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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Happy Friday everyone 

Just one more week to go!!! Next Fri 24 mar is Whisper press conference at 2pm, we get to see the whole cast. Can't wait. Sy is still so quiet, hopefully when the drama starts we see her posting 

Lee Bo young already got a food truck and I am glad her fans and LSY's fans are helping to promote the drama. Maybe sbs will release more teasers or photos

@chic-chic thanks for WY's photos, he looks amazing. All the 2pm members are busy either filming or working on solo (wy) as they wait for jun.k to recover. Do u think jun.k might delay his military and enlist with wy instead of Taec? 

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Hi guys! Hope all of you are doing well. As for me, I got back from Korea a week ago and then had to take 3 days of medical leave due to an eye infection. So I only got the chance to visit here today. I've  backread the past few pages. Loved that you guys spotted the "YY" that Jun K. wrote on Wooyoung's hand. :D 

Some of you were upset about the "no girlfriend" statement. But don't worry too much about it. Wooyoung gets like that when he's promoting. He can't suddenly claim he has a girlfriend plus he also said it with a laugh. Let's wait and see for more hints during his solo stage and album. Speaking of which, any of you guys going to Japan? I'm planning to go to the Osaka leg of the tour. Would love to meet up.

Anyway, I had a lovely time in Korea even though we couldn't attend the concert. I saw Taecyeon when I attended Day6 concert the night that he was there too. His car stopped like 3 feet away from me and he looked so cool in his convertible. I only managed to squeal "Taecyeon-shi!!!" Hahaha. During the concert I was slightly distracted by his handsome face. But overall Day6 concert was REALLY awesome. I'm considering going to Korea just to attend another concert of theirs. Plus, Jae totally noticed me because of my dorky dancing, he pointed at me and showed me a "good" handsign and I may have a new bias. HAHAHA.

Other that that, we also tried to visit YY places but I am sad to inform that the places mostly have closed down. On the first day, we wanted to visit the chocolate boutique Pas De Duex. We went pass the street a couple times and couldn't find the legendary blue door. Until we realized that the blue door has been painted black! The cafe has turned into a clothing store. :( Next, we also went to find the Blue Crab restaurant in Itaewon where YY had lobster but the restaurant has also changed to a Korean delicacy restaurant. The Parking in Plate restaurant in Myeongdong is also no more and has been closed down! We were disappointed that we couldn't eat there but it has been 3 years after all. We spotted the shop in Hongdae where YY bought their caps though. But we were there at 10pm and the shop was already closed so we only took picture in front of the shop. LOL. 

However, in Busan, we visited the market that YY went to, and WY's friend's coffee shop is still there. Wooyoung's friend was there too that day! He was really friendly, and very charming. He gave my friend a lollipop and when I wanted one too, he searched for more but couldn't find any so he gave me a packet of sugar instead. Hahaha. When we were leaving we asked for a selfie and he held the phone and snapped so many pics. that my friend's phone memory ran out. Lol.

That was pretty much it of our failed concert trip. At least I got to see Taec and WY's friend and ate a lot of good food. :)

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@blame2pm Welcome back. Hope your eyes are good now.  Good to hear that you still enjoyed your Korean trip despite not able to see 2PM's concert.  You were so lucky too.  You managed to attend Day 6 concert and spotted Taecyeon at the same time. It was good that Taecyeon decided to attend Day 6 concert at the same time you were able to watch hehe. OMG Jae even noticed you too. Young K is my bias in Day 6 hehe but they all look good. 

It's also good you met Wooyoung's friend. It would be great if he spilled some secret about Wooyoung haha. 

Too bad to hear that most YY places already closed. New fans  of YY won't be able to visit those places anymore. 

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@chic-chic- thanks, jun.k looking fine, though a bit skinny.

My nephew suffers from serious skin allergies so he has a desk job in police unit, he just do office work while serving army. Hope jun.k get posted to lighter duties too. 

@blame2pm- poor thing u got sick. Hope u are ok now. Great u saw Taec and Day6 - at least your Korean trip not wasted. Too bad a lot of YY places are closed. Guess the economy not good plus the China banding their people from visiting resulting in less tourists. Busan looks like very nice, still got the coffee stand plus WY's friend. Ya, let's be positive about wy, our YY ship still sailing ⛵️ 

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4 hours ago, chic-chic said:

 It was good that Taecyeon decided to attend Day 6 concert at the same time you were able to watch hehe. OMG Jae even noticed you too. Young K is my bias in Day 6 hehe but they all look good.


@chic-chic Taecyeon and I (and 499 other people) were meant to be. Lol. Yeap theres no visual hole in Day6, the same like theres none in 2pm too. I had no bias before and Young K was my fave too but now 100% in Jae's camp. Lol. 

@Gerry58 my eyes are okay now. Just cant wear contact lens for 2 weeks. B)

As @chic-chic pointed out, WY mentioned in that Sheltter magazine interview that he likes simple "white tshirts and jeans combination" for girls and likes a girl with simple and casual style. 

And dingdingding, guess who practically lives in white tshirt and jeans? 

So yeah, no need to jump ship just yet, friends. WY is still giving us hints, dont worry. 

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Glad to hear from you again @blame2pm. Sorry to hear about your eye infection....glad that it has cleared up.

Lucky you, bumping into WY's best friend in Busan. Nice of him to have photos with you and gave you a packet of sugar  and your friend a lollipop as freebies :D. Next time I visit South Korea I'll make sure Busan will be in the itenerary. Yes, that Parking in Plate in Myeongdong have been closed for business when I went there July last year though the sign outside was still up. Glad you still enjoyed your trip despite 2PM concert cancellation...you will be recalled  later on for sure. Well, seeing Taecyon up close was a bonus treat, you couldn't really wish for anything better than that, truly MFEO(meant for each other), LOL!

I was a little sad about WY's proclamation on "No gf" but felt better after seeing your posting above, sticking to his type which literally described Seyoung's everyday outfit. So, no. I am not jumping ship, hahaha! 

I wish I can join you ladies in Japan this April but I got my holiday booked for my Dad's birthday late May. I wouldn't have a chance to get off work :(. My boss nearly had a heart attack when I went to see her the other and gave her my sick leave form, she thought I wanted another weeks leave. I reassured her it's only for a day for an orthodontist appointment end of March :D. Instead, she gave that as paid day off for all the extra hours worked while away visiting our remote sites and binned my leave application. So nice of her!


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I would be happy for them both, as long as they are happy, whether they are with each other, or each with their respective significant other.

In any case, WY didn't say he is single right? He said "no girlfriend"...didn't say "no wife" nor "no fiancée" haha

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Hello i am in mood to watch YY couple start to finish. Please where i can watch or download high quality episodes with english subtitle? Totally adores them. They are my second best couple to Jongyeon couple.

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YY friends here's the full interview  of WY for Shel'ter in English.  His "no gf" statement seems he's introducing himself as an idol for fans hehehe due to the concept of the shoot. He keeps on emphasizing he doesn't have a girlfriend  but after just laughs. I think he's just playing it safe for everyone. I think that WY knows or feels that fans already had an idea he has one and just wants to make them feel better by saying that statement. 

His ideal fashion for  a woman is "white shirt and jeans".  He also talk about not using SNS that often since he doesn't want to exposed his daily life. Also he doesn't have an ideal type anymore. For me it means he already found someone close to his ideal type and we all know who she is hehehe. Ship is still sailing. :D

[TRANS] SHEL’TTER #41 - Wooyoung Interview


[TRANS] SHEL’TTER #41 - Wooyoung Interview




Special Q&A of Wooyoung!!!


Q. For the outfit and hairstyle in “Party Shots,” which part were you fussy about?
A. In the MV, just like the Joker who appears in Batman, I made an image where it looks like I don’t know where I’m heading to. That’s why I didn’t want the outfits to have a very neat impression on it, so I made it a little bit messy!

Q. Please tell us the main point of the title song “Party Shots” and the highlight of its MV!
A. Since I like doing things such as gathering with friends, having different conversations and talking about real feelings, I personally really like parties. Generally speaking, I gave the song a theme of “Let’s make some noise!!” and let it blow up with a fun atmosphere. That’s why I want everyone to enjoy while listening to it! For the MV, the camera blocking is quick. I think that’s the highlight? It’s like… you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off of it!

Q. Do you like fashion?
A. Of course, I like fashion. But rather than “I like fashion,” I think of it as a very essential part in entertainment. It’s one way for self-expression.

Q. Do you have a fashion item that you like?
A. Hmm.. If I have to choose one…. I like Hawaiian shirts!

Q. We have this impression of you that tries variety of hairstyles…
A. I made my hairstyle neat and clean this time! But usually, it’s pain in the neck to go to hair salons. (laughs) That’s why I’m keeping this hairstyle for now. If ever I end up doing the hairstyle that I really want, I think there would be no fans left. (laughs)

Q. Do you have your own rule when it comes to fashion?
A. I don’t go as far as making a fundamental basis. There are times when I would go out with my friends wearing clothes as if I’m going to the supermarket or convenience store. Other times, I would wear a little bit of showy clothes when I go to supermarkets. The feeling for that day is what matters! I also highly take the size of the clothes into consideration. I don’t like it when it’s uncomfortable to wear. I prefer styles that would always let my body move freely.

Q. First appearance in SHEL’TTER! Please introduce yourself to our readers.
A. I’m a member of a Korean group called 2PM, and we debuted in Japan 6 years ago with the song “Take Off.” As a group, we release albums and do tours every year, but this time, I’m appearing as a solo artist! 28 years old this year. No girlfriend. I’m Wooyoung! (laughs)


Q. Do you experience “love at first sight”?
A. I do experience love at first sight! Just because I get taken with someone at the first meeting, it doesn’t mean that I would ask for her contact info on that same day, or convey my feelings to her right away, or make moves on her, or even confess to her. I want to be prudent when it comes to love.

Q. Please tell us your ideal type of girl!
A. I think I’m not in the position to choose though… (laughs) I used to have ideal types but now, I don’t have any. Love is a feeling, right? (laughs)

Q. What do you do on your day off?
A. I listen to LPs in my house, read books, or sleep. Ah, I watch documentary-type movies and shows. But that doesn’t mean I’m a complete indoor person. I still hang out with my friends or go to LP bars and bookstores.

Q. Have you ever felt a difference between Japanese women and Korean women?
A. I don’t feel any difference just because someone is a Japanese or Korean.

Q. Ideal fashion for girls?
A. A simple coordination of “white t-shirt x jeans” to be exact! I like casual and simple styles of female fashion. I would want her to come in a simple style even during dates♡

Q. On a regular basis, are you a night owl or an early bird?
A. I am most active when it’s 12 midnight and I sleep around 10 in the morning. (laughs) My morning and night are completely reversed so we can say that I’m perfectly nocturnal! Hmm.. but right now, I have my make up on which is why my skin looks smooth. (laughs)


Q. What phone apps or SNS do you usually use?
A. I only have music player which is necessary in my everyday life, internet bank app, Japanese and English translator app in my phone. SNS….. I consider it convenient and I also think it’s one good way of promoting in this modern age. But I don’t use it that much because I don’t want my daily life to be displayed more than it needs to be or to become something I just show off.

Q. Among the fans, you are being called #LittleDevil #DoingThingsAtMyOwnPace #Cute #ActuallyTheFunniestMember, but how do you think of it personally?
A. Everything is correct! Well said! (laughs) But if I have to add anything, that would be “I have a lot of charms”! Also, “I love talking to people.” I just really like expressing myself. Fans are truly amazing! They can see through everything~ That’s scary~ Ah! I’m kidding~ (laughs)

Q. What food do you definitely eat whenever you are in Japan?
A. Ramen and sukiyaki! I go to Jangara ramen frequently! Also, I love sukiyaki♡ I always mix up shabu shabu and sukiyaki. (laughs) The raw egg that comes with it is also good! Really delicious♡ I’m getting hungry now. (laughs) Please introduce a good restaurant to me!


Q. Do you like any artist from Japan? Please tell us a song that you like.
A. Hisaishi Joe-san who is a musical director of Ghibli and Sakamoto Ryuichi-san. I actually like the soundtracks used in dramas, movies, anime, and documentaries. That made a way for me to get to know and like them! By the way, I was able to go and watch the concert of Hisaishi Joe-san in Japan! I own a lot of DVDs of Ghibli films. The first Ghibli production I encountered was “Howl’s Moving Castle” and I think I’ve watched that the most.

Q. Please tell us a song that you usually listen when you travel.
A. I frequently listen to an album called “UTAU” by Sakamoto Ryuichi-san and Onuki Taeko-san. This album is really great, so I recommend all of the songs. I want to meet Sakamoto Ryuichi-san! Where should I go to be able to meet him? (laughs)

Q. Since you produce the outfits for 2PM concerts, do you want to try having your own brand of clothing?
A. I really only do it for our concerts and music production. I don’t have any thoughts on wanting to try creating my own clothing line. Who will even buy it? (laughs)

Message from Wooyoung!!!


A long interview of WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) who appeared for the first time and was chosen as the first male to be on the front cover of SHEL’TTER!

What are your thoughts for being the first male on the front cover?
Thank you! It’s an honor. But why me? Really… why is it me? (laughs) From now on and then, I would want to appear in SHEL'TTER♡

What is your impression of SHEL’TTER? 
All of the models in SHEL'TTER are truly pretty! It’s great to see that each of them has their own personality. Just by looking at the magazine, it can serve as an advice to all female who admires fashion. I think it’s a very useful magazine. (After knowing it’s a magazine where you can order) While looking at the magazine, can you purchase easily the item you like!? That’s so nice! I want a copy now! Ah, but then again.. I don’t have a girlfriend (laughs)

Please tell us your thoughts about the photoshoot
To tell you the truth, I’ve known Emi-san even before as I have seen her in Japanese magazines. When I found out that my partner is going to be Emi-san, I was glad and I looked forward to this photoshoot. Since she is someone who I’ve always seen in magazines, I also felt the sense of relief. When I met her in person, her face was very small and she was tall. She’s really a beautiful person! I was able to have fun during the photoshoot as well!

Please let us hear your thoughts about the outfit coordination

Since the concept for this photoshoot was to be a couple with Emi-san, I made sure to give importance on creating a sweet atmosphere just like real lovers. Even our matching clothes suited the concept, right? The coordinated outfit of Emi-san was very cute!

「WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) Solo Tour 2017 “Party Shots”」WILL BEGIN!

Did you have fun during the photoshoot?
Of course!! I had a lot of fun! Uhhmm.. I can’t remember it well but I think I didn’t have much opportunities to have a photoshoot with Japanese female models. So when the discussions for this project came, I was surprised! I would want to do another photoshoot! Please let me appear in SHEL'TTER every time! (laughs)

Please send a message to the fans who are anticipating your solo activities!
I’m always grateful to all of the fans! Thank you! As of right now, I’m in the midst of preparing my new album and concert. In fact, I myself am very excited with the solo activities and I want to meet the fans’ expectations as well! I want to make a show where we can have fun together and enjoy the concert to our hearts’ content. I’m planning on making it exhilarating so please look forward to it!

Complete REPORT of a rare backstory during the photoshoot!
Wooyoung greeted with “Please treat me well” and entered the studio in a stately manner. After greeting his partner Suzuki Emi and the staff, the photoshoot began right away! 
When the cameraman requested “Hold hands and act like a couple!” on just the first cut, Wooyoung got surprised a little bit. While worrying about Emi’s nails that were freshly painted for the photoshoot, he held her hands gently feeling shy which you can check at page 13! Furthermore, Wooyoung personally suggested “Let’s do a funny dance!” on page 15. As a matter of fact, Emi used an iPhone and consecutively took photos of Wooyoung who seems to be having fun while dancing. The group of female that was in the set raved with words of “So kind♡ So wonderful♡” when Wooyoung put the hat on Emi and showed concern by fixing softly her messy hair. The posing where both of them hid their face with the hats was actually Wooyoung’s ad-lib! A peeping out pose is kind of rare, isn’t it? The photoshoot continued in a harmonious atmosphere while they were holding hands, taking selfies together and exchanging jokes occasionally. We were overwhelmed by the aura of the two during the last shoot which was for the front cover. Doing back hugs, putting arm around the shoulder… the eyes of the whole staff were glued to them who looked like a real couple♡ 
Just as we thought he would do playful dance and show us a cool picture perfect face even during his solo photoshoot, Wooyoung showed a pampered expression gazing at the camera and several more facial expressions. With fresh denim, chino pants adult style, casual street coordination, Wooyoung is exploding a lot of charms that we couldn’t take our eyes from him more and more! On his nationwide tour starting from April, he’ll definitely show variety of expressions and entertain the fans for sure!



Scans by 2PMAlways




Scans by 2PMAlways

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Happy Sunday:wub: @chic-chic thank you for WY's interview with SHEL'TER magazine. That statement he made about not in the position to choose about his ideal type and not having one now sort of half-convinced me :D. He is prudent when it comes to love. Our Wooyoung has definitely matured. He loves Hawaiian shirts, no wonder those flowery prints he loves to wear says it all.

One thing I would say that both Seyoung and Wooyoung's have similarities are not being fussed on social media. Quite orrect, they don't need other people to know about their day to day lives.

Welcome @Urnaa. Glad you come by to visit us :)


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Happy weekend everyone 

@chubbz - thanks for the comforting words. Do visit often. 

@Urnaa- glad to meet another YY fan. Join us more often after u watch their WGM. 

@chic-chic thanks for WY's interview. Learn more about him, his likes and mature thoughts. Ya he is busy preparing for his solo. I understand why he has to remain single cos he still needs fans support. We, international fans are more open to idols dating. Anyway he and sy has so many similarities- they don't live on social media cos they want their privacy. They prefer the freedom to come and go, lead a normal life. Also their simple taste in clothing and their great work attitudes, their love for meeting up with friends to keep in touch etc. 

5 more days to Whisper press conference, we will post more when sy appears.

Also looking forward to listening to WY's new songs, hope he compose a love song :D

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