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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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As @WanZ just mentioned earlier, we do get prizes for winning the contest!

Now, we have to choose our ships official color!


Please choose one from the list of available ones. Though there is no deadline on this one, we do need to choose quickly so we don't lose the color we like.

I personally like the last one, but it is also pretty close to the 1st one in the Unavailable list.

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@androkia91 When I think spartace, I think yellow. Probably because a lot of their best moments come about when they're on the yellow team together. But since that's not an available color, my vote goes to red. For the reasons mentioned by @annatheresia. Also red is KJK's theme color in RM, so at least one of their colors would be involved.

@MaK08 Why don't you think SA are together? It's a perfectly valid opinion and many SA fans agree with you, so don't worry about saying it. I'm just curious as to the reasons why SA fans think they're not dating. Pages ago, some of us talked about all the reasons why we think they're dating and provided evidence, but I don't think anyone on this board have given reasons and evidence as to why they think SA isn't dating.

I also agree with you that I've never heard SJH use that tone of voice before. It was really surprising to hear in the episode. 

How is WAIL going, by the way? I still haven't gotten around to watching it. I think someone posted on IG that filming for WAIL has finished. When does it stop airing? Because I've seen posts from MC fans who insist that MC is coming back once WAIL ends, and I'm curious to see who's right.  I'm pretty sure MC has ended, but I've been wrong before.


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Guest athoughtcloud1

Re-watched JK's mom's part and I feel there are some things going on there.  My assumption is that SA are dating with an intention to marry, so all observations follow from there.

When we look at the way the members reacted, seems like they did not know it was JK's mom waiting in that house (It is not JK's house). Jae Suk comes in pretty unsure of who is in, SJ and Gary look surprised, Haha turns around to call JK who would have come first if he knew it was his mom. You can also slightly see JH covering her mouth in surprise when she catches sight of the person (you can also hear her greeting). So did JK give a list of people and the production team picked his mom? Or did he think it would be an individual mission like the "apology service"? I don't know. But the way JK was touching his ears while greeting his mom showed he was feeling slightly nervous too.

Of course, all the male cast talk about JK's marriage and wife since they think these are the most suitable topics of conversation with JK's mom. There was a post on SA naver about this episode where the poster mentioned that JK's mom's expressions when talking about his marriage are not the bright ones she shows while talking about how she laughs while attending the phone. One feels that it is a cause of anxiety for his mother and is for her a serious topic of conversation. When mom says 'I too want him to get married' and looks in JH's direction, JS suddenly interrupts the moment with the next question, 'what kind of a daughter-in-law do you want' and he starts it fumbling on the words. He also moves his hand while asking the question as if to catch mom's attention.

After taking a re-look at JH's behaviour, I feel that more than comfortable, she is feeling a bit awkward. One of the reasons JH sits quietly compared to the rest of the cast could be coz she doesn't know what to say since their conversation involves things she is part of and about which she cannot say anything flippant like 'i also want JK oppa to get married soon' or something like that which the rest can do. When the conversation starts, I feel JH hasn't figured out yet how to behave. She doesn't know whether to talk or not. All her activity consists of sitting, eating the snacks and once in a while smiling in mom's direction. My hunch is that when JK leaves to make the soup, JH also goes after him since the next shot of the RM members' conversation with JK's mom starts with JH looking like she has just sat down. She also says something after she sits down, perhaps to SJ (it is not very clear, but you can hear her voice).

The only times JH speaks something in that whole section (at least from what we are shown) is when JK is around. For instance, when the photos are being discussed, JK is around since we can hear his voice explaining when they were taken. JH's tone when she talks about JK's mom's big eyes is slightly cuter than her usual tone. The only other time she speaks up is when JK comes in with the samgyetang and she reminds him about the letter (JK's mom smiles after she hears that). Perhaps, JH feels cautious saying something in front of the camera which can lead to further conversation between her and JK's mom and waits for JK to be around so that he can deal with it. But JK's mom when she talks about how laughter puts her in a good mood all day seems to be looking down in JH's direction. I am sure there are parts which have been edited out where they talk with each other. When Jae Suk does the 'tring tring' and JK's mom responds with laughter, you can see JH also laughing (you can see her hat and her face in the corner of the frame). But when the camera cuts to KS who is near JH, JH goes back to looking at the pics.

Since the conversation may be awkward what with marriage discussion and all in front of the camera, the probability is high that JH in between goes in to check on JK. Like I mentioned, the way she was sitting at the beginning of the 2nd segment of conversation gave me the feeling that she had just sat down. There must also have been another time when JH went into check on JK's letter since she is the only one who knows it is 2 pages long. Once JK comes back with the samgyetang, I feel JH loosens up a lot more and her 'two pages' is in her variety tone. She also laughs openly along with the rest.

I do not know where JK's marriage plans are headed, but get the feeling his mom is anxious about it. She was joking about the "grandchildren out of wedlock" part, but  JH goes into 'mong' mode on hearing that, so perhaps there has been plenty of discussion about their getting married already. When JK comes to the part in the letter where he says 'I will get married soon', JS' expression looks serious.

@androkia91 I also choose red.

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@athoughtcloud1 I agree with most of what you said. SJH is definitely awkward in that section. And they were there for some time (long enough for KJK to cook a meal and his mom to eat it) so we definitely missed a lot of conversation. 

If spartace is dating, then I would say there definitely have been marriage talks. Part of the reason I think there have been marriage talks is because HH and KJK's comments at SBS Awards. KJK is the one who says "I've been told to delay my marriage." I don't think he would say that if marriage hadn't been discussed. I can see the cast joking about "When are you getting married?" even if it hasn't been discussed (because fans and hosts always ask KJK when he's going to get married) but talking about a delayed marriage when a couple hasn't even discussed marriage is strange. Yes, it's a joke for presenters at an show, and yes, those jokes are usually scripted beforehand, but even then, I think there must be some truth that an RM member told KJK to delay his marriage, because I can't see an outsider scripting with that joke which means that someone who knows KJK must have come up with it and why would you say "delay marriage" unless there is a potential marriage? The whole HH-KJK presentation dialogue is weird. Because I doubt HH surprised KJK on stage by asking "Is that person one of the members?" but KJK acts pretty convincingly surprised. Anyway, it'd be hard for someone dating KJK to avoid marriage talk at this point, simply because there's so much focus on him getting married. 

KJK's mom could have been uncomfortable about discussing marriage simply because SJH was there. If spartace is dating, KJK's mom obviously knows to act as though they aren't. However, KJK's mom isn't an entertainer. While the RM cast could casually talk about KJK's romantic life in front of the person and have it not be awkward, I doubt KJK's mom can act with the same ease. Imagine having to talk to a bunch of cameras in front you future daughter in law and have to pretend she's not your future daughter in law. I'd be super awkward too.  

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Thank you @merada for that bts pic! Handsome Ji-hyo with sweet Jong-suk... LOL. 

Love how soompi has our thread pinned on the top of the couple thread's list... it's so easy to get to this thread now. Thank you so much, soompi!

You're welcome @ktiminie @athoughtcloud1 :) And I noticed in all the excitement of winning the 'Soompiers in Paradise' contest (yep.. that is the name of the contest) I forgot to thank our dear SA. So... thank you very much, Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo, for inspiring a love in us, and for being the muse that link us here together.  (Ah.. so sorry if that's too cheesy!) And the red colour chosen can be nicely associated with uri SA - even if it really is JK's colour. We've done well!

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Why is SBS IG a troll?! Grrr. Stop playing with my heart! Lol.

I was browsing through IG a few minutes ago and someone posted a video of JSJ nudging JH while they were talking about JK's mom criteria regarding her future daughter in law. Lollll. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1


@linzer03 Six episodes of WAIL are done, six more to go. Getting to see a more girly side of JH. Since it is a dating show, JH has to show more of her feminine side and after 6 years of working with an all male cast, you can see her worrying over losing that side of her self. I can kind of relate to that. She is half-woman half-man in RM. It must be hard to be the only female in such a highly competitive show where she has to work twice as hard at times to prove she is as tough as them. I guess the thing with different shows is that they bring out different sides of your personality. I think her attempt to showcase a more feminine side of her personality is also to make her new loveline different from that of MC. Don't know how far her wanting to be more feminine is for the show to work (she might be worried about the audience perceiving her as 'lacking') and how far it is a lack she perceives in herself.  But if she does feel at times that she misses out on the girly part of her self, I hope she can indulge in that side of hers a bit more.

Also, she seems to be  a bit ashamed of her cooking skills. LOL She was trying to make a special sauce to showcase her limited cooking skills, but first it turned out to be super-salty and then super-spicy that had CB almost jump into the nearby pool. Of course, they exaggerate certain things for variety, but  seeing JK's reaction  when she makes that comment, I feel it is a touchy topic for JH. Why do I get the feeling JK is the better cook among the two who pretends to know less than JH to keep her spirits up? ;) To my extreme surprise, JK actually cooked a decent meal for Lynn in the Chinese show they did together (surprised me since he used to be really bad at it in his early RM days and the cooking challenges he won have all been due to his partner's skills). Honestly, I think both are limited in their skills, but is JK a tad better?

JK makes a nudging motion with his arm towards his mom once she makes that comment about the cooking skills. Where is Haha pointing?

Like you, I also think MC has ended for good (fingers and toes crossed). WAIL is showing a different side of JH and it is a completely different loveline, so I cannot see how MC can go back to how it used to be. YJS telling Gary one can't keep playing on the same ride for ever was to me his way of telling Gary he also had to try new things and move away from his Monday BF image (or that is how I interpret it).

Since I believe SA are dating and kind of trace the impasse in RM to their conflict about what to do with the MC loveline, I believe that significant decisions have been taken before the coming in of the new PD. The first thing the PD did was to bury MC in the span of a single episode. Seems to me like that was a conscious choice by the PD or the team to get rid of something that had been seriously bogging them down and affecting the cast dynamics. Another reason why I feel they won't go for an MC reboot is because of the new direction the show is taking. Looks like unlike Taek PD, the new PD cares about the ratings of the show. And we know how tired  k-audience was of RM's attempts to rehash the MC loveline. I feel the last two episodes had comparatively better ratings because they tried to show a more real side of the members. As long as the PD is thinking of new combinations and new directions, I don't see MC coming back. However, the tricky part is still the RM overseas fanmeets. Will the new PD let the members show more of their real selves in those fanmeets or will he/SBS ask them to stick to their more simplistic variety selves? But my feeling is that some of the questions to JH (at least in China) will be about CB and hence MC loveline may not be revived in those fanmeets. It will look like JH is betraying her WAIL partner and even after WAIL ends, she will have to be diplomatic about choosing either of the guys since there will be both fandoms to please. Let's see! Like you said, we have been proved wrong many a time! So 'hope for the best, but prepare for the worst'. LOL

Yeah, agree with you. I also think the marriage talk has happened many a time before. I don't know what the intention behind inviting JK's mom was. Was it just to showcase his softer side or will it actually lead somewhere later? Based on this episode where they cut out every reference to JH, I feel the former might hold true.

 In the recent Marie Claire interview, JH did talk something about the kind of wedding she wants. I don't know whether they specifically asked her about it and that is why she answered like that or whether it was something she herself brought up.  I remember JH saying in one of her interviews a few years back that Kim Hee Sun had advised her to get married soon since otherwise one gets pretty old by the time the kids turn 20. I suppose marriage has been in her mind as well.

OMG! Jong Sukie is back. JK is looking so adorable here that I forgive him for hurting my eyes with that Kingkong barbie avatar. Should we have chosen hot pink as our shipper colour what with SA turning into a cutie couple in pink? ;) It is indeed interesting that the SBS running man admin called them as 'cutie couple' instead of 'cute sisters' which would have been more appropriate. While SA has been one of the team combinations, for a long long time, it has not received the kind of attention KookSoo or KwangMong or Easy Bros gets, so presenting them as a couple out of the blue (in an episode where they are not even the team) does seem interesting. Is there an attempt to try out new combinations there? Or am I reading too much into it? At least this shows that the RM team acknowledges that SA could be a couple combo just like the other team combos like Kooksoo or Kwangmong. The more likely thing is that the SBS Running Man page is aware of SA fandom and doesn't mind doing fanservice for us once in a while (they have been doing it since the X-man episode) and I am not complaining. :)

Why don't they let JH cross-dress as well? I would love to see Song Oppa with Jong Suk or Kwangja or even Hana (even without cross-dressing, JH had become Song Oppa with Haha in the Charlie's Angels episode). :)

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Just something for fun!

On SA baidu, they were doing a face-off between JK and JH in cuteness battle.

Round 1 was won by Jong Suk.


Round 2 was won by Ji Hyo


cre: Running Man SA thread, baidu


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I also attributed a lot of the weirdness in cast dynamics to the continued existence of MC. I think in the beginning, the cast were fine with it. Possibly because it was forced on them less or because the cast had more control over what MC moments to create. But as MC moments dragged and I think the fanmeets where SJH and KG would have to create moments contributed, the cast got tired. I remember seeing one comment on an RM forum about how KJK, KG, and SJH were all like ghosts to the show at this point, and all I could think was "You don't see the connection between those three?" 

I like the cast showing more of their true selves, but I know not everyone does. A lot of people are calling it boring, because they watch RM only for the high-tension games. So a transition will probably hurt RM for a bit, since they might lose some of their audience. I've also seen people talking about how they want to replace certain members of the cast, which while I know other shows change up casts and do it successfully, I don't think you can do for RM. I mean, watch episodes like the Unanimity Race (where they chose the number 7) and try to say that you should replace cast members. Plus, I think some of the RM members have said that they would stop doing the show if they didn't have the 7 cast members.

Anyway, I I love the RM IG post of our "cutie couple". I think separate people run the IG account, so they may not know if there's anything between spartace and are just catering to the fanbase.  

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Guest athoughtcloud1
2 hours ago, linzer03 said:

I also attributed a lot of the weirdness in cast dynamics to the continued existence of MC. I think in the beginning, the cast were fine with it. Possibly because it was forced on them less or because the cast had more control over what MC moments to create. But as MC moments dragged and I think the fanmeets where SJH and KG would have to create moments contributed, the cast got tired. I remember seeing one comment on an RM forum about how KJK, KG, and SJH were all like ghosts to the show at this point, and all I could think was "You don't see the connection between those three?" 

I like the cast showing more of their true selves, but I know not everyone does. A lot of people are calling it boring, because they watch RM only for the high-tension games. So a transition will probably hurt RM for a bit, since they might lose some of their audience. I've also seen people talking about how they want to replace certain members of the cast, which while I know other shows change up casts and do it successfully, I don't think you can do for RM. I mean, watch episodes like the Unanimity Race (where they chose the number 7) and try to say that you should replace cast members. Plus, I think some of the RM members have said that they would stop doing the show if they didn't have the 7 cast members.

Anyway, I I love the RM IG post of our "cutie couple". I think separate people run the IG account, so they may not know if there's anything between spartace and are just catering to the fanbase.  


Agree with all that you said. What you said about the fanmeets is interesting. I believe that MC loveline was not that much of a bother to JH or KG until the fanmeets started. In the show, nobody took MC loveline that seriously - it was not that serious a loveline and in the early RM, apart from specifically scripted sections where the MC couple had to show that they had made some progress, JH or KG had a lot of leeway to do what they wanted depending on their mood. But once the fanmeets started (especially in 2013 where JH joined the members overseas), that kind of freedom disappeared. MC was on and off even after the overseas fanmeets started (Gary used to get paired up with other female guests), but as the Chinese fans often used to say, when a fanmeet was around the corner, the episodes would suddenly start having MC moments. External factors started affecting their story arc in RM. I am purely guessing here, but it does affect the cast dynamics when the team charges some members with pushing the loveline whether they want to do it or not. And if as we believe SA started dating in 2013, then it must have gradually started becoming a burden which affected not just JH, JK and Gary, but the other team members as well. In RM, usually the MC loveline pushers have been Suk Jin or KJK.  Jae Suk has generally stayed away from it. However, in the Jeju episode, even Jae Suk was forced to push the MC loveline and act like he really believed in it. When you are forced to do things out of your character, it does take a toll on you. Even we cringe at JK's lovey dovey MC insta posts, imagine how much he must have enjoyed writing them!

Yeah, I also see those comments where some viewers say they feel bored by the changes in RM and want them to focus on just playing the games. I disagree with those.  For me, RM was never just about the games. It was as much about the people playing them and their personalities. I know many people compare RM to IC saying RM should also add new members like IC, but for me, they are two different shows. RM has always been about its 7 members (SJK left the show quite early and Lizzy was never really a member like the others) and I can't really see it continuing with even one of the members gone. IC has had to drop members because of their real life controversies, so it isn't really a surprise to see them take in new members. But RM has never changed its cast once SJK left. The images the 7 members have developed have been through their interactions with each other (which may be true of any variety show, but holds true especially for RM). YJS has contributed greatly to the development of the variety images of many of the members - he is the one who started calling JH 'mong ji'. If not for LKS, perhaps we would not have got to see 'bad Ji Hyo'. If there had been no KJK, we wouldn't have got to see the bullied LKS, an image that won him many fans in early RM. Having LKS as his easy brother, the one who was as weak as him in his variety image, might have helped SJ also enjoy being the weak member of the show which he had problems with in the beginning. YJS and KJK with their roles as eternal rivals have helped create so many memorable story arcs for RM. Similarly, Gary and Ji Hyo have also helped create each other's variety images as the Monday couple. I cannot imagine how the dynamics of the show would be once one of the cast leaves. Some viewers want KJK to be replaced by another strong guy since KJK is not as physically fit any longer. However, they don't realise that KJK's position as YJS' rival is not just because of his strength. YJS and KJK have such a bond built through past shows that they don't really care what they do with each other while on the show. This holds especially true for YJS. I haven't watched that much of IC, but from whatever I have watched, I get the feeling that apart from a few main members, mainly YJS, the rest don't have the kind of equal roles the RM cast has. I also sometimes get the feeling that the other members are more respectful of YJS in IC than in RM. Perhaps, regular watchers of IC can confirm or deny  this. YJS has always seemed to me the kind of person who while he fools around and jokes a lot, is careful about whom he allows to bully him on the show. There have been instances in RM where Haha has come close to bullying YJS, but I have always felt that there is a power equation there - that while YJS would let Haha do some things, he wouldn't let him get away with it beyond a point and Haha too knows it pretty well. In the recent House lease episode where YJS was forced to become Haha's steward, YJS asks aloud, as a joke, how Haha can face him in IC after bullying him in RM. It was meant as a joke, but it also showed that perhaps their equation wasn't as simple as the KJK-YJS one since they were doing two shows together where they had different variety images. What I am saying is that it is a bit naive to reduce KJK's role in RM to just that of the strong commander. You may be able to replace him with another strong guy, but it is no guarantee that just because he is athletically strong, the new guy can take on the role of YJS' rival. KJK's variety image has been of the dominating dongsaeng which lets him get away with bullying YJS in ways that are not possible for others who may be strong, but younger than YJS. And YJS lets KJK do that, behave rudely with him, bully him etc because they have that equation. YJS has that affection for JK which goes back to their X-man and FO days (I think FO is what made them closer since whenever YJS feels particularly affectionate towards JK, he calls him 'Kook Jong', JK's nickname in FO) and hence doesn't really mind. YJS respects KJK enough to give him the status of a rival and from what I have seen, I don't think YJS does that with many. The same goes for the other members. Can you imagine any other female actor being able to replace JH? There might be athletic female stars who are tomboyish who can put in the time and effort, but it is no guarantee that they will be able to have the kind of equation JH has with each of the male members of the cast. The very fact that so many of the combinations in RM, candy alliance, kwangmong, spartace, Monday Couple, HaHyo are centred around JH shows how successful she has been in building her equation with each and every male member of the cast. Though as shippers we joke that JH has a bit of favouritism towards JK, the fact is that she has fierce loyalty towards all the members and she is fair to the others even when dating JK (as we believe). In episode 168, when JK is toying around with Suk Jin in the MMA ring, JH reprimands him for doing that with 'uri oppa' and tells him to bring it to an end fast (which JK dutifully does). In episode 277, when SJ steals Gary's innocents, she gets angry with SJ since she knows it is unfair. Though JK is (we believe) her BF, there have been so many times where JH has favoured JS over JK (however, it is also hard or her at times like in the Rivals episode where she was the lone member in JS' team not cheering when he won against JK). The reason why the members respect her is also coz of that. If SA are dating, I think it says something about the professionalism of JK and JH that their relationship hasn't changed their equations with the other members of the cast.

I think it will be the stupidest idea to replace one of the members with a new person. Even if the new member is really good at variety and athletic, still he/she will be resented by the RM fandom, many of whom see the team as a family, for replacing one of the members.

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I think the new PD starts to realize that people are getting tired of MC. I recall a few articles on NetizenBuzz that Korean viewers are fed up with the loveline. 

Can I share how I start to ship the Cutie Couple? The first Sherlock Holmes episode (around ep 80s, forget the exact ep) when they hugged after winning against JSJ. I started to realize how good they look together. I think the 80s episode is when KJK got a new hairstyle which increases his attractiveness.

Then the ep with BoA. How KJK held SJH's hand albeit he wanted to eliminate her. I don't know, they just look great together. I realize she was in a relationship at that time, but they still look like close friends with all the teasings (I recall ep 123 with Han Hyo Joo when he says 'Ah Song Ji Hyo...' with a disappointed tone when he saw her in a restaurant), and her caring nature (the ep with YooBin and Suzy) where she pats his back after he failed?

I think he falls for her caring and nurturing attitude. From various fan accounts people have mentioned that she is caring and nice to fellow guests and fans. I think she is also very respectful to older guests, especially when she calls guests with 'Sunbae-nim' instead of 'Oppa or Unni'. 

I'm sorry for my lengthy post. I sincerely hope SA is real and wish them the very best!



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"I like a man who is strong like a lion when he's out, but gentle and warm like a lamb when with me," Song Ji Hyo said in the interview. 

KJK is gentle and warm at home, too...just like what his mother says: "He is like a daughter."

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Guest athoughtcloud1
9 hours ago, tuffygarcia said:



"I like a man who is strong like a lion when he's out, but gentle and warm like a lamb when with me," Song Ji Hyo said in the interview. 

KJK is gentle and warm at home, too...just like what his mother says: "He is like a daughter."

I too can honestly think of only one man when I hear this description. ;)

Even generally, KJK is the type who is gentle and warm with the people he loves unlike his variety persona. Like you said, he is like a daughter to his mom. In the X-man episode, the fortune teller had said something about how KJK showered affection on LKS like a mother would. I mean the other things like 'loyal', 'family-oriented' etc can still be applied to a number of men, but the "strong like a lion when he's out" doesn't fit many around her. The same with the preference for abs. Many men have nice eyes, but nice abs as well ... not that many around her.

Good to hear the story about how you fell for spartace. I also wonder what attracted JK to JH. He has always described her as pretty in looks as well as personality, once in the 2012 ideal type world cup and another in a recent fanmeet. I don't remember the question in that fanmeet, but he said the RM members were not that good-looking except for JH and then he added JH is not only beautiful, but has a nice personality as well.

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For the abs and eyes answer, the situation was a fanmeet where two girls had to guess which SJH would prefer - eyes or abs. The person. I forget who, thought that SJH said both so that no matter what, the girls would be correct. Which I believe is a very possible explanation since SJH is a nice person and cares about her fans.

However, all the other descriptions fit KJK very well. Especially describing the guy as a lion since KJK is associated with predatory cats. Mainly a tiger, but in the Wizard of OZ episode, SJH and KJK are both lions and in ep 200, KJK is paired with the lion, and I think there have been a few more episodes where he's associated with a lion.

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