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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest MariaG

Well, I'm totally happy with all the Spartace Couple moments...
I even enjoyed the pepero game in spite of the broke ice slab

When I saw that scene I remember what Noh Sae Yoon said in the episode 137... "You can't do it, if you have feelings involved"  ;)

They really looked nervous, both closed their eyes... just like a couple who need to hide their feelings... after all SA is not a love line in RunningMan... and they have to do what the script said

For me, this is an important step for Spartace Couple moments in RM... now they can do pepero games... maybe the next time they will fail more closer xD

HaPpY nEw YeAr!!! lxhhaobang_org.gif

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Guest goupana

WanZ said: goupana said: I see the gif from a page and want to share with u Look at JK's hand in picture 5. It's amazing!!!!!If u can't see my post, click here https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/spartacespartace

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Look at the 2nd gif. Nothing special actually, but it looks like jk tries to look at the hint but jh hold it tight. Then, he tap lightly on jh back (as if a signal he wants that paper) and jh naturally give it to jk while she still argue with sj. It looks cute. Hik hik.

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Guest etyini

@goupana, i'm sorry, maybe it's my poor sight ..huhu mianhe, but I really can't see anything different with his hand in that gif (i mean the one at the sbs awards)?
He was moving his hand fancily just like others were doing.

would you mind point out clearly what was it actually about, dear ?

~ or maybe it is the "cuteness overload" of him there? hehehe ..he is indeed so damn adorable. No doubt!

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So the DramaFever subs and KSN subs are out now. They subbed the majority of the the conversation during JK and JH's turn in the ice pepero game, though there were a few things not included and some parts weren't subbed by the other subbing team. But I've pasted it all verbatim below with the names of the speakers bolded, granted some have question marks as I'm not sure who exactly had said that line, and the DramaFever Subs are on the top in this color with the KSN subs below them in this color.

JH: Suk Jin refused to do it with me and Jong Kook.       Sukjin oppa refused both me and Jongkook oppa

Screen Text: 
      Yellow Team: Big nose hyungnim, refused both Kookie - Jihyo

SJ: Just do it together.
      Just do it, you two!
JK: Let's do rock, paper, scissors. 
      Rock paper scissors

SJ: You two do it.

JK: Why us?

JH: He says that he really hates this game.
      He said he really hate this game.

SJ: I hate this game.

Screen Text:      [shy - Middle age Big Nose]
JK: You have a reason to play this game.
      We need to be fair
JH:       That's right, oppa.

SJ: I don't care about the reason.

JK: Just do rock, paper, scissors.      Do rock paper scissors
SJ: Just do it.      Just do it, you two

KG: Should I do it for you?
       Should I do instead?

KG: Black Knight?
       Black knight?

Screen Text: [if it's with Blank Ji, I can do it 100 times.]
       If it's with Mong Ji, I can do it 100 times

KG: I can do this 100 times.
       I can do it 100 times.

JK/SJ/JH: Rock, paper, scissors.
      Ah... Rock paper scissors

SJ: There you go.
      It's decided then.

KG: Oh my god!
       Oh my God!

Screen Text: 
       [OH MY GOD!]

Screen Text: [Embarrassed]
       [shy Shy]

JS: Did you guys promise to do paper?
      Did you secretly plan that?

JS: They wanted to do it together.

SJ:      I'm speechless.

Screen Text about KG: [Trying to smile]
    [Keeps smiling(?)]

JH: Don't hold the center.
       Don't hold it in the middle.
KG:       Kiss!

SJ: I think this is the first time I've seen these two together like this.
      Finally... Ah! This is the first we see this couple in Running Man, right?

Screen Text:
      [First in Running Man Kookie & Mong Ji's cookie bar game]

SJ: It's the first time.
      It's the first time. PD:      Get ready.

Screen Text: [serious]

SJ: You have to win. It's just a game.
      It's just a game, alright?

JK: Of course.
      Of course.
PD:       Get ready.

JK: Wait.
      Wait wait

SJ: It's a game.
      It's just a game

JK: It can't be just one person doing it. It doesn't fit in one person's mouth so...
      We can't take turns, because it might slip

Screen Text:
       [Yellow Team's strategy Bite the ice at the same time and approach each other]

JH: I got it.
      Ah, alright.

SJ: It's a game.
      It's just a game.

PD: Ready!

PD: Gary, can you stand back a little?
       Gary, please move back a little bit

KG: It's just so funny so...
       Ah, it's really interesting so...
SJ:     It's just a game

Screen Text: [A lot of preparation. She's even putting her hat back.]
     [Prepares everything Even wear the cap backwards]

PD: Ready?

SJ:       Do your best, alright?

JH to JK: You scared me.
      Oh, you surprised me.
Screen Text about JK's eyes:       [Close]
       Get set...

SJ to JK: Why are you closing your eyes?
       Open your eyes. What's wrong with you?
JK:       No, it's because my teeth hurts

KG: This is heartwarming.
        Oh, I'm so pleased. Gary is pleased though?
Screen Text:        [Fully Pleased ~]

SJ: This is their first pepero game.
       Ah, this is your first cookie bar game, right?
KS:        That's right.

Screen Text: [Jong Kook and Ji Hyo's first pepero game...]
       [Jongkook and Jihyo's first cookie bar game...]

Screen Text: [but Ji Hyo...]
       [However, Jihyo]

Screen Text: [succeeded in 0.4 cm in the past with Park Seo Jun.]
       [back then with Park Seo-joon This Ace succeed with 0.4 cm]

Screen Text: [And Jong Kook...]
       [And also, Jongkook]

Screen Text: [is Mr. Capable that succeeded in 0.3 cm with Ha Yeon Soo.]
       [With Ha Yeon-soo This Commander achieved length of 0.3 cm]

Screen Text: [Mr. Capable and Ace]
       [The Commander and Ace]

Screen Text: [Their first pepero came will result in..?]
       [Their first cookie bar game is?]

PD: Start!

KS: They might discover some feelings that they didn't know about before.

Screen Text:        [Feelings that the two were unaware of could grow.]

Screen Text: [One bite] [One bite] [As they keep going...]       [Getting closer one mouthful by one mouthful]
SJ: Do you two like...
      Do you guys like this kind of thing
Screen Text:      [Crack]

Screen Text: [it ends in vain!]
       [Ending in Futility]

Screen Text:
       [My goodness]

SJ?:        Argh damn it damn it
SJ: Let's do it again!

Screen Text: [blank]
       [What is this ~]

SJ/KG?: What is this?

Screen Text: [Jong Kook and Ji Hyo get the worst result.]
      [JongKook and JiHyo last place achieved]

Blue Team:
       We did it!

JS: You two don't work together.
      The two of you aren't suited for each other.

JS: They just don't work together.

KG: What doesn't work, doesn't work.
       Those who aren't meant for each other really aren't.

SJ: Gary likes it the most.
      Gary is the happiest about it.

SJ: I thought this would lead to something new.
      And here I thought a new "some" (relationship) was budding.

JK: Monday Couple's power is blocking us.
      The power of Monday Couple was obstructing us.

Screen Text: [Monday Couple forever!]
       [Monday Couple, stay strong even in the new year. Forever ~]
KG:       And we were singing about it.
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JK: Monday Couple's power is blocking us.      The power of Monday Couple was obstructing us.

He said it on his own, if its not because of MC they can be together (my interpretation) kekeke...
I think we still have to wait patiently for a long time (until MC end) before they can officially announce their feelings for each other...
Hoping the best for them
SpartAce Fighting

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Guest ericakakay

ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAT WORDS!!!  denial KING kekekekeke :-@    whatever 

OK fine  push Monday Couple as long as you (JK) want but we here (SA fans) to support you 

:\"> :P

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Some of the things that caught my attention from last week's episode.JK: When was the last time you saw JK remain calm (actually happy) after losing a game. his smile was ear to ear. Bit out of character, don't you think.JH: Just as competitive as Jk, but for some reason she was also speechless after the game.SJ: why was he so interested in seeing JK and JH play the game. Even after the loss, he insisted that they do it again.HH: Back when jk and haYeonSoo played the game, he was the biggest cheerleader. But this time around, not even a whisper out of him. Why?JS: Reel vs. Real. Back when he was secretly dating naKyungEun (now his wife), he encouraged noHongCheul to ask her out when he showed interest in her on Infinity Challenge.KG: ...I really wish that gary could show us that he's more than just MC.

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Guest clarisse08

@Gimo3: good observation. What caught my mind when i watched the game was that why every members seemed so excited and made a big fuss about it. Ji Hyo has done pepero games several times including with Gary, but nobody..including other members made any noticable commotion about it (except of course the screen cap prepared for the fans). This time..Suk Jin even made sure that everyone knew this was their first time in Running Man (i assume he saw plenty off camera? :) and who can forget Gary's reaction?. It was like everyone was testing how SpartAce would act to be in front of camera. When the ice broke, instead of being angry..they just seemed so relieved that the game was over so that they don't need to pretend to be strangers anymore.

Just my 2 cents.

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It's interesting how SJ repeatedly tried to calm them down, saying 'this is just a game' over and over. I think the full sentence, off-camera-wise will be 'This is just a game, you don't need to be so nervous, nothing suspicious will come out of this. Come on you two, chill, you can do it!'. LOL

Despite it all, this is a good start for SA in this (still) new year. The PD or the members even, can twist this into something unbearable to us SA shippers, but turned out it isn't that bad. I still love it somehow! :)

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I used to ship MC so much, but then I started to notice the little interactions between SJH and KJK(starting from the ryu hyun jin holding hands episode with suzy) and I just really liked them. I found this today and I felt like I had to make an account just to comment! But yeah after today's episode I can't just stay as a lurker anymore. There was so many Spartace moments. That game, I was thinking that it would definitely be Jong Kook and Suk Jin playing(because of how Jong Kook usually is), but I was cheering Spartace then BOOM! Spartace happened, the result was ehh but the reactions were the best. Wingman Suk Jin really made Spartace Shippers happy. I mean Out of all of them, everytime there's a spartace moment happening Suk Jin has some part of it if, remember the "My love from another star" episode, suk jin was saying "Why are those two always together?" then it showed them walking without anyone else. Spartace Shippers, let's show Wangko some love <3

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