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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Jo Kwon & Wooyoung: BFFs!

Jo Kwon is such close friends with 2PM's Wooyoung that staff at photoshoots have said they speak in 'alien language', that only they understand! Kwon says that Wooyoung is like family to him.


Wooyoung may have told Jo Kwon who he is dating and who is he talking to the phone so much hehe.

Just finished the drama Love Rain. Seyoung's character there is really annoying hehe. She had done a great job.
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Hello Friends...Miss U all..

News about Se Young today...




// Im bad..Can't understand korean & google translate is not helping either.Would be grateful if anyone can briefly translate. Thank You.

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Guest wsyoung

Hello^^ this is my first time to post here. I have been read all of your thoughtful and funny comments here. I am one of a fan of yy from korea. The above article is about seyoung is asked for attending an adjustment from the accociation of manager. There is no articulate date, but maybe she will attend for the adjustment. I hope we will have a good news soon.

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@ReenaS‌ this is from Bing Translator:

"Park, SE-young is expected to be a prolonged activity limitations of showbiz.

Korean Entertainment Management Association (hereinafter referred to as the kite Hawk ravine) side 2-2 overnight the exclusive agreement between salt and everything entertainment na dispute expressed a middle position.

Park na organisation salt entertainment side in October last year, the Korean Entertainment Management Association controls the Ethics Committee sanction (the sanction) on nights related to the contract upon receipt of the application, adjust the transfer Pak NA NA is the showbiz action suspension, without waiting for the results of the adjustment of the entertainment industry Management Association.

Adjust the "sanction every gallant side opened the Ethics Commission in this dispute, judging by the issues related to the transfer agreement, the entertainment industry management, ethics are in progress," and "current deliberations, this dispute relates to identifying the authenticity of all the questions and submitted data and statements from salt entertainment depending on the content of the deliberations," he said."

It sounds like we're in for a longer wait! Poor Seyoungie! :( Hang in there, Park Seyoung! Let Woo take care of you!

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Hello^^ this is my first time to post here. I have been read all of your thoughtful and funny comments here. I am one of a fan of yy from korea. The above article is about seyoung is asked for attending an adjustment from the accociation of manager. There is no articulate date, but maybe she will attend for the adjustment. I hope we will have a good news soon.

Aaahhh...thank you dear... can't wait to see my princess active again but am sure in the mean time... WY is taking care of her just fine!!

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@ujiyus1….after I saw wooyoung CD cover I just noticed it….wooyoung current hair style is Resemble with ROSE at his CD cover.
Wow….really perfectionist and detail to arrange his solo come back….charanda wooyoung ah.
And proud of him as fan…he make one of his solo album with the memories about cocktail and cafe….
 hmmmm wooyoungah….dougurang that memories???
Of course….seyoungie gungjungnim…. :)>-

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Hello^^ this is my first time to post here. I have been read all of your thoughtful and funny comments here. I am one of a fan of yy from korea. The above article is about seyoung is asked for attending an adjustment from the accociation of manager. There is no articulate date, but maybe she will attend for the adjustment. I hope we will have a good news soon.

Welcome, welcome! It's fantastic to have an active Korean YY fan here! It'll be nice to be able to get translation more liable than our friends Google and Bing! I hope you stick with us for a long time!

I must ask you since I've always been curious, what's the general reception of YY in Korea? I've only read stuff on netizenbuzz, and the like, which are rarely positive. So I'm always curious if there are a lot of YY supporters in Korea or not. Thanks and, again, welcome!!

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I hate double posting, but here are some fanart that I think are so, so cute!
tumblr_nj5i2bielA1qd38too2_400.jpg tumblr_nj5i2bielA1qd38too3_400.jpg

tumblr_nj5i2bielA1qd38too4_400.jpg tumblr_nj5i2bielA1qd38too5_400.jpg
CR: RR0626 IG
And a bonus... someone had mentioned this on the Thai Facebook page and I had to go back and look. I don't think I'm reaching... and it looks a little obvious. A nod to YY? Come on, Wooyoung-ssi, you gotta be a little more sly than that!

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wsyoung said: Hello^^ this is my first time to post here. I have been read all of your thoughtful and funny comments here. I am one of a fan of yy from korea. The above article is about seyoung is asked for attending an adjustment from the accociation of manager. There is no articulate date, but maybe she will attend for the adjustment. I hope we will have a good news soon.

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After a while... a lot of hair pulling... and piecing things together like a puzzle, I'm finally done with Chapter 23. I would say it's a high 15+ low 19+. Nothing too explicit. Thanks to @jbum for being my guinea pig reader throughout the entire process and always nudging me to finish, cause if she didn't it probably still won't be finished. And thanks to @shineehappypandas for being my awesome editor! I hope you all enjoy!

The drive from the airport to the hotel took a little over an hour. When they arrived, Se-young got out of the car while Woo-young headed towards the garage. She walked into the hotel lobby and headed towards the check-in desk. As it was still early, there weren't many people around. She smiled at the receptionist as she walked up to the desk, "Good morning, I would like to check-in, please."
The receptionist nodded and took Se-young's ID card. After typing in the information, she handed the card back and smiled, "I see that you requested an early check-in when you made the reservation."
"Yes, I did. Is the room ready by any chance?" she asked.
"As a matter of fact, it is," she nodded. "How many keys will you need?"
"Two, please."
"Will you need any assistance with your luggage?"
"No, I'm fine. Thank you!" She smiled and took the keys from the receptionist. The receptionist told her about where to get food and directions to the lounge before pointing to where the elevators were. "Thank you very much," she nodded.
"Enjoy your stay!" The receptionist bowed as Se-young walked away.
She headed to the elevators where Woo-young was waiting for her with their suitcases in tow. "Was the room ready?" he asked.
She showed him the key cards with a smile on her face, "Yup." She pressed the call button and waited for the elevator doors to open. "So, are we doing the Stone Park today? Or are we going to pick tangerines?" she asked.
"They're about the same distance from here. The Stone Park involves a lot of walking, whereas the orchard, not so much," he answered as the elevator doors opened and they stepped in.
She pressed the button for their floor and leaned back against the elevator wall, "Let's go to the orchard today and then we can do the park tomorrow," she decided.
"Okay!" he responded, "That works. Who should we give the tangerines we pick to?"
"Our parents and sisters," she paused, "Do you want to send some to your company?"
"Sure. How many tangerines are we going to have to pick?" he asked as the doors opened to their floor.
"At least five boxes worth," she laughed, leading him down the hall towards their room.
When they got to the door, Se-young pulled out the key and swiped. She turned the handle and smiled at Woo-young before she pushed it opened, "I took the liberty of booking us a suite." She pushed the door opened and stepped in, propping the door open so that he could bring in their suitcase.
He looked around the room and nodded, "Nicely done, Young-ah."
"I thought that if you wanted to do work, it'll be a good idea that you have your own space to do that without having to listen to me sleep," she shrugged, closing the door behind them.
He turned to her as she took off her coat and scarf, hanging them in the front closet, "Thank you, Young-ah." He took his jacket and hat off and tossed them on one of the chairs.
She walked towards the window and looked out at the water in front of her, "The view's gorgeous."
He was standing in the middle of the room, watching her and grinning, "It looks great from where I'm standing," he responded.
She turned around and bit her lip to stop herself from giggling, "Come and look," she waved him over.
He stepped over to her and wrapped his arm around her, "But I'd rather do this," he told her before covering her lips with his. "I've been wanting to do that since I saw you sleeping on the plane when I boarded this morning," he told her when he pulled back a moment later.
She pouted before going up onto her toes and giving him a peck, "I'm sorry to hear that, but here I am. And I'm all yours for the next few days."
"Mmm, I really like the sound of that. Let's go check the bedroom," he smirked, unwrapping his arm and grabbing her hand. He led her towards the door that led to the bedroom and smiled when they walked through, "Looks comfy."
They walked towards the bed. Se-young pulled back the comforter and sheets before climbing in and burrowing herself under comforter. Woo-young joined her a second later and laid on his side facing her, "Are you sleepy?" he asked, brushing her hair back.
She averted her gaze to the buttons of his shirt and brought up her hand to play with it, "Not really."
With a knowing grin on his face, he draped his leg over hers and pulled her closer, "Then what do you suggest we do to kill time before we head out to the orchard?"
A blush crept to her face, but rather than telling him what she wanted, she tugged at his shirt to bring him closer and planted a kiss on him. He brought an arm around her and pulled her on top of him. A few moments later, she pulled back and sat up, her bottom nestled in his lap. She wiggled to get comfortable causing him to scrunch his face, "Young-ah, that's not fair," he groaned.
She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not doing anything."
"Yeah, right, you're not doing a thing," he muttered tossing her off him before getting up from the bed and heading back towards the living room.
"Young-ah," she called, confused. "Woo-young," she called again a little louder when he didn't respond. She kicked the comforter away from her and started to get up from the bed when he returned, "Are you upset with me?" she asked.
He shook his head and stepped up in front of where she was sitting on the bed, "No, I just had to go and get something," he pulled a small cardboard box from his back pocket and tossed it on the night stand.
She looked at the box before returning his gaze to him. Standing up so that they were toe-to-toe she asked, "What should we do now?" His hands went towards the top button of his shirt. Before he could unbutton it, she covered his hand with hers, "Let me." He nodded and removed his hand from his shirt and watched as she worked the buttons of his shirt. When she was finished, she looked back up at him before pushing the shirt back, off his shoulders, then his arms. "Forgive me for ever thinking that you were just skinny," she muttered, more to herself than to him.
He threw his head back and laughed, "You're forgiven," he responded between laughs. Bringing his hands up to her face, he showered her with kisses on both cheeks, "You are something else, Young-ah," he smiled, kissing her softly. "My turn," he told her as he reached out for the buttons of her shirt. He did his best to be gentle, taking his time with each delicate button of her shirt, even though all he wanted to do was rip it off. Their relationship was unconventional for the most part, but the root of it was always about taking care of each other and building trust. As much as he wanted her in that moment, he knew the importance of taking the time to show her how much he cared.
Se-young watched him carefully unbutton her shirt. It was always easier for her to convey her feelings through her actions, rather than words. Every minute she spent with him was precious, regardless if they were just sitting on the couch watching TV or if they were making new memories together. It was hard for her to verbalize what she felt for him, but she knew it was something she hadn't felt with any of her previous boyfriends. It was more than just having fun and letting time pass by. Each new memory was a new piece of the foundation they were building together. 
When they finally ended up on the bed a few minutes later, she smiled at him, knowing that there was nowhere else she'd rather be and no one else she'd rather be with than Woo-young. When he told her he loved her again, she nodded happily, before covering his lips with hers.
A little while later, when Se-young was fast asleep next to him, Woo-young laid awake staring up at the ceiling and reflecting back on the conversation he had with his mother the night before.
The night before...
Woo-young looked around his room one last time to make sure that he had everything he needed packed. Once he was satistfied, he closed the suitcase and zipped it shut. Setting the suitcase aside, he went over to his desk and powered up his computer. He sat down in the chair and pulled out his phone to dial his mother's number. She picked up after a few rings. He smiled at the sound of his mother's voice, "Hi, Eomma."
"Woo-young! Are you all packed for your trip tomorrow?"
"I am. Just finished. I wanted to call and check-in with you. I hope it's not too late?"
"Not at all. We're just sitting around the living room talking."
"Oh, good. I'm going to email you the flight information for when Se-young and I get into Busan in a few days."
"Perfect. We're looking forward to seeing you guys. Your sister's home so she's excited to meet Se-young. And your grandmother's here this time, too."
He chuckled, "I'm sure she'll be excited to meet Nuna. Although, Halmeoni, I might wait to drop that bomb when we land in Busan."
"Your grandmother will love her."
"I know she will. But you didn't see Se-young before she met you. She was having an internal nervous break down. I'll ease her into the idea of meeting Halmeoni."
"We can't wait to see you guys. Your father and I have been telling your sister and your grandmother all about Se-young. We even watched a few of her dramas earlier this week."
"She's something, isn't she?" he smiled.
"We're all very impressed. No wonder's she was so busy the past few years," his mother commented. She paused for a moment before asking, "How is she doing with everything going on with her company?"
He sighed, "I think she's doing okay. She doesn't like talking about it and as much as I want to know, I don't want to push her to tell me until she's ready to talk about it."
"It's such a shame. I hope everything works out for her. I was sad when I heard she wasn't going to the premiere of her movie."
"Me too. She's too good for another agency to not sweep her up when her contract expires. I just want her to be happy. Work makes her happy, but now that she's not working, I'm trying my best to keep her mind off the stressful things and focus on the fun things."
"You really care about her. I haven't seen you this way with another girl before. I knew that the day when we met. There was something different about this girl."
"I didn't know how much I cared, then. I knew I liked her, but I didn't know if it was going to go anywhere."
"I knew that if you wanted me to meet her so badly, she was definitely special."
"You knew before I did," he chuckled.
"I'm your mother. It's my job to know these things." They fell into a comfortable silence for a moment before his mother continued, "Woo-young, you know how much we adore her. We want you to be happy."
"I know, Eomma. And when I'm with her, I'm happy."
"Do you think she's it?"
"I'm pretty sure. I just need her to realize that I'm it for her, too."
"It won't always be easy. We all have our own demons. But if you just continue to take care of each other and accept each other's faults for what they are, things have a way of working themselves out. It wasn't always easy for your father and I, but we still love each other very much."
"I don't want perfect, Eomma. I just want her; good, bad, and everything in between."
"Show her that. It's one thing to tell her, but it's a whole other story to show her. These next few months are going to be tough on both of you. You have all of your activities coming up and she's still got her issues with her company. How are you going to make it all work? It's always easy to make plans in your head, but when it's time to execute, what are you going to do about it?"
"I don't know," he responded.
"You don't need to know now. And I'm not the one who needs the answer; you do. And whatever that answer is, I'm here for you. We all are."
"Thank you, Eomma. I love you."
"I love you, too, Woo-young. And I know Se-young does, too, even if she hasn't said it to you, yet."
"How do you know?"
"A mother's intuition."
He nodded, although he knew she couldn't see it. He looked at the clock on his computer that told him that it was already close to 11.00pm. "I'm going to let you go, Eomma. It's getting late."
"Alright, honey. Have fun on your trip. Take good care of her, but don't forget to take care of yourself, too. I'll see you in a few days."
"I love you, Eomma. Have a good night."
"Goodnight, Woo-young."
He smiled at the conversation he had with his mother. It made him happy that his family liked Se-young and from what he could tell, she liked them just as much. He turned his body so that he could see her sleeping next to him. With her eyes closed and her head resting on her hands, she looked calm and relaxed. He didn't like seeing her troubled and exhausted, but he also knew that pushing her wasn't going to result in anything good. Brushing her hair back from her face, he leaned in and kissed her forehead.
He knew he was going to have to have a serious conversation with his members when he got back to Seoul. As much as he didn't look forward to having such a serious conversation, he knew that it was one that needs to be had. He ran his hand through his hair before sitting up on the bed. With one last glance at Se-young, he got out of bed and grabbed his shirt and underwear from the floor and pulled them on.
He walked back out to the living area where his suitcase was still opened with some of its contents scattered on the floor around it. He rummaged and grabbed a pair of sweatpants. After putting them on, he tossed everything back into the bag, zipped it up, and set it next to Se-young's.
He sat down on the sofa and brought out his laptop from his backpack. Firing it up, he opened the files he was working on for his Japanese solo project. Putting on his head phones, he dove into work and hope that Se-young napped for a while longer so he could get work out of the way before they head out to the tangerine orchard.
Later, Se-young woke up alone to the smell of coffee coming from the living room. Getting up from the bed she walked to the bathroom and grabbed one of the robes hanging on the door. Looking at the mirror on her way out, she fixed her hair. 
She walked quietly towards the door and opened it slightly. Peeking through the small opening, she could see the back of Woo-young's head bobbing back and forth, headphones covering his ears. She also noticed a cart filled with food stationed near one of the tables. Smiling to herself, Se-young opened the door and walked towards him. Wrapping her arms around him, she leaned forward and rested her chin on his shoulder.
Woo-young was in the middle of listening to one of his compositions when he felt Se-young wrapping her arms around him. Taking his headphones off, he turned to face her smiling face, "Hey."
"Hi. What are you listening to?"
"Some of the pieces for the new album," he told her.
She let go and walked around the couch before sitting down next to him. Pointing to the headphones, she asked, "Can I have a listen?"
He looked at her for a moment, hesitating briefly before handing the headphones over to her, "It's not finished yet."
She took the headphones from him, "I'm sure it sounds great." She nodded to his laptop for him to play the song. When the first few series of notes filled her ears, she smiled, reaching for his hand. When he began to sing, her eyes softened at the sweet tenor tone of his voice. She gave his hand a light squeeze and closed her eyes. When the song was over, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. Taking off the headphones, she laid them next to the laptop. "That was beautiful."
"There's some fine tuning I have to do when I get back to the studio," he told her.
"I think it's great," she told him. Pulling her hand away, she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder, "I think it's wonderful. I am so proud of you. I can't wait for you to share it with everyone. They're going to love it."
"I hope so," he told her nervously.
She sat up and looked at him, a slight frown on her face. Grabbing his face, she turned his head towards her, "Young-ah, your fans will love it. You put your heart and soul into your music, anyone who knows you can see that. The finish product is going to be fantastic. You are going to be fantastic."
He smiled and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer before he kissed her cheek, "Thank you." Closing his laptop, he pointed towards the cart, "Are you hungry? I didn't know what you would want to eat so I ordered a bit of everything."
She got up from the couch and walked to the cart. As she bent over to look at the food, the robe rode up, exposing her thighs. She picked up a danish when Woo-young called her name. She looked over to where he was sitting on the sofa with his head tilted, "Hmm?"
"What are you wearing under that robe?" he asked.
Standing up straight, she pondered the answer for a second before replying, "Nothing."
He sighed, closing his eyes, "You're trying to kill me," he mumbled.
She took a bite of the Danish she'd picked up and looked at him blankly, shaking her head, "No. That was not my intention."
He stood up from the couch and walked up to her, "Intentional or not, you're still slowly killing me," he told her before picking her up bridal style.
Startled, she stared at him wide-eyed, "What are you doing?" She asked. As he started walking towards the bedroom, she pointed to the cart, a half-eaten Danish in her hand, "Food," she frowned.
He leaned in and took the rest of the Danish in his mouth, "I will buy you a lifetime supply of Danishes," he mumbled, trying to quickly chew. "We're going to have some fun," he told her, giving her a light peck as he nudged the door open with his foot.
She looked at him skeptically, "I feel like you're the only one who's going to have fun."
He looked at her and pouted, "Young-ah, you know it makes me sad when you say things like that."
"But we just..."
"I know," he said, before setting her down on the bed. Bracing himself on either side of her, he lean in, his face inches away from hers, "But I just can't seem to get enough of you."
Smiling, she reached up and pulled him in for a kiss. Smiling into the kiss, he joined her on the bed, knees on either side of her. When he pulled back, her hands fell to his waist where she grabbed a handful of his shirt. Tugging it lightly, she looked up, "I think you're a little overdressed for the kind of fun you're suggesting."
Quickly unbuttoning his shirt, he tossed it aside, "We can't have that can we?" When she shook her head, he grinned, "You want me to help you with that?" he asked, pointing to knot she tied with the robe's belt. When she shook her head and began to untie the robe, he held his breath. Working on the ties of his sweatpants, he watched as she slipped the robe off her shoulders and tossed it in the direction of his clothes.
"How did I get so lucky?" he asked aloud, not being able to take his eyes off her.
"I ask myself that all the time," she responded with a grin, reaching over to grab a square packet from the nightstand and handing it to him.
Beaming, he climbed back onto the bed, "And here I thought I was all alone," he replied before bending down for a kiss.

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Guest ahlamts

guys, just figured out one thing about wooyoung's solo album release date. As you guys know, it is the 4th of March, and the day that wooyoung met seyoung at first in we got married is the 2nd of January. So, it is 1/2, 3/4? 1234? does this album mean the continued version of our YY couple? ㅋㅋ

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wsyoung said: Hello^^ this is my first time to post here. I have been read all of your thoughtful and funny comments here. I am one of a fan of yy from korea. The above article is about seyoung is asked for attending an adjustment from the accociation of manager. There is no articulate date, but maybe she will attend for the adjustment. I hope we will have a good news soon.

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@scuttler‌ I just come back to say...'I love youuuuu!!!'...yr new chapter is awesome chingu....aigoooo... =D> =D> =D>

Saranghamnida!! Jongmal... :x

And welcome to new members...@ahlamts and @wsyoung ...there's lotsa love to share in this thread, you'll enjoy it!

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