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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Well ...who can beat him? Eventhough he wasn't a kissy missy or touchy feely from the start...like people think that 'other' couple the one that broke the record for showing the 'real' skinship...even from the beginning of their meetings...uuuggghh...No other couple can compare to 2Young for me...I tried to watch other couple...but nope...not affecting me no more... :( ...n this sweet hubby won because of his charm n how he was so caring to his one n only wife...

Which Idol Do You Want to Be Your First Kiss of 2015? 

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OMO Wooyoung-ah...why so handsome...otokee...JYP Nation charity event...WY ver..

Welcome to new member ...  >:D< >:D< Please share anything...everything....
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@jann17 Thanks for the clarification. Hoping it ends soon for us to see Seyoung more.

The Cat Funeral Manga girl's character is really similar to Seyoung's personality that is probably why she was also casted aside from her good acting skills. Just too bad in the Manga they did not end up together. Because of the movie more people are now shipping Seyoung and Kangin but I'll stick with Wooyoung and Seyoung because I feel they are real.

For those who also wanted to see another side of Wooyoung. Watch this. 2AM and 2PM made a parody of Brown Eyed Girls Abracadabra, They formed a new group called Dirty Eyed Girls and made their own version of the song Abracadabra. This is hilarious.

and the behind the scenes cut which is more hilarious

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I really dont like complaining but i cant lie and say that my heart doesnt hurt while watching that MBC awards. Sorry about this rant but i need to get things off my chest lol. 
As much as i enjoy korean entertainment, the bias & unfair treatment from companies and televisions is really upsetting! i didnt really think much of them taking 2young of the show wayy earlier than anyone imagined but then today i realized that there is something seriously fishy about that whole situation. 
My question is that wat did 2young do that was soooo bad for them to be ripped of the show all of the sudden like that except for the fact that they fell inlove forreal? the only clue i have is the rumor that they have a clause in the wgm contract stating that you cant date your partner while you're on the show because wooyoung kept going on and on about how the wgm staff & pd were starting to get really suspicious of their relationships. On the other hand, the pd herself stated that it was her wish for a wgm couple to date in real life so im just like:
tumblr_inline_nch2n1wQAj1rfs101.gifhow can you match 2 people 2gether who are perfect 2gether and expect them to not have feelings for eachother? On what planet does that make sense?  Moving on about the awards, i perfectly understand that they couldnt be nominated for the best couple category because they were no longer on the show but im really pissed that they werent included  for the rookie, new star & other categories. Seyoung was filming wgm, a drama & a movie at the same time and wooyoung devoted 8months of his year for this show(even with his fans complaining) he took them to his hometown, his highschool, invited his own mother and all of that goes to waste? even if they werent fan favorites the LEAST mbc culd have done was at LEAST recognize them for their hard work and contribution to the show but they are ignored like they never even existed. no disrespect If hyeri was nominated & awarded for been on a FOUR episode cameo then wooyoung & seyoung more than deserve to be nominated too! 4 episodes vs 33 episodes? that is too unfair. 
Im really praying this stupid contract dispute goes away quickly, my shipper feels aside, Seyoung is a really talented girl and i hope she gets her spotlight to show people how great she is. wooyoung's solo this time will be successful and i cant wait to hear all the songs. again, sorry for the rant guys lol ^:)^ hope you all have a Happy New Year, hopefully we will get new 2young stuff to spazz about in 2015 but even if we dont, we can always look back at the beautiful memories they created this year. take all the time you need Mr & Mrs Jang, we will be right here waiting for you  <:-P ;))

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This got a little long... again. Sorry, guys. I get into a thing and I just keep going.
@chic-chic so funny that you posted that! I was binge watching 2PM/2AM Star Golden Bell episodes today and there was one where JoKwon was talking about DEG. HILARIOUS. Thank you! 
@wgmfanaticx3 I completely understand your frustration. I still miss the days where I'm up at 6am on a Saturday scrolling through here and seeing everyone gush and squee over the two of them. That said, the more I've gotten to know about the two of them individually as professionals, I've come to understand a bit of why some of the things happened the way it did. In my mind there are a few reasons why they left so suddenly:

  1. Seyoung's contract dispute
  2. Wooyoung's comeback
  3. The crew got really suspicious and didn't want to deal with the liability of the fallout should anything happen. Especially the fact that the main premise of WGM is "virtual". And while it's true that the PD wanted it to be genuine, WGM also isn't your everyday dating show. I can understand where the PD is coming from, even if I can't word it properly.
The one I feel makes the most sense is Wooyoung's comeback. I think by that point they kind of already knew in their mind that it was going to end soon, but it was one of those situations, and as dark as this may sound, it's kind of like the idea of the death of an aging/sick relative. You know it's coming and could happen at any moment, but when it happens it's still a shock. When the two of them extended their contract, they already knew that Wooyoung's comeback was going to happen. More so than Seyoung's contract dispute, I really do believe it's more of his schedule than anything else. Her dispute, while I'm sure had been brewing for a while, didn't hit the high point until it was decided to take to the ethics board, which was when all business came to an end. I wouldn't say that the two of them did anything to upset the PDs, other than maybe getting defensive when being confronted about their relationship.
Also, they're both super career-oriented. Wooyoung, especially, is such a team player. I don't think he would want to have to split his time between WGM and his group. 2PM is everything to him {to all of them} and he wouldn't let anything hinder the group's success. As much as he adores Seyoung, he also knows how to properly prioritize it. Not to say that Seyoung would come in second, because that's not what I mean since I think, for Wooyoung, 2PM and Seyoung are two completely different categories. That said, I could see him wanting to focus on his comeback rather than having to split his time. I've seen Taec doing it with his show, it sucks and take a lot out of them. And if you think about it, it might be easier to deal with scheduling wise as well.
In terms of the awards, it's always been a wank fest in my opinion anyway. What are even the voting rules? From what I understand, isn't it just randomly picked based on what the executives want? From what I've come to understand, those things don't really matter too much. I've learned not to get upset about it because those stations are so good at screwing everything up. And maybe it's a good thing, they're so private, they probably want their relationship to be out of the attention of the public as much as possible. I think of it as a blessing in disguise.
On a happier note, a two-something year old has more game than idol Wooyoung. THIS is what you should have done, Jang Wooyoung.tumblr_nhbi9i18GO1qdxrpuo2_500.gif
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Hi @wgmfanaticx3‌ hmmm...that's why I dont watch it altogether...I am protecting my heart...lolz

And i agree about the biasness and unfair treatment or exposure given to certain ppl...hey it's not just airtime...also articles and press...u just know who they favor.... :-B

@scuttler I agree with everything you wrote...just I think he is in fact splitting his time for love and work at the moment...like taec with his show..and khun...atho sy wont do the...'it's me or yr comeback' line ..i think wy knows if he doesnt hold on to her now, he might not be able to in the future....love cant be put on hold...he needed to seal her with a kiss (cue final episode)..hehe...and make her his...

I think he is just trying to calculate his movement...what to reveal and what not...and yes...they were getting too real for the show...their skinship was not empty for-the-show kind...it was intimate n meaningful...so the pd may hv thought...lets end this before it invades their privacy...plus the dispute. What do u think? Am i making any sense? Hehe....

Anyway..i am still anticipating yr fanfic continuation...love it! :x

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@jann17 Makes perfect sense. They're both private people. Wooyoung may be a little obvious from time to time, but he's also good at keeping secrest. And I agree about splitting the time. I don't want it to seem like he's choosing one over the other that why I tried to be as precise in my wording as possible. I think they would rather have the freedom to figure out things on their own than being forced to. That's mainly why I try not to get upset one way or another about the contracts and award shows.
I'm so glad that you brought up skinship. I watched Radio Star again today and then remembering the discussion about skinship they had in the studio, I had a bit of an epiphany. I understand now why he said that he has to be careful about doing skinship. Wooyoung, being Wooyoung, puts a lot of thoughts into things, he doesn't say or do things emptily. It's usually done after a lot of calculations. I think the reason that he wanted to be careful about skinship is because it involves a higher level of intimacy and trust. When he says that doing skinship pulls you closer, I don't think he means physically, but emotionally. Like when you get to that level, you also become more vulnerable, which is why you need to be careful. And Minsun totally confirmed that idea when she was talking about about a couple grows closer through skinship.
Which makes me believe that they kept in touch, communicated, and got closer during the break due to the ferry tragedy... I wouldn't be surprised if they met privately during that time as well because there was such a change in the dynamic during that month's break.
As for the story, I'm sorry I've been such a bum about updating it. Hopefully, I'll be able to update it soon! I was recently struck with inspiration for one of my older original stories, but I promise to have an update soon!
ETA: Seyoung has a similar work ethic to Wooyoung, so she definitely would not pull the 'it's them or me' ultimatum with him... considering she was saying how she's an actress and her work involves her kissing people, she would not make him choose. She knows the importance of his career. Another reason why I adore them.

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That's why I keep coming back to this forum... all the insights, comments and opinions of all shippers..... of coz not forgetting photos, fanvid, gif, links, etc...we share it all together for the love of 2Young!!

For me.... they are a REAL COUPLE now!!! kkkk... YES...they are!!

And the legendary kiss.... the confirmation... and let the love begins!!
cr: shineehappypandas' & bladerunner's tumblr

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y y nation is sailing smoothly 
for the matter of the awards i wouldn't say it didn't upset me it did 
but thinking about it for awhile i think what you guys have said is the perfect explaination 
so, I'm not going to talk about how entertainmaint only cares for money we all know that now 
In a word 
let them be 
Our couple is too real for them 

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sorry guys, I moved on. It's been a great time watching SY and WY, but spending most of our time wondering how they've been doing and so on will really waste our time. Hope we can all grow up and spend our leisure time on another meaningful purposes like study, doing business, or work.

anw, all the best for all of you.
good luck

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KaniaN said: sorry guys, I moved on. It's been a great time watching SY and WY, but spending most of our time wondering how they've been doing and so on will really waste our time. Hope we can all grow up and spend our leisure time on another meaningful purposes like study, doing business, or work.

anw, all the best for all of you.
good luck

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Korean time last night has held awards 2014 MBC Entertainment awards where the best couple won by song jae rim and kim so eun, they surely would be happy once,, and congratulations to them both,,, but my question is why our favorite couples not nominated by MBC, what is the reason for our couples who woo young and park Seyoung not nominated and judge it based on what is in september YY couple stop being a couple and still no hon jin yong and nam gung min and Jong ah couple, very disappointed,,,,,, if only they 2young (YY couple) at least in the event to be nominated, longing we all relieved to YY couple,, we are very, very missed YY Couple,,, I think this is unfairsorry if my words are less willing, this is only an expression of the deepest of my heart ... once again I'm sorry
:(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(( :(( :(( :(( :(( BjUXNKOCQAA3X8g.png

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Errr...with due respect, i m not sure abt others but we are all living our lives...studying, raising our children, going to work, praying, having fun, overcoming challenges ...in other words living our real life perfectly fine. We dont sit here waiting for things to happen...and put our lives on hold. 2young is just part of my life that makes me happy but it doesnt control or determine my happiness...and I wont skip my meals or end my life if they dont end up together, i think that's mature enough...

@KaniaN it's good that you have moved on but pls dont judge other shippers here...

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@scuttler @jann17 thank you guys for understanding lol & I completely agree with the time splitting between his work & the show. Seeing how busy they were from September up till this month, I can't even imagine how he would have found time to film. @kaniaN I respect ur decision. WGM is a tv show after all & although I'm a huge fan, my whole life does not revolve around it. It's a guilty pleasure & entertainment to my life..I too believe shipping shouldn't be an obsession but all we can do is love & support them whether they are 2gether or not..good luck too you :)

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Guest NorsalwaA

I guess class, graceful and maturity doesn't apply to everybody.

We get on with our daily lives as per normal. Nothing has drastically change since i start shipping them, well except mayb a bigger memory card for my phone

Like i said before some will stay and some will go, i am definitely one of those that's staying and even if in the future i am proven wrong.

I am confident that i am able to say, " thank u for giving me such a wonderful memory and i wish u the best with whatever or whoever you choose bcs ultimately they are the one living their lives not us"

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Guest retretret

NorsalwaA said: I guess class, graceful and maturity doesn't apply to everybody. We get on with our daily lives as per normal. Nothing has drastically change since i start shipping them, well except mayb a bigger memory card for my phone Like i said before some will stay and some will go, i am definitely one of those that's staying and even if in the future i am proven wrong. I am confident that i am able to say, " thank u for giving me such a wonderful memory and i wish u the best with whatever or whoever you choose bcs ultimately they are the one living their lives not us"

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NorsalwaA said: I guess class, graceful and maturity doesn't apply to everybody. We get on with our daily lives as per normal. Nothing has drastically change since i start shipping them, well except mayb a bigger memory card for my phone Like i said before some will stay and some will go, i am definitely one of those that's staying and even if in the future i am proven wrong. I am confident that i am able to say, " thank u for giving me such a wonderful memory and i wish u the best with whatever or whoever you choose bcs ultimately they are the one living their lives not us"

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Guest seyoungwooyoung6002

ujiyus1 said: That's why I keep coming back to this forum... all the insights, comments and opinions of all shippers..... of coz not forgetting photos, fanvid, gif, links, etc...we share it all together for the love of 2Young!!

For me.... they are a REAL COUPLE now!!! kkkk... YES...they are!!

And the legendary kiss.... the confirmation... and let the love begins!!
cr: shineehappypandas' & bladerunner's tumblr

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