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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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Poor crayfish PD always get drag by members... kkk... actually, 3G can became 4G if they add yoo pd... he got cramp too when doing thigh wrestling again defconn... 

@jayne1874 me tooo ! T_T

at time like this i hope i know hangul...

@beyaruth they afraid that after watch this show, they will abandoned other.. 

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@lilaazka I know, right? Thats what I said when Yoo PD got cramped in leg wrestle *LOL* He's the official new member of now 4G :D 

That's why also they don't need to recruit another member or leader. Yoo PD is simply both. A bunch of awkward boys led by an equally awkward young PD at the beginning of the season. They find their tunes and move in the same wavelength without one dominates the others.

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Guest Iu Starz

Shhhh... I have a crush on Sleepy Lobster PD :wub: *sigh*


lol...his physical seems vulnerable but his leadership bring his charisma out...i feel you

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Guest kayefaye

Okay, I loved part 2 of To Your Home special even more than part 1.  However, I couldn't help but feel sad at the part where Joo-hyuk was talking at Jongmin's dad's grave.  It likely didn't occur to him that he would be burying his own mother just several days after that. :(


On a lighter note, Jongmin & Tae-hyun are holding hands, y'all! :D :lol: 


I've found that S3 members are not as "showy" in the bromance department as, say, the previous season (I think these guys mostly get a kick out of annoying each other, like real brothers do :D )... but maybe it's because these cute moments are few & far between that makes them even more precious. They like to cover up their concern for each other with their silliness -- like the way they made jokes at the gravesite to lighten the mood -- and it's that subtlety that I find specially endearing.

I bet the PDs had a blast editing the Saving Private Sprite portion.  I'm really loving this season's resource materials: from Tolstoy to "When Harry Met Sally" to "Saving Private Ryan".  You're a cool dork, Yoo PD (and your creative staff, too).


And in case anyone's interested, I found an English translation of JJY's blog post about the Female Friends trip.
original post: http://blog.naver.com/poketchu/220418869059


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This episode is really good. The ratings are unexpectedly good and the content reflected it. 

It was touching when the brothers visited Jong Min's father's grave. Then Soo Jin's cute appearance was a nice a surprise (she grew up so fast seriously, already looking like a sweet young lady). The elephant nose games were hilarious as always. All the guys who are around 40 yrs old basically suck at this game, their sense of balance is no good anymore at this age so it's always fun to watch lol. 

Can't wait to watch the next ep. Here hoping the ratings will continue to do well!!

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@kayefaye their rough but sweet friendship really my style... 

even taehyun who like to babysit jjy didnt hestitae to make a prank too.. like put a few masquito to his tent...kkkk 

it remain me when moon hee joon said that he regret that among H.O.T members they are too nice... unlike shinwa members who can talk freely...


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@pink_dolphins and I on Bird PD :)

@asti_g_mei  Thanks for sharing the Neilsen Korea data.  Things like this help me know what to anticipate in an episode.

@kayefaye and @Noon I agree with you both on your insights on the bromance and the elephant games.  

I loved this episode too.  It was a complete package for me.

The heartwarming guess-the-song-title game with the grandma and the village foreman made me smile widely and chuckle a lot.

The visit to Jongmin's hometown revealed a seldom-seen side of the members' relationship with each other (because, for the sake of delivering an entertaining and laughter-filled show, they must act uncaring, annoying, competitive, devious, opportunistic, and quick to shift alliances, betray, scorn and put down each other).  This episode showed how the members actually care for each other and how they've developed a sense of brotherhood all the more genuine and touching because it is not cloyingly showy, it is not one constantly put on display for the sake of making them look good individuals to their audience.  On the contrary, they sacrifice their good image just to deliver a fun show.  

The solemn and care-filled preparation they made for the visit to the graveyard of Jongmin's dad and the actual grave-side visit actually made me cry; I sobbed and sobbed, soaking up the sincerity, friendship and goodwill behind it all, and the support they had for each other. I saw that Jong Min is really appreciated by the members and acknowledged as their senior in the show who has helped put them at ease in doing it; how, in serious circumstances, Joo Hyuk takes up the rein of leadership as big bro and how the others respect him as such; and how even Joon Young reined in his 4D personality and displayed the proper respectful form. I hope the members displayed the same support and solidarity for Joo Hyuk during his mother's demise.  Taehyun's going back to Jongmin at the end of the graveyard visit atoned, for me, for his (imaginary) sins against Jongmin.

Anyone watching me yesterday while I was watching this episode would have thought I had lost a few marbles: at first I was smiling and chuckling; after a while I was sobbing my heart out; then after that, I was laughing uncontrollably :).  The elephant nose game is simply hilarious, as @Noon said. :) There just is something about sober guys staggering like drunks and helplesslly falling in various undignified (but not seriously so) positions after turning around several times that is vastly entertaining. Jun Ho's "soaring" bird-in-flight dive into the hammock, Taehyun's butt sticking out in an attempt to conquer it, Joo Hyuk's simply falling off the whole thing, the rest's wandering off their orbits against their will and good sense and falling into the sand or water like something felled them -- those are truly funny sights.  Even Joon Young is not immune to the effects of this game!

Sorry, dears, for the long post.  That comes from really enjoying the show :)  @jayne1874   yes, Wednesday's seem to take forever in coming :)




Edited by Leedyah
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Why they keep doing elephant turns when there are many other games that will not torture poor, poor eldest bro? :tears: We already know it is his weakness therefore I wish they would find the other members’ weaknesses too to even the field somehow

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Guest kayefaye

Why they keep doing elephant turns when there are many other games that will not torture poor, poor eldest bro? :tears: We already know it is his weakness therefore I wish they would find the other members’ weaknesses too to even the field somehow


I can think of one answer: it gives them good ratings.  When they did the elephant nose game at the year-end special in Jeju last year, their rating was 18.6%.  This time, it's 18.7%.  Looks like the audience loves that (along with the other things they did in those episodes, of course).  I'm sure that's worth the sacrifice for Joo-hyuk.  Plus this time, we get to see Yoo PD sub for him in the game. :) And since the last episode peaked at that part at 22.1% (based on the post above), I'm guessing it won't be the last we'll see of that game.



(edit) It's 1N2D-related, so I'll post it here. I just read the news that the Season 1 members along with Na PD are planning to reunite for a new show on TVN. I'm curious though that I didn't read Jong-min's name among those who were offered. But I guess that's a topic for a different forum.


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I have yet to watch the latest epi so i simply cant wait till i have 2 hours of undisturbance... i juz wonder when will that be?? :mellow:

Thanx 2 everyone for making this forum busy with opinions and questions and answers and the plenty of spoilers lol

@kayefaye i read about it too. It seems to look like an overseas version of 1N2D but i wonder if it's anything like it. It maybe possible since S1 is still playing in a channel acquiring tvN tv shows around asia. U noe Channel M, rite? It's been playing all Na PD's current shows as well. Since Na PD is out of kbs, i dont noe if it will look like the original 1N2D. We'll juz hve 2 wait and see. Juz pls dont compete with the current timeslot tho.. *fingers cross*

and to those still watching the show on kbsw youtube, i noe it's pretty annoying without the hardsubs but isn't the hardsubs still available if you try checking the settings to get to its 'CC' options on... it's still there. I noe it's better if it is with the video and not having to change the settings. Making my life easier should i decide to download any of the episodes...:)

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@kayefaye @tdjunlimited Remember that Yoo-PD is part of the 1n2d season 1 as well. But 1n2d season3 is doing well in ratings so I don't think both KJM and PD-nim would even join that planned reunion show. Also, I read someone commented that KJM looks awkward in 1n2d season 3 (but that's her personal opinion though), do you guys think KJM does? He looked really awkward and his reactions looked unnatural at first few episodes but I don't see it like that anymore. 

I don't watch or follow any korean drama recently, it's just that I don't find the recent dramas to be that interesting and I am somewhat hooked on this show. And besides dramas usually ends in 16 or little bit more episodes, 1n2d will be broadcasting much much longer than that especially now that they're having high ratings! :w00t: The thing is, when I watched the last episode, I was watching a variety show and it was supposed to be light and funny, how come it made me sob while watching our Joo Hyuk saying his respects to Jong-min's dad? :tears: Knowing that he also just lost his mom, I felt so sorry for our eldest member.

Yes, it might be a variety show, but it is also a real road trip showing true life emotions and experiences, that episode is truly heartwarming. 

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VIDEO https://instagram.com/p/5OfRKXigwa/ 

VIDEO  https://instagram.com/p/5OhkdUtX9Y/ 












sorry today i celebrated eid mubarak... so this week i can't updated regular ( maybe back normal on monday )  only put link here ,,, i can't reuploaded pic on imgur today  (need faster )


for muslim forumers  happy eid mubarak  .... 

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Guest kayefaye

@kayefaye @tdjunlimited Remember that Yoo-PD is part of the 1n2d season 1 as well. But 1n2d season3 is doing well in ratings so I don't think both KJM and PD-nim would even join that planned reunion show. Also, I read someone commented that KJM looks awkward in 1n2d season 3 (but that's her personal opinion though), do you guys think KJM does? He looked really awkward and his reactions looked unnatural at first few episodes but I don't see it like that anymore. 

Looks like Jongmin really isn't joining the reunion. From what I've read, they're sticking with four cast members (Hodong, Seung-gi, Ji-won & Sugeun). Yoo PD certainly cannot join since he is a KBS employee while the new show will be a TVN/CJ E&M production, although I think they're broadcasting it on the internet instead of TV.

As for Jong-min looking awkward in S3, I think it's quite the opposite. He's at his best now and that's thanks largely to his great chemistry with every member of the new cast. Awkward would be him in S1 after he came back from the army. But you know, they can't please everyone - hence that comment.


Anyway, here's another pic from their filming today at Haeundae Beach in Busan. Good to see Joo-hyuk with his brothers.


(credit: instagram @hj_yeong)

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@kayefaye @tdjunlimited Remember that Yoo-PD is part of the 1n2d season 1 as well. But 1n2d season3 is doing well in ratings so I don't think both KJM and PD-nim would even join that planned reunion show. Also, I read someone commented that KJM looks awkward in 1n2d season 3 (but that's her personal opinion though), do you guys think KJM does? He looked really awkward and his reactions looked unnatural at first few episodes but I don't see it like that anymore. 

Looks like Jongmin really isn't joining the reunion. From what I've read, they're sticking with four cast members (Hodong, Seung-gi, Ji-won & Sugeun). Yoo PD certainly cannot join since he is a KBS employee while the new show will be a TVN/CJ E&M production, although I think they're broadcasting it on the internet instead of TV.

As for Jong-min looking awkward in S3, I think it's quite the opposite. He's at his best now and that's thanks largely to his great chemistry with every member of the new cast. Awkward would be him in S1 after he came back from the army. But you know, they can't please everyone - hence that comment.


(credit: instagram @hj_yeong)

I agree he's at his best now - funniest/most wity.  Hmmm... if he seems awkward, I think it would be at those times when he's considered the fool which is too often these past few episodes.  That gets irksome at some point and you know how he reacts to that, just smile without saying anything.   They should really lay off that running joke but, really, I don't see his relationship with the other members as awkward.

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