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[Variety] The Return of Superman 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 7th anniversary NOV 2020

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Looking at the preview of EP129, seems that they'll introduce another new family next week (top right baby)!

But only 4 families next week??? I wonder why Rohee isn't in the preview?


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2)  TROS E128 160501

10.2 % 160501 (-0.4 %)



10.6 % 160424



13.6% 160501 


14.6% 160424



3) SBS Fantastic Duo  (-0.5 %)

5.9% 160501


6.4% 160424 






1) KBS 1N2D S3 E121 (WITH NEW MEMBER ) (+ 0.4%) 

15.4 % 160501 


15.0% 160424 



2) MBC REAL MEN (-1.7%) 

10.2 % 160501 


11.9 % 160424 



3) SBS RM 

9.1 % 160501 (+0.7% )


8.4 % 160424 


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So Eul And Da Eul Are The Spitting Image Of Their Parents

On the May 1 broadcast of KBS 2TV’s “The Return of Superman,” So Eul and Da Eul put on some old-fashioned clothes and take black-and-white photographs of themselves.

Lee Beom Soo said, “It seems to be a trend online to re-create old photographs. I thought it was interesting.” He found old photographs of himself and his wife and dressed So Eul and Da Eul in similar clothes and settings.

Da Eul So Eul

The children are remarkably similar to their parents, particularly So Eul and her mother. Both of them have the same large, clear eyes and bright smile.

Watch the latest episode of “The Return of Superman” below:





Yang Dong Geun Shares The Story Behind His Marriage On “The Return of Superman”

Yang Dong Geun has now joined “The Return of Superman” and told the viewers how he came to know his wife.

On the latest episode of the show on May 1, the staff asks Yang Dong Geun how he and his wife started dating. He starts off saying, “I met her when we were cast as the main characters for a music video. Back then, I didn’t hit on her. I did think that if we were really meant to be, then we would meet again some time. But one day, she messaged me first on social media.”

the return of superman5

His wife Park Ga Ram says during her individual interview, “I did send him a message first but it was not because I was interested in him.”

the return of superman6

Regardless of what she said, Yang Dong Geun continues, “After meeting my wife, I kept telling her, ‘I’m going to have kids with you.’”





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so tired of Daebak's father Lee Dong-Gook . is it jealousy? father son competition already? Daebak is already winning hands down.

this father is selfish beyond belief. he is out of touch and out of tune with his AMAZING son. its shameful really and its painful to watch - the sadness lingers. from the very beginning - feeding himself first or not even feeding Daebak, chastising him for not kissing right or not running to him, ignoring him time and time again, etc.

get that father to one of the children counselors - like the Superman dads before him - and help him to understand what he needs to give his son. and, take the twins out of the equations at least 50% of the time leaving a father/son focus.

and, the understanding and compassion the crew at Superman show to Daebak is noted and appreciated.

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I am a bit behind in catching with the latest episodes, but I just finished the episode where LGW was babysitting Daebak and sisters. It is cute that he chose LDW 3x and not his dad.. but I think i know why.. after spending a day, where LDW paid attention to him, talked to him a lot, interact with him and attended all his needs as a matter of priority - if I were Daebak, I would choose uncle LDW as well., I am not saying his dad does not, but he prob enjoyed LDW's attention and he is never a needy boy.. hahaha 

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15 hours ago, hillarydl said:

I am a bit behind in catching with the latest episodes, but I just finished the episode where LGW was babysitting Daebak and sisters. It is cute that he chose LDW 3x and not his dad.. but I think i know why.. after spending a day, where LDW paid attention to him, talked to him a lot, interact with him and attended all his needs as a matter of priority - if I were Daebak, I would choose uncle LDW as well., I am not saying his dad does not, but he prob enjoyed LDW's attention and he is never a needy boy.. hahaha 

I agree, Daebak really connected with LDW because LDW was able to focus and pay attention to Daebak. But we should acknowledge that Dong Wook was run ragged when he was alone with the three kids, too. At the park, he was running in circles and Daebak wandered off while he was pushing the girls on the swing. When his friend came to help later, he was able to relax and play with Daebak while the sisters were being entertained by someone else. It really didn't seem fair when he had to take care of all three by himself.

We all get attached to our favorite kids, but I think it's important to have some perspective and not assume the worst when things don't go perfectly. None of the kids on this show are being abused or neglected. They are all clearly loved and well cared for. Yes, sometimes the fathers are hapless. Part of it is cultural. Part of it is editing things to create storylines or for entertainment. But another big part of it is from the concept of the show -- the dads on their own. It's an artificial set-up that has both good and bad effects. Good: these dads get to spend one-on-one experiences they otherwise wouldn't. Bad: some of them have to take care of multiple children alone while they are filming, but "in real life" they might have their wives, family member or friends help. Or they might get to spend time with one a younger child while the older one(s) is/are in day care. 

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preview next epi 129 .. daebak meet daeul ... must their recording time donggook busy with football match .. 



editing team made daebak alone .. but if see fancam their fmily sua-seola always  try take care his brother .... they only apart 1 year with daebak .. different with soeul already big 6-5 years already mostly understand & can care her and his brother...  why  some madethis  big  problem ... now if they leave i can  happy  from read hate  comment to their family .. 



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in  watching  some  of  the  back  epis, i  noticed  that  daebak  is  always  the  last  priority  when they  eat,  he  watches  them devour  their  food  while  he  has  to  wait  for his  turn  and this is  for  quite sometime.  it happened  not  once  but  several  times  so  much  so  that  he  hit  the  punching  bag  when  his  dad  said  think  of  sua  and  sula  .

yes,  in  real  life  they  must  have  some kind  of  help  like  in  the  case  of  5  sibling  family.   i  don't think  the  mother  can  take  care  of a toddler,  2  precocious and rowdy  twin girls  pus  the  pre  teen  daughters  all  of the  same  time. though  the  older girls  help  out  in  taking  care  of  their younger  siblings  but  they  have  school, tenns  and  other  extracurricular activities.  it  won't  be  fair  to  tie  them to  be  tied down  and  take  care  of  their  large  brood.

i  just saw  some  instagram  pics  of  sarang  and  jiohn  together  in  tokyo.  jiohn is  as  tall  or  even a  bit t aller  than sarang  now. both  of  them  look  relax  and so  fashionista.


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Sarang and Jion's families seem to get together frequently. It's nice that they have gotten so friendly. It's too bad that Tae Woong was off the show by the time of CSH's fight last year, I think he would have loved to attend. (Or maybe he did and wasn't filmed?)

Daebak and Daeul! I hope those two cuties get along well. 

Don't the Beagle Sisters go to daycare/preschool sometimes? There's one old pic on their mother's Instagram of them in school uniforms and there was one episode where LDG dropped the girls off somewhere. That could help a lot with managing the toddlers. 

As for Daebak eating last, doesn't it make sense to feed the girls first because they can feed themselves, while Daebak gets spoonfed? Especially in the older episodes when he was younger. Besides, when he was a baby, he might not have been in the same meal schedule as them anyway. And a couple of episodes ago, when LDG grilled meat for them, Daebak got served first. I come from a family of four kids and that kind of thing never bothered me as long as everyone got to eat.

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happy children day at korea  5 may 









i also watch oh my baby twin rayul rahui . rahui not really  close with her dad... 


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Beagle Sisters and Daebak Paint Their House with Whip Cream



[by Woorim Ahn] Lee Dong Guk’s five children planned a surprise birthday party. 

On the upcoming episode of KBS ‘Superman Returns’, 128th episode ‘Fathers need fathers’ will air. Among the scenes, Jeshi, Jea, Seora, Suah and Daebak gathered to celebrate their father’s birthday. In particular, under the control of Jeshi and Jea, Seora, Suah and Daebak helped out their sisters. 

The three youngest kids, Seora, Suah and Daebak, made everyone laugh as they chose their father’s birthday cake. Seora and Suah said, “Banana and strawberry” and revealed that they wanted to have. 

While they made a birthday cake, Seora, Suah and Daebak started painting whip cream on their bodies. They put it all over each other’s faces and went around the living room to make the house messy. Daebak also copied his sisters and made Jeshi and Jea frustrated. 

Meanwhile, 128th episode of ‘Superman Returns’ will air on May 8. (photo by KBS) 


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