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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Hello chingus!!
I am sick in bed and haven't done anything all day but work on my 2young gif project extravaganza. Still not even halfway through but still keepin on it. It's way more time consuming than I thought to go through each episode and gif almost everything that happens. But I should have known...
Just wanted to share this gif I couldn't help making of their technical first kiss, lol

it super looks to me like they both stuck their lips out more and then they touch for a split second and pull away and it's just so adorable to me
I also really like this angle here...tumblr_ng8mcttqQE1to59dfo1_400.gif

you can blur your eyes and pretend the chocolate stick is part of the wall, then it looks like one of those drama moments where they lean in real slow.

this post was brought to you by: My 100 degree fever

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I so miss our YY couple so much that I rewatched their wgm episodes and re-read the FF's. I fell asleep as I was reading chapter 20 of  @oolita‌ and @diendong FF and when I woke up this morning lo and behold chapter 21!!! Thank you so much chingus!
Also I found this (don't know if this has been posted previously). This is the bgm towards the end of wgm episode where they invited chan, junho and sy's friends. A mellow song on a stormy Monday on our neck of the woods.http://youtu.be/kiYyaXxBSu0

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@shineehappypanda GWS soon chingu……n your GIF…..chincha daebak…they touch their lips for..0.000 second?
@diendong,@oolita……..cant wait for next chapter……we can imagine the next chapter…..Evil or byuntae smile chingu?

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greetings everyone
@diendong,@oolita - thank you for the FF..i was wondering why we are soooo addicted to your FF..and i know why..its because we miss our couple so much and most importantly we can actually visualize them in our mind ( delu mode fully switched on!) based on your FF...so thank you again

2 young fighting!

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thanks @liestiana for this photothe title of the song is "farewell is indeed/really impossible" by yoon hyun sang.somehow the meaning of the song is not about honesty like his caption "indeed/really honesty is nice"looks like he wanted to be honest through the songthe same thing seyoung did when she sang "drunken truth" on wooyoung's birthday

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Guest liestiana

When will you come back PSYoung? When will #AlwaysSupportParkSeyoung become #ParkSeyoungComeback ? When? :-*

"Just wait for me guys, i'll be back soon" :x >
cr : as tagged @missauditor‌ my pleasure :\">
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missauditor said:
thanks @liestiana for this photothe title of the song is "farewell is indeed/really impossible" by yoon hyun sang.somehow the meaning of the song is not about honesty like his caption "indeed/really honesty is nice"looks like he wanted to be honest through the songthe same thing seyoung did when she sang "drunken truth" on wooyoung's birthday

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AomP said: missauditor said: thanks @liestiana for this photo
the title of the song is "farewell is indeed/really impossible" by yoon hyun sang.somehow the meaning of the song is not about honesty like his caption "indeed/really honesty is nice"looks like he wanted to be honest through the songthe same thing seyoung did when she sang "drunken truth" on wooyoung's birthday

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Hello friends! So, I don't have a new chapter... That said, I was a bit inspired by the idea of little Wooyoungs and Seyoungs running around 2PM Café so I decided to write a quick one shot to share with you. I hope you enjoy! I should have the next chapter of the story up sometime soon. Not sure when, but hopefully by the end of the week. Until then, I hope you enjoy this little tidbit!

"Are you sure you're okay with doing this by yourself today?" Se-young asked, standing in the mudroom while Woo-young put his shoes on.

"Of course. I can handle it, I promise."

"This is the first time I'm not going with you, though," she told him.

He stood up and placed his hands on both sides of her face and leaned in to give her a kiss, "I can handle the twins, I promise. It's not the first time you've left them with me. The guys will be there, too. We'll be okay. You'll meet us later, right?"

Se-young nodded and was about to answer when she heard little voices coming towards them. "Appa!" Came with the sound of tiny footsteps running through the house. "Appa, Appa," a little girl came to a stop and looked up and Woo-young with a smile on her face.

"What is it Eun-young?" he asked, crouching down to speak with her.

"Is Uncle Chansung going to be at the café today? Can I play with him?" she asked.

"I think they're all going to be there today. But I thought you said you were going to be my helper today."

"I am. But I can still play with Uncle Chansung, right?" she asked, pouting slightly.

Chuckling, he pulled the little girl into a hug, "Of course, sweetheart," he told her, patting her head. Pulling away, he looked at her and asked, "Where's your brother?"

"He was right behind me," she told him.

"Eun-young," Se-young called, "Come put your jacket and shoes on." The little girl nodded and pulled herself away from her dad and walked over to the bench where her mom had already set out her jacket.

Just then, a little boy came down the hall with a white teddy bear in one hand and an action figure in the other, "Eun-ah, you forgot your teddy bear," he told her, handing the bear to his little sister.

"Thank you, Oppa," she took it from him and set it down next to her on the bench.

"Tae-young, let's get your jacket and shoes on," Woo-young told him. He little boy nodded and went to sit down next to his sister. Se-young handed him his jacket and shoes before walking back down the hallway.

"Appa, something's wrong with the action figure Uncle Taecyeon gave me," Tae-young frowned, handing it to Woo-young.

Nodding, Woo-young took it and took a look at it, "Okay, buddy. Uncle Taecyeon will be at the café today, so we can see if he can help you fix it," he told him. Tae-young nodded and pulled on his shoes.

Se-young walked back into the mudroom with a large tote bag in her hand. She handed it to Woo-young, "All their stuff is in there. I'll meet you guys in a few hours. Call me if you need back up."

"If six full grown men need back up with two kids, we're in trouble. Don't worry about the kids," Woo-young reassured her.

"It's not the kids I'm worried about," she looked at him skeptically as she responded before she zipped up the twins' jackets. She looked up at the twins, "You guys are going to listen to your dad?"

"Yes, Eomma," they nodded.

"And you're going to listen to your uncles?" she asked. They both looked over to their dad who nodded before looking back at their mom and nodded, "Yes, Eomma."

"Good. I'll see you guys in a little bit, okay? Be good."

"Why aren't you coming with us, Eomma?" Tae-young asked.

"I have some work I need to do. But I'll be there as soon as I finish, I promise. I can't wait to hear about your day later," she smiled, giving each a kiss. "I love you," she told them. The twins hopped off the bench and hugged her.

From where he stood, Woo-young smiled at the scene. It was pretty normal for the twins to hug and kiss both him and Se-young, but each time they did it, he couldn't help but smile ear-to-ear. When the kids pulled away, he looked at his watch and took note of the time. Grabbing the keys from the dish on the credenza, he started ushering the kids out the door. "Alright, guys, let's go before we're late," he nudged them towards the door. He turned to Se-young who held the door open, "I'll see you later." He leaned over and gave her a kiss, "Love you."

"Love you, too," she waved.

Woo-young followed the twins to the car. When he opened the door, Eun-young climbed in, with Tae-young following closely behind his sister. He buckled Tae-young in before reaching over to buckle Eun-young in. Putting the twin's tote on the floor between them, he closed the door and got into the driver's seat.

When they got to the café half an hour later, Woo-young unbuckled the twins and helped them out of the car, "Wait a second. Let me grab your stuff and we'll walk together." He grabbed the tote and closed the door. He turned to see the twins with their heads together chatting quietly with each other. He walked over to them and reach for each of their hands. They both grabbed his hand and the three of them walked towards the entrance of the café.

When they walked through the door, Eun-young let go of Woo-young's hand and ran over to where his bandmates were sitting at a table in the back corner. She greeted each of them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. When she was finished, she found her way into Chansung's lap.

Woo-young waved to his friends and walked over with Tae-young. When they reached the table, he sat down next to Minjun and placed the tote on the empty seat next to him. Tae-young went around the table and greeted each of his uncle. When he was finished, he pulled a chair next to Taecyeon and handed him his action figure, "Uncle Taecyeon, something's wrong with it."

Taecyeon took the toy and looked at it. After a few minutes of examining it, he found the problem. He tinkered with the toy for a little bit and when he was finished, he handed it back to Tae-young with a satisfied grin on his face, "All better."

"Thank you!" Tae-young exclaimed excitedly. Taecyeon nodded and gave him a little pat on his head.

Minjun tapped Woo-young's shoulder to get his attention, "How's everything going?"

"Pretty good. Still busy with the project, but it's getting there."

"Thanks for coming by today."

"Of course, it's not often we get to see each other any more. We're all so busy with our own stuff."

"The kids are getting big," he commented.

"I know, it's kind of scary. Se-young and I were talking about schools the other day. Just thinking about it makes me panicky."

"Hah! I never thought I'd see the day when your biggest concern was what school you'd put your kids in."

"You wait when it's your turn. They're my babies. I don't want them to leave the house."

"I can't wait to see you when Eun-young brings a boy home to introduce to you."

"I wouldn't worry about me as much as I'd worry about Tae-young. He's very overprotective of his sister."

"They're twins, the bond was there before they even left the womb."

Just then, Eun-young walked over to where Woo-young was sitting and pulled on the sleeve of his sweater, "Appa..."

Woo-young looked over at his daughter, "What do you say first?"

"Excuse me," she responded quietly.

"Good," he smiled, "Yes, Eun-young?" he asked.

"Did you bring my drawing book?" she asked.

"I'm not sure if your mom packed it. Check the bag and see," he pointed to the bag. 

She nodded and turned to the bag. After carefully looking through the bag for a few minutes, she looked up at her dad and frowned, "It's not in here."

"Then your mom must have forgotten to put it in there," he told her.

She began to pout and started to tear up, "But I wanted to show Uncle Chansung my drawing."

"Eun-young," Woo-young began quietly, "Why are you getting upset?"

"I drew a picture to show Uncle Chansung. I wanted to show it to him and it's not here," she began to cry.

Woo-young leaned in and wiped her face, "Is that a very good reason to cry?" She shook her head. "I didn't think so. Look at me," he told her. "Take a deep breath. Good girl," he ran a hand over her hair. Grabbing a tissue, he wiped her face and had her blow her nose. "I'll give your mom a call and let her know to bring it with her when she comes, okay?" She nodded and buried her head into his lap. Chuckling, he patted her back, "It's okay sweetheart."

From where he was sitting, Tae-young watched the exchange between his dad and sister and frown slightly, "Appa, what's wrong with Eun-ah?"

Woo-young turned to his son and shook his head, "She's okay. She was just looking for her drawing pad but it's not in the bag."

"She left it on our table in the playroom," he told him.

Woo-young nodded, "Thanks, Tae-young." He looked around the café and patted Eun-young's back, "Do you guys want anything to drink? Hot chocolate, maybe?" Eun-young looked up and nodded. Woo-young took the twins to the counter and asked for two hot chocolates and muffins. When they got their food, he took them back to the table and sat them down next to each other and brought out their coloring books and crayons. "The hot chocolate is a little hot still. I'm going to blow on it for a bit until it cools down. You guys can start with the muffin." They nodded and started eating.

The guys watched as Woo-young took care of the twins and chuckled to themselves. "He's surprisingly good with them," Junho commented.

"They're pretty easy kids, though. Probably because they just play with each other. I went to watch them once when Woo-young went to an event with Se-young, they were so good," Chansung told them.

"Considering how strict those two are with them, I'm not surprised. None of us thought he'd be a strict parent," Nichkhun laughed.

"Se-young runs a tight ship at home," Minjun told them. Then, standing up from his chair he looked around, "I think it's time we open this place up. You guys ready?" he asked. The guys nodded and all stood up.

Woo-young looked up from where he was standing over the twins, "I'll be there in a minute."

"Take your time and get the kids settled in," Minjun told him.

Over the next few hours, the guys helped take and deliver orders to their customers. The café was a little busier than usual with lines going out of the front door as they promoted the group's presence. Customers, regulars and fans alike, all flooded in. Many of them complimented Woo-young on the twins, commenting on how adorable and well-behaved they both were.

At the table, the twins colored in their coloring books and played games with each other. Woo-young kept an eye on them throughout the day to make sure that they weren't getting tired or cranky. After the episode earlier in the day, Eun-young had calmed down and was enjoying herself. Once in a while throughout the day, the twins would run over to help the guys with taking orders to the table. They made friends with the customers making everyone smile and laugh.

Around 5.00pm Se-young arrived at the café. When she walked in, the twins looked up, dropped what they were doing, and ran up to her, "Eomma!" they called.

She smiled shyly at everyone and put a finger to her lips to quiet them down. "Hi guys, did you have a good day with your dad and uncles?" she asked. They nodded and pulled her towards their table. She looked over at Woo-young who was standing behind the counter and waved. He smiled and waved back. She bowed and said hello to all of his friends before she took off her jacket and sat down with the kids. She pulled out Eun-young's drawing pad from her bag and handed it to her, "I'm sorry I didn't pack it in your bag earlier."

"It's okay, Eomma. Thank you. I'm going to show it to Uncle Chansung," Eun-young replied and climbed down from her seat and walked over to Chansung to show him her drawing.

Se-young looked at Tae-young and brushed his hair back, "Did you have a good day today?"

Tae-young nodded, "I had fun. Eun-young cried earlier about her drawing pad," he told her.

"Yeah, your dad told me. I forgot to pack it in the bag earlier before you all left," Se-young told him. "What did you have for lunch?" she asked.

"Appa got us Kimbap," he told her before laying his head down on her lap.

Se-young smiled and ran her hand over his head gently, "Are you tired, sweetie?" she asked. The little boy shook his head. "Did you guys have your nap?"

"No, we weren't sleepy," he told her.

Just then, Woo-young walked over with a cup of hot chocolate for Se-young. He sat down next to her and gave her a hug, "How was your day?" he asked.

"Good. Productive. Thanks for taking the kids," she told him.

"They're our kids, you don't have to thank me."

"I know, but it was last minute. Either way, I appreciate it," she patted his leg. She looked down at Tae-young whose head was still in her lap, "I heard there was no nap time today?"

"I tried to get them to nap earlier, but they weren't having it. I guess they were just excited to see their uncles," he replied.

"Bedtime should be interesting," Se-young responded. She looked over at Eun-young who was still talking enthusiastically with Chansung, "That one is like an Energizer bunny. How does she keep going like that?" she asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine," he laughed. He looked around the café to see the crowd thinning out, "We should probably go and grab dinner before the kids fall asleep."

"Are you finished?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah. The guys will be fine. I'd rather get the kids fed before they get cranky," he told her.

"Okay. Why don't you go get Eun-young. I'll get Tae-young ready," she told him. "Tae-young, let's get your jacket on. Then you can go and say goodbye to your uncles before we go and get dinner." The little boy nodded and lifted his head from his mom's lap. He cleared up his area and put all of his stuff back into the bag before letting his mom put his jacket on.

Woo-young got up from the chair and walked over to the counter where Eun-young was still showing off her drawings to Chansung. To Chansung's credit, he didn't seem bothered by the little girl's attention. "Eun-young, say goodbye to your uncles, sweetie. It's dinnertime," he told her. She frowned, but nodded before giving Chansung a hug and saying goodbye. She made her rounds saying goodbye to all her uncles before walking back to the table to put her pad away.

She walked up to Se-young and wrapped her arms around her leg, "Eomma, what's for dinner?" she asked.

Se-young reached over to grab Eun-young's jacket off the chair and quickly slipped it on her, "I think we're going to have barbeque."

"Yummy," the little girl commented, her arms still wrapped around her mom's leg. 

Se-young grabbed her jacket and slipped it on before reaching for Eun-young's hand. She grabbed the tote and walked over to where Woo-young and Tae-young were saying goodbyes to the guys. She smiled at all of them and said goodbye and thanked them for helping Woo-young watch the kids. The guys all smiled, bowed, and waved at them as they walked out of the café.

"They make a cute family," Taecyeon commented.

"Who would have thought this would be the result of him going on a virtual marriage show," Junho laughed.

"The world works in mysterious ways. Consider the amount of times they've seen and met each other, yet it was that show that brought them together," Minjun replied.

"Did you see him with Eun-young earlier when she cried. I got goosebumps," Taecyeon chuckled. "He handled that pretty well."

"Se-young runs a tight ship, but Woo-young's definitely the stricter of the two of them," Nichkhun responded. The guys all nodded in agreement. The five of them sat around and talked for a bit more before they all got up to head to their respective homes. Minjun stayed behind to help his staff close the café.

Woo-young took his family to a nearby restaurant where he and the guys would sometime frequent when they were together by the café. It was a little hole in the wall that offered them delicious food and a comfortable atmosphere. He had brought Se-young there previously a few years back before they had the twins. When they walked in, the owner smiled and greeted them enthusiastically, "Woo-young-ssi! Come in, come in! It's been a while."

"Yes, it has," he smiled.

"And you brought your wife with you. Hello again, Miss...?" The owner paused, trying to think of her name.

"I'm Park Se-young," she bowed.

"That's right, Se-young-ssi. It's wonderful to see you again," she smiled. Then she looked down to see the twins standing between their parents, "And who are these little people?" she asked.

"Our kids, Tae-young and Eun-young," Woo-young smiled. "We were at the café earlier and figured we would get dinner around here before they both got too tired," he explained.

"Ah, yes, yes. Come in, why don't you guys sit in the back. It'll be more quiet back there and I'll be right with you," the owner gestured for them to head to the back.

"Thank you," Se-young smiled, leading the kids towards the seating area in the back.

Woo-young smiled at the owner as he walked pass, "It's good to see you."

"You as well. Your children are beautiful," the owner commented.

"Thank you," he smiled before heading back to join his family.

When they sat down, the twins sat next to each other between their parents. Se-young brought out a coloring book for each of them and their crayons. When the owner came back with tea, Woo-young gave her the order. Within minutes, the owner came back with the stove and a large platter of barbeque meats. The twins stared at the platter with wide eyes as the owner started to cook it in front of them.

"Appa, is that all for us?" Tae-young asked, not taking his eye off the stove.

"That's right. I hope you're hungry," he ruffled the little boy's hair as he nodded enthusiastically.

When the owner began to remove the cooked meat onto the plate, Se-young quickly began to assemble wraps for the twins. As she assembled the twins' wrap, Woo-young assembled a wrap for her. "Honey, open," he reached over the kids and fed Se-young the wrap he made.

"Thank you," she responded before letting him put it in her mouth. Once she began to eat the wrap, she looked over at him and grinned, "That's so good!"

"Right?" Woo-young responded, making his own wrap. He looked at the kids who were enjoying their wraps, albeit messily, "How is it guys?"

"Yummy!" Eun-young responded, "Right, Oppa?" she asked Tae-young who nodded enthusiastically, mouth filled to the brim with the wrap.

"Take it slow, Tae-young, that was a big bite you took," Se-young warned, wiping the little boy's lips.

The owner looked at them with a bright smile on her face, "I'm glad you guys are enjoying this."

"It's delicious, thank you," Se-young replied.

The owner nodded. When she finished cooking all of the meat, she took the stove and platter away, "You guys enjoy the food. Let me know if you need anything." Se-young and Woo-young nodded.

The four of them continued to enjoy all the food in front of them. Se-young made a wrap for Woo-young and fed it to him. As he began to chew, he was hit with a burning sensation in his mouth. He closed his eyes and covered his mouth with his fist. Then he heard the sound of Se-young giggling. "Argh!" he growled with his full mouth.

"It really never gets old," she laughed.

The twins looked back and forth between their parents, obviously confused. Eun-young saw the agony in her dad's face and asked, "Appa, are you okay?"

Woo-young finished chewing and swallowed before he looked over at Se-young who still had a smile on her face and glared before turning back to his daughter, giving her a small smile and nodding, "I'm okay, sweetheart."

"Why's your face all red?"

"Your mom thought it would be funny to see me eat spicy food. But I'm okay," he told her.

"Why, Eomma?" Tae-young asked.

Se-young looked at her kids and grinned, "Because it's how I show your dad I love him. Don't worry about him. He's fine, I promise." The kids nodded before turning their attention back to their dinner. "Are you okay?" she asked Woo-young.

"I'm fine. But please, don't do it anymore. You're going to give me indigestion," he mumbled, rubbing his stomach.

"I make no promises," she responded, returning to her food and he rolled his eyes.

When they finished dinner, Woo-young went up to pay and chatted with the owner while Se-young packed all their stuff and got the kids into their jackets. When they were done, they met Woo-young up front and all thanked the owner before leaving, promising to return again.

When they got home a little while later, the kids were exhausted and on the verge of sleep. Se-young carried Eun-young, while Woo-young carried Tae-young and the tote back into the house. Se-young looked over at Woo-young as they kicked their shoes off, "I'll get them washed up and ready for bed. You go shower. Then after that could you read to them while I shower?"

"That works," he nodded and followed her through the house to the twins' bathroom. He helped her get the kids undressed before heading out of the bathroom, "I'll set out their pajamas."

"Okay, thanks," she responded, turning on the shower. "Okay, guys, let's make this quick. The sooner we finish, the sooner your dad can read to you, okay?"

"Okay," they both responded sleepily.

Se-young quickly washed the kids, getting herself wet in the process. 15 minutes later, she had them out of the shower and in their pajamas. She was finishing up drying their hair when Woo-young walked in wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants. "Perfect timing. They're ready for story time."

Woo-young nodded and walked over to the oversized chair where they read to the twins every night before bed. "Go shower, honey, I've got it." He picked up the story book they've been reading to the twins each night before bed. He sat down and patted each side of the seat, the twins each climbed up and sat on either side of him. Se-young tossed the dirty clothes into the hamper before walking out of the room and towards the master bedroom.

20 minutes later, when she was done with her shower and dressed for bed, she walked back to the twins bedroom to find the kids and Woo-young asleep on the chair. Chuckling, she walked over and picked up Eun-young off of Woo-young's lap and laid her down on her bed. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, she tucked her in. Then, she went back and picked up Tae-young off Woo-young's lap and did the same. With both the kids in bed, she smiled at her husband sleeping in the chair. She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, waking him up. "Come on honey, you've had a long day," she reached for his hand and pulled him out of the chair.

He nodded and walked over to give each of the kids a kiss on their forehead before meeting  Se-young in the doorway. She flicked the lights off and closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar, before linking her fingers with his. When they got to their room, he turned off the light as she climbed into bed. Dropping unceremoniously onto the bed, Se-young let out a sigh of relief, "Bed," she smiled.

"Mmm," Woo-young agreed, as he joined her.

"I'd like to use a wish coupon and hope that we at least get to sleep in until 7.00am tomorrow," she murmured.

"We'd be lucky if one of them doesn't climb into bed at 4.00am tomorrow morning," he responded.

She turned to look at him, "I love our kids, but I really wished they understood the concept of 'let your parents sleep'."

"I think we've got a few years before they start grasping that concept. Tomorrow's another day," he replied. She closed her eyes and groaned as she snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead, "Let's be honest, we've got a really awesome set of twins."

She nodded, "We do. Thank you for being such an awesome dad," she told him.

He chuckled and pulled her closer, "You're a pretty stellar mom yourself, honey."

"I love you," she murmured.

"I love you more," he replied, before closing his eyes with a smile on his face.

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missauditor said: AomP said: missauditor said: thanks @liestiana for this photo
the title of the song is "farewell is indeed/really impossible" by yoon hyun sang.somehow the meaning of the song is not about honesty like his caption "indeed/really honesty is nice"looks like he wanted to be honest through the songthe same thing seyoung did when she sang "drunken truth" on wooyoung's birthday

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I was wondering the same thing...the lyrics of the song and his caption are different...and this is his second IG post on a 'parting' song.  The first one was by Jung Yeop 'Your place'...but that one was without a caption...

But I think the connection maybe like this :

it's good to be honest when you're missing someone, when you're hurting coz he/she is not around, of not being able to do the things you are used to...it's better to admit it than to deny it...maybe it made his heart feel more at ease. This is what I get from this song and his caption...

The first song 'your place', had a lot of 2young motives in it....about being drunk, about having space that can't be filled when she is not around...how the times when they were together was so precious, how precious the person is to him, and how thankful he is to her, how he didn't expect it to be this hard....

Then again, not many songs fit our situations like a glove, so we need to take it with a pinch of salt. Some contains only one or two lines that perhaps he wanted to convey across to his girl...

Looks like we are not the only ones missing our princess. It must be really tough because as much as we felt warm watching them, he is the one who felt the tingling and warmth personally. He was the one she touched, held, looked and smiled at.  Just imagine what effect all that could have been for him.  All this while he was dating a non-celebrity...and seeing each other must not have been as difficult as dating a celebrity.  If they are together, not being able to see each other must be taking a toll on him with his busy schedule and all the secrecy.  I think when she left, she left a really big gap or space in his life...I think he's feeling that space when she is not around, when they are apart.  I am glad though, for his post coz at least we know sy was not the only one who fell for him, she was not the only one hurting for real.

Even with a contract dispute, I don't think sy is forbidden from tweeting or being active on IG for personal posts.  But our girl just doesn't, and it's frustrating even for us...we don't even know how she looks like now...is she well? Is she keeping her hair long now? Why can't she just be like any other girl who posts selfies or anything online...now I believe how tomboyish she is....Is she being very careful? Too careful? I keep watching and rewatching her dramas but I just miss Park SeYoung...the girl in WGM, wooyoung's wife...

Sorry for my long post.  Just wanted to agree with wooyoung....yes, it hurts missing her...

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@jann17 @missauditor, both of you consider parting is staying apart. But for me I consider as breaking up.. Why I am so negative thinking???  I am away from this forum for a long time, I feel good when I am here. At least, I found both of you to clam my heart.
I must blame the weather... hahaha

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@Aomp Why would they breakup when she clearly loves him and he is hurting so much from missing her? Right? Or am I right? :D

In the final ep. Sy said that in the future if they meet, they would know how to act around each other.. She was already open to the idea of a future with him (and also the fact that she confessed....so the girl loves him)

Wy in the final ep. only playfully suggested meeting secretly, so I'm not sure if he was ready to accept her love then...BUT

if he's posting songs that talks about missing her and their time together, that could only mean one thing right? He can't be the one rejecting sy coz he's the one missing her this much while our princess is just cool and quiet.  And sy can't be the one rejecting him after painstakingly confessing her heart on national TV, right? Why take the trouble if she doesn't want him...and why miss her like crazy if he doesn't want her...SO

that's why I think it's just when they are apart...coz it doesn't make sense any other way, and I'm sticking to this rather stubbornly...lol

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@jann17  You are right !!!! .....
Being a shipper isn't easy....
Be patient...talk to myself...  :D
*edit : I will try to think positively, becoz I want to be a happy shipper !!!! Figthing !!!

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