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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@Sage_Turquoise , @scuttler ... I know right ...one of many best episodes,the episode after his visit to recording studio (Ep12) when we found out of that night call xixixi ... I remember when she said why you didn't call me?...WY coz I thought you would be busy at day so that's why I thought of you at night...and she said....Ahhh that's why you only called me at night,... ( SY shy :D )...also when she asked  what did you do recently?...and he start singing his song ADTOY...everyday only thinking  about you...aaawww this two...jinjjjaa....
This is how papa Woo play guitar for his babies someday....tumblr_nikpkwAHWm1rpfcmyo1_400.gifAnd uncle Khun helping...tumblr_nikpkwAHWm1rpfcmyo2_400.gifCr to ikomachan

:)) :))

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So, I know I said I was going to get an update up this weekend. Sadly, I'm struggling to write one last scene. That said, I do have a little treat of sorts. Do you ever wonder what it would be like for Se-young to meet the rest of 2PM? This scene is going to in an upcoming chapter... when that happens, I'm not too sure, but with Wooyoung's solo coming up, I was struck with a bit of inspiration. How it will all play out you'll have to wait, but until then, here's a little peek of Se-young meeting her brother-in-laws! Enjoy

With the door closed behind him, Chansung let out a chuckle and unlocked his phone. Dialing a number, he put the phone up to his ear and waited.
"Hello, Chansung?"
"Nuna! Are you in Japan?"
"I just landed a few minutes ago. Heading towards passport control right now. He doesn't know, does he?"
"Not that I know of. I just left his dressing room a minute ago and he said you just called."
She let out a tiny laugh, "Ah, yes, I checked-in with him when I landed."
"Cute," he grinned. "Anyway, I think Junho-hyung should be there to pick you up. He might have you come out and meet him in the car. You have his number, right?"
"I do. I'll give him a ring when I get through passport control. Thanks for helping!"
"Are you kidding? We love this stuff! The other hyungs are still at the hotel. They're looking forward to seeing you again. I'm thinking we'll get room service for lunch and then head over to the venue. Does that work with you?"
"Sounds great. I'm about to get in line for the passport control. I'll see you in a little bit."
"Okay, bye, Nuna!"
"Bye, Chansung," Se-young hung up and slipped her phone into her purse. Pulling up the strap of her purse, she got in line and waited to be called.
After she got through passport control, she pulled out her phone and dialed Junho's number. He picked up after the second ring, "Hi, Junho."
"Se-young-nuna, hello! I assume you're safe and through passport control?"
"I am. Just heading towards the exit. Are you here already or should I go and wait somewhere?"
"I'm out front. We're in a black town car. I'll have the driver meet you. What are you wearing?"
"I'm wearing a camel colored coat and I have a pink suitcase. I'm just walking out the exit now."
"I think I see you," he told her. Tapping the driver he pointed to where Se-young was standing, "That's her." The driver nodded and stepped out of the car. "He's walking over to get you."
"Alright, thanks. I see him," she hung up the phone and nodded to the driver who smiled at her. "Hello," she greeted.
"Hello, Miss. May I take your suitcase for you?"
"Oh, thank you," she handed him her suitcase and followed him towards the car. When the driver opened the door for her, she saw Junho sitting with a smile on his face, "Hi, Junho," she greeted as she climbed into the car.
"Hi, Se-young-nuna. Did you have a nice flight?"
"It was quick and smooth. So, I can't complain."
He nodded, "Those are always the best."
"Did you guys see the show last night?"
"We did. He was great. You'll enjoy it," he told her.
"I'm glad to hear that. I feel bad lying to him, but I wanted to surprise him."
"He'll be a little sad, but I'm sure it'll all be worth it when he sees you."
"I hope so."
"The guys are excited to see you. And getting to surprise each other is one of our favorite things to do."
"Are you guys all staying together?"
"We got a suite, so there's plenty of room. Woo-young has his own room for the week. Chansung got his key, so we'll go and put your stuff there after we head to the suite."
"That sounds good."
They sat in a comfortable silence as they made their way to the hotel. When they arrived, the driver drove the car towards the back entrance where one of the hotel staff was waiting for them. The driver got out and opened the doors for them and handed the staff member Se-young's suitcase. The staff member lead Se-young and Junho towards the hotel staff elevator. "Sorry for this. It's the only way we can get in and out of the hotel without being seen."
"It's not a problem, Junho. It's not the first and, most likely, won't be the last time this happens."
"I knew I liked you when I met you. And it's not just because you have Woo-young wrapped around your finger," he laughed. Se-young smiled and followed him out of the elevator when it reached their floor. He led them down towards the suite.
When he opened the door, they were greeted by a chorus of hellos from the rest of the members who were sitting around a coffee table, still dressed in their pajamas, with the exception of Chansung.
"Hi everyone," Se-young greeted with a bow.
They all stood up and bowed their greetings. Chansung walked over and took the suitcase from the staff member and thanked him. Closing the door, he gestured for Se-young to sit down, "Can I get you something to drink? Water? Coffee? Tea? Juice?"
She slipped off her coat and scarf, taking in the scene before answering, "Water's fine." She sat down on one of the unoccupied chairs and looked at the three pairs of eyes staring at her, "This is a bit weird isn't it?"
Junho and Chansung burst out in laughter, while Minjun, Nichkhun, and Taecyeon shook their head, "It's not weird. Just... different. We've never really ever met any of Woo-young's girlfriends before," Taecyeon explained.
"You've all met me before; we've worked together in the past. Don't think of me as Woo-young's girlfriend if that's going to make things awkward. Just think of me as Park Se-young."
"I told you, Se-young-nuna's great. You should see her with Woo-young-hyung. He has no chance," Chansung told them.
"It's not like that," Se-young chuckled. "We just do things a little differently than most," she explained.
They all nodded and relaxed a bit. Nichkhun leaned forward, "Se-young-ssi, are you hungry? We wanted to wait for you before we ordered lunch."
"Oh, thank you. I never say no to food," she laughed. "I'm not picky though. Whatever you guys order, I'm sure I'll be able to eat it."
"Take a look at the menu anyway to see if there's something you like," Minjun handed her the menu.
She nodded and grabbed the menu and took a quick look before picking out a dish. Handing it back, she pointed to the dish she wanted, "I'll have that."
Minjun looked at where she pointed and nodded, "Sounds good. Who's ordering?"
"I'll do it," Junho volunteered. "You guys go get changed. Greeting a lady in your pajamas," he muttered, shaking his head.
Taecyeon shoved him off the arm of the sofa where he was sitting before standing up, "I'm going to shower and change."
"I'll take Se-young-nuna to Woo-young-hyung's room so that she can put her stuff there and settle in a bit," Chansung announced.
Se-young nodded and stood up, "I'll just leave my coat and scarf here, if that's okay."
"Sure. We're coming back here anyway. We'll see you guys in a few," Chansung told them, reaching for Se-young's suitcase. Se-young waved to everyone and followed him out the door.

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@scuttler‌ I'm getting excited on that meet up! Seyoung has yet to be fascinated with Jun_K's satoori! On that note, here's 2PM and Seyoung in Music Bank 2013.

"It's amazing how you can fall in love with a person you didn't even notice the first time you meet them."

#2YoungInMuBank #MusicBank2013 #SoNearYetSoFar
(taken from my Ig) :D
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@scuttler Thanks for the treat. Can't wait for the next chapter. Your writing really captures their personality.

Just too bad we were not able to see her interact with the rest of 2pm during WGM. It would have been fun to watch. Anyway your fanfic is just like the extension of WGM. I am enjoying it a lot. I have reread all chapters several times now.

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Guest ylndptrc

OHMYGOD! I feel like cryinnnnggg!!!

Based on 2pmnation twitter,

Wooyoung fanchat name today is "YOUNG"

Do you guys know what i mean right?! :smiley: :blush:

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OHMYGOD! I feel like cryinnnnggg!!!

Based on 2pmnation twitter,

Wooyoung fanchat name today is "YOUNG"

Do you guys know what i mean right?! :smiley: :blush:

He must have read sweet's @scuttler‌ ff haha ^^

"It's amazing how you can fall in love with a person you didn't even notice the first time you meet them."

@Sage_Turquoise‌ some people are destined to meet even if they are not trying or looking for their other half :blush:

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OHMYGOD! I feel like cryinnnnggg!!!

Based on 2pmnation twitter,

Wooyoung fanchat name today is "YOUNG"

Do you guys know what i mean right?! :smiley: :blush:

Let me stay in delulu world....

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This is translated from the fan chat!!

He didn't say no to love...coz he's in loveeee??? **delulu!!*  I like how he answered the question.. not too vague, not too direct but it's just obviously showing that he's in love.  He's a smart boy.

And the rainbow wig?? ...OMG!!  so much feels now!!!

Translated by: 애글레 @Egle0702

QUESTION: We are the Chinese Jang-ppa, Dear JWY. What did you think of the rainbow afro? Did you like the SuperMan JWY LED? And the Nanjing event? Did you see it well?
YOUNG: The rainbow wing was... really good. Got super shocked. Good job.

QUESTION: I was really impressed by the poem you wrote for the fans during the recent Go Crazy fan meeting. I especially liked the line "I want to become your comfort." I want to become something like that to Wooyoung as well, so I wonder whether the fans give comfort to you? You aren't excessively sweet usually, but could you show some affection now? (Also, I have a favour to ask, could you please stop talking about women in your interviews. It's not comfort, it's a wound *sobs*)

YOUNG: Comfort. The way I see it. If we talk deep about this. I think, if it doesn't give someone comfort, it's not an art. So, in the future we have to prepare more thoroughly and be more considerate about our music, acting, etc. Please understand. I love you.

Fans: When? When? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

YOUNG: Wait.

So...he likes to be ON TOP!! Take note everyone!!

JYPE: 장우영노예, please ask a question.
YOUNG: Ask a question.
Fans: look at the power drive LOL
Fans: lol, oppa, so cool "up to me" power
YOUNG: Ask the question, I say
Fans: Wow, scary, oppa, so awesome, Busan man.
YOUNG: Man on top (with a typo?)
Fans: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Here's the rest... I think!!

>>Wooyoung's fanchat name today is 'YOUNG'

>>A fan asked Wooyoung about what kind of animal he wants to raise. He told a story about a hamster he used to have. Wooyoung said that since he had dance practice, he couldn't give his hamster food ... and then, he was like, everyone knows right? So Wooyoung said he now should write a song for that hamster today. The title will be 햄스터야 미안.

>>Wooyoung: Hello. Nice to meet you~ What are you doing? So you've been waiting (for the chatting). Have you been waiting for a long time? kkk

(one fan answered that she could die happily then because woo's came)

Wooyoung: Don't speak rashly. You can't die. TT
cr: nuneo2daKAY

>>Q. Any chance for your Korean Solo Album? If there's none, I'm curious about your Korean activity (acting, variety, etc). I want to know specifically about it whether it will be in first or second half of this year ~ ^^

Wooyoung: Well... Activity... About the activity... It is what we always think about. but the important thing is what would be good for us to do. It's our worry, all of 2PM's. We always worry about that.
cr: nuneo2daKAY

>> Q. Whenever I see your pics which were taken at the airport, you appeared wearing sunglasses and black mask. What is the standard for your styling/outfit those days? Perhaps... to cover your swollen face?

Wooyoung: Swollen face? kkkk the concept of those days are: Up. To. Me. kkk tongue emoticon
cr: nuneo2daKAY

>>Q. I'm curious why your mouth is always opened be it in your selcas or fantaken pics... kk though you're cool however you're photographed but really curious...

Wooyoung: Okay. You're asking me why my mouth is opened, I never do it on purpose. It's just, up. to. me. when the pics are taken.
cr: nuneo2daKAY

>>Q. Is there something you recently fell for or be interested in?

Wooyoung: Okay, good. Something I recently fell for... Haa

fans then said 'erotic' because Haa sounds like a moan maybe xD

Wooyoung: Erotic? Why are you guys like this? kkkkkkkkkk ah sorry.

fans: why did you write haa? haa itself is erotic...

Wooyoung: I want to eat hotdog (playword, he type haa as haat earlier and hotdog in korean is typed and read as 'hatdag' lol) So i think I'm interested in creatice works. Be it music, design, books, and hotdog. Anyway, they're fun and interesting and they are things I want to give it to you all as presents someday. ^^
cr: nuneo2daKAY

>>Q: Which do you do more often: prepare and eat food at home or go out to buy food? Why are you so thin these days.... You're eating before you work, right?

A: Chansung buys me shrip burger. Yeah.. food is very important.. Suddenly, I remeber the food support you gave us during our promotions. They were all delicious.ㅠㅠ Please do that everyday.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ tongue emoticon Ah sorry.. for my answer.. I eat alone, buy food outside too, eat food my mom cooked, and the shrimp burger that Chansung buys me. I'm hungry.. the end.

>>Q: Oppa, you've tried skinscuba diving and you're into sports.. do you originally like stuff like leisure sports? The recent Kpop Star Championships (a-yuk-dae) has Curling.. have you tried that? Do you have the intention to learn that? If you have, will you be willing to work hard to teach us?ㅋㅋㅋ

A: For me.. personally.. I like fishes. So... I like stuff that you do "under the sea". Do you want to go together into the water? You have to be trained for that. Come to me after you've been trained. But really... even if I haven't been there.. I think it would be what it feels like to go into space (like outer space)... Amazing.

>>Q: What stuff do you have in your bag right now? Don't leave anything out and please tell us. Also, what do you have in your wallet?

A: I seriously... do not have any money in my wallet. I have ID... driver's license.. hihi.. a drive with fans would be fine. Ooooooooooooooooooo (yes he wrote a stream of "o"s in korean)

>>Q: When you went to Phuket, what left you the most impression. The thing that you like the most.

A: Oh.... Uhm... Uhm.. I can't forget it.. there was a typhoon. I was shocked/suprised. But... the food is delicious and the sky is pretty and the neighborhood is nice. But.... a typhoon came. I was shocked/suprised.
cr: purletpunk

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@scuttler‌ i love that ep to. In my delulu there's must be something happen. I think they're already kissed. It's just the vibe was so different.

During wgm i think they tried so hard to control they action. But the more they tried the more i believe that they are real. Because eyes n gestured really something you can't hide. Remember paldang ep? They can't hold it anymore kkkkk. Really love when they face each other, they don't care anymore they had to kiss kkkkk. ( to much eel kkkkk)

The camera man so consider n went outside so they can had their time together. It's not their firts time kissed (believe me this ahjuma know hohoho to much delulu) but it's first time they don't care there's camera. If they still in wgm untill now i think the editing team will have difficult time to edit their part because it pg +19 hurhurhur. They edited bed scene before seyoung maked juice didn't they. Hmmmm.....ottoke miss them so much.

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@freeza‌ "...They edited bed scene before seyoung maked juice didn't they. Hmmmm.....ottoke miss them so much."

Aaaaaah!!!!!!!! She did say she slept, didn't she? =)) =)) =)) =)) Let's leave it all to our vivid imaginations what happened during that morning which left WY still sleepy in bed! Aigooo....... :x :x

YY Ship stays afloat!!!

<:-P <:-P

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I don't know how but every time I re-watch stuff, I figure something out or something new catches my attention. This time it was the episode when Woo was talking about introducing Sey as his wife during his solo concert. That episode was in late June, early July right? So, at that time he probably already knew that he was going to do a solo. Which means, by the way he was so confident about introducing her as his wife, that he thought that they would still be around through his solo... which could mean that it wasn't his comeback that was the "cause" so to speak of them leaving. Like many of you said before, a lot of couples that have one of them being an idol, there was always parts where the other would go and visit and cheer on the other during their concert and whatnot. So, I think he was willing to still do the show while preparing for the 'Go Crazy' comeback and had hope that they would have stayed through to his eventual solo. I know I said in the past that the reason they left was probably because of their schedule, but now that I think about it, I guess that wasn't the case. Which makes me super sad. Because I would have loved to have seen her at his concert singing and dancing. I mean, could you imagine if they were still on the show and she was at the concert with his parents?! Ugggghhhhh.
Oh, well. Who knows, she may show up at his solo showcase in Japan, kekekeke....

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WY: Seyoung ahhh.. I'm at the airport now.  Don't bother to tidy up the bed.  Ahjuma will come and clean the house later. 
SY: Wooyoung aaahh... I missed you already!!


I approved his UP.TO.ME airport fashion... he looks like a boy! Ninja boy with colourful jacket... hahaa!!
cr: as tagged

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The eyes are one of the most powerful tools a woman can have. With one look, she can relay the most intimate message. After the connection is made, words cease to exist.

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Guest amore00777

This is  google  translation  of  the   about  wy's   solo.omg..  I  REALLY  FEEL  HEARTBEATING. can   u   see that  the  explain   about  'COCKTAIL"?It  is  almost  same  as  sy's   chair  message  from   wgm.  I am not  delusional   keke
It  is  from  here :http://www.2pmjapan.com/wooyoung/

WOOYOUNG songs commentary"R.O.S.E"R, the greenhouse to protect the flowers. O, the flowers. S is, stems. E is, bees. I have to express the roses themselves with the characters. To "ROSE", "." Is not only one of the word "ROSE" by adding the (dot), and it was thought to be able to more faithfully represent that you are thinking of me. And, simple and is also a funky, a groove I was wanted to make your favorite music. Also taking advantage of as a point instrument, it was simple as possible. And finished to be able to immerse themselves in the real session music, the lyrics. And, I think dance and facial expressions, unconventional frame such as singing way as get to feel the "free"."COCKTAIL"While drinking people and cocktails that love at the end of an exhausted one day, you have to express the atmosphere to heal each other tired of that day. The lyrics have been put very honest feeling, "You softening, in like cocktails, I like it are with you and are drinking cocktails" like that, to be with people who love I feel that the better the mood softened even tired, we have expressed the feeling that flies is tired is hot to faint."Happy Birthday"4 songs to be included on this solo single, is the first song you wrote most.Song I remember was at once wrote in about 3 hours "! While not forget" that the come to mind one after another.In fact, high touch meeting "today my birthday Is that" in and fans and events to meet directly, but I want to most ears the word, in the short time that I can be "Happy Birthday and I had Moyamoya much only word that ". So, when there is talk of this solo, it was the I first thought most is "I want to make this solo single gift to your fans!". Since it is my only song that you wrote and I want to try to make a Happy Birthday in to your fan, when you show off in front of you, I think breast much ever gets hot."I know your shirts"And I do not have clearly farewell, but her feelings are become aware to wearing the shirt of other men in the state where they've already away. Such her to have to have to express the feelings that look, but I'm a very sad song called must accept the "farewell", it is music that drifts even sexy at the same time.
WOOYOUNG収録曲解説「R.O.S.E」Rは、お花を守る温室。Oは、お花。Sは、茎。Eは、鉢。文字でバラの花自体を表現しています。「R.O.S.E」に「.」(ドット)を加えることで「ROSE」 という1つの単語だけではなく、僕の考えていることがより忠実に表現できると思いました。そして、シンプルでファンキーでもあり、グルーヴのある僕が好きな音楽を作りたいと思いました。楽器もポイントとして生かし、出来るだけシンプルにしました。リアルセッションで音楽、歌詞に没頭できるように仕上げました。そして、ダンスや表情、歌唱方法など枠にはまらない「自由」を感じてもらえると思います。「COCKTAIL」疲れ果てた1日の終わりに愛している人とカクテルを飲みながら、その日の疲れをお互いに癒す雰囲気を表現しています。歌詞はとても正直な気持ちが込められていて、「君はなんか、カクテルみたいで、僕がカクテルを飲んでいると君と一緒にいるみたいだ」というような、愛している人と一緒にいると疲れていてもなんか気分がよくなる感じ、ほのかに熱くなって疲れが飛んでいく感じを表現しています。「Happy Birthday」今回のソロシングルに収録される4曲中、一番最初に書き上げた曲です。曲が次々に思い浮かぶのを「忘れないうちに!」と3時間ぐらいで一気に書き上げたのを覚えています。実は、ハイタッチ会やファンのみなさんと直接会うイベントで「今日は私の誕生日なんです」という言葉を一番多く耳にするんですが、その短い時間で僕が出来るのが「お誕生日おめでとう」という一言だけでずっとモヤモヤしていたんです。そこで、今回のソロ活動の話があったとき、僕が一番最初に思ったのが「このソロシングルをファンのみなさんへのプレゼントにしたい!」でした。ファンのみなさんへの僕だけのHappy Birthdayを作ってみたいと思って書き上げた曲なので、みなさんの前で披露するときは、今までにないくらい胸が熱くなると思います。「I know your shirts」はっきりと別れたわけではないんですが、彼女の気持ちはもうすでに離れてしまっている状態で他の男性のシャツを着ているのに気づいてしまう。そんな彼女を見ている感情を表現していて、「別れ」を受け入れなくてはならないというとても悲しい曲なんですが、同時にセクシーさも漂う楽曲です。

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@amore00777 if the song name is  "Beer" instead of "Cocktail.What should we do? What we will be?
for me, I think my heart will explode. kkkk

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Here's a translation of his "Happy Birthday" song..... it must be for Seoyung too!! ** delulu**

About Happy Birthday : "Happy Birthday is first self-composed song that finished first. Finished this song in three hours. Actually at the Hi-touch or other event where i met face to face with fans, the words that i heard a lot is "Today is my birthday". At that short time i can only said, "Happy Birthday". So, when my solo single was mentioned this time, the first thing i thought was, "This solo activities i will give fans as a gift". I want to make Happy Birthday only for the fans.
cr: @besidewooyoung's twitter

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i wanna cry when i read a song description " Cocktail"
2 kids, do you know how much I think of you? 
About Cocktail: It's a song expressing about when you drink cocktail with those you loved after finishing a tired day and curing each other tiredness. The lyrics contains of frank feelings , "You somehow look like a cocktail, when i drink cocktail i feel like I'm together with her/him." It's give you feeling no matter how tired when you're together with the one you loved, your mood will become better.

credit : beside wooyoung

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Guest PerryjoH

@aomP cry this one too~Woo take off and story and character description~

if you are not here i cant do anything~from now on stay beside me and watch over me~

i heard this b4 camping ep..i cant lived without u~by Woo


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