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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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morning yy nation 
let's vote today till the end 
missing them so much
about wooyoung ig updata
that's the translate of the captions

#‎JUNON‬ April IssueI like music, butI also like drawing…

If it’s something I can put myself intoAll the methods are good 
Eng: 2PMalways

[On picture]
- Time for drawing
I like interior quite a lot. I placed desk lamps in the room here and there, so that I could be absorbed in a thought. I never turn on the fluorescent lamps. The furniture is all wooden and order-made. When I buy something, I buy it thinking I would use it for a long time so I keep only the things I like. I also draw at home. Whichever way I prefer, materials might be acrylic paint, coloured pencils, and so on. When you draw, suddenly images or lyrics you would’ve never thought of come to your head, and it’s really interesting. Especially, the need for diverse imagination increases when you prepare for an album or right before a tour, so for me drawing is something that is really necessary.
trans by 2pmalways

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I found this interview talk to Wooyoung-Seyoung in WGM.
Can some Korean trans please ???
혹시 제작진이 ‘망붕’은 아닐까?
‘망붕’이란, 망상분자를 변형한 말로 연예인들에 관한 확인되지 않은 사실을 진실로 믿거나 비즈니스적 행동을 진심으로 해석하는 사람을 뜻한다.
대표적으로 ‘우리 결혼했어요’의 출연진들이 ‘진짜로 사귄다’고 상상하는 사람들을 향해 많이 쓰이는 단어인 ‘망붕’.
지난 2014년 초 박세영과 함께 MBC ‘우리 결혼했어요’에 합류한 투피엠(2PM) 우영은 프로그램 하차 후 단호한 모습을 보여 팬들을 안심시켜준 바 있다.
우영은 지난해 9월 방송된 KBS COOL FM ‘조정치-장동민의 두 시’에 출연했을 당시 박세영에 대해 이성적인 감정을 느꼈냐고 묻자 “그런 생각 없이 (우리 결혼했어요) 촬영할 수는 없다. 일부러 촬영할 때 "내 아내다" 생각하며 더 집중하려 했다”고 답했다. 하지만 이어 우영은 “촬영 당시에는 박세영과 연락했는데 하차 이후에는 박세영도 드라마를 찍어야 하다 보니 연락을 못 했다”고 단호하게 밝혔다.
또한 우영은 비슷한 시기 9월 이루어진 한 매체와의 인터뷰를 통해 박세영과의 가상부부 생활을 ‘즐거운 시간’으로 일축하기도 했다. 우영은 박세영과의 진한 스킨십에 대해서도 “우리 사이를 두고 많은 분들이 여러 얘기를 하더라. 심지어 ‘우리 결혼했어요’ 제작진도 우리에게 진짜 사귀는 것 아니냐고 의심하기도 했다”며 “솔직히 말하라고 재촉하기도 했다. 특히 만날거면 나중에 들키지 말라는 조언도 해줬다. 어이기 없어서 그냥 "됐다"고 했다”고 덧붙였다.
우영의 말을 보면 ‘우리 결혼했어요’ 제작진이 망붕은 아닐까 싶은 의심이 든다. 만들어진 프로그램 안에서 비즈니스를 하고 있는 연예인을 형해 ‘솔직히 (사귄다고) 말하라’니. 


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[TRANS] 150304 Wooyoung Oricon Interview

Wooyoung (From 2PM)'s 5 Important Things

Wooyoung (From 2PM) has started his long-awaited Japanese solo promotions as the 3rd member to do so. Wooyoung would always be the one to open up a casual talk with the members, but from start to finish on this day he talked to us with a serious countenance starting from his single "R.O.S.E," to fans, and finally to love...... with plenty of his emotions packed in.

What helps make him forget about unpleasant things and stress

---Please tell us how you feel to be releasing a Japanese solo single.
Wooyoung: Since I was most worried about the showcase I practiced for it whenever a margin of space would open up. I had to memorize lyrics, practice the dances, and so on, and I prepared while being careful not to overlook a single thing.

---Rather than feeling happy about the solo single release, you were already looking ahead. According to your personality, was there not a time in which you got caught up in the moment?
Wooyoung: There's that side of me too, but even if inside my heart I was happy, I'm the type to not show it on the surface and it might not even appear to my own self.

---Like suppressing your emotions?
Wooyoung: I do think it's something I try to control my emotions for. It's because I might express too much happiness in my facial expressions, or become immersed in joy and not be able to pull myself out of it, and it will feel like I've disappeared into thin air. I suppose I strongly feel that I don't want my happiness and joy to end just because of how I feel. Therefore, I constantly fix into my mind how I am currently feeling and leave it there. Just as I am about to complete a song, those bits of recollections repeat. Those various things I felt and was able to make a memo of come back to me.

---When you write a memo, do you write it on paper?
Wooyoung: I have notebooks that are always inside my bag and when lyrics come to mind I write them down as long as I'm able to, and other than lyrics I can also draw pictures or things I want to express in the notebook. If a melody comes to mind I take a sound recording of it on my cellphone, and when I go overseas I take a small keyboard with me. Whether I use them or not it's always these 3 points. I make sure to always place 2 notebooks, a cellphone, and a keyboard in with my personal belongings. Then, I take the lyrics how I've jotted them down and develop them until they mature into a song. And if I'm able to make a song out of them then I sing them and keep going until I come down from the stage. Therefore, my concentration has not a moment where it can be paused.

---That must be difficult.
Wooyoung: Yes (bitter smile). It can be called difficult depending on how you look at it, but the way I control myself is something I have learned to do in my own special way. I concentrate really hard when I'm working but when I overdo it and can't do anymore or when it's no good, it's no good. Therefore, I try not to overdo it at those times and I always keep my mind open, and I'm then in a state of slight intoxication about something like that (laugh). I would call it a sensation like watching a movie. Also, Tokyo's nightscape has a lot of buildings. I really like watching the red lights blinking on top of the buildings and Tokyo is my favorite viewing place. When I'm watching the red lights on the buildings in that nightscape it feels like all of my exhaustion will disappear.

---Now please tell us about your solo single "R.O.S.E."
Wooyoung: "R.O.S.E" is a song that compares a rose to a woman. It started with the question "Out of all kinds of flowers, why do only roses have thorns?" Although roses are very beautiful, wouldn't it hurt if a person reached to grab one and it stuck them? I thought that it must be a rose's way of protecting itself. Then, if you compare a rose to a woman I thought "Why do they have such thorns? Do they carry some kind of wound? Do they think they can't fall in love if they wear thorns that way?" I wrote lyrics while I considered those questions. Most men will be completely into a woman's charms but will give up after getting stuck by her thorns. However, the protagonist in this song is a straight-forward man who is overflowing with confidence and can show his true love to a rose-like girl. On the other hand, "COCKTAIL" has an image of carefree listening. When I thought "What is something that will take away one's exhaustion after working a full day?" I thought that if I were to drink a glass of sweet cocktail together with the person I love, I could open up about what's inside my heart and if I were a little tipsy it would make me forget any unpleasant things and the stress of that day, right?

Wooyoung's position in 2PM is the prankster?!

---Is that Wooyoung's wish?
Wooyoung: Yes. It's a song that expresses my desire of wanting to lean on my partner's shoulder and in order for that, it would be nice if you and I had time to drink a cocktail. Then, "Happy Birthday" was made with my sincerity of making it into a special present for all of the fans. I have often been told "Today is my birthday!" at high touch and fansign events, so I thought of something I could do for them and with that mindset I made this song a present. There are a lot of dark and sad things in the world but I expressed my feelings of just wanting to show you a beautiful story in the lyrics. "Happy Birthday" is a simple and bright birthday song of which there are many, however the important thing that I thought when I made it was "I want my passion to reach out."

---I think the fans will end up crying when they hear this song!
Wooyoung: (smiling brightly) Every time I sing this song I feel like crying, too.

---There are different voices of Wooyoung in the other songs and I can once again feel your freshness as a vocalist, but I felt like you were addressing me the most in this song out of all of the songs. I thought, what would happen if he performed this live? I got a chill just from imagining it.
Wooyoung: Please anticipate it. Truthfully, I thought and worried a lot while I prepared for the showcase. There are still a lot of inadequate parts and I myself am still not satisfied, but I think you will be able to see what kinds of things I think about and get a sense of what kind of person I am. Because this time every song will be sung entirely with my voice. I have a feeling that the way you feel and the way you see me will probably change.

---You have a cool impression on stage with 2PM, so I look forward to seeing how Wooyoung will look as a soloist.
Wooyoung: Isn't my position in 2PM the prankster?

---Although you also have a prankster side, I think your interaction is cool. Is that because you want to appear cool? Or is it to hide your shyness?
Wooyoung: I don't think I'm very good at expressing my delight when I first talk to someone, but rather than acting cool to match the stage, it just happens because I'm concentrating on stage. I of course still like to prank even then and sometimes I end up giving in a bit (laugh). Singing songs is naturally the main event, however. Therefore I'm always concerned with the upcoming stage...... there are times when I gave in and ended up not being able to transition to the next one, so I constantly keep aware. However, the roles often change between the 6 of us and when I give in the other members will pull me back out of it and I will return to how I was, and conversely I will bring the other members back if they give in too much with my cool interaction, and that is how I feel we keep each other's balance.

---You're always thinking objectively. However, your charisma is amazing when you're standing on stage.
Wooyoung: Ahahahah, is that so?

---Eh!? You don't feel it yourself?
Wooyoung: I was thinking I had more of a cute image.

---People are different when they are dancing and performing. You're too modest!
Wooyoung: I'll try harder (laugh).

5 things that are important in Wooyoung's life

---By the way, there's a lot of love depicted in this work, but what does Wooyoung think love is?
Wooyoung: Wow!! That's really tough....... I think I undoubtedly receive a big boost of power from love but I don't think love that can become poisonous is necessary. If I were to say why, there are 5 important things in my life: family, friends, the opposite sex, work, and things that I genuinely become obsessed with, such as hobbies. Those 5 things. It's essential that I'm not lacking in any of those categories and I'm always thinking about keeping control of those 5 categories percentage-wise.

---That must also be difficult.
Wooyoung: It is (bitter smile). However, I think it's not good to be too biased for any one of them. For example, even when it comes to family, although I of course have restrictions, that's exactly why it would offset the balance if I were to go all-in. Since it's obviously important to myself, I keep a good balance on each respectively and the situation surrounding those 5 things is ideal for me. Even saying so, I don't mean that I neglect any of of those 5 things, but my way of thinking is to devote the best I have for each one. Moreover, none of them are a given. For example, love isn't just about receiving, and even though we're together right now, it doesn't mean the relationship will continue forever, and by tomorrow the relationship might be different, and I believe people are beings that are constantly changing. With this kind of thinking as the base, I won't burden my partner more than necessary and I will not feel lingering affection, attachment, or captivation, and I am better able to enjoy the present moment.

---Are you fine being alone and isolated from others?
Wooyoung: It's become a habit for me to live a life in which the members are always there with me, so I think there are times when I more strongly feel the loneliness of being alone. However, conversely I progress better alone when I'm making songs, and I think being left alone is important. I connect with work and am able to concentrate better when I'm left alone and I think that it perhaps gives me a source of responsibility. It might be because I'm a man, but if you are a man you don't perceive it simply as boredom, and I feel it's important to thoroughly think about just what isolation is at least once.

---You don't want to waste time.
Wooyoung: That's why I don't sleep much at night. However, when I have a schedule the next day I make sure to sleep for at least 3 hours.

---Only 3 hours? You mentioned "if you are a man" but what is your ideal image of a man?
Wooyoung: A man who can demonstrate his strength when he must be strong. Whether it's for the people surrounding him, for the person he loves, or for his family and friends, he should be a man who is strong when he needs to be and will truly stand up and face something with courage. He should be innocent and pure in front of the person he likes and only look at that one person. Therefore, since he's already a man he doesn't need to show his strength with recklessness. The expression "I'm always behind you" is used in many love songs but I want to always be behind [the person I love] and constantly watching over them. However, I believe that when it's time to step in front of them [in order to protect them] then you must step in.

---I was able to learn much about humanity through your deep thinking today, Wooyoung. Your sense of responsibility is overflowing more than anything, and in response to everything.
Wooyoung: I'll try hard to become a man with a strong sense of responsibility!

---Not at all. As a man of Busan, you will definitely make good on your words!
Wooyoung: Ah, excuse me...... (laugh).


JPN-ENG: dawnjelly
Source: http://www.oricon.co.jp/special/47732/

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It’s like a cocktail with you x4

The dazzling sun paints the day’s end red
I call you like I do every day
What are you doing today? It’s the standard question
Nothing’s changed since the time we dated, Baby

No matter where I am when I think of you
I want to hurry and see you
Tonight let the two of us get drunk until our eyes are mutually fixed on each other, Baby

It’s like a cocktail with you (You, you got it) x4
Tell me if you wanna got it

Hey do it   do do do it yeah
Hey do it  (It’s like a cocktail with you)

For you  My sweet cocktail
You’re reflecting in the glass, Sexy girl
Everything about you is lovely
I want you all to myself

(I know) It’s midnight in the world
I’m at the limit of my reasoning
My overflowing emotions
Can’t be stopped by anyone

Even commonplace words said with your voice
Have got me in a trance
Your sweet sigh lights my heart on fire, it can’t be put out, Baby

It’s like a cocktail with you (You, you got it) x4
Tell me if you wanna got it

I still love it love it and
You wanna drink it drink it more just tonight
And just tell me tell me
If you wanna dream it dream it more just tonight

Sweet love   I want to have a dream with you
Stay gold   Forever My love
Romantic Cocktail   I want to get drunk   I want to get drunk on real love with you
I won’t ever let you go   Not until the last day

It’s like a cocktail with you x4

It’s like a cocktail with you

Hey do it   do do do it yeah
Hey do it   (Just like a cocktail with you)
JPN-ENG: dawnjelly



I know your shirts :


Happy Birthday :


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Guest MuthiiahH

Aigooooo..... I Love Him so much..... I can tell He is in a relationship right now, the way he speak about love "opposite sex" is so manly....

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The lyrics to cocktail - "I call u like I do everyday...' I like this part, means they talk often. These lyrics definitely from someone in love, so romantic. Hope he writes more cos he got inspiration! We welcome everyone to join us in this forum

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Guest NorsalwaA

Actually if u look at the lyrics, 3 of his song talk about how she's sleeping beside him

He must really like watching her sleep

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he make this kissy face a lot these days :-* :-*


@JYPE_JAPAN WOOYOUNG Japan Premium Showcase Tour 2015 “R.O.S.E” in Osaka day2!the warm hearts of fans wrap the performance, thank you♡ let’s raise up the valuable time until the end ♪ (x)

trans by 2PMnation


HJM] Wooyoung in Osaka 4
Wooyoung is also happy at the large exhibition!
Thank you ~
Starting from today Namba Hatch 3 days!
Everyone please wait for a little~

cr: DndunDkfgdl_yk

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Guest yantz3

I miss our couple so much... And when I watch Running Man, they show the "greatest love" couple race...

They have our couple white big bear in one of their race...

Aaahhh...how I miss our couple even more...
:(( :((

YYcouple famous white bear...their memory...
The man had to run up the stairs with the teddy bear and the women waited upstair to receive the lovely bear...


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Hi chingus and hello to newcomer @DIgofldJWY!


Missing seyoungie so much these days I decided to watch her videos during Cat Funeral press con...and I found something!

In the video after sy spoke, Kang In asked her:

KI : If 'Fashion King' and 'Cat Funeral' fell into the water, which one will you save first?

SY: Why would they fall in the water? (in her aegyo voice...God I miss her  :x    )

KI : I mean the film...

SY: Film aniyaaaa / they are not film (another aegyo)

KI : Ahhh...really?

SY: (explaining to cameramen)...It's because I swim quite well, you see....I think I'll be able to rescue both

KI : (still not giving up)...If Joo Won and me are drowning, who will you save seyoung ah?

SY: I will save you oppa...ahh I will save Lee Dong Hu (Kang In's character in the film)

KI : Thank you seyoung ahh (written on screen)

No, I'm not shipping her with Kang In...my point here is that she's always clear about who she is talking about. It's not Kang In, it's his character that she will save first. It's not Lee Sang Woo but it's Seo Jae Woo that she told wy to ask her to choose from. But Wooyoung is 'uri wooyoungie' and she didn't change him to virtual husband 'nampyeon' or anything...she chose 'wooyoung...as the one and only person deeeep in her heart'....I just love her HONESTY...brutal, but honest nonetheless!

:x >:D<

How many girls have told wy that his left eye is smaller than the right one? Even when she was heartbroken...she was still honest...lol

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