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Chilbong/Yoo Yeon Seok's Fan Project (Updated with book video)

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Guest thunderempress

At that time, I was only invested on the story and wasn't really rooting for anyone yet. And honestly Go Ara and Sung Dong Il were the only ones I know from the cast. So I searched for all of the cast members of the show and by the time I was searching on YYS I was surprised that he was the bad guy from A Werewolf Boy and Architecture 101. Only after searching his name did I develop an interest in him. Don't worry oppa, even though I ignored you the first few times I saw your other works I can't ignore you now because I LOVE YOU now! :))

Princess, Philippines

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My answer to Activity 7
A combination of A and D. I thought he was cute and polite, and he was taking Appa's fanboying over him extremely well. But I was more excited in episode 2 about Trash's official introduction as potential husband candidate. 
Well, who knew that 5 episodes later, my heart was going to be stolen by him in that can throwing scene with NJ. 
Lulu, USA

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Guest sassychic

My answer to activity 7 is E.

There's something in him that made me curious. Aside from his looks and his height...I can sense that He is a man who can love a woman unconditionally.

Chele, South Korea

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My answer is D, although I'm not a big fan of JW but I only know him and GAR.. and then I remember that YYS as Park Tae Seo in Gu Family Book but still I didnt give enough attention to him... then little by little I started to like him, I'm touched by his way in loving NJ... and when he went to SCP... when he must take 6 hours journey to go to SCP and 6 hours again to come back to seoul, only for 3 hours with NJ...he totally stealed my heart

Irene, Indonesia

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Thanks @rynn_peace !

Don't worry, it's not late. You guys can still comment about Activity 7 til the due date.

As for me, I choose A. He looks like a very well-mannered guy...and just look at those shoulders!!!! XD I was neutral at that time but I was leaning towards Trash because of episode 1! Chilbong slowly grabbed my attention and now I'm 5ever #teamchilbong

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Thank you for participating in the project! Please check your email for a reply. By now, we have reply to all submissions so if you did not receive an email yet, please resend us the submission to chilbongiefanproject@gmail.com! As requested from fans, we are accepting late submissions. The deadline for the late submission is....

 Sunday, February 16, 11:59PM UTC

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tiffanyndo

Re-up: Activity 5!
(We are still accepting answers for Activity 5)
You can either answer the question or just pick your favorite quote or do BOTH!)
In addition to ^ this banner... we want to know which quote that revolves around Chilbong is your favorite!
Please do not forget to include your name, and country!

1Because I was lonely I missed her, and because I missed her I was lonelier.
2It isn't over till it's over. But if it's a game that has no end, I have to end it myself. If it's something that 10,000 hours of heartache can't achieve, then for her sake, I have to lay my heart down. I have to begin the end.
3Another reason why Fate is cruel and strong: timing you can't predict. This is how Fate is cruel.
4Effort isn't seen-what people see is only the result. That's why other people's success might get called genius or luck
5I believe victory as a team is more important rather than my individual success. I would like to contribute to my team's victory.
6It is said that in order to achieve success in one field, ten thousand hours are required. The ten-thousand-hour rule. For Mozart and the Beatles and Steve Jobs and Kim Yuna, it wasn't an innate genius or good luck that created their success, but the effort and pain of more than ten thousand hours of work.
7In order to achieve that accomplishment, you can't wait for an innate something to show up or a stroke of luck-you have to work hard and try and suffer till the very end. It ain't over 'til it's over."
8Life starts at the end of the 9th inning, with two outs!
9Dreams always drive me and cause me to change. But what drives and changes me even more than that is the rival I meet at the corner on my way to those dreams

OPTIONAL: You can explain why the quote is your favorite.

NOTE: It would be awesome if you could finish this activity within 3 days from now as the designing team is rushing to finish before the deadline. Thank you very much! We look forward to hearing from you!
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Activity 5

My favorite quote is:

6. It is said that in order to achieve success in one field, ten thousand hours are required. The ten-thousand-hour rule. For Mozart and the Beatles and Steve Jobs and Kim Yuna, it wasn't an innate genius or good luck that created their success, but the effort and pain of more than ten thousand hours of work.

People are so quick to judge Chilbong as a person who has it all; look, wealthy family, talent, or in short PERFECT LIFE. But no, he is not perfect, neither is his life. His family is wealthy, but he practically lived alone for the whole life because his parents are busy with theirs. He has talent, but he work hard, very hard, harder than the rest of his team, to get to his position now. And yet, he always smile, always respectful, always giving his best without complaining.
His hard work, perseverance, persistence and braveness is always inspiring to me. Life may seems imperfect and unfair, but you are the one who is got to make it perfect by working hard and earned your deserved success.

Ratna ~ Indonesia

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i like all Chilbong's Quotes,,,, but if i choose my fav  of Chilbong's Quotes right now is :
9. Dreams always drive me and cause me to change. But what drives and changes me even more than that  is the rival I meet at the corner on my way to those dreams
Why ?
Because it shows me  that Life is a competition, sometimes to achieve something that we want, it does require the intense competition, it can help us to manage success and failure in a life. When you want to win a game, you have to teach, and when you lose a game, you have to learn.
Anita, Indonesia

OT don't put it in the project : It remind me of V contest ..... RIVAL.......

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I like 3 out of those choices but for my top choice (only by a narrow margin), I will have to go with #4:
"Effort isn't seen-what people see is only the result. That's why other people's success might get called genius or luck"
This quote is not only accurate, it's also very humbling. Sometimes we feel envious of other people's success and falsely assume that it was achieved either through their status, innate ability, or pure luck. Do we actually ever stop to think of the more likely possibility that it was attained through hard work and constant effort? Chilbongie's perseverance and unyielding determination are two of his traits that I've always admired because they are traits that are important to have, especially if one wishes to succeed in any aspect of life. When I find myself discouraged and dissatisfied with my current situation, I think back to this quote and ask myself: Have I done enough? Did I put in my best effort? When my answer to these questions are "No", I re-evaluate my choices, try a different approach, and keep trying until I can answer in the affirmative to both questions. 
Camille, USA

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Re-up: Activity 5
all ChilBong's quotes are my favourite but if i have to choose, it would be 6
ChilBong is perfect?! No, how many people know how hard his life, the way he overcome, his quotes made me believe in life, give me more strongChilBong ChilBong, Yeon Seok Yeon Seok, all i want is thank to come to my life
FangZhi, VietNam

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I love all Chilbong's quotes. They become inspiration for me. But if I must choose one, my choice is number 7.

"In order to achieve that accomplishment, you can't wait for an innate something to show up or a stroke of luck-you have to work hard and try and suffer till the very end. It ain't over 'til it's over."

Life is a match, where in life we must achieve our goals or dreams, compete with ourselves to reach the finish line. Goals or dreams can't be achieved if we only put passive act. We have to work hard and persevere to achieve it. Don't give up easily and do your best till the end.

Irene, Indonesia

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Activity 5-
Sorry for being late.
i have two my favorite quotes :1. Effort isn't seen-what people see is only the result. That's why other people's success might get called genius or luck.2. Because I was lonely I missed her, and because I missed her I was lonelier.

i'm such a greedy person right? ahahahha..
but my favorites would be : Because I was lonely I missed her, and because I missed her I was lonelier.
reason:i don't know why. i just love something like angst and torture maybe. if it's something starting with sorrow and a hardwork, it became more precious i think.when i remember this quotes. i always portray myself at the old day in my relationship. and how i can survive it till now. so, it's a kind of reminder for me to always thanks to GOD for a family i have right now  :x
aulia- Indonesia

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i actually love all of his quotes, but if i have to pick one, then my favorite quote is number 7:

"In order to achieve that accomplishment, you can't wait for an innate something to show up or a stroke of luck-you have to work hard and try and suffer till the very end. It ain't over 'til it's over."

coz it's the 7th quotes on the list..LOL, jk..well, simply because, it's truly inspired me in real life..PERIOD :)>-


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Guest lunagal

Each quote inspires me and touches my heart, but since I can only choose one.............
I like Quote 7 
[In order to achieve that accomplishment, you can't wait for an innate something to show up or a stroke of luck-you have to work hard and try and suffer till the very end. It ain't over 'til it's over."]as it reminds me that I shouldn't just expect success in life to be handed to me on a platter. Hard work and persistence is required. Nothing in life comes easily, but success is all the more sweeter and appreciated when it comes after great effort. Also it reminds me that NOTHING except death is final. It ain't over til it's over, indeed. Keep trying until it works, if you really want it to happen. It also reminds me of a phrase from the Paulo Coelho book "The Alchemist"- “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” But you can only let the universe know about how much you want something, by the effort that you put into trying to achieve it.
Tess- Australia

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For me, it's this one

Effort isn't seen-what people see is only the result. That's why other people's success might get called genius or luck

Sometimes in life, we dismiss other people's success just to feel better about ourselves. The thing is, even if you're a genius or gifted with above average abilities, if you don't lose hours of sleep and fun to work hard, you will get nowhere.

It is important to see the big picture, your effort is valuable no matter the result. Work hard, always. Don't look at around with bitterness. And if you have the innate gift for your craft, be thankful every day, and cultivate it. Do not lose your time, do not lose your determination even if you feel lost. You'll get there, maybe later in time, but investing your time, effort, love, and hard work in everything you do, will pay off.

Gabi (Argentina)

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