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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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hehehehe this commented on wooyoung's new uopted.... 

"You weren't there for the entire day" someone feat. someone from brown eyed soul? Hmm.. Do you missing someone? Could be your (x) wifey? Its ok its love wooyoung-ah.. I'll always support u

Uri dear, @diendong posted this comment! :)

It's this song:

"니자리 (Feat. 정엽 Of Brown Eyed Soul).wmv" on YouTube - 니자리 (Feat. 정엽 Of Brown Eyed Soul).wmv:

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tumblr_nfgfpdkSlO1qe4t2io1_1280.pngFinnaly, Homewards...Good job everyone..Rest well for the next time..Im in (flight number) 
Lucky K-fans...they got to know his flight info...kekeke

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First of all @jann17, so glad you popped in to let us know you are doing ok and another great post as always :D  Secondly, I'm dying waiting for our @desertflower to come and tell us her story about the concert last night, I'm sure she is having some recovery time first, so we will just have to be patient.  I sincerely hope she had an awesome time though.
Lastly....after reading through all your posts, I just wanted to address to some of you (not anyone in particular) this.....please do not feel you have to apologize or feel you are doing something "wrong" by posting information or insight that may not be pleasing to hear as YY couple shippers.  As much as living life in delulu land is fun and honestly, for me, more preferred....sometimes we need that dose of reality to bring things into perspective.  Of course, we are always going to hold out hope that WY does things with some meaning to SY, but logically.....that will not always be the case.  Anyway, as long as you are being respectful in your posts (which you all were), I don't want anyone hear to feel they always have to go with the "crowd", please always feel free to speak your mind.  I just wanted to put that out there and I thank those that do bring us other perspectives and ways to think, because, even though thinking the other way is easier and funner, sometimes you need to be realistic.  What do parents call that???...tough love??
Just a little last comment as President this time.....I would like our fan club to be at the point where maybe we can send something to Wooyoung next year for his solo comeback....I'd like all of you to please keep this in the back of your minds as we go forward in the coming months.  Right now I'm just throwing it out there so you know where I'm looking for the future.  Hopefully we will also have a drama for our Seyoung and maybe we could do something for her as well.  Delusional me, hope for wedding next year and we would be sending to both :))

Hope you are all having a glorious weekend.  I've been catching up on mega episodes of dramas, even managed to sneak in some time watching our couple's episodes again.  Oh, I can't remember who it was that mentioned it in a comment....but I'm right there with them being jealous of the new couple getting that magazine shoot.....oh well, must not think of the "If only's" or "Should have's", doesn't help with the tasks at hand.  
:x >:D< :x >:D<

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My friends here is my report from the 2pm Los Angeles concert:
@PeggyM   Oh, I really, really had fun at the Los Angeles 2pm  Go Crazy World Tour Concert last night.  I have posted the 3 video clips I took with my IPhone to my youtube account, link below.  I apologize for the bad quality and lighting.  I was actually 10 rows from the stage but it looks like I took it from a football field away and the boys look washed out in the lighting but they sound fine.   
I met a major Wooyoung fan, Miho from Japan, as I was standing in line and when I asked her if she had watched JWY on WGM she said she didn't because he is her bias.  I could totally agree in that case.  She was so sweet..she bought tons of the Japanese version of Go Crazy to get the special event of seeing one of the 2pm boys in person.  There is a picture inside if you win and it could be any cd and any 2pm member's picture..so the fans buy cds like crazy.  She was so sweet....she gave me 1 Japanese version of the Go Crazy CD and two BTOB cds.  
During the 2pm Talk Time Chansung got some serious tears in his eye and was choked up telling everyone about his plans for the future and how much he loves Los Angeles and the fans and that he wants to return.  He has such a big heart.  I remember him dating in the Chinese version of WGM and he was so sweet to the Chinese Actress who was 12 years older then him.  He kissed her on the last day of filming.  He is such a manly man.  
During the talk time everyone said what they'd had visited or done while in L.A. except Wooyoung.....who must have been with the Princess.  He suspiciously didn't let fan girls touch him and didn't really stare at anyone but he worked very hard and said he'd come back.  He looks like a man who already has his woman.  
My husband when with me to the concert and he was so impressed with 2pm and said they were great entertainers.  He really enjoyed himself and loved their performance.
Wooyoung is every bit as handsome in person and so are the rest of 2pm....so, so, so, good looking. P.S.   All the other members of 2pm paired off with each other and did things together in Los Angeles except Wooyoung, therefore, it sounds like alone time spend with wifey.

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@desertflower Your videos and now reading your comments make me so green with envy....I wish so much I could have gone to that concert with you, we would have really had a blast for sure.  How awesome is your hubby though.....what a great guy and now a 2PM fan??  I'm so glad you had an awesome time and I am loving your perception of "the man" in love :D 
Thank you so much for the videos and for representing the YY Nation so diligently!!  You are an awesome "brains of the operation" for sure!! :x >:D<

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ok you creative writers and even those who aren't can play along.....we know WY is on his way home to Korea.....you are the anxiously waiting SY....
1.  what prepertions are you making for his homecoming?  2.  what are you doing to kill time while you wait?3.  what would be the first thing she would say to him?4.  anything else you want to add.
I haven't played a game with you all in a long time, let's have some fun!
(sorry if this is double post)

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