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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Hi friends, hope everyone's doing well. Here's chapter 22! Thanks to @shineehappypandas for taking a look at it for me beforehand!

A week later, Se-young found herself sitting in the backseat of a taxi, heading towards Gimpo Airport at 4.00am. She sat back in the seat and leaned her head against the window, closing her eyes as the taxi made it's way down the highway. Several minutes later, she was startled awake by the buzzing of her phone. Fishing it out of her purse, she answered, "Hello?"
"Morning," Woo-young's voice came through on the other side. "Are you close to the airport?"
"Hi, I should get there soon. Probably within the next 15 minutes," she responded.
"Great. I should get there a little bit before we leave. I'll meet you on the plane as planned?"
"Sounds good. It's early enough that there shouldn't be too many people anyway. Don't mind me if I'm asleep when you get there; got to bed a lot later than I had planned to."
"Sorry that you had to get up so early."
"Don't worry about it. A little nap on the plane should be good. The car reservation is set, right?"
"Yeah, and you checked with the hotel about the early check-in, right?"
"Check. We can discuss the details on the flight," she told him before pausing, "No one knows, right?" she asked.
"If you mean whether or not there will be people waiting at the airport, I did explicitly tell the company to not release my travel information since it's a personal trip. We'll be fine."
"I guess it's a good thing that it's chilly out, I've got my scarf with me," she commented, grabbing her scarf from the seat next to her and placing it on her lap.
"Well, sitting up front means we won't be disturbed, either."
"I'm just worrying for no reason. Sorry," she apologized.
"Don't be. We're going to have a great few days together. Just us," he reassured her.
"I know. I don't typically date idols, so this is a little new for me," she laughed nervously.
"Well, I don't typically date actresses, either, so this is new for me, too," he teased.
"Real funny."
"There's nothing special about 2PM Woo-young. I'm still me at the end of the day," he told her.
"I know," she smiled, "I wouldn't be getting on a plane with you in a few hours if you weren't." She looked out to see that the taxi was merging onto the exit for the airport, "Anyway, the taxi's about to pull in. I'll see you in a bit."
"See you soon," he responded.
She hung up the phone and returned it to her purse. She slipped on her glasses and wrapped her scarf around herself before pulling on her coat. When the taxi pulled up to the terminal, she pulled out a few bills from her wallet and handed it to the driver before thanking him and grabbing her bag from the floor and exiting the taxi.
As she walked into the terminal, she pulled her scarf up and a little closer to her face to cover part of it and walked quickly towards the airline kiosk. The airline personnel smiled at her as she handed over her ID card.
"Good morning, miss. Will you be checking any bags for your flight?" the personnel asked.
"No, thank you."
"Not a problem. Just a moment while I get your boarding pass," the personnel smiled, handing back Se-young's ID card. A few minutes later, she slid the boarding pass towards Se-young, "This is the gate number and the boarding time. Please enjoy our lounge and enjoy your trip."
Se-young smiled and took the boarding pass, "Thank you, very much." The personnel nodded and smiled. Se-young stepped away from the counter and headed towards the security check, pulling her suitcase behind her. She looked at her watch as she made her way through security.
When she arrived at the lounge, she was greeted by the attendants at the reception desk who checked her boarding pass before inviting her to proceed through. She quickly found a seat near the window and sat down. Taking off her coat, she set it on the arm of her chair before unwrapping her scarf and putting it in her purse. She got up from her seat to grab a few things to eat. When she returned to her seat, she pulled a book out of her purse and opened it up to the page she had bookmarked earlier while she waited for the plane to board.
Woo-young checked his phone for the 10th time since he got into the terminal and navigated his way through the morning crowd as travelers went on with their travel procedure. He pulled his beanie down and his scarf closer as he waited to be called by the airline personnel. When it was his turn, he handed over his ID card and waited. When he traveled with the guys it was easy since their manager usually took care of getting their boarding passes. That was a luxury not available to him when he traveled alone, but he didn't mind. It was always nice to do things the "normal" way, once in a while.
The personnel smiled and greeted him before doing a double take after seeing his ID. "How are you this morning?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Running a little later than I would like," he smiled.
"The personnel glanced at the clock and gave him a smile, "You should be fine. Boarding isn't starting for another 15 minutes and security is moving quickly from what I've been hearing."
"That's a relief," he smiled.
"Are you checking any bags?"
"No, I'm set, thanks."
"No problem," the personnel smiled. "Personal trip?" she asked, trying to make conversation.
He looked at her, quickly glancing at her name tag, before answering, "Yes."
The personnel smiled and handed him the boarding pass, "You're all set. Enjoy your trip!"
He thanked the personnel and headed towards security. When he got through, he checked his watch to see that he had about 10 minutes. Picking up his pace, weaving in and out of the throng of people, towards the gate. When he arrived at the gate, there were less than 10 people in front of him and no one behind him. He handed his boarding pass to the person at the gate and thanked them as he walked down the jetway towards the plane.
He smiled and nodded at the flight attendant who greeted him before heading to his seat. When he got there, he saw Se-young in her seat with her headphones in, eyes closed, and a blanket on her. Smiling, he put his suitcase in the overhead bin before taking his seat. The flight attendant that greeted him stopped by and asked if he needed anything. Declining with a smile, he pulled out a book from his backpack, slipped on his glasses and began to read.
The movement of the plane pushing back from the gate woke Se-young from her sleep. She opened her eyes and looked around to see Woo-young in the seat next to her with a book in his lap. She rubbed her eyes and sat up in her seat. At her movements, he turned and smiled, "Hey."
She let out a yawn. Covering her mouth, she chuckled, "Morning."
"How was your nap?"
She shrugged, "It was okay. I'll probably need a longer one when we get to Jeju, if that's okay with you?"
"Of course. It'll still be early when we get there. We can work out our plans once we check-in to the hotel," he told her, brushing her hair back from her face.
She nodded, "How was the crowd in the terminal? It was dead when I got there this morning."
"Not too bad. Although, the person at the kiosk gave me a look when she realized who I was. Not that that's not normal, but you get what I mean."
She nodded, "Probably the same person who checked me in. I doubt they would change shifts that early in the day."
"Probably not. Anyway, I sent Eomma the schedule for our flight to Busan last night. They'll meet us at the airport. Then they'll drive up to Seoul with us on the way back," he explained.
"You told her they didn't have to drive us back, right? We could just rent."
"They insisted. I'm happy to let them, if you're okay with it."
"Of course. You know I love your parents," she smiled.
"Good, good. They're excited to see you. I think my sister's home as well. So, it'll be nice to see her," he said.
"Wonderful. I'm looking forward to meeting her. She's seems great from what I've heard from you and your parents," she replied, blinking a few times and staring past his shoulders blankly.
He chuckled, "Why don't go try to get more of a nap? We'll be there soon enough. I've got my book, so you don't have to feel bad," he told her, showing her his book.
She nodded, "I shouldn't have waited until the last minute to pack. I am kicking myself," she yawned, leaning back into her seat and grinning sleepily at him.
He ruffled her hair, "Yeah, you've only known about this trip for about a week," he teased.
She gave him a glare and pat her hair down before pulling her scarf up around her face, "I'm not the one who likes to be spontaneous. But an island getaway sounded too good to turn down."
He gave her an exaggerated wink, "Neither was the company, right?"
She rolled her eyes and sent him another glare when he reached for her hair again, "Don't do it," she pointed leaning back against the window panel.
He let out a laugh and put up both hands, "Alright, alright. I'll leave you alone. Get your nap."
A little while later, when the pilot announced that the plane would be landing shortly, Woo-young closed his book and gave Se-young a gentle nudge to wake her up, "Young-ah, we're landing soon," he told her. She opened her eyes slowly and rubbed away the sleep from them. Sitting up, she took the bottle of water he offered, "They came by a while back but I didn't want to wake you up. I figured you'd want some water when you got up."
She twisted off the cap and took a long sip, "Thanks." Then realizing that he had addressed her differently, she cocked her head, "What did you call me?"
"Hmm? Young-ah?" he asked, smiling.

"That," she replied.
"It just came to me. I know you hate cheesy nicknames, I thought you'd be okay with Young-ah," he explained.
"Do I get to call you Young-ah, too?"
"If you want to, I'm not going to force it on you," he responded.
"Young-ah," she tried it. Then, adding a little aegyo to her voice, she leaned over, "Young-ah~."
He smiled, "Yes, Young-ah?"
"I like it," she smiled back. Settling back into her seat, she looked over at him, "Thanks for finding free time out of your schedule."
He reached over the center console for her hand and gave it a squeeze, "I want to spend time with you. You don't ever have to thank me for that, got it?" he responded, smiling.
"I'm thankful anyway," she replied, squeezing his hand before looking out at the window. "It looks beautiful," she pointed to the island below them that was getting closer and closer. He leaned over and looked at the view and nodded in agreement.
When the plane landed and pulled into the gate, Woo-young grabbed their belongings from the overhead cabin and handed Se-young her coat and bag, before grabbing his own. As they waited while the crew prepared the door, they wrapped their scarves around their neck, covering their faces, and pulled on their coats. Once the door was opened, they quickly got off the plane, thanking the crew as they walked pass them.
With his hat pulled down and the scarf pulled up, Woo-young, who was the more recognizable of the two, was able to keep a low profile as they walked through the terminal towards the exit. They were mindful to not attract attention as they walked next to each other; fortunately for the both of them, the airport terminal was quiet since it was still early in the day.
As they head up towards the car rental kiosk, Se-young stood a few feet behind, letting Woo-young deal with the rental. He greeted the young man manning it with a smile, "Good morning."
The young man looked up and paused for a moment, trying to place the familiar face in his mind, "Good morning, sir. How may I help you?"
Woo-young handed him his ID, "I have a reservation for a car."
The young man nodded, taking the ID. Looking at it, he read the name, repeating it a few times, as he entered the name into the system, "Jang Woo-young... Jang Woo-young." When the realization hit, he stopped and looked up one more time, "You're..."
"Are you perhaps a member of that band... what is it... 2-something," he mumbled, trying to place the name. Woo-young didn't respond, but waited for him to complete his thought. When the young man snapped his fingers and looked up with an astonished look on his face, "2PM!"
"Ah, yes," Woo-young responded, "That's me."
"What brings you to Jeju?" the young man asked as he returned to the task at hand.
"A personal, family trip," he responded.
"Well, we're glad to have you here. I'll just need you to sign a couple of things and you'll be on your way," he slid a few forms towards Woo-young and handed him a pen. 
As Woo-young finished signing the papers, he glanced at the young man's name tag. Saying the young man's name, Woo-young handed the forms back to the young man, "Thank you for your help. If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, would I be able to get your business card? Just in case something comes up?" he asked.
The young man was only too happy to obliged. Handing his card and the car keys over, he bowed to Woo-young, "Thank you for using our services. Enjoy your stay on Jeju!"
Woo-young nodded and stepped back from the kiosk before turning around and walking towards the garage. He met Se-young by the doors leading to the garage, "The guy at the car rental desk recognized me. Nice kid, very excited."
"He probably doesn't deal with people like you every day," she told him, as they exited the terminal.
He nodded and waved the keys at her, "Are you ready?"
"Ready!" she responded enthusiastically.
He reached for her free hand and linked them together as they made their way through the garage. He brought their linked hands up and kissed the back of hers, "Good. We're going to make the most of the next few days together. No work. No worries about contract mediations. Just us and an island."
"You're making it sound like we're on a survival show."
He let out a laugh, "I think our accommodations are a little nicer than tents. And you should see the car I got us. It should be around here... Ah! There it is," he pointed over to a sleek black Audi A5. After pressing the unlock button, he pressed the button to open the trunk and placed their suitcases there before joining Se-young in the car. Sitting down on the supple leather seat, he smiled. Running his hands over the smooth interior he smiled giddily.
Where she was sitting, Se-young let out a snort as she observed her boyfriend getting excited over a car, "Of course this is what happens when you let a guy take care of car reservations."
"She's a beauty and drives like a dream," he told her.
She patted his arm, grinning, "I'm sure she does."
He sent her a look that said, 'You wouldn't understand,' as he turned on the ignition. After tweaking the seat and mirrors, he pulled the car out of the spot and headed for the airport exit.

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@scuttler ... thanks dear...the story so sweet and very detailed...Wooyoung really mature in your FF but I love that side of him too...Thank you! can't wait for the story of their trip....  ;);)) ;);))

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Guest amore00777

@misszy  According to  twiiter  he bought a mobile charger and supplementary  battery.Maybe  he left  it  home?  why?  keke ;))

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