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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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Guest reshleekim

@galapagost @faidaris Hello chingu, please take care of me

@jennifer santos I agree with you, PSH have unique charm. She can be innocent and also be sexy. I really like her since YAB. Even my mom like her too ;)

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@reshleekim...agree with you chingu..its called JEALOUSY..they hate and jealous with uri shinhye..poor them..they blind or what..because shinhye have everything..just ignore what people said about shinhye..to be honest, I'm so mad with the people which is simply say without thinking first..immatures still immatures..I believe with our shinhye..and of couse MINSHIN forever..just my 2 cent..


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Guest sailingstarss

Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream, 1598: LYSANDER:

    Ay me! for aught that I could ever read,
    Could ever hear by tale or history,
    The course of true love never did run smooth;
    But, either it was different in blood,--

Prov: People in love with each other often have to overcome difficulties in order to be together.

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Just now, I was watching @pluie 's LA To Seoul video... And I'm getting butterflies in my stomach! 
1) I just noticed when they won the Best Couple Award how LMH naturally reached-out with open hand and waited for PSH's hands. It's so natural; actually, it's too natural. And the look on his face.. He was smiling and just staring and waiting for her to look at him. 2) And the way they held each other stares! Too long! I don't know if it's only me, but, I feel very awkward to hold someone's stare unless they mean a lot, yes! a lot, like more-than-friends-a-lot to me. 

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@isabellabell Just wanted to say thanks for posting that vid of PSH in Hong Kong. She's adorable and I was thrilled to realize we use the same suncream!! I recognize the tube from the Hera Sun Mate line (: For you ladies looking to purchase, it's a great sun screen that isn't greasy.
Mods don't kill me for being a little off-topic! You know I'm a certified MinShin shipper that can't get enough of them!!

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New fancam. No PSH here but we get to see MH reaction when LHJ ask PSH about did she follow the the turn when get kissed. And SH replied she just stand still. In actual broadcast camera not showing his face. And I'm really curious about his reaction because at that time he look nervous and licking his lips and look down waiting for SH reply hahaha. Thank god we get this fancam and he so happy and giddy haha ... This boy really ... :))

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Guest crazybees4

I would like to thank you for a very warm welcome to my first post.   I will keep coming and supporting this wonderful thread.  I used to be a shipper long time ago.  What I got not only a place to express my joyful dream, but also a bunch of good friends with different ages.  I am always an "auntie".  Most of my friends are all surprised when they finally found out that I was a shipper.  I told them how great I felt when I could find friends all over the world with same thought.  The most important thing is I experienced a beauty of friendship. 


Before going to bed, I have to watch my favorite scenes of our Minshin.  Tonight, the last one I've just seen is the video clip of “pluie”.  A beautiful work!  I remember reading some comments in this thread that they like to see a real interaction of these two.  I do agree and I want to add that the expressions from co actors/actress esp. the heirs team when they listened to best couple speeches made me move as well.  I do believe that the heirs team could feel something.  For me, the way LMH gazed at  PSH while he gave a speech means something.  It is like he really wanted to talk to her directly not to the audience.  Too bad that I don't know Korean language, since there are many versions of  English translation.  I don't know which one is the most accurate.  I cannot help choose to believe the one that mostly fit with my thought.      I want to believe that he wants to tell her that the feeling he expressed as Kim Tan is "real" him not the “acting”. That's why people thought they were dating as a couple during a filming.  I felt like his expression that night was driven by Kim Tan's thought. PSH did quite the same like Eun Sung.  Brave but careful.  


If you remember the scene he made up story about him staying at the hotel with Rachel and later he gave his explanation to Eun Sang that he had to do that to protect her.  It reminds me of why he dared to show his feeling to her but still in a “safe” mode in order to protect her.  Hurrr… I wish to master in English in order to share an explicit thought.


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vala87 said:

Hey there beautiful, amazing shippers :) Can I just say for the hundredth time how much I love being here and how much I love you all, no matter what the fate of our ship will be I am feeling so so lucky to just be a part of this thread, when I look back I know I will remember all of you with a smile on my face. I love all of your insightful, funny, awesome comments and I agree I think part of it has also to do with the kind of persons LMH and PSH are, as dear @faidaris said, good people attract good people.

To all the ajummas, know that we love and appreciate you so so much, it makes me so happy to see that there are people here of different ages, I am 26 years old and it’s so nice to see how all of you have kept your spirit so young. The power of MinShin’s chemistry is so strong it makes even unbelievers believe, I notice that a lot of us have never been shippers but didn’t resist the cuteness and pureness of MinShin, the same goes for me, I just watched K-dramas for fun, not putting too much thought into them, there’s been couples that I liked but not as much as to ship them.

I dreamt of LMH and PSH last night, no surprise there as I have them on my mind during most of the day :) I still haven’t started to watch any other K-drama, I have been re-watching Heirs all over again, I cannot find the desire to start another drama, I don’t think anything can match up with Heirs in my head for now.

To all the  newbie’s, delurkes WELCOME to our family  >:D< Please keep on sharing and commenting

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Guest lightforyou

rikasnail said:

PLEASE HELP!!!!! Where can i download the complete episodes of The Heirs w/ ENG SUBS????? please really want to watch it again and again and again...

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Thx @IsabelinaD

Cr. as tagged

PSH ... he tells you!!! Did you hear that... hahaha... He wont forget you for the rest of his life... So... you pls be more honest... and face your feeling more truthfully... hahaha...

LMH... do you feel her sincerity?... She is so thankful for your support... She feels it... She admires you...

Get married already!!!

Delulu mode: ON =)) =))

EDIT: I added the translation :D

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bluepalette said: Lynesz Likeadream said: Just made a gif to share. 
This was SH at KBS Awards Show. She seemed distracted and actually while reading out the winner, she stumbled quite a bit. Probably her heart was at SBS Award Show.
 Anyway, the gif shows SH walking out with her co-host. Her co-host actually wanted to offer his arm to her but she wasn't paying attention (cos she wasn't looking at him). Poor Guy!

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I read some comments here telling that they felt like LMH-PSH's OFF SCREEN chemistry was so much sizzling hotter than ON SCREEN. Now that I have repeatedly watched the Best Couple acceptance and also the dress concept interview... Hmmmm maybe you guys were right! Their OFF SCREEN chemistry was/is better and hotter! They were so natural with each other, the eye gazing, the body language... Both of them looked at each other so tender so soft so romantic. I think honestly this is the first time I saw uri PSH so demure with a man like this! Correct me if I'm wrong.
Since I have free time today I have also lurked around other shippers' threads including the ones that really came out for real. Yes most of them were so lucky to have been splurged with lots of BTS and fancams etc that made them easier to ship and be happy about it... And though our ship was one of the most lacking in terms of all those luxuries, but I think our evidence so far were as strong! We have VERY limited BTS, but we have that SBS Award event that can also be perceived as The Heirs Special Award! LOL! With these VERY limited events/things to analyze we have managed to read 486 pages! What more in a month or two we'll be getting the 500-minute of BTS, NGs and all, I foresee we'll be reaching 1,000 pages in no time! :) 
Back to the other shippers' threads, I feel so happy that in my opinion, based on rough comparison I think our ship is sailing on the right track. And for the fact that uri LMH is becoming quite bold with his views on love, as we can see that he kept on telling he wanted to find love at first sight etc, which I'm not sure exactly why ke kept mentioning that! LOL! But I have a feeling he has either found one, or about to confess since the topic of love seems like always in his mind! :)) Well LMH-ssi, good luck on that!
It's past midnight in my country right now, but I am still feeling so much energetic and alive though I am actually a bit physically unwell LOL! Their love has made me a livelier person inside I guess! :))

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Guest sheila88

Hi guy! how are today?
I have a question : what is heelchul doing at SH's mother's restaurant? I didn't know they were close, I knew they were the MCs of a ceremony along with JYH but that was it. Is it possible that he got more interested in her after watching The Heirs? ;-)
Also I read that people don't understand why SH has haters, well let me tell u she's gorgeous, super talented & very well loved in the industry & she apparently steals every guys heart ( according to them) so basically when you're a bad person you don't wish that for anyone else than yourself & that's called JEALOUSY. Don't pay attention to them they can say whatever they want she'll still be a popular actress who has many guy friends and admirers. (personally I don't get what's the fuss about Yoona but I've never bad mouthed her, I just don't watch her since i'm not interested in her, I don't get why people go watch vids or read forums & articles about people they don't like & say bad things) ugh!
The more I watch the awards the more I find her vulnerable ( & I don't like that) & LMH is the ONLY guy that made her look like that so he'd better be sincere & not break her heart...kidding ;-) I'm only one year older that her but she looked so fragile it made me wanna protect her like an older sister. You know how much I love him but I get a protective instinct when SH is concerned lol
I was wondering if her guy friends teased her after the awards u know the way guy friends tease u when they think u're into a guy (if they watched the show lol)
anyways, saw that on PSH's thread so for those of u who were doubtful yes she interacted with LJS, btw I really like the fact that PSH, LJS & KWB are all friends now <3

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