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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Guest MuthiiahH

@Gerry58 @"Rizki Handini" @hazeljrr_c922 correct me if i'm wrong..... i'm searching 'bout the photo and i found that the girls in the photo is the model and one of the them is the friend of seulong 2AM. They already post the photo of WY and JunK and also JYP performance photo. So, i think they are just a friend. WY is so sociable person and have so many friend, especially in fashion industry because we all know He is so interest in that path.... WY is a serious and thinkable person, especially someone will get jealous if he do something stupid...... So, don't be worried dear...... kekekekke

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[TRANS] 150415 2PM Oricon Style Interview

2PM: Growth Process Troubles and the Bond Between the Members

The members of 2PM were deeply involved in the production of their 4th album “2PM OF 2PM,” and it is surely a work of ambition that will make you feel their progress as artists. For Asia’s No.1 Beast Idol group, May of this year will mark the 5th year since their Japan single debut. The 6 of them who consistently excite us with their bright and simple-minded talks spoke to us about the reverse side of their unfathomable troubles, growth pains, and the things they fought against.

An album with the members’ respective ideas implemented

—-What does the album mean to you all? Also, please tell us the meaning behind the title “2PM OF 2PM.”
WY: “What kind of meaning does the title ‘2PM OF 2PM’ have for you guys?” is what is intriguing. The name “2PM OF 2PM” might give you the impression that it’s a crystallization of 2PM, as if the members exhausted all they could into it, however, for us who are always thinking about what kind of concerts and music to make and are ceaselessly worrying about experimenting with new things, it feels like a single item that has resulted from all of our activities up to now. Especially in the beginning we were conscious of making it an album with the stage heavily in mind, and we incorporated songs of various styles and even as we made the songs we thought about (how it would be during) the concerts. Furthermore, the members’ respective ideas were implemented so that the level of the members’ interest in making this album became higher, and becoming one as the group called 2PM, it evidently became “2PM OF 2PM” in that situation. Although I believe we will keep putting out many more albums in the future, I think the title of the album was revealed through the results of its process. It’s been 4 years since we debuted in Japan, but we want to show a new side to ourselves and surprise you all every time. With the implication of it being just one checkpoint on the path which we walk, we wish for of course new albums and tours, as well as being able to have a Dome concert again.
TY: Wooyoung said all of our thoughts for us.

—Please comment on the members’ respective solo tracks which are on the First Press Limited Edition B’s special CD.
NK: My solo song “Miss Wonderful” will make you become bright and happy. Even when I sing it myself I get into a happy mood.
WY: My song is called “THE BLUE LIGHT” and as the members each have our own color when we’re promoting in Japan, I’m in charge of blue. The energy I get while looking at the blue lights that the fans always shine for me leaves me with a big impression. It’s not just the fans who do it, our staff and families do it too. Since they exist for me as a (blue) light, I made this song with that thought in mind.
JK: I made the title “WHPH” as an acronym for “Work Hard Play Hard” and it’s a song that tells my own story. Musically it starts off with elements of hip hop and changes genres becoming R&B for an interesting style.
TY: My song is called “Chocolate Duet with Yerin,” and like the title says, I wanted to write a song that is invigorating and sweet like chocolate.
CS: My solo track is a sad ballad called “Boku wa/I.” Please be sure to listen to it on nights when you want to cry.
JH: Don’t cry~
CS: Cut it out. I’m not crying.
JH: It’s alright, you don’t have to hold back. You can cry.

—Then, please do so in Junho’s embrace.
JH: (immediately) I’m sorry. He’s too big to fit in my embrace.
CS: It’s alright. I’m not going to cry.

—Then, Junho.
JH: My song “Crush” is basically a rock style and is the 3rd work of its kind following “SAY YES” and “HEY YOU.” If “SAY YES” is a song about the beginnings of love, and “HEY YOU” expresses the commonplace fights that happen between lovers, this time’s song “Crush” depicts the infidelity of a bad guy. Up until now I’ve been singing love songs full of hope, but this time I’m showing a different side of myself by trying to express a state of the mind being in chaos where good and evil co-exist.
JK: Junho once again sang a song exactly about himself.
JH: But I’m not the kind of bad guy who acts unfaithfully.

—Out of the members of 2PM, there is no one who is a bad guy, is there?
TY: We are all good people!

—The 6 different colors of the 6 of you have gotten deeper with this album.
NK: We constantly want to show something different and we want to keep undergoing the challenge of making more new music.
CS: About how each of our music keeps changing, I believe our transformations will come to light clearly even in our performances. Therefore, I wish for all of the fans to anticipate and wonder what kind of things we will come out with next.

—Now then, the lyrics in “THROUGH THE FIRE” say “There doesn’t exist a wall which cannot be overcome,” but please tell us what you think you excel in that the other members cannot overcome.
JH: My beautiful butt.
JK: Junho’s butt strength is amazing! It can even hold wooden chopsticks (laugh).
NK: He broke a bundle of 32 wooden chopsticks with his butt.
WY: He’s Korea’s champion! (laugh)
JH: 32 is the actual record!!
JK: Junho is too overwhelming, we can’t point out what we excel at. This conversation won’t be able to continue after this (laugh).
WY: 2PM is Junho’s butt (laugh). Even things the others can boast about turn into nothing in front of this butt. He’s a genius (laugh).

—Then, what does Nichkhun excel at?
CS: Language. He can speak Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and English.
JH: Hey, isn’t Nichkhun’s too intellectual? Mine is just my butt.
WY: Nichkhun’s is intellectual. Junho’s is aesthetic (laugh).

—What does Chansung excel at?
NK: Taekwondo. He’s a Black Belt.
JK: Also, the thickness of his thighs.
JH: When my butt collides with his thighs it’s like a sword and a shield.
CS: I absolutely don’t want to get hit by Junho’s butt. Because it would hurt (laugh).

—What does Jun. K excel at?
WY: Music. His musicality sense is amazing.
CS: The arts.
JH: Ahh~ I really picked something weird (laugh).
NK: I will say what Wooyoung excels at. That is,  Busan.
All: (laugh)
WY: I’m a Busan Man. If you guys go sightseeing there, I’ll guide you around.
JH: Wooyoung won the first place prize for “Pretty Child” in Busan. He was brought to the contest by his mom when he was 12 years old and when it was his turn to go on stage at the “Pretty Child” contest, he performed a ridiculous dance and won the prize.

—Even then his dancing ability must have been a cut above the rest.
NK: No one can beat him when it comes to ridiculous dances (laugh).
TY: He also has a gag sense.

—Then, what does Taecyeon excel at?
NK: Height.
TY: Eh!? That’s it?
WY: Math calculation. He helps us out by quickly calculating the price when we go shopping at the convenience store.
CS: He has the ability to calculate and his knowledge is vast.
JK: His knowledge of the miscellaneous is amazing. Furthermore, he can sleep anywhere; he’s the king of sleeping (laugh).
CS: We usually can’t sleep if our backs aren’t stable, but for Taecyeon, all he has to do is sit his butt down and he can fall asleep anywhere (laugh).
TY: So it seems (laugh).

—In “THROUGH THE FIRE” there are lyrics that say “Set my heart on fire,” but what is it that would set your hearts on fire?
JK: To say the least it would be 2PM’s activities!
NK: Arena Tour. My passion is awakened!
JH: We’re going to run out!
CS: Starting from this album, we’re going to be participating quite a bit when it comes to producing, and when my music ideas come out it lights my heart on fire!

—Similarly, there’s a part that says “What we want to do, what we must do, what is true to ourselves,” however, what do you feel you want to do and must do right now?
NK: Rather than something I must do now, I want to travel together with all 6 of us members! There hasn’t yet been a single time when we all traveled outside of work.
All: Sounds nice~!
TY: Traveling and seeing new things and going through experiences would be useful for songwriting and renewing one’s senses!
NK: Also, the something I must do now would be to prepare for the Arena Tour, concentrate my mind, and manage my physical condition including exercising.

—Coincidentally, where would the 6 of you want to go if you traveled?
NK: I want to go to the US. I want to rent 2 cars and go on a road trip.
CS: Let’s all go!
JK: I want to go exploring in the sea in a submarine.
JH: I want to get on a Cessna and push the others from behind (laugh).
NK: Junho’s going to push us and not fly? Which means……
JH: No, no! Skydiving! The 6 of us will hold hands and jump!

—Wooyoung, what do you want to do now?
WY: It’s fine as long as I don’t go skydiving (laugh).
JH: Why? Let’s do it. I want to do it together!
CS: I’m fine (without doing it) too.
JH: Come on, just once, please!
CS: It would be fine, but not now.
JH: You don’t want to bungee jump either?
CS: Bungee jumping is okay since we would be tied with a rope.
JH: Skydiving is fine too since there’s a parachute attached.
CS: If Junho really wants to, let’s do it someday!
WY: Truthfully, every day lately I’ve had my focus set on 2PM. Therefore, there’s no room for thoughts outside of 2PM. It would be nice to make it a reality together someday!

—In May of this year you will be facing the anniversary that will mark the start of the 5th year since your Japan single debut, but how is it when you take a look back?
JH: It happened in the blink of an eye.
JK: Although it truly went by fast, I feel like we really received a lot of love from everyone. I want to respond to the love we were given for those 5 years through the next 5 years.
JH: I want to be more loved! In order for that I’m going to work even harder!
JK: However, there is still a lot of unbearable things. What I mean is that there are a lot of things I want to show that I haven’t yet been able to. I ceaselessly think about how to close the distance between the fans and I through music, and I wonder what kind of artist should 2PM be shown as to everyone, and I want to face those (conflicts) head on.

—I think you have established yourselves as artists already.
All: Not at all yet.

—However, all the members have released solo songs, and besides, I don’t think there are very many groups that can produce songs themselves.
JK: I think all the members are greedy. Therefore, we’re not yet satisfied.

—You have limitless ambitions.
CS: We’re always tirelessly putting out the best of ourselves, but when we look back at the response we got, there are a lot of areas we feel we were lacking in. While experiencing that many times over, our senses become more refined and we participate in producing even more vigorously, and it now feels that we have to make our own music. If we had gotten this far without studying anything we wouldn’t be able to conquer this unbearable feeling. In order for us to be able to put out our best, everyone can’t help but mature. That is what increasingly made it possible for us all to produce.
WY: Bingo!!

-–In “Shiny Girl” there are lyrics that say “I’m learning just how precious you are as we overcome various times,” but did something happen recently that made you once again feel how precious the members are?
JH: I’m always thinking about it.
WY: I recently had a solo tour not too long ago and all of the members came to the concert venue to see it and at that time is when I felt the preciousness of the members once more.
CS: I have thought about how reliable the members are and yearned for their reassurance when I carried out schedules by myself. I think it’s natural that the members’ presence becomes needed during tough times, however even more so is that when the members are with me just like they are now, I can work and have fun at the same time. When we meet up there isn’t any awkwardness, we can laugh with each other, and it makes me think I want to be with them again. I believe those moments are precious and really important.
JK: You’re so wise (hitting his shoulder).
TY: Like the Arena Tour we are on now, I feel our invisible unity as 2PM when we travel around to different areas and hold concerts, and that’s when I once again feel that 2PM exists because each member is there.

—Speaking of which, is there ever a moment in daily life when you casually have the thought “It would be nice if this member was here right now”?
JK: I’m reminded of Wooyoung when I eat chicken. Because he always ate chicken when we were trainees.
JH: I’m reminded of Nichkhun when I see Mickey Mouse (laugh). Because Nichkhun likes Mickey Mouse.
WY: I’m reminded of Taecyeon when I go to the convenience store. I think, “Ah~ I wish he would calculate for me” (laugh).
JK: Also, when I go to an ice cream store I’m reminded of Junho and I will send a picture saying “Here I am now~.” However, I can’t buy it and bring it back (laugh). I just boast.
JH: For instance, when I buy a sofa the members will ask where I bought it and we exchange information and such.

—You can’t get the members out of your head.
NK: We have a 2PM chat. When Chansung takes a funny photo we laugh about it together and he always sends it to us.
JH: Jun. K and I own pet cats and dogs so we send pictures of them to each other and show off saying “Mine is cuter!” (laugh). Whenever we see each other in person nowadays that’s what we talk about.

—You truly have a good relationship. I’m looking forward to you guys on your Arena Tour!
All: Please enjoy it!

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Loving this interview cos it show how close the members are. I think they are the closest boy band! They are very supportive of each other, never envious. Also this album everyone contribute their ideas. They are all nice people, treat each other like brothers Wooyoung' song 'blue light' - both sy and him love blue so not surprising, always think of her :)

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Wooyoung ah …give us  a little hint….
 I thought n hope wooyoung will suggest to the members  to go to paragliding? ( Is right spelling?)
but still I can see wooyoung still nervous about flying …..wkwkwkwkwk ;)

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Guest freeza

Dear chingu.... i have a confesion to make....i miss 2young soooo much i think i'm going crazyyy.

first i road all the ff about 2young....watch all their vid on youtube, kshow...anywhere...then i want to road ff jbum write n scutler write that not on ff yynation...so for that i need to back tracking so i though...hmmm i'm going back on oage one....haiiiisss road all your comment al over again.... god i miss this two soo much...

now that seyoung disputed is over i really want they make an mv together n do drama togetherrrr pleeaassseeee. I'm so hoples. Sometime i regret watching their wgm, ottoke i love them soo much.

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@freeza u are not the only one missing them. I also rewatch their wgm episodes- viewing it again is interesting cos u see some things u missed before- eg u realize wy is very touchy feely, he is always poking or massaging sy's arm. He is also very shy, don't dare to hold her hands. That's why I don't believe he is the playboy type. Another thing- last episode his blue shirt has bicycle prints. Those with keen eyes can pls confirm? If it's true- shows he enjoys their cycling trip. I also wish they can appear on some variety shows like running man but I noticed it is the same few idols featured. Imagine if wgm were to bring them back the rating will sure go up!

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@Gerry58 Even if WGM did even a one ep special with past couples I will take what little there could be, and spazz.

Btw for those worried about that pix of WY, no need for for concern. MY eyes are not good but I think the 3 are trainees for a possible new group 6Mix, part of the JYP family. They are close to Got7 too being trainees together. They are gradually being exposed, through MVs, CFs and concerts. For those with better eyesight, check it out. :)

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Hellooo chinguss..i just need to share my thought..i know being a shipper is really hard..and me too..i feel u @"Rizki Handini" but trust me i believe in them..i have faith in them..lets our ship sail smoothly..keep believing in them..YYnation YY couple..stay strong ..love u all the wayyy..

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WYoung support message for Jiangsu Satellite TV China WGM version "Let's Fall in Love" 


Just feel his comments and  "expressions" 
Translation later when I have time. 
Meanwhile go spazz his happy, smug, controlled expression, talking, sharing experiences in WGM and been married!!! 

edit: another link :http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Iq8O5r8ai-w/?fr=undefined&referrer=http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3711523701

start at 01.47

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Wooyoung's first love is really similar to Seyoung. But of course for me Seyoung is more beautiful.


Wooyoung's Korean Version Rose. I would be great if Seyoung is on the video. I would create a buzz. The girl's outfit though is similar to Seyoung's outfit at their Coca Cola CF. LOL. Go for 1 million views

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[Trans] COSMOPOLITAN - 6 Men Coming Together as a Whole Again, 2PM

6 Men Coming Together as a Whole Again, 2PM
Making a new phrase ‘Beastly Idols’ and starting the syndrome after their debut in 2008, 2PM have become matured men even more. The warm moment when the 6 men who have been bragging each of their ability through solo, acting, album producing, etc gathered as 2PM.

It’s been a long time since we met in 2009. We asked you what you think you would be doing 10 later, do you perhaps remember your answers?
Junho Didn’t we answer that we’d be in the army? Haha.
Taecyeon I can’t remember at all...
Taecyeon answered acting, singing, radio DJ, having a coffee business. Nichkhun answered being married and having a business. Jun. K answered to keep engrossed in music, and being married! Chansung answered acting and singing, Wooyoung answered to be the world’s best musician. And Junho asnwered launching clothing brand, composing songs, producing, singing and acting...
Jun. K When did you say we answered this? Euhaha.
Taecyeon Worst of all I didn't even like coffee that much so I wonder why did I say that? All of us didn't it more thought.
Junho Wooyoung-ah, it won’t be long until you become the world’s best musician
Taecyeon Junho’s launching a clothing brand is even more shocking!
Junho Wait a moment. We are 2PM, are you sure you didn't interview 2AM instead of us?
Wooyoung Didn't we do this jokingly?
Taecyeon Jun. K No we didn't, we did it very seriously. I remembered...
That’s right. It’s still vivid in mind how all of you answered the questionnaire as if you’re answering for college entrance exam. Though it hasn’t been 10 years, 6 years have passed since then.  At that time, all of you said that 2PM’s strongest weapon was ‘performance’ so what do you think have changed now?
Chansung We did splendid things like performaces to draw attention in our debut days but I don’t think we can keep going with that only. We’ve gone through a period of change in order to find our own style since then. I would like to say that now is the time when the result of that change is becoming clear. It’s a process of change but we did everything to always show our best.
Your comeback is in June. It is said that there will be a lot of members’ composition too this time but if you are to give a hint about the new album? Only to evoke expectation.
Junho The sure thing I can say that this album was really made by us.
Taecyeon Members’ participation in this album is higher than in the others we’ve had until now. We’re showing more and more of our colors whenever we release new albums in the future. As Chansung said before, I think this album can show you the best of our current capability.

We can’t help but to ask about love to young people at the peak of youth. Honestly, we don’t have to tell that 2PM members will do well but who is the romanticist among the members?
Junho Well, won’t everyone be romanticist when in love?
Wooyoung If not, I think one can at least be romanticist to his lover even when he’s not to other women. There are many lovers who can’t date comfortable despite being in love because they go public. I think they would have the thought of wanting to try like ‘I want to date like this too’.
Chansung I just want an ordinary date of walking on the streets while holding hands.
Junho True. Something like eating spicy rice cake together at the snack stall. That’s why I want to have a lot of quality time with my wife when I get married later. It’s because I’m unlikely to get married soon. The soonest would be when I’m 35 years old? I’d be starting my life with the woman I love so I would like to try everything I couldn’t do before as much as I wish with her.

I personally think that ‘obsession propensity’ is one of the biggest traits of men so as <Cosmo Men> cover models is there something that you’re obsessed with recently? Not obsessed in a negative way but kind of something you’ve done much.
Junho I have one! I’m rasing 2 cats at home but I’m quite obsessed with the state of their feces. The kids got some diarrhea so I have to check on them and feed them medicines by myself, covering their feces right after they defecated... I’m not sure how obsessed I am to keep being alert of those moment.
Wooyoung I think I’m obsessed with studying these days. I’m getting really curious about the world lately. That’s why I read random books.  I keep on seeing things like documentary or video feeds... I recenly read a book called < Healing The Shame That Binds You> and it’s good.
Chansung I’m really interested in photography recently. It’s not talking selca, haha. The fans gave me a camera for my birthday gift so I started by wondering whether I should try taking pictures with it and it was surprisingly fun.
Nichkhun Mine is Mickey Mouse. Haha.
All Seriously, he has to go to Disneyland to see Mickey Mouse whenever we have schedule overseas. He also draws Mickey Mouse during his time off. But, he matches with Mickey Mouse well.
Jun. K I’m recently obsessed with spacing. I’m the type to not do well when my place is uncomfortable, even it’s only a little. I only sit on places to sit even at home. I’m obsessed with seeking comfort for spacing in that way.
Taecyeon I’ve fallen for spirits (alcoholic drinks) tasting. Wine, beer and recently whiskey, they have a lot of kinds and tastes. I find it fun to taste them and fine which one fits my taste. But I’m not an alcoholic. Haha.
Last question. What time is the hottest time now on 2PM’s clock?
Junho Of course it’s still 2PM. We’re always bright and energetic, very hot.
Taecyeon If so, it’s actually the hottest at 3PM. Because of the solar radiation. Haha.
Wooyoung Then the answer is 3PM.
Jun. K If 3PM is the hottest time, then we still have a long way to go. I think we’re at 2:02 PM. If we have gone through a process toward 2:01 PM until now, I think we’ll be at 2:02 PM starting from now on. We’re always progressing.

credit to:  nuneo2dakay at 10:52 AM
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Wooyoung's answer...Is it from personal experience...

Wooyoung If not, I think one can at least be romanticist to his lover even when he’s not to other women. There are many lovers who can’t date comfortable despite being in love because they go public. I think they would have the thought of wanting to try like ‘I want to date like this too’.

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They are all so cute! Khun going Disneyland cos he likes Micky mouse Chansung wants to hold hands with gf while walking down the street, junho wants to eat spicy rice cake with gf- both activities wy already done so...

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WY: musician, romantic, intellectual. Intense with a humorous streak. Perfect....for SY.

I wish fans, Dispatch and other watchers leave celebrities alone because 2 singles dating in public is not a scandal by any stretch of the imagination. No wonder many of them wish to have an ordinary date.

Am glad WY chose a street date for the two of them on that last ep of WGM, They got that experience at least. :)

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Guest freeza

At my office still back tracking. Gigling my self like crazy. the new ff not helping either, i mean common author nim...jinjaaa...gosh... its hard to be a shipper...like literally hard.

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WYoung support message for Jiangsu Satellite TV China WGM version "Let's Fall in Love" 


Just feel his comments and  "expressions" 
Translation later when I have time. 
Meanwhile go spazz his happy, smug, controlled expression, talking, sharing experiences in WGM and been married!!! 

edit: another link :http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Iq8O5r8ai-w/?fr=undefined&referrer=http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3711523701

start at 01.47

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