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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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I was expecting YJ to get one scrap of information, instead she got the whole she-bang!  Daaaaaaaaaamn!  Yes!  Yes,yesyesyesyes!!!!  I am too happy for grammar and punctuation, yes!  MH is not the devil - DH is!  Oh, he bribed that woman to hurt his son, the unconscionable a-hole!  Okay, I will say that I doubt he told her to beat him black and blue but he probably didn't leave her with much instructions either, aside from get him taken from YJ.  Well, YJ, now you know.  This is the worthless piece of dung you've thrown your life away for over and over again.  This the man you walked into traffic to protect.  Yes, MH may be crazy - crazy with grief, crazy with guilt, crazy with rage - but he's crazy with a heart.  He has some lines, like not leaving a dying woman to, you know, die.  Doesn't know much about personal boundaries though; dude has to work on that.  LOL 

It's only episode 10, so I don't think YJ will give MH the CCTV clip yet.  Unfortunately, it only proves DH was the last person to see her father.  He can claim, for the purposes of reasonable doubt, that he found the father but then the demented man ran away from him again and he couldn't find him afterwards.  Of course, the fact that he ended up so far away as he did, being as mentally incapacitated as he was, would still cast serious doubts on DH, but he would have some legal legs to defend himself.  What MH and YJ need to do is find proof of DH in the seaside town where her father died, proof that he was there that night - better yet, camera footage showing he was with him.  After that, it's not too difficult to make the leap that he dumped her father there and then the questions start rolling in:  why abandoned a sick old man?  What were you trying to hide?  I feel like DH's former colleague at the prosecutor's office would love to catch him doing dirty stuff.  He seems like a snake, too; however, he seems like a snake who prefers snakes who are honest about it instead of hiding behind righteousness.  Like, come down off your high horse, you live in the poo with the rest of us!  Plus he knows something's fishy with the old hit-and-run case because KGroup people are super-interested in it and that guy appears to like the high profile. 

This is why SY attaching her wagon to DH so firmly is such a bad idea.  In the opening episodes she told MH she thrived in her family by being the good doll of a daughter who did what her father told her and generally caused no trouble.  DH is nothing but trouble.  Don't say MH didn't try to warn her:  he knows she can't stand to hear anything connected to JH and now YJ, so even if he wanted to give her the details she'd probably shutdown.  She doesn't really listen to him. 

I love that now he is actively trying to protect her.  You know, it's funny how DH keeps saying that YJ's continued presence in MH's life is causing MH to link DH to the crime.  Ignoring the fact that he committed the damn crime, if I was YJ, I'd ask him why he worked near MH, if he was a) so dangerous and B) attempting to make trouble for him.  DH is always yelling at her to run away or making her quit jobs to be away from these people while he is getting closer to them, ingratiating himself with them...  I mean, if he's so terrified, shouldn't he take his own advice and get the hell out of dodge?  They are not the only company in the world and hell, if he asked SY, she'd probably get him a job elsewhere with her connections.  No, it's not just about covering his own butt or about his active terror - I suspect he believes YJ has no place there but he thinks he does. 

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@tessieroo- it is Disqus. If you hover over the left side- you would notice it's under " best, newest, oldest" You need to change it to newest to view the new comment.
Night all working day and waking up in less than 5hrs. Eeeks.

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tessieroo said: @ck10z - I know the feeling, now I need to go watch Heirs.  :\">  And then it's time to start stalking ViKi for subs. 
I had a quick question, when you leave a comment on the wall at ViKi - does it go first comment to last? or visa - versa? The comments I saw on the Secret page were like, 4 months old? (that can't be right)Just curious! 

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DH is another example of men who shouldn't be given the right or privilege to procreate. Just thinking about it now, my blood is starting to boil, like seriously how can you do that to your own son by taking him away from his mother all for his own personal reasons and gains.


There's this poem from a Bollywood film called Fanaa which I personally think is perfect for this drama:

"There's no limit to human desire.
There's no limit to human desire, no dearth.
After 2 yards of burial cloth, we still want 2 yards of earth."

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I am so grateful to all of you that took the time to recap, screencap, comment, read and share your thoughts and reactions to the amazing drama that is Secret.   I truly don't know what I would have done without it.  I am so darn hook on this drama, nothing else matters while Secret is going on.

This is a turning point on this drama and it could not have been more thrilling.   SHE KNOWS!!  That means that her perceptions will change and the interactions between MH and her will take a different turn.  The writer has 6 episodes to take their relationship to a different level, to have them come together to exert revenge for all the evil done to them by DH.  Bring it on.

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Guest Eloo Dpx



I missed some scenes as my internet started to lag again.

DH and SY meet with each other. DH tells her something which makes her mad or something. She grabs his hand and OMG they almost kiss but SY slaps him xD She shows him she’s above him,

MH is sleeping and YJ wakes him up so that she’s going back home.

He tells her to come back tomorrow xD She leaves and he sees a letter on the table. Flashbacks to when SY gave him the book so probably the letter were from her.

YJ is back in her house and they talk about MH.

She goes to his home again the next day xD She softened a lot. She sees the music box and then MH starts to have nighmares so she wants to wake him. She sees his sign and knows that he paid for hospital bills (yay) xD

He’s sick. He ask what she’s doing in his bedroom so she tells him she wanted to get the bed sheet. And she thanks him about the hospital.

Now he watch her from balcony while she’s hanging the bed sheet and smiles xD

She smiles too xD

He remembers seeing her with her son in prison when she was hanging the sheets too.

She wants to go home and he’s soooooo sad that she’s leaving.

The girl which made trouble at prison for YJ comes to her home and apologize while crying.

YJ remembers her son and starts crying again.

DH comes to YJ house and wants to talk. They sit in his car now. He tells her that MH re-investigates the case or something.

He tells her something in anger or something. She ask him about the day when her father went missing if he was with him but he lies. She tells him not to lie. And that he can’t lie. He just shuts the wind

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AWWWso sweet. When SYs stuck up mother where somewhat insulting and looked down on Mhs stepmom, MH stepped up and called her Omonie not omonim or ahjuma.

You could see the little smile on stepmoms face SOO cute.

Its one thing if he is btchy towards her but darn, no one else is allowed and I think he has come along way to warm up too.

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Guest falloutjane

Wow! What an episode! So much cuteness and a lot of progress plot line! DH IS SOOOOO GOING DOWN! SHOW YOU HAD ME AT RET....SECRET. HURHURHUR. 
So here goes, recap for 10! Like I said, I was dumb enough to watch the stream for KBS1 for a few minutes until I realised my fail. By the time I realised it, YJ was already falling asleep in MH's car. He gingerly tried to cradle her head as she nodded off but then she woke up, making him all flustered. So he was like. GET OUT. WE'RE HERE. So cute my Sajangnim! 
Cut to MH and SY having a meeting with stepmom, talking about wedding stuffs I think. Next day, YJ got her job back at the greatest restaurant ever. People gossiped but she's all boss about it. On the way back, she was walking with Tollgirl and then MH came out of his car and was all YO GET IN. Tollgirl was all le excite! To be riding! In Sajangnim's fancy car! So she literally just shoved YJ in and helped herself into the backseat as well. Hur. In the car ride, it was awkward all around. KS driving with a straight face. Tollgirl chatting nonstop asking how YJ unnie knows Sajangnim. YJ was all OMG SHUT UP YO. But then Tollgirl said something about MH i think and he got all shyboy about it. SO CUTE THE FACE! Hur. YJ on the other hand looked a little shocked by whatever Tollgirl said. They arrived. YJ thanked MH for giving her job back. He was like ok. Don't leave again. Or something like that. Could totally be off. 
Then stepmom came into MH's room looking for him and laying down his suit. Saw a red musical box. I think the significance has got to do with his dead mom or something. MH was all WHAT ARE YOU DOING? She said something pathetic and sympathy-inducing I guess cos MH was all SO AM I SUPPOSED TO BE THANKFUL? She burned and walked out. 
Then I think Father and Stepmom or something were on the way off to the business thing in Germany. Before that father asked secretary ahjussi to do some checks on DH I think. Stepmom was listening like the buttface that she is. MH came down looking so much happier and less grumpyface like he was days before. Meanwhile YJ was doing her job well like it's the greatest thing ever. MH saw a list of names going for a lunch meeting ans saw DH's name. He went to the restaurant basically to get YJ to get out and not be there. She was a little confused. Manager interrupted them to announce the people are here. So she made use of the distraction to get out of there. MH was all trying to grab her going DAERI! DAERI! right smack into the crowd coming in. He got waylaid by them so she went about her TGIF business. And dun dun dun! She had to serve who else but DH and whatsherface. So he was all shocked while SY used the opportuninty to say something demeaning and how YJ's shameless. MH came up to them and told them off or something and told YJ to go. YJ left the table. She was affected by the meeting, went to the kitchen. Toll girl got pissed on her behalf also. Then DH came to the kitchen as well and asked to talk to her. 
DH asked her WHY ARE YOU STILL HANGING AROUND MH?! YJ was all it's hard. Something something and they quarreled. She said something and DH grabbed her. She got all pissed and asked him to let her go. Like the asswipe he is, he made her cry. ERGH. SERIOUSLY DH. GO DIE IN A FIRE. OR GET HIT BY A HUGE MOVING PIECE OF METAL. LIKE AN AIRPLANE TAXIING OFF THE RUNWAY. DH was all playing the bloody victim and asking her to listen to him. YJ left his pathetic richard simmons. MH searched for her, found DH. They talked and DH saw SY coming up so he basically goaded MH to say something about YJ and SY heard and got all angryface. DH smirked. So disgusting. ERGHHHHH!
SY and MH talked. SY showed him their wedding card. He was all THERE'S NO NEED FOR THIS IS THERE? IT'S BUSINESS ISN'T IT? YJ was walking home and MH saw her. Explained to her that that's the reason why he wanted to leave the restaurant for a while. YJ thanked him and just bade him good night. The way he looks at her kills me each time. SAJANGNIMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. 
YJ came home, had drinks with gangster unnie, bag ahjumma and toll girl. That night she couldn't sleep so went to hug her father's jacket. Heard the crumpling sound of bun wrapper. Took it out to find the receipt. DUN DUN DUN! The date where her father disappeared. Went to the store. Shop ahjumma was all YEAH YOUR FATHER LOVES CREAM BUNs. Or something. And said a man came to pick him up that night. She went out to the road junction with. Huge sunflower plant in the background. Hur. 
Cut to SY entering MH's office. He basically ignored her. Hurhurhruhru. This gives me crazy satisfaction like you wouldn't believe! Argued back and forth and I think he said something like WE'RE NOT FRIENDS SO GET OUT. Only in a more polite MH way. KS waiting for YJ outside her home. Told her let's go. She was all eh? Go where dude? KS to work at sajangnim's mansion! She's all uhhhhh but he touched her shoulder and she magically agreed. MH was having his meal when they came. KS went up to him with YJ in tow and he went I BROUGHT DAERI HERE. HAHAHAHAHHAHAH. With his straight face. Like Daeri is her name. Hur. Or maybe not and the funny is just in my fail hearing and reasoning. Hur. BAsically told her no one's in his house to do the work. Everyone's gone so clean up his meal and go wash the windows. Which she did and stepsis came by and complained she's hungry. Cooked something that looked like a cross between deobokki and spaghetti. HURHURHUR. Man I don't know but KS had zero expression eating it even though stepsis was gushing all over the place about what a brilliant cook YJ is. MH came by watched them being all chummy. AGAIN. I REPEAT. THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER. ARGHHHHH. OPPAAA! QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH MY FANGIRL HEART. 
Anyway MH asked KS to bring his coffee. YJ was all EH ENJOY MY DEOBOKKI AND SPAGHETTI COMBO JUSEYO. Hur. She went to take the coffee to him herself. Went into his huge office asked where it should be placed. He pointed to his desk all bossy like. So she's all UH SAJANGNIM IF TEHRE'S NOTHING ELSE....He went nothing else? Of course there are things for you to do! LIke this random thing of reading Wuthering Heights! So he went to his couch and read his important Kgroup stuff and told her to pick up the book and read it and tell him about it. She first sat across from him but then he asked her to move to his desk. SO THAT HE CAN MAKE SWOONY EYES AT HER SECRETLY. <3 Heeeee. 
Scene of DH and SY. Minutes of Yucks as DH tried to kiss her. Seriously. ERGH. Back to our OTP. So MH fell asleep (smiling!) reading his boring  stuff. YJ woke him up to tell him she's leaving. He's like okay. Then read her summary. Something with the flashback to SY and the book scene. (Something significant about the ending but I didn't read WH so I don't know). 
Next day YJ came back and was in his room. Saw the red musical box again. Then saw that MH was sleeping. She went up to him and saw his opened folder. Picked it up. Dun dun dun! HIs signature! She now knows that he's the one who was dabbing her pretty sleeping sickly face at the hospital and that he paid. MH woke with a start, asking why are you here? She lost her composure and practically pushed him out of his bed, claiming to want to wash his sheets. Then she thanked him for the hospital. He was all shyboy about it and was all WHO SAID IT'S ME? and asked her to leave. Hur. Then happy scene in the sunlight of washing bedlinen. Where she had to tie her own clothesline. Because mansion use dryers and YJ is all au natural about stuffs like laundry. Meanwhile MH was watching her all happy with laundry. Smiling and all. She left cos laundry consisted of one big sheet and a small pillowcase. But MH continnued looking at her, at times his expression was perplexed. Like damn woman! How do you look so happy with all that misery! Or possibly that he's all lovesickface when he thinks of her now, which bothers him. Hur. Or more realistically, he remembered the scene at the prison with the son hanging clothes. (so yes, maybe San is alive since the San came on screen again). Scene ended with MH looking determined. So yes, probably with his Sajangnim power and money, San can come back alive. Rejoice San/Mommy shippers! 
That night, YJ came back only to be ambushed by Hyeri. Only gangster unnie is in da house yo! And whacked her silly as well. So YJ was all WHY ARE YOU HERE! etc. So in the end all that yelling between the three and crying with YJ. YJ received a text from DH to meet. Met in the car. DH being the scummiest of scum forever trying to make it seem YJ's making things hard for him. DH accused her of something. Not sure what but there was dramatic music yall! Cues in to YJ's incredulous face. So there. YJ knows now the doucheface that he is. She got out of the car but came to the side and he rolled down the window. Asked him about dad. He denied it. But YJ was all. WHY ARE YOU LYING? Ergh. Poor girl. It's like double whammy! He rolled the window up and left. ERGH. With that blank psycho face. Hyeri came out and basically confirmed that DH was the guy. YJ lost her cool, started crying and yelling but there was resolve in her eyes. So YAY!!!!!!!
Next day went to police station with gangster unnie. Managed to get the CCTV then she went home to review it. Meanwhile DH went to the river, cried  ecause he's in so deep that light is now a tiny, flickering speck above him. Then tossed the id into the river. At the same time, YJ saw for sure that DH was the one who picked Dad up that night. 
And that's it! 
I'm so satisfied by the progress. I can't wait for more swoony eyes on Sajangnim! And yeah for DH to really just die in a fire. Or a lake. Or in his car. JUST DIE. DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU WASTE OF OXYGEN! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 

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