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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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Guest violet9004

just watching an old episode of YTBLSS 
i notice one thing when ep10 JJS have to fall on IU when they climb the hill you can notice the ear is red but not so red when IU fall on him in ep34.. the difference is there.. after a while JJS/IU both have a red ear when they do intimate scene not like earlier episode.. like @someone said the red ear is indicate the shy level also the rush feeling.. at first maybe they think this is their job but now maybe they confuse with their real feeling ;;) ;))

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naebdukki101 said: @akinahana89X_X i feel so embarrassed 
my fanfic was a messbut, really thank you Akina for your generosity It's okay, Yuki! I really liked it.
I thought it was very funny.
Plus, we all have to start somewhere, right?
I hope you will also continue to write for YTBLSS. :)
(Or just write in general, really. lol.)

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I translated something else again, now related to JJS at "The Face Reader" press conference. This isn't really an article, but more of a blog post from the official Japanese JJS blogsite (since the staff who runs the blog and who posted the blog post was there at the press conference). So I didn't translate every single word, but summarized it, while translating quotes here and there. (Since the blog post is kind of long.) Hopefully that's all right. I just wanted to translate this since I love some of JJS's answers. Enjoy. ^^v
Jo Jung Suk at "The Face Reader" Press Conference [Highlights]xfpm.jpg

- Korean fans (DC Inside JJS Gallery) donated 1 ton (1,000 kg) of rice wreaths to support him.
- The staff (who posted the blog post) saw a lot of reporters there, and feels the high expectations for the movie.
- After the initial report, the movie trailer was shown at the press conference.
- The staff (the blog poster) thought Jo Jung Suk looked really dandy in his outfit. (lol)
- Jo Jung Suk entered the press conference second-to-last.
- Each character from the movie was then explained. (You can find something similar to that on Dramabeans.)
- The director said the reason he decided to cast Jo Jung Suk, "He has a lot of acting experience from his musicals, he's very good at acting, and I felt like he would be very good in the role I gave him."
- When Song Kang Ho was asked about what it's like to co-star with Jo Jung Suk, "Since he plays the role of my younger brother-in-law, as my only family, until the very end we go out together. Since he has so much talent as an actor, when he's acting and when he's not acting, it was a very happy and pleasant experience to have worked with him."
- When Song Kang Ho was talking about Jo Jung Suk, Jo Jung Suk was humble about it, but still looked a little embarrassed.
- When Jo Jung Suk (in return) was asked what it was like to co-star with Song Kang Ho, he said, "It was a great honor for me (to work with him). It really is an honor to work with him on a movie like this. We were able to act in a lot of scenes together, which personally made me really happy. I had a lot of fun during filming."
- Jo Jung Suk was asked if he felt nervous once he heard that he would be co-starring with Song Kang Ho, he said, "I was really nervous. I wondered what it would be like (to work with him), my feelings became something like that.  Even though I was really nervous at first, I felt really comfortable on the first day of filming once I started to work with him. That filming was really enjoyable."
- The MC asked Jo Jung Suk, "Which one is harder (to act)? Period films or modern films? What about between musicals or movies?" Jo Jung Suk laughed and answered, "All of them (are hard)."
- Jo Jung Suk was asked when was the hardest time to film scenes, he replied, "I think the hardest time to film was due to the weather. It was really cold because a lot of snow had fallen down."
- Lee Jong Suk (who plays the nephew role) was asked about Jo Jung Suk, "He was the mood-maker during filming. He and Song Kang Ho would talk, and then Jo Jung Suk would act out a funny story as if (watching) a comedy program."
[original jpn source: (1) (2)]

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Hi all! Thanks for setting up this forum. Really enjoy hanging out here reading all your posts. Never fail to bring a smile and a chuckle or two. Would like to share a thought. While watching the interview for YTBLSS cast, when the question popped up about the age gap, JJS said he was fine as long as IU was fine with it. I felt he showed much respect towards her even though some may still find her to be very young. He showed humility by saying that too. Even as a veteran actor, he gave much thought to how his co-star feels and showed faith in her concerning her opinions. Since we roughly know how IU is careful/awkward around guys, he must have won her over, made her feel at ease that she trusts him enough to be so comfortable with him such that the skinship is so natural. Even with LJH at MamaMia she doesn't display that kind of closeness physically. In another interview when CW (forgot his real name) asked JJS not to cross legs, she naturally reached out and touched his knee and 'yes yes be polite' or something. N A T U R A L L Y :\"> If they can't be couple for real, I'm sure IU would be comfortable with him as a good friend. From what I observed, she is quite a loyal friend. Once you win her over, she'll be open & loyal. She knows some of her fans by name and is really proud of them. Really like this feisty girl! I find JJS gives off a vibe of friendliness and being approachable; Sincere and humble. Yet opinionated and determined. I guess that's why he finds favor with the stars as well as directors he worked with. Sorry for the long post. :P Ps. How come I can't seem to insert blank spaces in between lines? My posts are one big chunk of paragraph! *roll eyes*

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@ajumma-nim That's totally right those two look so comfortable around each other but I still want them to be more than just friends hehe. Btw I posted a comment earlier and if you read it, it can totally give you a headache lol cuz I couldn't insert blank spaces either. Are you using a tab right now? I'm using an Ipad so maybe that's why...

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shabbychic said: @ajumma-nim That's totally right those two look so comfortable around each other but I still want them to be more than just friends hehe. Btw I posted a comment earlier and if you read it, it can totally give you a headache lol cuz I couldn't insert blank spaces either. Are you using a tab right now? I'm using an Ipad so maybe that's why...

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@ajumma-nim After reading your post and your 3 propositions, my rational mind tells me it's because both of them are so into their roles but my delusional mind keep making opposition and tells me it's because there is something going on between them haha. When IU's new album will be out, I'm going to analyse all of her self composed songs and try to read between the lines to find any allusions to mr JJS, that' s how delusional I'm ahaahaha. And now that you mentioned JHW he must be really brave irl cuz confessing his love in front of so many people is just wow. I hope JJS will take some note lol.

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@Ayamethank you for translating & keep posting all threads: YTBLSS & JoU back & forthi think instead of posting at YTBLSS' thread (it may be seen as off-topic), perhaps post it at Jo Jung Seok Actor' thread may be better ...maybe ??
@ajumma-nim & @shabbychicme too...if i post from an ipad, i can't separate the sentences to make it easier to read.It's all running at the same line, only separated by coma or periodi don't know how to do post properly thru ipadbut i can post like usual thru my iphone (but can't do formatting or post a picture cuz of limited function)

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shabbychic said: @ajumma-nim After reading your post and your 3 propositions, my rational mind tells me it's because both of them are so into their roles but my delusional mind keep making opposition and tells me it's because there is something going on between them haha. When IU's new album will be out, I'm going to analyse all of her self composed songs and try to read between the lines to find any allusions to mr JJS, that' s how delusional I'm ahaahaha. And now that you mentioned JHW he must be really brave irl cuz confessing his love in front of so many people is just wow. I hope JJS will take some note lol.

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@babyviolets OMG I just remember something now, I actually read an article before where it was mentioned that she was going to appear on the show we got married and JHW wanted to let the world know she was his woman and stop at the same time her apparition on this show hahaa. And Oh please please when you will go to Korea, take me with you so we can catch them together in the act and then we will make a live update about it on this thread with pics and videos (dispatch style) haha. How I wish I was a professional stalker, I would go immediately to SK, rent a car and stay in it in front of Blacksmith haaha.

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Don't forget that I was planning a trip to SK already, so if you guys go before I do... TAKE ME WITH YOOOOU!!
I'll walk the streets of SK hoping for a chance to run into JJS... maybe literally, so I can touch him. HAHAHA.

Aigoo... There goes my craziness again. :)) :)) :))

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Guest violet9004

hate to break to you but IU already get to kiss the lips twice and wait the NG so i lost count how many time :)) :))
p.s just feeling bored (:|

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Guest haengbok0189

normalahamid wrote: »

a bit off topic, but I heard IU's new album will include many of her self-composed songs..I can't wait to listen to it!

me too :x its been a long time and i think it going to show her new side and concept :)

OT: One of her self-composed song that i downloaded was 'peach' and i really love that song so i'm very excited to hear this. Actually i'm looking forward to her korean CB more than her japanese one because honestly other than tvxq5, i never follow other idols who ventured into japanese market..

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I usually never follow any of the Japanese albums that Korean idols produce either. For some reason, Japanese songs just don't interest me that much... but IU is the only exception. I really love her "Beautiful Dancer" song, though all of the songs on her "Can You Hear Me?" album is really good.

"Peach," I believe, was IU's first self-composed song, not including the short snippet she composed for her Dream High character titled "Dreaming," which she composed for Wooyoung. That isn't available anywhere else except in the Dream High episode. Anyway, I'm sure IU's compositions will be fantastic and I'm really looking forward to the album, not only because she has self-composed the songs, but also for her more mature image that will emerge with the release of the album. I'd really like to see her shed her title of Nation's Little Sister at this point so that IU has more freedom to do what she enjoys.

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shabbychic said: @babyviolets OMG I just remember something now, I actually read an article before where it was mentioned that she was going to appear on the show we got married and JHW wanted to let the world know she was his woman and stop at the same time her apparition on this show hahaa. And Oh please please when you will go to Korea, take me with you so we can catch them together in the act and then we will make a live update about it on this thread with pics and videos (dispatch style) haha. How I wish I was a professional stalker, I would go immediately to SK, rent a car and stay in it in front of Blacksmith haaha.

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