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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest athoughtcloud1
30 minutes ago, tee2015 said:

@athoughtcloud1 is Li Chen the guy who got hurt last time? The one they visited in the hospital?


Yes, the guy who got 22 stitches after the game with KJK. BTS of the shoot. I like how they have paired off Chinese RM cast with the korean one. The shoot looks fun!


cre: SBS news via cassandra_rmsa, Insta

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@Chii Le From what I've seen on instagram, I think KJK is paired with Angela Baby and SJH is paired with KJK's CRM equivalent Li Chen. They probably pair off the KRM and CRM counterparts, but since a team of two girls would be "unfair", they pair the girls off with the strongest of each team. 

I have the  feeling that CRM is going to win this match-off if they do team nametag ripping. Which would be disappointing since, while I do like some of CRM's members, but as a whole, I prefer KRM.

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@tee2015 But that was three years ago when CRM was just starting. Think of it in terms of a story arc. Newbie CRM was beaten by the experienced KRM, but after years of training, CRM comes back and wins. I'm not saying this will happen for certain, but there is some scripted to RM so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Plus, CRM is on average younger than KRM and KRM hasn't done nametag ripping for awhile ,so it wouldn't be shocking if CRM won. 

But I hope we get to see some spartace teamwork. Some of their best moments occur during nametag ripping.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Let's do our best in the voting.

I hope somebody can make a gif of JH's expressions in the last episode when JK is about to be hit on the forehead. She looked so worried and was even saying something to Haha.

@laubi Long time no see. Where are you?

Some of you might have seen it on SA naver. It is about JH's jealous moments. I found some of the pics interesting while in the case of some, I feel there is slight exaggeration (maybe once I get to know the analysis, I will be in a better position to judge). Anyway, for fun!

Maybe @bidovacsb can translate the text later (take your time, ok?. I don't want to scare you off the thread :P), as of now I will post some of the pics.








cre: Cookie Cookie, SA naver

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Everybody must know this by now, but still posting it since it is always better to go by facts than our own suppositions.

This is so cute and have to give it to the hawk-eyed spartacers!

Cre: as tagged

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So JSJ was at LKS's house as well. While it's awesome that spartace is hanging out together outside of RM (as we always knew they did), there's a bit of a difference from SJK saying KJK and SJH came (almost like they are a set) and SJK saying KJK, JSJ, and SJH came (which is just listing off the RM cast members that were there). Still, love the fact that they were at LKS's house all together, since apparently LKS's house is a popular dating spot for KJK,  

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It's Kookie's birthday, everyone! LOL, he's 41 already, but still the cute one.


Cr LKS instagram


Has anyone watched yesterday episode? They did visit JK's mother, right? I'm dying to see JH's reaction :D

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So... who's seen the most recent episode? I enjoyed this episode, since I love finding out more about the members outside of their variety characters. Though I feel like KG's story was rushed since he was last, which is unfortunate.

Spartace things I noticed:

During the visit to JSJ's first love, the cast handed out lunch to the students. There was a scene where KJK was holding the box and SJH was handing out burgers. Super cute.

When SJH's old friend was talking about how SJH's ex-boyfriend was a celebrity, KJK stood up and clapped (an enthusiastic response) but when the other cast members were asking about who the ex-boyfriend was and why SJH had never told them about him, KJK was silence (weirdly unenthusiastic in comparison to his initial reaction). The spartace fan inside me wants to say it's because he already knows who the ex-boyfriend is and is amused by the teasing.

I was very interested in the interactions between SJH and KJK's mom (since if spartace are dating, she would surely know SJH), but unfortunately we didn't get much. Though is it just me or when KJK's mom first says that she wants KJK to get married, she looks at SJH? Check it out and let me know what you think. Speaking of, I thought it was kind of strange that they talked about KJK getting married and having children when SJH was there (though that's only strange if in fact spartace are dating). While I'm sure the RM cast are used to it, it would be weird for KJK's mom. It's possible that she was told beforehand that she had to keep the relationship a secret and therefore she was careful not to talk to SJH or that all interaction between KJK's mom and SJH was cut because it was clear they knew each other. (Or spartace aren't dating. But as I've said many times before, I believe they are.)

When they were looking through pictures, SJH was the one who complimented KJK's mom, saying how pretty she was. 

SJH is the one who reminds KJK of the letter and it's such a cute scene. No only because KJK is such a good son, but because of SJH's proud smiles at the beginning and end. I also want to point out that SJH knew the letter was two pages. Some of the RM cast didn't even know KJK had written it and one person had seen KJK in the process of writing it, but SJH reminded him of it and knew its length (though he could have taken out at that point; it's hard to tell with the editing sometimes). Also, she smiled at the part of the letter where he mentioned marriage. 

That's what I remember from the episode. Let me know what y'all think!

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delusion :: ON :P
the only thing catches my thought is how kjk mom say : the woman should in the hard state know how to cook .(we all know jihyo relation with cooking )
aren't all mothers like that , i mean ,think about the lack thing about wife ? :D
also must say how jihyo sound when she say "the message " and how kjk say : yeh .. is cute x shy .
and agree , kjk wasn't anticipation in jihyo part , he look down most of time .

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Noticed all moments mentioned above too! Was an entertaining episode for me, especially on JS' part. 

JH's voice when asked JK about the letter is way too smooth! LOL, it's sounds strange for me. I believe they cut so many scenes, we can't see JH greeted JK's mom, but when she arrives she shows how excited she is. And yep it's not only you @linzer03, I also feel like his mom looks at JH when talks she wants JK to get married. JH also went completely blank after his mom mentioned about how she wants a grandchild first if JK can't married. Thinking about it really hard, huh? Hahaha. I also noticed they two were sitting on the backseat while heading to the last place. It's totally dark inside the car, and omg my delusion mind can't stop wondering what were they doing there.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Agree with all of you. I noticed some of the same things as you @linzer03 Episode 296 was very interesting. Like @assyl4 noted, they mostly cut out JH in JK's meeting with his mom. If you noticed, they both entered the house last among the cast. They not only cut JH's greeting with JK's mom, through the first half of the meeting, until JK comes back, JH remained in the corners of the frames. They gave close ups to all the other members, but there were only two close up shots of JH (once when she said "ottokke" seeing JK bring the delicious dish over and when she said "he wrote two pages"). 


There was a part in the preview where you could see Haha kind of looking at JH where she doubles up with laughter when JK's mom says "he is sweet". But in the scene they aired, Haha has been cut out of the frame. The major editing that happened in those scenes itself makes me suspicious. JH is such an emotional person and pretty respectful to elders. You can see how sweetly she behaves with older women from the way she behaved with Kim Hye Ja in the 2014 Christmas episode. But in this episode, she was pretty quiet.  Usually, they give JH close ups whenever some emotional moment is going on. So it was kind of weird that they rarely gave her close ups though the entire segment with JK's mom was very heartwarming. It was like they did not want to show JH's reactions at all. But JH was also being pretty careful through the entire meeting. She was rarely looking directly in JK's mom's direction and when JSJ made that comment about how JK's wife would be very lucky, she hides herself behind KS. JK was also being careful, but the way his mom looked at JH after saying "he should get married fast" kind of gave it away, at least for me.

Even then there were certainly some interesting things in that segment.

1) The most revealing part for me was JH's tone when she reminded JK about the letter. It was not her variety tone, but a kind of soft and intimate tone. Also, her words to JK came out of the blue. I would have expected it to come with some form of address like "Oppa, read the letter" or something like that instead of saying "Have you written ... the letter?".  I know it is a very delu thing to compare them to a married couple, but that is the only comparison that comes to my mind as one befitting  that tone. It is the kind of tone you use with a long-time partner/husband where you have the duty to remind him about his responsibility. After saying that, JH looks in the direction of JK's mom as if she thinks his mother would be pleased to listen to the letter. The way JK responded to her made it look like it was quite natural that she should be the one telling him that. Major delu, but still felt that way.


JH keeps on clapping enthusiastically once the letter is read out though you can only see it in the corner of the frame. She was also wiping her eyes, don't know whether it was coz of laughter or if she was moved that much. But all the members seemed pretty moved seeing the mom-son bonding. JH's eyes are so warm listening to the letter.

2) When they were mentioning about JK eating at 3 AM, there is this point where JK and his mom and JH all look at each other briefly like there is some secret they are privy to . JH has that mischievous smile on her face and JK also has that cheshire-cat like grin. And JK's mom also seems to be looking expectantly in JH;'s direction.


Also when mom said "the toughest condition is that she should cook well", JK's expression was kind of revealing like he was actually saying "ouch!". We know JH is not that great at cooking, so I wondered whether JK's mom was making a joke. But then JS kind of interpreted it for us adding the element of 'cooking at 3 am' which I don't think his mother mentioned.  I felt JS was trying to cover up something there.

3) JH does talk to JK's mom like complimenting her about how her looks in the photos, but again they are just voice overs.

4) JH though was giving secret smiles in JK's mom's direction or that is what my eyes saw on multiple viewing. LOL


5) Like some of you pointed out, how did JH know that JK had written two pages? In fact, at one point, from the way her body was positioned, I got the feeling that she had just come back and sat down.

6)Somebody on insta had pointed out how SJ nudges JH after they discuss JK eating at 3 am. There was one point where you can even see SJ and JS looking at JH (from what we can see based on the corners of their eyes) when they say things related to JK's marriage.

7) Also how come JH has nothing to say about JK's marriage? He is her close oppa and all of them keep on discussing his marriage, his qualities as a husband, expectations from his wife etc. Yet, she seems to have nothing to offer on the subject. Strange.... And more weirdly, why does she not say anything complimentary about JK to his mom when the others were praising him left and right?

I didn't really expect the rest of the cast members to discuss JK's marriage in this detail once they met his mother since it is a tricky subject. But they seemed to have quite a lot of fun with it.  And I suspect it was not just JK's leg that was being pulled. If ever spartace reveal themselves to be dating, this is an episode people will come back and re-watch. Hehe

I agree with you @linzer03 I also thought JK knew about JH's ex-bf. However, he seemed a bit uncomfortable with it after a point. When JS starts saying how JH's situation is similar to his own situation with his friend, you can see JK nudging him. Perhaps, JK didn't want a detailed discussion of that since it can create a scandal for JH. I read on baidu that JH's name had trended on naver after that episode, perhaps indicating people's curiosity to know who her ex-bf was. And while JH is doing the mission with KS, you can see JS and JK discussing something seriously. Hmm.. wonder what that was.

Also, didn't you notice how JH sits in her place until JK comes near her and tells her/motions her to get up when they are about to move to Gary's location? These days, I also notice JK and JH checking their phones a lot. JK is texting something on his phone when JH and KS play that game and the next time, they are in the van, you can see JH checking her phone. Hmm...  In the last episode, when they both sit near the fire after writing the letter, you can again see JH and JK both busy with their phones.

This was after JK kisses his mom's cheek. JH seemed like she was trying to get up from there perhaps to sit down closer to JK's mom? I saw Haha also sitting down, so I wondered if he had sat down seeing JH sitting down. But we were not shown JH after that.


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I watched the scene with KJK's mom against, and it's almost shocking how little SJH was shown. She was mute for most of the scene with the exception of the letter and the photos (which was voice over). I know SJH is probably the quietest member of RM, but as you said, she usually talk more I don't like to read too much into glances because it can be hard to tell who the person is really looking at - especially with editing and camera angles. But with the marriage comment, KJK's mom definitely looks left and down, and since there's no one else on the floor at SJH's level at the time, I don't think KJK's mom could have been looking at anyone else (though lol if she was looking at LKS and KJK's mom was secretly a KookSoo shipper). Same with the eating and cooking comments. And I think that after this "He's sweet like this" comment you can see SJH nodding to someone as she's sitting up (it's very slight so I could be wrong). 

There isn't much to go on, but I kind of think SJH read KJK's letter beforehand. Why? She's the one who reminds him of it. It's important to her that the letter's read whereas everyone else seemed to have forgotten about it. She's phrases it as a question when she reminds him about it ("Did you write the letter?" ), like she isn't certain. But then she confidentially says that it's two pages, which makes me think that she did know he'd written it. And since she knows its length, she did more than just walk by and see him writing it. Also, when he starts reading, she's not listening with polite curiosity like everyone else, but when he starts speaking, she looks up and smiles. I'd describe her smile as proud or fond rather,than anticipating what's to come. She also didn't laugh immediately or loudly like the rest of the cast at the studious older brother joke, like she knew it was coming. Anyway, there's not much to go on for this theory besides a few comments and smiles, but if they are dating, it wouldn't be strange for her to read over the letter to his mother beforehand. 

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