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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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That's why u see so many of them going to China- it is a huge market. Japan is still better- food and the people very polite- maybe that's why they like 2pm- got good manners

Lmh - not so popular cos he wasn't in any good drama- heirs- he lack chemistry with the female lead and the standard of dramas has dropped. It is all copying one another- u see the same thing eg ugly girl gets transform into pretty- copy birth of beauty. Then u have split personality drama  and the School drama copy school 2013 etc.

even HK tvb has problems- they keep using the same old actors, storyline so predictable 


Wy fan art 

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Its sad. I like a lot of KBS Family Dramas but the ones that does gets much attention is the Young Romance Dramas. Even Taecyeon's Wonderful Days which have a lot of very good plot lines was better than The Heirs or BOF (BTW, the Taiwanese F4 is still the best version after the manga). The last drama I actually survived was Cheongdamdong Alice, So Yi Hyun is just amazing.

Now Dream High, that was a daring drama by JYP, the Director and the Writer. They basically give in two leading lads for the leading lady and made no certain endgame, have a leading lady that just bitched in the first half of the drama, then comes through another antagonist girl with her own storyline, all the things that goes against the traditional young romance K-Drama. I don't exactly love the drama but it was kind of refreshing to see that plotline. 

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@hazeljrr_c922 - hi5 to u. We need all the support we can get! 

@ilikeme- I also enjoy Wonderful Days- very touching family drama, Cheongdamdong Alice- didn't finish, dream high  - enjoyable. My last drama was- I remember u. Now not watching anything except Sy's drama and American series called The blacklist- very good, highly recommended 

Sy's fan art- really must thank all the creative YY shippers 

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Among the dramas mentioned by @Gerry58 & @ilikeme I only watched Wonderful Days initially because of Taecyon but I enjoyed it so I managed to finish watching the series.I'm not really into school dramas. I only watched School 2013 that time because I thought Seyoung was pretty & Daniel Choi was cute...and I've re-watched it since because this time I got to know the cast better. There are a couple more I'm watching at present along with MDGSW, but I think I'm ditching the other one because the plot have become too annoying for my taste. You are right, there seem to be a fad in terms of story lines in the currently shown and recently ended dramas...it has become monotonous. Somehow with MDGSW, I didn't see that coming when OW have regressed to a child-like mentality post fall, Seyoung's swimsuit scene (the best! LOL) and Jaesuk's cameo.

On another topic, there is another story I want to share with all of you here. Though it happened some weeks ago but the event that happened after that was surreal that even myself can't believe. Of course, it's related to our YY couple and this will be the second time that Wooyoung is the person that does it in reality. I just need to write it well because I don't want to create any sort of delusion but I will leave it to all of you to judge...and see what the future transpires...

Edited by standingtallyy
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There was this scenario a good few weeks now that's been going around my head.I honestly cannot remember if I dreamed about it or not. When I thought of things that maybe significant whether in reality or in my subconscious, I have this habit of writing them down before I forget be it at home or work at anytime. I keep some sort of a journal in my laptop where I write anything there. It's like me talking to myself. I don't follow a pattern, format or whatever you call it of writing, I just type it in and basically forget about it -it's like my brain bank. After a week or longer I go back and re-read them if I come across with similar thoughts...at times they can be silly but more often I find out, I was right and what I wrote really happened.

I am honestly telling you the truth.There is not a single iota of lie. Remember when Wooyoung dropped that "explosive" joke about his ROSE girl in the height of their single Higher promotion in Osaka? When I read that article, I nearly fell from my chair. I had that weird feeling that I've written that scenario in my journal. No, I didn't check it straight away, I waited few days before I went back to read my "journal" and...it was all there. I noticed, I've written Seyoung's name at some point but not Wooyoung's, it was a Mr. X. Again, Wooyoung delivered my illusion to reality when he made that "joke" in Osaka. I wrote that "dream scenario" about three weeks before the event in Japan. I couldn't share it back then because it was all too weird, but I felt happily weird and gave me goosebumps. I was only delusional, so I burst my own bubble. But today, I thought...I'll do it! So here it is.

Remember too about that vivid dream I had before Seyoung's birthday fan meeting? They were in white? And what did we see WY wore that very day going to Japan? All in white, from head to toe. This "dream scenario" again, he did it! 

Now Chinggus, do you think I should go and see a professional or I just need a good slapping! :D Feel free to voice your opinions -any kind is welcome :D

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Sy latest pic

<20151125> SY - News - <My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol> Park Se Young: The secret of evil woman Oh Hye Sang? Special love with the script in the atmosphere?

<My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol> Park Se Young's love with the script became a hot topic in the public.

On 24th, the agency of actress Park Se Young, Hunus Entertainment, exhibited some of the images during her script training for <My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol>. These pictures show her enthusiasm for reheasal.

"I'm an architect and a best friend of Geum Sa Wol (Beak Jin-Hee) but later turns into her lifetime rival in <My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol>." she said. The acting of Park Se Young  caught people's eyes as the actual characters of villain Oh Hye Sang gradually showed.

In these pictures, Park Se Young hold a script for practicing, no matter at the shooting location or during waiting.

"I am practicing consistently and repeating to study the characters of Hye Sang so as to express more feelings of her in <My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol>" she explained. 

On the other hand, <My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol> is the TV version of Korean Film Architecture 101. It's a story which describes how the main character Geum Sa Wol rebuilds a dream house with her mother. It's broadcasted every weekend at 10:00 pm.

CR: http://starn.hankyung.com/news/index.html?no=419439 - Korean Version

Edited by wingting
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@standingtally- yes I remember your dream about the couple in white. I even tease u saying if YY couple gets married, I'll send u a gift. Then both Really appeared in white- we all thought it was just co-incidence.

Now your dream came true a 2nd time? Wow, maybe u are psychic

better take note of all your dreams especially about YY couple

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@standingtallyy  I love it.   If you need a professional or a good slapping, so do I.  :D  Dreaming, thinking, rewatching, reading and writing about YY have made us hopelessly delusional time and again.  Whenever there is hard evidence-- a statement, an object, or  a string of coincidences,  it certainly gives credence to our belief.   :)

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Thanks @wingting for the above article. Our Seyoungie is getting more attention than ever :wub: Her deligence and professionalism is getting noticed by the people she works with.

I know @Gerry58! They say third time is a charm :D Hahaha! Maybe I do have undiscovered psychic ability! It's really weird, honestly. But I must admit, it happened few times...nothing major but little snippets of this and that. Pure random thoughts. That's how I got this habit of taking notes.

@hazeljrr_c922 thanks...now I got company :D:D If another one on YY couple happens again. I think I'll switch career as a clairvoyant. LOL!

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Okay I just have another marathon for our YY Couple WGM. In the episode where Seyoung made that 'Soil' juice for Wooyoung, there was a part where Seyoung was trying to get him up and Wooyoung said 'Veggies!' and Seyoung was like 'No, the smell is only in my hand'. Then Wooyoung was like 'Oh, lemon' and Seyoung said 'Yes Lemon!' and smelled her own hand. This means on the spur of the moment he just grabs Seyoung's hand like its nothing. Ahhh.

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@standingtallyy Quick give me the first four numbers that comes to your head!! Hahah. Thats awesome. You know how sometimes when we think or worry about something too much, we even think about it when we sleep. I swear I have the best ideas right after I wake up from a dream. I guess most of us think about YY Couple a lot (I know I do), that we subconsciously dream about them too. I cant remember what my dreams about them were about though so its neat that you wrote them down. I think if we dream of them doing things that couples do, eventually that dream will come true because obviously they're a couple in real life. Right? No? Okay, if youre delusional, then call me delusional too. :lol:

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Guest elenskivios38

:wub:@standingtally since you had a good premonition better use it and keep developing it...like what @gerry58 said take down everything and dont 

hesitate to share coz i believe good premonition together with prayer is more effective when we are united:):D:wub:

Everything we do with good intention has good results...i think thats what were doing now for YYcouple.

I admire  for your courage in sharing with us such gift ...use it ! develop it! be not afraid,continue to live with positive outlook

in life and this gift will guide you.GO! GO! GO! @standingtally :wub:

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@standingtallyy OMO  :blink: I do remember your dream about seyoung all in white
and then how both of them was dressed like that 
we were going crazy happy about that 
now with the "rose girl " 
it really seem you have psychic powers or something 
I really hope the next thing you will predict is them getting married 
or even better having kids 
if that really happen ( I believe it will ) count me with @Gerry58 I will send you what ever you love 
fighting my friend 

@wingting thank u so much for the news  :) it is so great 
to finally see seyoung hard working being recognized by the others 
she deserve it and more 


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I an enjoying reading all your posts and I am with you with all the delusions. Keep on sharing. 

Here's the clip of Wooyoung and other JYP artists enjoying Day6 concert. My delulu is since it was dark in their area he can just sneak in his Rose girl and enjoyed the concert together LOL.

[Clip] 151120 DAY6 1st LIVE CONCERT 'D-day' - Wooyoung Cut via http://tvcast.naver.com/v/627206 http://pic.twitter.com/oZSuEboh6Z


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Good morning YY friends- nice weather today!

@amera46 good news on Sy's IG increase- slow and steady- She should get more if she posts a lot like some celebs but maybe she is happy to keep her life private, only show working stuff. Hunus is getting her in the news, hope they release more news of her and cf signed.

MDGSW- saw jae suk's appearance and some staff posing with him but don't see sy- maybe only the main leads get to see him.  The other show- saw the news, they going to introduce a new character- a girl idol- maybe to increase rating cos of competition from MDGSW. Let's see this weekend whether can go no 1 again

@wingting thanks again for your hard work- your interesting articles make us have more visitors which in turn helps to publicize YY couple.

Some may eventually become fans cos I notice Sy's IG followers are also fans of khuntoria, yongseo etc. it is ok, we welcome everyone here :D

@standingtallyy- hope u have more sweet dreams of YY- remember to let us know:)

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