in kdramas- see all the actresses none attractive. Maybe cos most did ps so they look odd, also idol actresses exaggerate too much. My hubby even say ha Ji won don't look nice in hospital ship, she looks better in empress ki. 

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Good morning Ladies! @Gerry58 the guy you were referring to do look cute!




@yun84 thank you for the IG posting. Good to see SY hanging out with her male friends, for a change! The pics we've seen so far are majority with girl friends or mixture :D. Looks like they went to watch a play. Well who knows, Seyoung might be on getting to know someone at this point in time :).Nowadays I can really see the difference in their group of friends and interests.They both like indie music though :D. LSY is really good looking and a brainy one too...a lot of women would like to date him. Thanks for enjoying my friends fanfic!




Yes, Soompi is a bit weird. Can't 'like' anything here now...



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Just now, annisyadwir said:



Yes you' re right girl. The ring looks similar between SY and the misterius guy. And from his ig, u will find his ig liked by SY.



What's his IG?

Found it hehehe. I'll check it out. 

Instead of a puzzle ring, SY has a new ring now. 

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Are they wearing same designed rings?? I've already looked into the mystery guy's IG, he is @king_chung and Seyoung are in some of his pics. But I also see familiar faces from School 2013. So they must know each other for a while. He is into Sponge Bob and outdoor stuff and some...to each his own :).Seyoung is liking his posts too!






Chapter Four

“Where were you last night? You were not picking up my calls.” Yoonhee confronted Wooyoung the moment she saw him at JYP office. She is the assistant to the CEO and have liked him for years. She has confessed her feelings to Wooyoung three months ago when he finally said yes to her invitation for dinner. Although Wooyoung made it very clear that at the moment he can only offer her is nothing more than friendship, Yoonhee was okay with that. And have found ways to get him to hang out with her more often than they should. It is either going for after work drinks, watch a movie, work out and late night walks. But getting Wooyoung to come over at her place is one thing she couldn’t convince him, just yet.

“Yoonhee -shi, monitoring my daily activity isn’t part of your job.” Wooyoung told her.

“No. That’s not what I mean. I was just concerned I couldn’t reach you, that’s all. Please don’t be mad.” Yoonhee apologised quickly.

“I am not mad. But thank you for the concern.” Wooyoung said honestly.

“Nevertheless, I’m sorry.” Yoonhe said. “Will you be coming to the gym later?”

“No. I have plans tonight.” Wooyoung replied. “If you’ll excuse me. The guys are waiting in the recording studio.”

“Sure. Have a good day.” Yoonhe said.

People that are close to Wooyoung says how lucky he is with Yoonhee. She is rich, pretty, smart, thoughtful and funny. Always helpful and pleasant to everyone. She is the perfect girlfriend material so to speak. He is aware how at times Yoonhee goes a little overboard with the attention she gives him, hence he needs to keep a safe distance so she won’t misunderstand and not expect more than he can offer. After yesterday’s events with Seyoung, he becomes more on guard with his treatment towards Yoonhee. Not because he have lingering feelings towards Seyoung, but I s because, he is more cautious than ever.

Wooyoung thought he was seeing visions when he saw her yesterday. The surprise turned to shock when he found out she is now a mother but not married. It’s been years, he has moved on. Time wasn’t on their side back then.They were very much in love. Yet, love alone couldn’t sustain the relationship. It was a very sad time. It took Wooyoung a while to recover, he started to go out and party more often than he should. He needed to be around people. Alcohol was his best friend, to numb him from the pain and hurt. His friends tried to set him up with other women but he refused, he wasn’t ready. Then came Yoonhee. His partying and drinking became less. For a while he thought, he was ready so he agreed to go out with her when she asked him. He wanted to test the waters. But when she confessed to him that she liked him a lot for a while, it scared him. But he thought, he should really give it a chance. But on the other hand he needs to be honest, that he is not ready to commit and Yoonhee was fine with that, she said she can wait.

Seyoung was at home alone, her parents offered to look after Cheon Ah for the day. They were very concerned of the previous days incident but Seyoung reassured them everything was fine. But what Seyoung didn’t tell them was it involved Wooyoung. That brief moment of distraction caused her daughter’s accident. She was supposed to meet Soo Jin and two of their friends for lunch. They were very excited both of them, especially Cheon Ah. Seyoung purposely came half an hour early because she wanted to walk around the neighbourhood but Cheon Ah needed the girls room. So they went straight to the restaurant they agreed to meet. While she was ushered to a table, her daughter’s attention was drawn to the beautiful fish tank at the end of the room inside the restaurant. But stopped at her tracks when she saw Wooyoung coming out from the door just opposite where she stood. He still looked the same as she remembered him. Tall, lean, handsome with his glasses on. He didn’t see her standing there, at the same time she also did not notice her daughter letting go of her hand running towards Wooyoung’s direction for the fish tank. She only came back to her sense when she heard Cheon Ah’s cry from the accident.

Living in Boston did not excempt Seyoung from suitors, Koreans and Americans alike. Two years ago, Seyoung finally thought she was ready for a relationship when she met Jay. He was born to a Korean mother and Irish father. He approached her when she and her parents attended an event hosted by the Korean community in Boston. He was charming, polite and well mannered. That time he was already teaching in Harvard University, where he is also an alumni. He was two years older than Seyoung. She told him straight away about Cheon Ah but that did not stop him. His mother on the other hand wasn’t very keen to the idea of her well educated son dating a single mother. But Jay pursued her and genuinely loved Cheon Ah. But two months later Jay was offered a professor’s post in England at University of Cambridge. AN opportunity his been waiting, so he proposed to Seyoung and asked her to move to England with him. Seyoung turned down the marriage proposal and leaving Boston. She realized, though he likes him, she wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment. And also leaving her parents. With a heavy heart, they broke up. Jay left for England two weeks later. Seyoung went on with her life.

The artworks and some of the furniture she ordered for Cheon Ah’s room came later in the day. Her Mom offered to help but told them she’ll finish quicker on her own and said looking after Cheon AH was already huge help to her. It was close to six o’clock in the evening when her Mom phoned to ask if Cheon Ah can stay the night with them, Seyoung happily said yes. Moments later, the internal phone rang. It was the security guard, saying she has a visitor. When she asked who it was. He said his name was Jang Wooyoung.







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