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Jung Joon Young(정준영)


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Guest justlikehoney

'우결' 측, 정준영 '파인애플 발언' 반쪽 사과…팬들 더욱 뿔났다 Only

[스포츠서울닷컴│박소영 기자] 가수 정준영의 파인애플 발언과 관련해 MBC '우리 결혼했어요(이하 우결)' 제작진이 잘못된 정보를 전달한 것과 관련, 사과글을 남겼다.

1일 오후 '우결' 시청자 게시판에 "3월 29일 방송 중 <정준영♥정유미>커플 자막에 대한 공지"라는 제목의 글이 올라왔다. 이 글에서 제작진은 "29일, 파인애플이 나무에 있다는 자막이 방송됐습니다. 지상 1m 가량 높이에 자라는 파인애플을 '나무'라고 표현했는데 여러 전문 기관에 문의한 결과, 파인애플은 '나무'에 있는 것이 아니라 줄기처럼 보이는 '꽃대' 위에 달린 열매라는 걸 확인했습니다"라고 적었다.

이어 "정준영 씨가 '파인애플 꼭지가 뿌리이며, 땅속에서 자라 껍질 부분에 영양분이 많다'고 장난스럽게 말한 부분 역시 많은 분들이 혼란스러워하시는데, 파인애플의 꼭지 부분은 '관아'로 뿌리가 아닙니다. 파인애플은 땅속이 아닌 꽃대 위에 달린 열매이고, 파인애플 껍질은 영양가가 없음을 알려드립니다"고 덧붙이며 "잘못된 표현으로 혼란을 일으켜 송구스럽게 생각하며 앞으로 제작 과정에서 더 신경 쓰도록 노력하겠습니다"고 밝혔다.

정준영은 지난달 29일 '우결'에서 가상 아내 정유미와 과일주를 만들다가 파인애플을 두고 "파인애플이 자라는 곳은 땅이다. 파인애플 뿌리가 땅에 박혀 있다. 그래서 무처럼 땅에서 파인애플을 뽑는 거다. 흙 속에 있어서 껍질에도 영양가가 많다"고 주장했다.

그러나 제작진은 "파인애플은 나무에서, 무는 땅에서 자라는 게 기본 상식이다. 확실히 모르는 정준영씨를 일깨워 주려 준비했다"는 자막과 함께 자료화면을 준비했다. "생활 속의 지식이다"는 정준영의 인터뷰를 페이드아웃하는 영상으로 그의 말이 틀렸음을 암시했다.

이 같은 내용이 전파를 탄 뒤 제작진이 틀린 정보로 정준영을 조롱했다는 비난이 폭주했다. 방송 직후부터 연일 '우결' 시청자 게시판에는 제작진을 향한 쓴소리로 도배된 상황. 잘못된 정보를 방송에 내보낸 일과 함께 정준영을 조롱하는 듯한 편집이 팬들의 심기를 건드렸다.

하지만 '우결' 제작진의 사과글에 누리꾼들은 더욱 폭발하고 있다. 한 누리꾼은 "정준영의 잘못된 발언 찾느라 그리 오래 걸리신건 가요. 당신들 잘못한 자막은 어떻게 할 건데"라는 댓글로 제작진의 '애매한 사과'를 꼬집었다. 또 다른 이들도 "그야말로 비겁한 변명의 전형적인 예군요", "조롱하듯 편집하고 사기꾼이라고 자막 크게 쓴 부분 사과하시죠", "이걸 지금 공지라고 올린 건가? 사람들이 왜 화가 났는지 모르나", "지금 파인애플이 나무가 아니라는 게 중요한 건 아닐 텐데요" 등의 댓글로 뿔난 심경을 표현했다.

정준영은 정유미와 함께 '구리-포카' 커플로 '우결'에서 4차원 매력을 발산하고 있다.


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Guest justlikehoney

For the very least show some sincerity in your "apology", WGM

안녕하세요. <우결제작진입니다.

지난 3월 29일 <정준영정유미커플에서 파인애플이 나무에 있다는 자막이 방송되었습니다.

지상 1미터 가량 높이에 자라는 파인애플을 나무라고 표현하였으나

여러 전문 기관에 문의한 결과파인애플은 나무에 있는 것이 아니라 줄기처럼 보이는 꽃대’ 위에 달린 열매라는 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다.


정준영씨가 파인애플 꼭지가 뿌리이며땅 속에서 자라 껍질부분에 영양분이 많다라고 장난스럽게 말한 부분 역시 많은 분들이 혼란스러워 하시는데,

파인애플의 꼭지 부분은 관아로 뿌리가 아니며파인애플은 땅 속이 아닌 꽃대 위에 달린 열매이고파인애플 껍질은 영양가가 없음을 알려드립니다.


잘못된 표현으로 인해 혼란을 야기 시켜 송구스럽게 생각하며앞으로 제작 과정에서 더 신경을 쓰도록 노력하겠습니다.

시청자 여러분의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


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Guest justlikehoney

@ducan Hi, welcome ~~

Of course there's a lot of info here :P
This is after all JJY's thread
What made you visit this thread all of a sudden ? XD

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@ducan Hi, welcome ~~

Of course there's a lot of info here :P

This is after all JJY's thread

What made you visit this thread all of a sudden ? XD

@justlikehoney‌ just accidenty visit and find jjy info..hehe..othrs thread slow today.. and just wanna say hi to all bias jjy here..

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Guest justlikehoney

class="titleNews" style="font-family: arial, dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 23px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 28px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"‘We Got Married’ Apologizes for Misleading Subtitles About PineapplesWe Got Married explained its situation regarding the recent controversy surrounding pineapple. 

MBC’s We Got Married wrote on its official site on April 1 to explain its situation about the subtitles on March 29’s episode featuring Jung Joong Young and Jung Yoo Mi couple. 

About the subtitles claiming that pineapples grow from the trees, the production team wrote, “We said the pineapples grow from the trees since they grow from a meter above the ground but after checking with experts, we realized that pineapples don’t grow from trees but they are fruits that grow from the floral axis of a plant.”

They added, “Many people are also confused about Jung Joon Young jokingly saying that pineapple skin is nutritious because they come from underground but they do not come from underground and pineapple skin does not have any nutritious values.”

They concluded, “We apologize for causing any confusion with wrong expressions and we will be more careful in the future with the production process.”

Meanwhile, Jung Joon Young said during the show, “Where do pineapples come from. They come from the ground. Their roots are in the ground, so you pull them out like a radish,” and at that moment We Got Married added subtitles stating, “It is common sense to know that pineapples come from the trees and radish grow underground. We prepared evidence to teach Jung Joon Young, who doesn’t seem to know this,” as it showed a picture on screen.

After the show aired, many netizens pointed out that pineapples don’t grow from the trees, leading to a pineapple controversy.

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Guest justlikehoney

class="at_title" style="font-family: 'Noto Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 32px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 38px; padding: 0px 17.15625px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; letter-spacing: -0.04em; clear: both; text-align: center; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Jung Joon Young, The Charm Of A Good-Looking Rockerjung-joon-young-cooking-skills.jpg?w=600The rock star Jung Joon Young revealed his cooking skills.

In KBS 2TV entertainment program "1 Night 2 Days" aired yesterday, Jung Joon Young revealed his cooking blog. On this day, with chicken cooking contest being conducted, other members seemed insecure about their cooking skills but Jung Joon Young alone seemed confident. He claimed to be a great cook and said that he even has a cooking blog.

On the blog, various food recipes were shown along with photos of the finished dish. Such skills were not expected from a charismatic rocker.

Jung Joon Young is also receiving much attention for his unique and funny character on various entertainment shows. The charms of this rocker does not seem to have its limits.


cr @theblackholeparade :P

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Guest theblackholeparade

@justlikehoney hahahaha, BTW I saw that his shirt today has a banana print, I thought he doesn't like bananas LOL 
@hotsun_yumwook Collide is one of my all time fave :D

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Guest justlikehoney

@theblackholeparade Haha.. he's always like that LOL. He says he hates one thing but slowly he'll accept it XD
I like the lyrics to Collide :P

Btw ... Only JJY can carry off such a hideous bath robe ...=_=

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Guest theblackholeparade

We Got Married staff calling out Jung Joon Young's statement about pineapples, netizens say "it's dumbfounding"
Jung Joon Young: "Pineapples grow on plants. The roots are under the ground."
WGM subtitles: "It's a common knowledge that pineapples grow on trees. We're showing this to enlighten Jung Joon Young who doesn't know this."
Apparently, Jung Joon Young's statement is correct. Pineapples grow on plants.


1. [+681, -27] The fact that a national broadcast is giving us wrong information is not right... Yeah Jung Joon Young wasn't sure of his statement so he was mumbling, but the staff wrote sarcastic subtitles and made fun of him. The staff is at wrong.

2. [+554, -21] All audiences watch the TV, so isn't it wrong to do this? Jung Joon Young is not fully correct but at least he was close to the answer. The staff had no idea but they called him out just to make fun of him. They should be more considerate.

3. [+546, -47] There's this saying, "ignorant ones are the brave ones". This perfectly suits for WGM staff and Jung Yoomi. When will WGM staff stop doing things like this? Called Taemin an richard simmons and even the MCs attacked Jung Joon Young. Also the fake editing and their ignorant knowledge. Jung Yoomi slapped Jung Joon Young, and called him a crook. There's no solution for this stupid show, when are they gonna stop wasting the time slot? Apologize and take off this show. I really think they need to give an official apology.

4. [+77, -4] Jung Joon Young wasn't wrong with the pineapple statement. The staff made it seem like he was wrong with those subtitles. Even if he was wrong, he had no reason to be called a crook. And how is this even funny? They're only making fun of him. I'm not a fan of him but even I found it weird. The staff should formally apologize and take Joon Young off the show.

5. [+77, -7] The screenshots make it seem like Jung Joon Young was wrong, but watch the actual episode. Jung Joon Young was correct but Jung Yoomi and the subtitles made him a fool. Such a low class.

6. [+73, -2] I knew about the pineapples so I was really dumbfounded when I watched it. Jung Joon Young was indeed mumbling his words but when he was on Superstar K, he said he lived in many countries, including Philippines. Pineapple farms are common in Philippines so he must've seen a lot of them. And they made him a complete fool. The staff needs to apologize for sure. It's wrong to give viewers wrong information.

7. [+62, -2] Jung Joon Young is not wrong. He talked about the roots, growing on plants, and that oranges are growing on trees. But the MCs, the subtitles, and Jung Yoomi made him a "crook" and made fun of him. The subtitle even said "for Jung Joon Young who doesn't know this". He lived in Philippines for two years, of course he would know about it. The problem is that WGM always makes him to be a tryhard, a selfish husband, a game addict, and a lazy person. Jung Yoomi is taking this chance and media-plays, disses him, slaps him, and tells him not to cut in line when he didn't. This pineapple statement is only the peak of an iceberg. I've never seen a WGM article that was helping Jung Joon Young's image. I've only seen like 300 articles praising Jung Yoomi.

8. [+61, -1] The WGM subtitles were so weird. The Jung Joon Young guy was right but the subtitles made him a liar. I was like wth? They should know for sure before editing it. In the interview, they agreed with him but they dissed him with subtitles. Of course, WGM is nothing to trust.

9. [+58, -2] Why is WGM so desperate to bash their male casts? They've been getting into similar controversies since last year but they're not trying to fix it. 

10. [+54, -2] Jung Joon Young has been unfairly treated on WGM. Jung Yoomi slapped him and made him a selfish person who cuts into lines. And now this pineapple controversy. He must be mad.

via kpopkfans
This is really getting serious!

Off to work, bye! 

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Guest justlikehoney

The shirt Joon Young wore to the Airport201402191443065069.jpgPrice : 1,595 Baht 

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Hi all^^
Found a precious fanaccount this morning by jjyluna and you can check it in here He is in Japan right now and based on the fanaccount, he seems surprised there are fans wait for him. Of course there are, you cute little thing :3Anyone here in Japan and attend MCountdown as well? :)
@justlikehoney is that really, really, really a bath robe? Eww that looks hideous indeed but dunno why it seems just fine when he wears it haha :P

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Guest justlikehoney


LOL of course no... It's just something by siero...
Siero must be happy that they chose someone who can model ugly clothes XD

I don't think there's anyone in Japan here :(
I heard that he will start recording at 7 ...

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