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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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It's the 2015 version of Lotte Duty Free commercial. Though 2PM part is the old version, it's great that they are never replaced.



Wooyoung, Chansung and Khun hanging out



Even if the photo is just a silhouette, it's obvious who's who for 2PM members.

[INFO] ‪#‎2PM‬ to attend 2015 SBS Gayo Daejun on December 27

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Hope it is not too late to comment on the first two episodes. I dont know if I can add more to what you guys have commented. I've mentioned before that I've only started watching WGM this year and had marathon watched at least four different couples before getting to our YY Couple. By that time I guess I was probably burnt out from watching so much WGM in short amount of time that I quit after their third episode. I'm really glad I came back though.

I'm not sure about if Wooyoung had accepted to do WGM before he would be paired with Victoria though...because I remember that Nichkhun specifically called the PD and asked to be paired with Vic. But I'm glad that he chose to do it when he did and PD really hit the nail when choosing Se Young as his partner. 

What stood out to me upon rewatching is how he cant take his eyes off of her and smiling when he saw her for the first time and also in their press conference he was always looking at her reaction. I thought that was sweet. Speaking of the press conference, what does it mean when Wooyoung said "I'm really shocked because they are actually a lot of similar parts (between the script and the real me)."? Is that a loose translation? Because I know that the places and activities that they do are determined beforehand is that what he meant? For reference: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19n255_woosubs-140112-mbc-section-tv-wooyoung-wgm-press-conference_creation#tab_embed

Back to the first episode, I belatedly realized that since Junho and Chansung lost that bet they were the ones who went to the wedding banquet. Was that coincidence? Because I too would have loved to see Jun K. and Taec meeting Seyoung.

Before they met, WY was probably so nervous before because he was taking it too seriously and was treating it like a genuine blind date instead of a work thing. He was a flustered, blubbering, adorable mess while Seyoung was cool, collected albeit a little shy in contrast. At first, I felt a little bad for him with how tough Seyoung was being with him in the first episode - she sighed at him a couple times and was seemingly a little upset when he commented on her skin tone, because it obviously added to his nervousness. But in the second episode you could see that she is actually kind and patient even though he kept talking about his ex. I remember the first time I watched this episode I had to mute that scene because I was so embarrassed for him lol. But Seyoung was forgiving and nice about it. Next, they discussed their kind of music and when Seyoung said she likes indie, there was a moment where Wooyoung kinda broke the fourth wall when he looked to the side in disbelief, I imagine to the PD, his face like, "how do you even find this girl who even has the same taste of music as me". And then his surprised face when she said she has an album out, he looked to the side again, like, "is this a joke". I love that scene because of its realness. I wish we had seen his reaction to her song immediately after he had listened to it instead of the BRI.

At the car restaurant, (random info: the restaurant was in the latest episode of TROS and I immediately thought of YY) I loved that WY said that he expects honesty in their relationship and that he would treat it with sincerity. He didnt have to say such things because WY, SY and we the viewers already knew that this was a TV show and dont expect it of him. But by that time of their date, he was probably already attracted to her so hes open to the idea of falling for her for real so I think thats why he said it.  And how Seyoung wanted to have many conversations with him, it showed that both of them have maturity in their expectation of what this relationship was about going forward. If you've seen other couples, they wanted things that dont really matter, like one girl asked for handbags from his husband? But not our couple. 

So yeah, thats all I have for now. I love that we're doing this btw. Have been really great reading your different thoughts and opinions. 



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@chic-chicThanks for the post. Glad wy is a good boy, hanging out with his brothers since his yeobo is busy filming. Must be very cold now, they wore winter coats

@blame2pm - enjoy reading your review cos u write so well.:)

Aren't u glad u went back to rewatch YY? They are very slow in holding hands and skinship compared to others - their real personality- Sy says she takes a while to warm up to people maybe cos she assess them first? Sy especially is mature in thinking- she is not materialistic 

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6 hours ago, Gerry58 said:

Multi- colour hair, think wy has tried every colour-

which one u think suits him the best?


For me, I like brown or black with brown highlights. While my favourite haircut of his is probably ones during the Grown era. Kinda long, floppy and sometimes parted in the center with not a lot of hair product. So effortless but still so handsome, mature and sexy at the same time. I cant find better pictures but here are some examples. Whats your favourite? 




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