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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@scuttler@shineehappypandas‌, @jbum
really thanks a lot you worked hard and the entery in done in a beautiful way  =D>and yes choosing from the pic and quates was more hard than i thought really every thing has its own beauity and it's own memory I really hope our couple would win this they deserve it the best and, done with voting for today yeh we are leadingI think the love for this couple is endless and that's what it keepthis ship a live and warm till now and hopfully too many years to comefighting :x :D

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Thank you, thank you for all the love today! Now I'm gonna go back to the drawing board as part 2 is up next and we need some knock-out all-kill content, whoop! Also, I while I was in my 2PM video black hole, I stumbled on the CF they did with Miss A for a video game. In that video I found out where that wonderful 'Cocktail' photo came from. Check it. Boyfriend looks good in a tux and in tactical gear.

Here's the longer version of it...

Also, been staring at this gif for the past 3 hours... *sigh* I hope all you ladies who have plans for tomorrow have a wonderful day!
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@scuttler ... that's my favorite moment too... WY was so different to SY in radio star ...they're just too sweet...he forgot at that moment that people watching them, moreover he was late and people in the studio paid full attention to them....and they just couldn't hide how happy they were to see each other....sooooo adorable...

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if tomorrow is the great day for vote, can someone tell me how much members of yy nation are in this moment? i'm worry about we aren't enought for win. thanks

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Happy Valentine's Day, YY Nation!

I've always imagined a harmony of some sort between shippers and 2PM fans (WooStans, particularly) will come soon, but I didn't want to get my hopes up! This tweet just made my shipper's heart skip a little faster today! Is this a sign? :x :x :x

@2PMnation: #HappyValentinewith2PM

-holding hands-♥︎

깍지낀 두손 두손 붙잡고 YES 한걸음 STEP BY STEP 발을 맞추면

니 눈빛이 내게 말하네 좋아해 좋아해 좋아 미칠것같에

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licatz said: if tomorrow is the great day for vote, can someone tell me how much members of yy nation are in this moment? i'm worry about we aren't enought for win. thanks

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yantz3 said: @scuttler ... that's my favorite moment too... WY was so different to SY in radio star ...they're just too sweet...he forgot at that moment that people watching them, moreover he was late and people in the studio paid full attention to them....and they just couldn't hide how happy they were to see each other....sooooo adorable...

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scuttler said: I always found it fascinating/amazing, but if you think about it he has an air of maturity whenever they out in public with each other. When they're at home together or are with their friends, they're funny and silly. But when they're out in public or go to places like Radio Star and the Studio, I feel like he takes the lead and shows a whole lot of maturity.
One of the things I like most about 'Radio Star' is that this was the first time they saw each other since they went to Busan together. I think they had already started to really like each other then. And also, she hasn't seen him since Busan and he had just gotten back from Japan. Like, this is kind of a glimpse into how they are with each other. Up until then, I don't think we've ever seen them "meeting up" documented, other than when he surprised her at the recording studio. I also love the amount of skinship they had on this show. I think it was cute because up until he arrived, I think she was feeling really shy and a little uncomfortable. But that completely changed when he got there. I think her touching him a lot was a way that she comforted herself like, 'Okay, Wooyoung's here. I feel better, I'm more relaxed.' She even said it herself when she started driving more that she feels a lot better when he was next to her. I think offered her that supportive comfort, which I think is really sweet.
But I just love the way they simultaneously reached out for each other. And that SMILE he gave her, oh my word. Talk about swoon-worthy. You can't script that level of attraction.
If you are talking about the Soompi contest, the entry deadline was extended until Monday. I will keep you all posted of when the voting starts. For round one, it's opened to everyone as the voting will be done through the news site. It's the later portions that we would need to be concerned about. That said there are going to be a total of FOUR winners. 2 by popular vote and 2 by staff picks. So, we don't have to rely completely on having a lot of YYers voting, but we also have to put forth really good effort. So please, anyone who is good at fan art and/or fan videos, step up! I am not at all comfortable with that kind of stuff, so please don't rely on me for that, hahaa!

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I told and Angel let my #YYcouple be Healthy and Happy forever.

Angel said: but for 4 days only!

I said : Yes! Spring Day, Autumn Day, Summer Day and Winter Day.

Angel said: No! 3 days only!

I said: Yes! Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Angel said: No! Only 2 days only!

I said: Yes! a Bright Day (Day time) and Dark Day (Night Time).

Angel said: No! Just 1 day!

I said: Yes!

Angel asked: which Day?

I said: EVERYDAY! :x


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Anyone knows YY china fansite, weibo, ??? Maybe can help to post it there and ask them to support us! We are far behind other couples and this make me sad.. We have 159 online on this forum and only 69 awesomes!!

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after looking on the soompi shipper's contest candidates,i see that the candidates who receives lots of awesome votes has their program still aired on tv, thus their shipper's and fans are still active and growing.......

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