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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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16 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

Glad you liked her work. My friend is really thrilled of the positive feedback she is getting for the fanfic considering she's never done one for public reading. I know she likes writing a little. I asked if there are more coming, she said most likely another chapter or two. I was like, can you add another three? She didn't say yes or no. So let's wait and see..

Yes, let's wait and see :)

Congrats to SongSong couple!

I hope the same can happen for YY :) 

Edited by 2handsintertwined
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3 hours ago, chic-chic said:

Off topic. But it's a good news. Song Song couple getting married in October 31. They had been denying dating news then boom a marriage news. 

Inside, I am hoping this would happen to YY hehehe. 

Wow wow...

Congratulations to Song Song couple!:grin:

Lovely couple.

Hmm....What about our YY couple?:blush:

Let be patient and wait...

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@2handsintertwined Yes they are celebrating. Their forum is so active this day due to the announcement hehehe.

They are both actors so their relationship are widely accepted. I think a big no no in Korea is an actress-idol relationship and an idol-idol relationship.

But still hoping in the future YY Nation will also have something to celebrate to. 

Just observed that even Dispatch already have photos from the time they were dating since Jan 2017, they never released any photos at that time. They  just released the photos now. They probably made a deal with their agencies before.  So supposedly Song-Song is the New Year's couple. 


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16 minutes ago, chic-chic said:

@2handsintertwined Yes they are celebrating. Their forum is so active this day due to the announcement hehehe.

They are both actors so their relationship are widely accepted. I think a big no no in Korea is an actress-idol relationship and an idol-idol relationship.

But still hoping in the future YY Nation will also have something to celebrate to. 

Just observed that even Dispatch already have photos from the time they were dating even before DOTS, they never released any photos at that time. Just just released the photos now. I am wondering why. 


Yeah. I noticed that their forum is really active too. Ahh so jealous :) I didn't know that actress-idol and idol-idol relationships were not accepted. Can you tell me why?  I hope that we can have something to celebrate in the future too. Dispatch already had photos of them dating before DOTS? Wow! They just released those photos now? Wow. I wonder why too. Hmm...

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@2handsintertwined I think as long as it involves idols the relationship is a no-no. I think it's mainly because of mindset of some fans who just want their idols just to be theirs. Most of the fans are younger so sometimes they don't understand. Of course they are still some exemptions to this. For idol actress we have Big Bang's Taeyang and Min Hyorin. For idol-idol we have Nickhun and Tiffany.  Their relationship was widely accepted. I remember in an award show, they were teasing the two. Too bad they broke up. 

I am thinking if Dispatch has photos, they will make a deal with the agencies first hehehe. I guess to make money too hahaha. 

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Home from work with a bad toothache, trying to get a dentist appointment asap but waiting for a cancellation. Dosing myself with pain killers at the moment..

Fanfic was sent to me late-ish last night by my dear friend but was too tired...sorry guys. It gives me goose bumps when I opened Soompi and read about Song/Song wedding announcement because this chapter is exactly that! They are reality..but for us we can settle for 'what could have been for our YY Couple...". Enjoy:)

WIth everything that is happening, Park Seyoung needed to take leave from work at Chun Tech Media. The company have been bombarded by press, hungry of any information they can get from them. Asking colleagues what she is like as a co-worker and as an employee of the company. Their CEO have given Seyoung their full support by issuing a statement how good and efficient  she is with her work and gets along well with the entire team. And wish them all the best.  Wooyoung and Seyoung expressed their appreciation and can only apologize for everything. Her boss was very understanding and suggested to have some time off, take a break until things settle. He didn't want Seyoung to resign.
Major TV networks have been asking for exclusive interview. Wooyoung and Seyoung only agreed to do this with Entertainment Weekly. The venue will be in a VIP suite of a five star hotel in Gangnamn happening in a week. Wooyoung have based himself in Seyoung's apartment. Her morning sickness have settled with medication and is under strict diet  recommended by her doctor. Seyoung and Wooyoung's family have been closely in touch making sure both are doing well amidst the chaos, especially for Seyoung.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Wooyoung asked when they went to bed, the night before the interview was to happen.
"Yes." Seyung replied."Though it's been a long while since I've been in front of a camera."
"You will be fine. I'm sure I will be the envy to a lot of men. Imagine, I'm getting married to this beautiful woman, lying right here next to me." Wooyoung boasted.
"Yeobo.You always tell me how lucky you are. I am the lucky one because you chose to love me. You saw what is beyond. Who I really am." Seyoung said, snuggled closer to him.
"True. Otherwise you wouldn't have proposed to me. I'm too big of a catch to slip away." Wooyoung replied in a jest."Seriously. I love you. And I mean what I said that I will marry you ten times over if you want me to. That's how precious you are to me." Wooyoung sealed that promise with a kiss.

Day of the interview...
"Hello everyone. We are lucky to be granted an exclusive interview from real life couple that has captured everyones heart when they appeared together as virtual husband and wife in the MBC show We Got Married three years ago. One would say, that's where their beautiful love story started. Let's welcome 2PM's Jang Wooyoung and actress Park Seyoung," The host from Entertainnment Weekly's introduced.
"Hello to all the viewers of Entertainment Weekly. I'm Jang Wooyoung from 2PM."
"Anyeonghasayo,I'm Park Seyoung."
" Excuse me Wooyoung but I need to say this. Park Seyoung-shi, you are very pretty."
"Thank you very much." Seyoung replied.
 "You have been inactive from showbiz for a while. What have been doing while in hiatus?"
"There were things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go, with my full schedule back then, there was no time to do those. So when I became inactive. I got to do everything. I did my masteral study, traveled, learned to cook. Presently, I work for a production company," Seyoung answered.
"Wooyoung-shi,while Park Seyoung took a break from showbiz. Within that time, you went for your army enlistment. Then became active again right after you discharged. 2PM had comeback concerts recently. Were you always in contact with Seyoung?" The host turned to Wooyoung.
"Ani. Sorry if I need to mention WGM because that's where we started. After appearing in the show, we became very busy with our individual activities. We kept in touch or I tried to keep in touch with her but as I got very busy and Seyoung-ie was the same. We lost touch until I enlisted." Wooyoung replied.
"When you met her at WGM, have you always been attracted to Park Seyoung?"
"Deh. As we spent more time together, the attraction grew bigger and bigger."
"Seyoung-shi, how long were you together in WGM? And were you attracted to him as well?"
"We were there for eight months I think. I've always been a fan of 2PM. I saw them about four times when they guested in Music Bank while I was one of the host. Attraction? I was very happy when I saw that Wooyoung was my virtual husband but he wasn't my bias at the time." Seyoung turned to Wooyoung laughing.
"Who was your favourite then?" The host probed. You can hear the laughter in the room.
"Is it okay for me to say it?" Seyoung asked Wooyoung. He gave her a nod of approval.
"It was Taecyon-shi and Chansung-shi."Seyoung said.
Wooyoung made a pretend face of anger. Pointing his two fingers to his eyes then to the camera in a gesture of "I'm watching you". Everyone again in the room laughed.
"This couple is so cute!" The host said.
"But the more I spent time with him. I've grown to like him." Seyoung added.
"Is it true that you were not Seyoung-shi's bias Wooyoung-shi? How did you feel knowing that back then?"
"It is true. She never said it on camera she told me on the first day we met. It was Taecyon and Chansung. But I changed that,hahaha! I was disappointed of course but I expected it because I know in the looks department, they are by far more attractive than me." Wooyoung confirmed.
"Your last episode in WGM showed that Seyoung sort of confessed to you and she cried. Then you gave her a kiss on the lips and series of kisses after that as you were about to say goodbye. Were you already a couple then, Wooyoung-shi?"
"Sort of, because even outside WGM, we try to keep in contact. I call her on nights we were not filming and I confessed to Seyoung that I really like her on our fourth month together off camera. When we appeared in Radio Star, we already had a mutual understanding, didn't we?" Wooyoung turned to Seyoung to confirm.
"WGM was our dating place. It was the safest place for us, where people wouldn't suspect that we liked each other." Seyoung added.
"What happened after WGM? Did you break up?"
"We never broke up. It was like a mental breakdown for me when we were told it was our last day in WGM. I cannot even describe it." Wooyoung answered.
"It was very hard. Wooyoung got very busy with their concerts overseas. He tried his best to call me any chance he can get wherever he was. Our handphone that time was the most important thing that held us together. Then I left my previous agency and couldn't work for a while and that's when I decided to give myself a break form all of it. Wooyoung did his best. There was no closure. It was a very sad time for us." Seyoung said. Wooyoung reached out to hold her hand, reassuring her.
"Time have passed. Wooyoung done his military duty, there was no communication at all?"
"None. It was like Seyoung-ie just disappeared from the face of the earth. She changed her number. Our common friends can't trace her. But, I never gave up." Wooyoung said the last sentence looking at Seyoung, still holding her hand that is now lying on top of his thigh.
"What was the reason Park Seyoung-shie?"
"I got scared. I got insecure? I didn't want to pull Wooyoung into my troubles. So, I quietly walked away. I knew that if I'll ask him to break up, he will say no. His career was doing really well. I didn't want him to choose between me and his career," Seyoung said looking at Wooyoung.
"True. Did you date other people in that time when you were not together?"
"No," Wooyoung and Seyoung answered in unison.
"So you sort of hoped that one day you'll see each other again?"
"I was. All that time I knew I will see her again. I never gave up." Wooyoung said.
"Was it the same for you Seyoung-shi?"
"It's always been Wooyoung." Seyoung answered not in many words.
"How did you meet again?"
"I shot a CF few months ago. Then I was told that there was a delay in filming because there were some issues with the production. While waiting for my turn, I went back to the dressing room. I heard this knock. I called out to say come in. When I turned to see who it was, it was Seyoung-ie."
"It was the company I worked for who did the production on that CF. I went there to meet the PD and to resolve the issue. I don't usually do that but that day my manager was away, so I had to come. I was told to find the door that says PD Team. And I saw the sign. When I walked in, I saw Wooyoung. He took the door sign where the meeting was held and sticked it to his dressing room. That's how I found him."
"What do you mean Wooyoung took the door sign? And obviously you didn't know either that Wooyoung-shi was doing that CF?"
"We create concepts and present this to companies. And that's as far as my involvement of the work. We don't decide on who are the models."
"The two room were not far from each other. I got bored, so I swapped the labels, just for laugh. But turned out to be the best thing I did. But I already knew that Seyoung works for the production company because I researched it purely by chance. I saw her photo on the company website. I was very confident." Wooyoung explained.
"Wow, it's fate isn't it? So what did you do Wooyoung-shi?"
"I didn't allow her to leave until I got her number. Didn't want to miss the opportunity. I made sure it was the right one too."
"Is it true, Seyoung-shi?"
"Deh. I gave him my business card."
"What happened after that?"
"That day I wasn't at my best. I had colds and it got worst. Good thing, it was the only schedule I had. Seyoung was there all day too. When I got home with fever and all, I could only think of Seyoung. So I rang her, asked if she could come. She hanged up on me! But later she did come. I waited for hours. But it was all worth it."
"Is this true? Wooyoung phoned you to come and you did. But you kept him waiting he said."
"When he phoned, I told him I was busy and hanged up.I was like why is he calling me? My mind was in turmoil. I didn't know what to do. I knew what I did was wrong and it bothered me.Then I sent him a text message asking if he was okay but he didn't reply. I know Wooyoung isn't the type that will fake being sick. I knew he was't feeling well. His eyes were getting red and was sniffly all day. So I phoned him back and told him I was coming."
"Wow, your story is really amazing! What about your parents? How did they react when they knew you are together again?"
"I didn't tell my parents I was sort of dating anyone.But somehow down the track, they guessed it when I told them I am taking a break from showbusiness. It came as a surprise because they knew how much I love acting. They are very happy for us." Seyoung answered.
"My Mom knew, because she met Seyoung and always liked her. She knew I was in love with her..Mom was a great source of strenght during that difficult time." Wooyoung replied.
"That's good to know. But yesterday, JYP have issued a statement about your great news. You are going to be parents?"
"Yes. Seyoung-ie is eight weeks pregnant. We are very excited." Wooyoung said with pride.
"Have you proposed Wooyoung-shi?"
"I did my announcement to Seyoung's parents. But it was Seyoung who popped the question. She conspired with my 2PM brothers."
"Yes." Seyoung confirmed.
"It came as a total surprise. But it was a very happy day." Wooyoung confirmed.
"When is the ceremony?"
"Soon," Wooyoung replied.
"How is the pregnancy, Seyoung-shi?"
"I feel good. I get morning sickness at times but other than that, the baby is healthy and Wooyoung is great," Seyoung said turning to Wooyoung smiling.
"That's really great to know. Well, thank you very much for allowing us to have this exclusive interview. I wish you both and the baby good health. Please let's give a round of applause for the happy couple, 2PM's Jang Wooyoung and actress, Park Seyoung. Gamsahamida!" The host concluded the interview.


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@standingtallyy Song song is reality but for YY nation we'll settle on your friend's fanfic for now hehe. I am glad YY's relationship is widely accepted on the fanfic. I love the interview. I like that you're friend chose TY and Chan as SY's bias. In reality I think the two matches Sy's personality hehe. 

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4 hours ago, chic-chic said:

@2handsintertwined I think as long as it involves idols the relationship is a no-no. I think it's mainly because of mindset of some fans who just want their idols just to be theirs. Most of the fans are younger so sometimes they don't understand. Of course they are still some exemptions to this. For idol actress we have Big Bang's Taeyang and Min Hyorin. For idol-idol we have Nickhun and Tiffany.  Their relationship was widely accepted. I remember in an award show, they were teasing the two. Too bad they broke up. 

I am thinking if Dispatch has photos, they will make a deal with the agencies first hehehe. I guess to make money too hahaha. 

I understand. Thanks for the info :D

@chic-chic You're right. SongSong is reality. We'll just settle on @standingtallyy friend's fanfic :D

@standingtallyy Chapter 13!!! I'm going to read it right now. Oooh can't wait! :D




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You are cordially invited to the wedding....The Finale:wub:


Today is the start of Wooyoung and Seyoung's life as a married couple. Set in the outskirts north of Seoul, in a private and exclusive estate. Only direct family and very close friends are invited for this very important milestone of their lives. Security is very strict, only with ticket invites are allowed. The event is a big hush, hush from press or media.
Giant marquee were set up, attached to the main building for complete privacy. Even if drones happen to fly above the venue,none can be seen from the inside. No expenses spared,starting from flowers, decorations, wine and food. Seyoung's Unniis chaired the whole event working closely with an events company they hired. Due to Seyoung's morning sickness Wooyoung only wanted her involvement to a minimum but everything is subject to her approval. Hence, everything were done from her apartment including the fitting of her gown.
Wooyoung stood nervously on the platform of the wedding hall, waiting for his bride. Standing next to him are his five best men. Jun K, Taecyon, Nickhun, Junho and Chansung. All looked sleek and handsome in their suits. And the wedding march was played. The big white door opened to reveal Seyoung and her Dad. Wooyoung's jaw dropped, his eyes glued to the most beautiful woman in the world, walking towards him.
Seyoung is wearing vintage inspired, cream coloured lace wedding gown. Off shoulder, showing her fine collar bone and smooth skin. The gown is cut to outline her beautiful curves, showing her twelve weeks baby bump. The soft train of her lace gown sway in every step. Hair is set in a loose bun, sitting on one side  showing ten carat worth of diamond earrings. Her wedding bouquet is a mixture of peach and white roses and baby's breath.
Looking at Seyoung approaching, Wooyoung saw a glimpse of their life together. Seyoung with their two kids, a boy and a girl, waiting for him as he comes home from work. Him and Seyoung travelling together as family. Him dropping his son and daughter to school.Wooyoung realized, Seyoung and their future children are his world now. The world he wants to be with her. He couldn't hold back a tear falling from his eyes watching this beautiful lady about to become his wife.
The Vows....
"Seyoung- ah. I feel like everything in my life has led me to you.My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets.Everything. And when I look at us together, my past was worth it. Because if I had done one thing diffrently, I might have never met you. You have made me a better person than I never knew I could be. You continue to make me better, braver, and kinder every single day.Knowing you and loving you has been the single greatest thing I've gotten to do in my life. And I can't believe that I get to keep knowing you better and loving you more, everyday for the rest of our lives. I love you very much." Wooyoung said looking straight into her eyes full of love.
"Wooyoung-ah. I stand here before you, proud and in shame. Proud to have felt like this and ashamed to have no enough words to explain exactly how I feel and let everyone know at this instance but I'll try. Not through words right now but in showing you for the rest of our lives what your love had done to me. And how your love led me here. To stand right next to you, happy. And I'll do whatever I can to make you feel just as happy as I am having you in my life and I can't wait to start and spend the rest of my life with you. I love you too. Very much." Seyoung declared,biting her lower lip trying hard to stop those tears of joy coming.
Wooyoung reached to wipe the tears away, "Don't ruin your make up." He whispered, that made Seyoung smile.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Jang! You may know kiss your wife, Wooyoung-shi." As announced by the marriage celebrant, JYP himself. Everyone in the room cheered.
"Kiss!Kiss!Kiss!" Wooyoung's 2PM brothers cheered him for encouragement. Wooyoung did as he was told.
After the kiss. Wooyoung and Seyoung turned to face the guests. Wooyoung screamed at the top of his voice saying, "We are definitely married!"
                                                                         T H E   E N D


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As what we say, all good things come to an end. My friend sincerely expressed her thanks to all of you for liking her first attempt of writing a fanfic. :wub:We can tell by the flow of story it was leading to a wedding.

Though it's not the wedding announcement we hoped for but it was very timely wasn't it?

Honestly, it has re-ignited that fan girl in me to look at WY and SY for a possibility of being a couple again, but I am not giving myself false hopes. I am not ready for another 'heart break' (sort of) if sooner rather than later, they are announcing they are dating someone else. I think if that happens, my heartbreak is not because of WY and SY but the thought of not saying hello and talk to the wonderful ladies I've met here if our ship sinks (touch wood!)..

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Congrats to Songsong couple- taken everyone by surprise cos they deny dating but the fans are so good to pick up hints. When I saw the news, I couldn't believe it. Looks like Dispatch knows but keep quiet. Wonder whether they have anyone else on the list? 

 Glad another couple form from acting in same drama. This will make fans more interested to watch kdramas to see whether the leads have chemistry. As I said many times, actresses in their 30s will get married so hopefully sy will be thinking about it. Wow this year is a bumper year- so many marriages, dating news and births. 

@standingtallyy- tell your friends thanks for the fanfic. She did a marvelous job for 1st attempt, Hope she continues writing  :) we are all her fans 

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@standingtallyy chapter 13 came out coincidently, parallel with Song-song couple's announcement of their wedding. I hope this happens to our couple. We'll never know what comes next (I'm trying to be optimistic this time). Thank you & hoping for more.

Song-song couple were cornered, denying the fact that they were together not only in recent Bali trip, but elsewhere all the time. At last, no more hiding! YY nation is happy for both of you! Best wishes!

off topic: while waiting for the next chapters, I have been dating (3 different guys) these days since Monday. I don't why my friends are in panic mode, We had dinner & lunch. Does it mean I'm in a relationship now?

:frown:so scared!

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@kdaddict1 I don't think that classify as in a relationship.You are just simply hanging out :D...

@chic-chic will check out Day 6. Thank you. One of the songs sounded familiar. Seyoung sang that for Wooyoung when they sat together the first  time the hammock (WGM), right?

@Gerry58 your IG postings of your trip are really nice!

Check the spoiler...last minute addition from the fanfic



"Yeobo...wake up. Wake up." Seyoung shook the sleeping Wooyoung next to her. Seyoung woke up with contractions coming more often at shorter intervals. She did not wake Wooyoung earlier because he was up late working from his studio the night before. He has been working at home all the time when Seyoung enterd the last three weeks of her pregnancy.
"Yeobo. Why? Is the baby coming?" Wooyoung could tell from the look on her face. "Come. Will get you to the hospital." He assisted her up. Reached for her jacket to put on her. He grabbed his mobile phone to look at the time, it's two o'clock in the morning. He then pressed number three - for Jun K because he lives in the same neighborhood as they are.
"Hyung. The baby is coming. I'll meet you downstairs." Wooyoung said trying to stay calm. He could feel sweats about to trickle down despite the cool morning breeze, seeing his wife's face distorts and takes deep breathes everytime the contraction comes.
Jun K was already at the entrance of their apartment block when they got there. He has been on stand by, offering to drive them to the hospital when Seyoung's delivery is due at anytime. Her water broke in Jun K's car. An Audi Q7 SUV he only bought last month.
Seyoung safely delivered a healthy baby girl two and a half hours after she entered the Delivery Room. Taecyon, Nikhun, Junho and Chansung came as soon as they heard from Jun K.Wooyoung couldn't be proud enough how Seyoung handled the labor pains. He never left her side all through out.
"I'm so proud of you.Thank you for giving birth to our daughter safely. Thank you for making me the happiest man all over again." Wooyoung said when Seyoung was brought to her room.
A knock came, and their daughter was brought in by one of the Nurses.
"She looks exactly like you." Wooyoung said, sitting next to Seyoung on the bed holding her tiny hand.
"I think she has your eyes." Seyoung said, touching her tiny pink cheeks."I couldn't believe  we created this life together Yeobo."
"Me too. I can't believe we have our little Seyoung-ie." Wooyoung said proudly before giving both her daughter and wife a kiss each.
They stayed like that for a while until the 2PM men came back, bringing presents all in pink. Moments later Seyoung and Wooyoung's parents arrived.
Wooyoung thought while watching everyone in the room. If he did one thing any different in the past, he wouldn't have met Seyoung. Living the life happy and content today, with Seyoung and their daughter.


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12 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

You are cordially invited to the wedding....The Finale:wub:

  Reveal hidden contents

Today is the start of Wooyoung and Seyoung's life as a married couple. Set in the outskirts north of Seoul, in a private and exclusive estate. Only direct family and very close friends are invited for this very important milestone of their lives. Security is very strict, only with ticket invites are allowed. The event is a big hush, hush from press or media.
Giant marquee were set up, attached to the main building for complete privacy. Even if drones happen to fly above the venue,none can be seen from the inside. No expenses spared,starting from flowers, decorations, wine and food. Seyoung's Unniis chaired the whole event working closely with an events company they hired. Due to Seyoung's morning sickness Wooyoung only wanted her involvement to a minimum but everything is subject to her approval. Hence, everything were done from her apartment including the fitting of her gown.
Wooyoung stood nervously on the platform of the wedding hall, waiting for his bride. Standing next to him are his five best men. Jun K, Taecyon, Nickhun, Junho and Chansung. All looked sleek and handsome in their suits. And the wedding march was played. The big white door opened to reveal Seyoung and her Dad. Wooyoung's jaw dropped, his eyes glued to the most beautiful woman in the world, walking towards him.
Seyoung is wearing vintage inspired, cream coloured lace wedding gown. Off shoulder, showing her fine collar bone and smooth skin. The gown is cut to outline her beautiful curves, showing her twelve weeks baby bump. The soft train of her lace gown sway in every step. Hair is set in a loose bun, sitting on one side  showing ten carat worth of diamond earrings. Her wedding bouquet is a mixture of peach and white roses and baby's breath.
Looking at Seyoung approaching, Wooyoung saw a glimpse of their life together. Seyoung with their two kids, a boy and a girl, waiting for him as he comes home from work. Him and Seyoung travelling together as family. Him dropping his son and daughter to school.Wooyoung realized, Seyoung and their future children are his world now. The world he wants to be with her. He couldn't hold back a tear falling from his eyes watching this beautiful lady about to become his wife.
The Vows....
"Seyoung- ah. I feel like everything in my life has led me to you.My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets.Everything. And when I look at us together, my past was worth it. Because if I had done one thing diffrently, I might have never met you. You have made me a better person than I never knew I could be. You continue to make me better, braver, and kinder every single day.Knowing you and loving you has been the single greatest thing I've gotten to do in my life. And I can't believe that I get to keep knowing you better and loving you more, everyday for the rest of our lives. I love you very much." Wooyoung said looking straight into her eyes full of love.
"Wooyoung-ah. I stand here before you, proud and in shame. Proud to have felt like this and ashamed to have no enough words to explain exactly how I feel and let everyone know at this instance but I'll try. Not through words right now but in showing you for the rest of our lives what your love had done to me. And how your love led me here. To stand right next to you, happy. And I'll do whatever I can to make you feel just as happy as I am having you in my life and I can't wait to start and spend the rest of my life with you. I love you too. Very much." Seyoung declared,biting her lower lip trying hard to stop those tears of joy coming.
Wooyoung reached to wipe the tears away, "Don't ruin your make up." He whispered, that made Seyoung smile.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Jang! You may know kiss your wife, Wooyoung-shi." As announced by the marriage celebrant, JYP himself. Everyone in the room cheered.
"Kiss!Kiss!Kiss!" Wooyoung's 2PM brothers cheered him for encouragement. Wooyoung did as he was told.
After the kiss. Wooyoung and Seyoung turned to face the guests. Wooyoung screamed at the top of his voice saying, "We are definitely married!"
                                                                         T H E   E N D


The finale? Nooo I don't want it to end yet. I just finished chapter 14. That was so beautiful. Yes tell your friend we are all her fans and I hope she keeps writing too. 

@kdaddict1 I'm sorry for butting in but you've been dating 3 different guys since Monday? Wow! I can't even get 1 date. You are so lucky. I agree with @standingtallyy. You are just "hanging out" :). Have fun!

To those of you who don't get asked out on dates like me, stay strong. She's making us look bad. Just kidding.


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1 hour ago, 2handsintertwined said:

The finale? Nooo I don't want it to end yet. I just finished chapter 14. That was so beautiful. Yes tell your friend we are all her fans and I hope she keeps writing too. 

@kdaddict1 I'm sorry for butting in but you've been dating 3 different guys since Monday? Wow! I can't even get 1 date. You are so lucky. I agree with @standingtallyy. You are just "hanging out" :). Have fun!

To those of you who don't get asked out on dates like me, stay strong. She's making us look bad. Just kidding.



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@standingtallyy I love the end. Thanks again to your friend. But I am hoping there is another version of a fan fic hehehe.I have different scenarios in mind. Too bad I am not good in writing hehe.  Yes it indeed reignited the desire for them to be together. However at this stage of shipping them, I can go back and forth from fantasy to reality. If it happens they are not together and dating someone,  it would be disappointing but not that heartbreaking hehe. 

Yes the other song is This Song by 2AM sang by Seyoung to Wooyoung. Day 6 rewritten it for it's English version.


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I just observed though we don't any dating confirmation from YY our forum is still always on Hot Topics. Good job YY friends hehe. 

Information on WY's new show. I think WY fits the show. 



Trans by Egle0702

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@standingtallyy the epilogue was as exciting as even. Got carried over imaging myself into seoyoung' shoes, feels like getting married, having baby from someone you really loved is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I want that too.  @2handsintertwined don't get me wrong (hehehe)I wasn't asked for a date, I was forced to. I was hanging out with friends since we always do on Monday afternoons. I told my friends about you guys YY nation. Invited them to visit the page because it's fun. But I was set-up that Monday. (I'm happy to tell my stories to you guys because I wont get any bias views from you).

All of a sudden, a tall man went to join us. After a couple of drinks (I don't drink wine neither alcohol Just had Coke Zero with lemon) 3 left one after the other. I was stunned to death. Don't know what to do. It's just like I'm being interviewed for a job as a wife. He's too straightforward, it made me uneasy that I have to reach for my phone to check on the next chapter @standingtallyy is about to post. A rude question was thrown to me "are you waiting for someone's call?". I blurted "Nope, I'm just waiting for a story to come out!" I'm too honest! Hahahaha! To cut the long story short, I don't like him. He is the type of guy who'll grab you by your neck & command you to stay. 

Yeah, Hanging out is the term! 2nd guy is same as my age, nothing to tell coz he is shy, good looks but innocent & boring. 3rd guy is tall, cute, stylish, funny, he gets the lead, no dull moment, I always laugh & enjoyed his company, only he is 2 years younger. He lied about his age at first, but I caught him. He works for an ad agency, We had a lot in common, we have common friends in modeling & showbiz world. I get called to style some friends for print ad. That is where he first had an eye on me. My flutters. He's a player!

Thinking out loud, I'd like to give this 2nd guy a chance, he may look shy but he became a mystery to me. 

While our friend is still writing the next story, bear with my story in the meantime. 

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