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@Gerry58 yes 2pm members were really worried and flusterated they say junho was taken aback and teary . they were between their injured members and fans who came to see them . I think everything can be put aside their safety is most important.

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OH NO!!!! Well I feel sorry for Jun.K but I think we were lucky to pick the first day to watch the concert...

it's not that impossible that this would happen... you should see them perform, they're wild! They're crazy! They really make sure that all audience will have fun.

they roam around the entire gymnasium just so they can reach everybody. Too bad for him :(

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Praying that is not a serious injury, per fan account it seems he hit his head and neck on the stage when he fell.  That is what makes me want to pray harder, nothing is more scary than that an injury on neck and head.  



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Mmm....the above post....the part about not fully responsible for the safety of the artist...is it abit lost in translation? abit different from the link above.

Anyway, glad that it's not as serious as initially fear...hope Jun K recover soon. Wonder how will this affect his enlistment.

So is this the last day of the current concert? 

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Glad to hear that that injuries are not serious, but sad at the same time because because regardless not been a serious injuries are still injuries, that will require time to heal.  I wish that going forward these platform used at concert and other equipment that artists use to get closer to their audience/fan are more safe. Dont know what needs to be done to ensure the safety of artist at event like concerts as i dont work in the industry.  I wish that there is no more accident like this one in the future.



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I hope Minjun is ok.

 #2PM's apology on stage

TY: Um... So they'll let you know in further time. (I think regarding refund) We are terribly sorry that we have to end our concert here due to an unforeseen accident.
Fans: No, that's OK.....
TY: Um... So there will be people who saw it up close and those who saw it from far but I hope you will all pray for Minjun. We're deeply sorry. (2PM bows, fans clap and send encouragement)
JH: Um, I'm not the right person to say this as it wasn't me who got injured but I'm sure Minjun hyung will be alright like we all hope for. So we should all calm ourselves and I'm very, very... Of course I'm so worried but I hope you don't feel... I don't know what I'm saying but you all need to stay strong for Minjun's fast recovery. Please just remember that and send him lots of encouragement. Thank you everyone and we're so sorry.
TY: Thank you all and we'll come back soon. This was 2PM. Thank you.

Trans by: Haeda


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Good Monday morning YY Nation 

Glad to hear jun.k only hurt his hand rather than his head. Thank God, not so serious.  Still very troublesome for him, poor thing. Now we just wait for news whether rest of the concerts will be cancelled or not. Already 3rd one right? Still got 3 more? @blame2pm attending so we may hear from her. 

Hope all the staff remember to take precaution for future concerts, this can happen to any Kpop idols. 


Wy with jun.k 

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Oh no! Again!!Poor Jun K :(. WY fell as well in 2014 Go Crazy concert because of the stage gap that moved,and WY fell straight into that...but he stood up straight after because he landed on his feet and did not hit any part of his body.I hope all is good except for fractured fingers. Praying for Jun K's fast recovery. Head and neck injury are scary and should not be taken lightly..

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Good morning, pretty quiet. 

Everyone waiting for more updates on jun.k and 2pm's concert

Sy also very quiet but the good news is less than a month her drama starts. Hope we can see her soon. 

Above clip of wy- his hair is really short at the back, shaved army style 


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@blame2pm- how's everything? Did u manage to watch 2pm's concert?

Just read another actor couple is formed. Actor Lee Dong Gun and his co-star, seems getting common that's why after a drama ends, there are more shipping threads. Will be watching out for sy. Wondering whether there is any romance in Whisper? 

Just finished 62 episodes Chinese drama General and I. Had to fast forward some parts. It is ok, not so fantastic as what fans make it out to be. Already started Cdrama Ten miles of peach blossom (also another drama people raves about), first 3 episodes so far interesting. Voice is still good, getting more scary. Chief Kim is still entertaining. Can't wait for Whisper, Hope faster come. 

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Fans are divided with the issue of cancelling all concerts or 2PM going through with it. It would be their last concerts before Jun K and Ty's enlistment and too bad they won't be able to complete it. I also hope Jun K won't force himself to go through with the remaining concerts. It's possible just like what happened in their Higher Japan tour when Chansung was sick that he won't just participate and the rest will continue.

I saw the news of actor Lee Dong Gun dating an actress. This is a controversy because just 3 weeks ago, he announced his break up with T-Tara's Jiyeon, his gf for  2 years then announced he's dating his co-star. Many speculated that this was even the cause of the break up because it's not even a month. Too bad for the ex-gf. 

I saw Eric Mun's dating scandal. It made me happy because  it's time to date with his age. I hope he gets married soon. The couple has been denying dating news for years now and now Dispatch caught them haha.

I am enjoying light dramas lately. I enjoyed Weightlifting Fairy  but I'll consider Whisper because of SY and LBY. 


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@chic-chic- I don't think they can continue their concerts cos jun.k is the lead vocal. Just too bad, this has to happen cos they wanted the concerts for their fans. Jun.k should just rest and gets well, then straight go military, hopefully they give him an easier dept cos of his injuries 

Ya saw the news of Eric. He denied but Dispatch purposely post the photos of his Christmas date. They must have stalked him. I am sure they have lots of other celebs photos, only up to them who they want to expose. He is the right candidate cos already 40 so the fans not too upset. But disappointed they are dating younger girls- sad the ladies in their 30s are not given a chance. 

Taec, junho very quiet, didn't post anything- guess they must be busy in hospital visiting jun.k. 




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