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Yoo Yeon Seok 유연석 (Upcoming Drama 2021 : Hospital Playlist S2)


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Sharing this since there's a short mention on YYS's dedication for acting... it's a recent interview of Kim Ji-won (his co star in 'Horror Stories'). Article can be found here (last question)... sorry if it's already been posted. 
From my very rough understanding, Kim Ji-won was asked about her past collaboration with rising 'unrequited love(?)' actors Yoo Yeon-seok and Kim Woo Bin. I think she said she personally tend to root for those who had one-sided loves and that she once hoped Chilbong will be the husband in 'Reply 1994'. YYS was casted previously in the movie 'Horror stories' as her scary killer but now that she saw him in 'Reply 1994', she can't help and wonder how a person can have such huge transformation. It left a deep impression on her in his meticulousness in details such as his clothing, hairstyle etc in order to prepare well for his character back then. 

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Hi guys,
I have been lurking in this thread for a good couple of weeks now, and I am so thankful and so encouraged on how you guys turned disappointment and hurt into positive energy and love for our YYS. CB the character has become a personal motivation in my life during the course of the drama in how to deal with my own relationships and work, and that is why I think, he holds such a precious place in my heart and will continue to hold that place (only 3 other fictional characters have done the same in the past). I am still thinking of what to write for the YYS IFC project, to convey honestly and succinctly the way CB touched and affected my heart, and the way YYS the actor has been such a tale of encouragement for young people who are still trying to work their way up the academic/professional ladders. 
Since we are on the topic of YYS's future career, I think the key is to be patient and trust in YYS, that he himself has a vision to become a skilled and versatile actor for the long term and a desire to portray human characters in different circumstances and expand his capacity as an actor to convey the emotions, internal conflicts, and all human weaknesses and strengths. I found in his past characters that he was really good in portraying cowardly characters, whether it be antagonists like in Werewolf, or protagonists like in Re-encounter or 1819, and CB was so refreshing because while he had his moments of weakness, CB was really a character who would confront his fears heads on, like in the frontal attack when pitching. The amazing thing is that all his characters, especially recently and regardless of the screen time he got, felt incredibly human. This is true even for the character of Gi Tae in Werewolf, who could easily been portrayed as a caricature, but in this movie, while I really despised him, I also pitied him, and in the end, he became someone pathetic instead of just plain hateful, and I think that's all credited to YYS's craft in building a realistic background and set of internal motivations for this character and use of method acting to bring out the humanity in an otherwise evil caricature. 
I actually want him to expand his repertoire into more complicated characters with strong wills, and not just ones who tend to be cowardly and weak. It seems like from the 3 movies roles he got, they are all very different characters, and while they are not necessarily main characters, it's a great way for him to explore different types of characters, and besides huge names and acting talents at that. 
His current trajectory actually reminds me more of KSH's path, where he has been getting some attention for the childhood roles he portrayed and gained major attention in Dream High, but he went on to play a supporting character in a major blockbuster. This is comparable to YYS's sudden soar in popularity in AM 1994, but he still does not have the fan base and star power to be an A-list star at this moment, but rather, uses what he's got to gain invaluable opportunities to act besides other A-listers and famous directors/writers, as well as extending the range of characters he plays. KSH's national popularity and A-list status was really sealed in Moon/Sun (for reasons I don't really understand, b/c I don't think that's his strongest work), and look at where he is now. What I want and hope for YYS is for a production team that sees the value in YYS and pick him as a major lead for a major 3 drama and make it big there, perhaps in the next 2-3 years, and that can really seal him as an A-level star and allow him so much room to expand and explore and grow even more as an actor.
KSH is extremely lucky, even though he is very very talented, but it still took him bout 3-4 years from the point of Will it snow for Christmas?, where he first caught some attention (comparable to maybe how YYS caught some attention in Gu Family Book). I started following KSH's career after WISFC and especially Giant, where he amazed me, and his performance there still holds a special place in my heart, and even though his career really developed at the speed of lightning for k-ent, it was a long process as a fan that required much of my patience. For YYS's career, I am more reserved about the speed of his career development, as appearance-wise, he is not as much of a stand-out (objectively) as KSH, even though his rather plain features give him a lot of versatility. His age might also be a limiting factor, although he has an amazing ability to portray youth and all its giddiness, up/downs, and passions with alarming accuracy and being relatable (imaging Jung Woo, who's only 2 years older, portray CB, and you get the image). Finally, luck only gets so far and only lands on a few individuals, and Moon/Sun was really an oddity in the land of k-dramas, and I still don't really understand why it got the ratings it got, and it's hard to imagine that a hit drama like that will happen to YYS as well. That's why I foresee YYS's career may be taking an additional 5 to 6 years to really be sealed as a national A-lister, and maybe even go down in k-ent history as one of the most respected actors well into their old age like Song Kang Ho, Han Suk Kyu, and Park Hae-il, who get less buzz on the internet b/c netizens tend to be younger, but get heaps of recognition and respect professionally and internationally. 
Anyways, our job is to be patient and support him no matter what, because he is someone who is really dedicated to his job as a actor and has strong professional ambitions, not necessarily to be super famous and rich, but to become an actor with an extensive repertoire and experience, as well as the satisfaction from portraying a wide variety of characters with his own touch and understanding of humanity. (And we get the extra privilege to oogle at his pictures and goodies on the side as a bonus while all of this is happening. haha)
*Note: Just as an aside, even though I am been really encouraged and glad to see that the direction of the comments on this thread has veered generally away from bitter feelings toward AM1994 and other actors, I would still discourage comments that can come off as sneering or jealous or sarcastic at this drama, the other actors/actresses, or even other fandoms (they may be more appropriate for the Chilbong thread since that's more of a healing place?). I think we should protect this space as one with positive energy and love for YYS, as well as demonstrating our capacity as his fans to be forgiving, much like CB the character, instead of coming off as petty (like how @candid59 pointed out some Nareki fans can come off as, but we don't have to point it out repeatedly and publicly. May be more appropriate for chatrooms or PMs). As much as it is easy to start comparing the popularity and future projects of YYS with the other actors of this drama, and it is understandable from an emotional point of view, the other actors, especially Jung Woo and Go Ara, are as every bit equally deserving of the attention they are getting right now. While as YYS fans, we tend to focus on his 10-year career, Go Ara and Jung Woo also had long careers where few people recognized their talents. Right now, we can't say for sure what the future will bring, but I'm quite sure that all of these actors in this drama, including YYS, Ara, and Jung Woo, as well as the rest of the gang, will continue to get project, CF, and interview offers, that are in my opinion, well-deserved, and let us anticipate this soar in popularity for everyone with open hearts. 
*2nd aside that kind of just negated my previously point, haha, and totally OT: for those of you who are looking for dramas that actually treats you as an intelligent human being and respects internal and external logic to the highest degree, Sherlock is finally BACK in season 3!! (so excited :D)
@Pompango. Good luck on your test!!! I remember the morning of episode 18 broadcast, before I was about to have my last final. Instead of studying, I was frantically typing and following the Chilbong thread and watching the live stream. I was so pumped at the last scene that I was totally awake and super excited for a final while having only like 2 hours of sleep. Thankfully, I ended up doing well even though I only studied for like 2 hours, haha, but that experience live streaming with you guys, with all that crazy emotions and excitement, was unforgettable, and I would not trade it for a thing. 

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Guest jrfam78

So all of these pictures of YYS are totally making my day!  I actually recognize some of the buildings in the background.  I might sound stakerish but hey, if I can't say it here where else can say it.
King Kong Ent building is around where my parents business is in Korea.  Literally around the corner. I have spent a lot of time in that area and I can tell they are the building surrounding that area. When I go to Korea this summer I am going to make a lot of excuses to "hang out" around the office!  I have never ever fangirled around anyone.  I even met my long time crush Lee Jung Jae and I didn't even flinch.  I even met 2PM and nothing (they are way HOT in person) I always said the only person I would fangirl for is So Ji Sub and now out YYS!  

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Guest chappykoo

@day_dreamer i noticed that he is trending no.7 but once in no.3 looool 7 is yys lucky no? 7 cfs and i hope he will get 7 acting projects this year since its 2014 (7*2=14 loooool)

for you who want to read ara's interviews..blue translated them all..some of it are about yys and cb too


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Guest chappykoo

just searched 유연석 in twitter and there are 3 yys news being retweeted here and there..

one of them is the yys hobbies @day_dreamer posted

the other are about yys joined a baseball team for 2 years (funny because its tweeted by @krBaseballNews :)))

and the last is about yys parents teared up for his myeongdong free hugs..

it might be wrong bcs i just depend on my limites korean understanding but....whoa yys parents teared up tho... <3 <3 <3 <3

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@chappykoo lmao ikr? He stayed true to no 7! xD Amen to that 7 acting projects (it's /my/ wish for them to be): 3 films (first half of 2014) ; 2 dramas (2nd quarter of 2014 and 4th quarter of 2014); 1 indie film (end of the year) and 1 drama cameo (I so wish he could at least cameo once in any given drama. And I somehow wish that lucky drama to be Song Ji Hyo's and Choi Ji Hyuk's 'Emergency Man and Woman' :P
 ...But then again that 7 acting projects I had in mind sounds so cruel to his his own self and schedule. So, maybe not. But I sort of want to see more of him. But poor Oppa's health then. But it's kinda good since YYS will have more characters to develop and rocked on. But it would be taxing on him. UGH I'm so conflicted I'm sorry. chappykoo said: just searched 유연석 in twitter and there are 3 yys news being retweeted here and there.. 
 one of them is the yys hobbies @day_dreamer posted 
the other are about yys joined a baseball team for 2 years (funny because its tweeted by @krBaseballNews :))) 
 and the last is about yys parents teared up for his myeongdong free hugs.. 
 it might be wrong bcs i just depend on my limites korean understanding but....whoa yys parents teared up tho... <3 <3 <3 <3

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@lulyuponyazn that's why we proud to be yeoniverse LOL...

I'm very excited waiting his next works

@all who have shared his pic... thx you so much... Happy Me ^^ So happy when saving his pic one by one...

@day_dreamer his hobbie really aren't ordinary... that's why make him so unique...hee heee

And watched the epiloque...ahh really I can stop smiling... saw his interaction with Go Ara so funny, so close... then I downloaded hwasin and strong heart... and I reached one conclusion... I really love to see him talking and laughing...

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Guest lightingstar

OMG, just one day and now there is a bombardment of news!!! i'm drowning but why do i feel so happy to be drowning like this!? :)) today, i'm afraid that the Google-nim has to work hard, i'm really curious about those interviews! And of cause, dying to wait for your translations, Chilbongers :(
I'm so happy to see our YYS become popular like this, but is it too hard for him to take so many projects this year? and also i'm afraid of the weight of the crown he has to bear when he becomes famous. Hope that he can cope with it and do it well in his upcoming projects like he used to in Rep94 and other projects in past.
By the way, i've just finished watching the movie Re-encounter, and it totally knocks me down by the way YYS and his co-star express their broken heart and desperation when they lose their child. Those emotions and feelings, they dont need much word to show but through their eyes and actions, I can feel it like i'm the one who lose the thing that i most treasure. And through this movie and the drama Rep94, i believe in YYS is a talent actor and together with his 100000hrs rules, his hardworking and patience, I think that he will be even more success. Cant wait to see him again in next project, my only idol so far.
And one more thing, i just wonder whether he really can play piano or not, because, so far, i have seen him play piano in the movie Re-encounter, the drama Tasty life and in his friend's wedding ceremony, so may be he can play piano in reality. If it is true, he is such a perfect man, and make me love him more!!!!!!!!! :xhe is playing piano in Re-incounter: ikmn.jpg

he is playing a piano in Tasty lifeqmoQ6SJ.jpg

he is playing piano in his friend's wedding:

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Guest lightingstar

zannloo said: NEW UPDATES 20140108
1. An article on YYS, GAR, KSG and DH promoting B1A4's "The Class" Concert. There is a video for it but I can't find it anywhere on Youtube or korean media, just the Youku one here, not sure if all of you here can access to it... (cr: news chosun)
2. Leica Camera Korea tweeted about him... if im not wrong the tweet says: "Chilbongie, Yoo Yeon Seok's hobby is taking pictures. Yoo Yeon Seok with Leica" Might be wrong since im just using my very very very limited Korean to translate hahah

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^ @zannloo thank you for the update :D btw the red jacket isn't NF though. It's Le Coq Sportif, if I'm not mistaken. It was the one he wore when tweeted a selca of him wearing that jacket quite sometime ago. Maybe he bought it before being the model for NF lol.
To answer your question on hometowns, based on my understanding and observation (I might be wrong) YYS regards Jinju as his hometown, even though he was born and brought up in his early years in Seoul, because he has spent most of his childhood there plus his parents are still living there? He probably has grown a sense of belonging towards Jinju and that's why he regarded Jinju as his hometown. To me, I'll regard a place I have a sense of belonging to be my hometown, regardless of the place I was born at.
Here's the one of the articles about his parents shedding tears seeing his Free Hug event :  http://isplus.joins.com/article/843/13584843.htmlHis parents were probably there during the free hug event? They probably thought it would just be a humble and warm free hug event but the amount of people who showed up was way more than what they were imagining initially.
I mean, how can you not feel overwhelmed to see this? 


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zannloo said: Chinese fans have noticed us and even promoted our fb, twitter, youtube and tumblr accounts! I've already thanked them and kyahh they are really kind <3

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Guest chappykoo

@zannloo yes its from @day_dreamer's link..u can understand his parents feelings too..i mean before reply,even yys realized general audience wouldnt notice him..even if he did some crime/bad things it wont even be on the news..and notice how people hate him so much bcs of his bad guy roles?maybe his parents couldnt brag about him to other parents bcs his works were not that famous and his bad guy roles people hate..lol you know how parents like to brag about their sons/daughters esp in korea..

and omggg leica korea is tweeting about him...i bet he is really happy about it bcs he's been a leica user since his army days..leica fanboy who has leica 'babies' ;))

and @zannloo whoa its very cool of c-fans to promote us :') i hope someday yys will know that there's international fanbase of him :')

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Guest lightingstar

@rynn_peace: in the  "Leave a Post" tool tab, you will see an icon of a picture (a square picture) when you put your mouse there, there will be a notice "insert picture", click this icon and paste the URL of the picture there, click submit then the picture will appear in your post :D

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Guest chappykoo

here's the cut of the news about him not imagining the free hug will attract that many people and about his parents tearing up:

-인기는 실감하나.

"얼마 전 명동에서 프리허그를 했다. 그 때 예상보다 너무 많은 분들이 오셔서 이벤트를 어쩔 수 없이 중단해야했다. 그렇게 많은 인파가 몰릴 줄 상상도 못했다. 그때 인기를 실감했다. 사실 그날 부모님도 현장에 계셨다. 인파가 몰린 걸 보고 감동해서 눈물을 흘리셨다. 결국 모교(세종대학교 대학원 연기예술학과)에서 300분과 프리허그 이벤트를 다시 열었는데 그때 한 분 한 분 안으면서 뭔가 뭉클했다. 남자들도 있었고, 해외에서 오신 분도 있었다. 또 아기를 안고 오신 분도 있었다. 신기했다."

source: ilgan sports

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@lightingstar thx for your explanation, but it didn't work :(( maybe the problem is my internet connection... i only saw word "image" but if I clicked right click in "image" word then choose view image, it'll open to the pic's link adress (like hyperlink function)
@chappykoo his parents must be so proud of him, I'm tearing up too, uri oppa finally got recognition after 10 years

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