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Yoo Yeon Seok 유연석 (Upcoming Drama 2021 : Hospital Playlist S2)


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candid59 said: Okay, just to get an idea of YYS' current popularity relative to someone big, let's look to Twitter BAHAHA. Of course, I don't know how big Twitter is in Korea and a big fraction of the followers are most likely international fans but it's still a good reference for how big in general his fanbase is now. 
Lee Min Ho currently has 1.6 million ish followers whereas YYS currently only has 88,000+ right now. And just for those who are curious Jung Woo has 46,000+   

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Wah, thanks everyone for the pictures and news update.

Shocked to see so many news articles released today!! But it's a great shock nevertheless.

I just picked the easiest article that I've sighted to translate for those keen to know some of the contents. Here goes:



<Please Reply! Yoo Yeon Seok> The Secret to His 30 Years Old's Baby Face? No Drinking & Smoking


Actor Yoo Yeon Seok personally [replied] his fans’ curiosity. Even as he pondered while saying “Oh, this is a difficult question”, he seriously considered each and every question. At the scene filled with laughter, we carried out a question & answer session with Yoo Yeon Seok.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Q: What’s the thing that you wanted to do the most when filming for Reply 1994 ended?

A: When the production ended, I wanted to leave for travelling and taking photos. But in reality, I have to prepare for the next production and living an extremely busy life everyday.


Q: Do you search for your own name on the Internet often?

A: I didn’’t really do so in the past, but recently as there were many news flying around after the broadcast ended, I will do so only when I have the time.


Q: Your Secret to Not-Looking-Beyond 30’s Baby Face?

A: Lving an analog life (direct translation from Korean, not quite sure its meaning tho). It seems that no smoking and no drinking do help. I live mainly on health food like traditional food such as barley or bibimbap instead of instant food.

Q: How do you release stress?

A: I enjoy planting, making things with my own hands or fishing, many hobbies. Especially when I was serving my military duty, my dad bought me a Leica that I am still using it today.

Q: What do you think is your own appeal?

Eyes or expression. I think that there isn't any  part of my appearance that’s especially good looking, but I have the confidence to switch between kind expression and evil look. Actors seem to be able to communicate many things with their eyes.

Q: Among your works, which is the character that you personally think is the saddest?

A: I have to admit. It’s Chilbong. But in <A Werewolf Boy> devoted Jitae is also pitiful. Isn’t he a kid who didn’t get any love and didn’t know the way to express himself? Chilbong got married and was active in the major league but Jitae died. No matter how I look it, he’s more unfortunate than Chilbong.

Q: If you have to choose among the 4 students from the hostel in <Reply 1994>, who would you introduce to your sister?

A: Chilbong is great, must we exclude Chilbong? (Laughed) I like looking at Samcheonpo-Yoonjin couple’s lovey-doveyness. Samcheonpo is 100% on Yoongjin’s side. If he can become someone who stands on my sister’s side, I would be happy to introduce.

Q: What role would like to try in your next production?

A: Like senior Jo Seung Woo in the movie <Marathon>, a character who can overcome his own disability. I want to try such characters that the audience can draw strengths from while watching.

(Picture credit The Daily Focus Korea)


chappykoo said: here's the cut of the news about him not imagining the free hug will attract that many people and about his parents tearing up: -인기는 실감하나. "얼마 전 명동에서 프리허그를 했다. 그 때 예상보다 너무 많은 분들이 오셔서 이벤트를 어쩔 수 없이 중단해야했다. 그렇게 많은 인파가 몰릴 줄 상상도 못했다. 그때 인기를 실감했다. 사실 그날 부모님도 현장에 계셨다. 인파가 몰린 걸 보고 감동해서 눈물을 흘리셨다. 결국 모교(세종대학교 대학원 연기예술학과)에서 300분과 프리허그 이벤트를 다시 열었는데 그때 한 분 한 분 안으면서 뭔가 뭉클했다. 남자들도 있었고, 해외에서 오신 분도 있었다. 또 아기를 안고 오신 분도 있었다. 신기했다." source: ilgan sports
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So many goodies! Thank you everyone. I keep trying to write a message for YYS for the project but I am so nervous. I write something and delete it immediately. It has to be good. It makes me nervous because he will actually read it! Problems of a fangirl. It might take me some time everyone.

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Guest chappykoo

@autumn_bliss thank you sooo much for the trans!!!

gosh he admits chilbong character is saaaaaad :(( yeonseokssi its good for your career but my heart bleeds with your sad face..your tears is not helping either :(( and he really lives the jitae character :)) he always defend him lol

i can understand if he defend jaewook in architecture bcs i can see jaewook character in many people,girls or guys..but jitae,gosh he is pure evil and brat :)) and lol at him saying at least chilbong got married while jitae died..and here i prefer if CB died like kimbum character in goddess of fire :))

and loool he really love chilbong character isnt he?? :))

and @autumn_bliss yeah i thought the free hugs will be like the guerilla date show where he can stroll freely through myeongdong..but lol no..and i guess he feels so gratefull that in sejong univ he just had to take panoramic pics of him with all the fans that attend it :')

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Fellow celebrities' opinion of our sweet yys


It's about time he gets recognized.

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yoo yeon seok seems to really want to do a role of a person with disability. i hope he gets the opportunity to do so, it will be quite interesting.

i haven't watched the korean movie marathon but i have watched the japanese one-episode drama version starring ninomiya kazunari (he's a member of the idol group arashi but he's also recognized as an actor, he was in the movie letters of iwo jima). i liked the japanese drama and i'll add the korean movie in my never-ending 'to watch' list.

@Autumn_Bliss, thank you for the translation. i think analog in this context means he lives a simple lifestyle, and he's not into modern conveniences and gadgets? 

@zannloo, the definition of hometown is the town of one’s (1) birth or (2) early life or (3) present fixed residence. so it is confusing. his hometowns are really seoul and jinju but i think he considers jinju as his hometown because that's where he grew up? perhaps he was too young when he lived in seoul that he doesn't really have a lot of memories of his early childhood there.

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Guest lightingstar

Autumn_Bliss said:

Wah, thanks everyone for the pictures and news update.

Shocked to see so many news articles released today!! But it's a great shock nevertheless.

I just picked the easiest article that I've sighted to translate for those keen to know some of the contents. Here goes:


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I love yys but I really wished he'd stop wearing those turtlenecks. He looks so 90s in them. He needs more tux. He looks hot in them.

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Guest chappykoo

I love yys but I really wished he'd stop wearing those turtlenecks. He looks so 90s in them. He needs more tux. He looks hot in them.

inspired by bae yong joon perhaps? yong sama and yeon sama :))

but if he wears turtleneck and add glasses like bae yong joon : a mash up of jitae and jaewook looool jerks combo :))

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chappykoo said: just searched 유연석 in twitter and there are 3 yys news being retweeted here and there.. one of them is the yys hobbies @day_dreamer posted the other are about yys joined a baseball team for 2 years (funny because its tweeted by @krBaseballNews :))) and the last is about yys parents teared up for his myeongdong free hugs.. it might be wrong bcs i just depend on my limites korean understanding but....whoa yys parents teared up tho... <3 <3 <3 <3

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Guest jongfucius

@Autumn_Bliss thanks for the translation, would you happen to have a link to the actual interview? I wanted to post this up on Tumblr and credit both the original source and you for the translation. 
@msash lol he dresses like an old grandpa with all of those turtle necks and pull over sweaters. I would really love to see him sport more V-necks and plain white dress shirts, with his hair styled like 2013 Joon......


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@jongfucius GOD. DAMMIT I HATE YOU. And I love you because now I don't have to backtrack the pages to find that gif ehehehe. Btdubbs, can I use? And how do I give credit?
Have I talked about his lips yet? WHY ARE THEY. SO. NICE? No really, they're like perfectly heart-shaped and full lololol I'm so jealous they're like a perfect canvas for lipsticks lololol
Ahem. Um. Brain not functioning yet. Oh the eternal dilemma of trying to keep my sanity in tact while being a fangirl.

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@luluponyazn Thank you for that beautiful comment. YYS is a truly remarkable actor who will go far in his career. He does add a degree of depth and vulnerability to each of his characters which I love too. I also don't see villains are people who are born evil. They have screwed up logic which along with other things in their lives can lead them to perform villainous acts. I am glad that he doesn't see those antagonist roles as evil. He does have a great deal of different types of characters and experiences in under his belt which I admire too. I believe in him and his vision for his future career. I can't wait for the day he reaches that super star status and we all can say "Wow, Yoo Yeon Seok you have come so far. I remember when I first saw him as Chilbongie so many years ago." We just have to be patient. 
Also many of the other cast members have projects coming up too. So it would be great for us to support them too. This is a crucial moment for them all. Son Ho Jun and Kim Sung Kyun also had a free hug event together after Jung Woo's event and also attracted a large crowd that they had to stop after 10 minutes. Ho Jun has a drama coming up with Yoon Kye Sang too called Full Sun. It would be nice if we could lend our support to him as well. 

@zanloo Thank you for your updates. I look forward to them everyday. They always put a smile on my face. :)
@day_dreamer Thank you for your updates too. You are such a dedicated fan. I really appreciate your impressive searching skills to find out more YYS! Thanks for sharing. :)
@Autumn_Bliss Thank you for the translations. It's bittersweet to see that even YYS agrees with us about Chilbongie's story being very tragic. Although I have to agree with him on Ji Tae being the most tragic by suffering a gruesome death and dying angry, pathetic and alone. 
This goes to everyone subbing or translating. I appreciate all your hard work. There has been such an explosion of news and there is probably much more on the way. Please take your time with your translations. I realize you all are really busy people. Thank you for all your help. :) 

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Guest jongfucius



@jongfucius GOD. DAMMIT I HATE YOU. And I love you because now I don't have to backtrack the pages to find that gif ehehehe. Btdubbs, can I use? And how do I give credit?
Have I talked about his lips yet? WHY ARE THEY. SO. NICE? No really, they're like perfectly heart-shaped and full lololol I'm so jealous they're like a perfect canvas for lipsticks lololol
Ahem. Um. Brain not functioning yet. Oh the eternal dilemma of trying to keep my sanity in tact while being a fangirl.

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Yoo Yeon Suk Admits He Is Similar To His “Reply 1994” Character Chil Bong
Yoo Yeon Suk

Actor Yoo Yeon Suk talked about his "Reply 1994" character Chil Bong in a recent interview with Star News.

His character may not have ended up with the girl, but Yoo Yeon Suk shared, "I don't think that Chil Bong hanging onto a one-sided love is pitiful. I think that a man who will only look at his woman is someone admirable. His character is someone who gets sympathy from the viewers so I like it."

When asked about his personal dating experience, he answered, "I have experienced unrequited love, and I have confessed to girls who didn't reciprocate my feelings. There was even a time when I shut myself away from people because of this. In this respect, I think I could sympathize with Chil Bong."

He was asked who he wanted to be paired up with in the virtual marriage variety show "We Got Married", and he answered his co-star Go Ara.  "Even though Chil Bong and Na Jung didn't end up together, I think it would be nice if Go Ara and I would be able to work with each other again through other programs."

Chil Bong and Na Jung may not have ended together, but maybe Yoo Yeon Suk and Go Ara will have a happier ending.

Credits: KDramaStars
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So does Chilbong marry Jung Yoomi's character, who he meets in the final episode?

"The drama ends the way it ends. What happens after is up to the imagination of the viewing audience" -- Shin won ho pd
Autumn_Bliss said:

Q: Among your works, which is the character that you personally think is the saddest?

A: I have to admit. It’s Chilbong. But in <A Werewolf Boy> devoted Jitae is also pitiful. Isn’t he a kid who didn’t get any love and didn’t know the way to express himself? Chilbong got married and was active in the major league but Jitae died. No matter how I look it, he’s more unfortunate than Chilbong.

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Guest tiffanyndo

@hmhas: CB was indeed married though as he mentioned his "wife" in a 2013 scene in ep 21. But we don't know if that person is Jung Yoo Mi's character or not. So basically, the PD was saying CB's wife had no name and face; insert your preferred name and face and let your fan fiction writing skill roam free.

A lot of people associate this "open" ending with that of Joon Hee in AM97. But I don't think they are similar in anyway. The execution of JH's ending is a smart move, as it guarantees JH's happiness without revealing the gender of his partner (as sexuality issue is still very controversial in S.Korea media). And at least, we got to see him smiling getting into the car. But in AM94, I don't understand the point of not showing CB's wife or any of his interaction with her. I think all CB's fans deserve to see him being happy with his family in 2013, not just to be thrown in the face a "oh, he has a wife". It is his happiness that matters, not some consolation prize for not getting the main girl.

As my "imagination" runs wild, I wonder if CB's wife is not Korean :))

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