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[Drama 2013-14] You Who Came From the Stars / My Love From Another Star ★ 별에서 온 그대


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Guest oceangreen

Whats going on here?


I'm not sure...still trying to backtrack and read couple last pages.

One thing that catched my eyes right away, there seems to be people complaining about posting of fanfic/fan made extended/new episodes? Not sure why it's a problem here? I've seen fans writing fanfics in other drama threads too or provide links. I don't see why good written fanfics can hurt the actors and drama reputation. If you really read them, you'd know it is fan made and it's meant to satisfy our imagjnation about the drama and beyond. I really appreciate those who have the talents, time, dedication and willingness to write and shares those stories with us here and I think many people here feel the same. Please correct me if I'm wrong...but I have not seen any of the posted fan written episodes here got flagged or off topic...mostly lots of awesome so my take is many posters and lurkers in this thread - fans of the drama - do love them.

So Mods, could you let us know if posting fanfics related to the drama is allowed or not in this thread. We have some talented writers here and I'd be sad if they will feel discouraged to continue writing eventhough most people who follow this thread would probably love to see/read more.

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So we can't post things abt JJH or KSH stuffs here? Just discussion abt the drama and the characters? To be honest, I personally don't like the idea of new shipper thread because we know the way we ship this couple is very diffirent from others. We love them as much as love M J and SY, shipping them is just my fantasy that always remind me of CSY and DMJ.It has been a moth since the drama ended, everything was fine. The thread still runs like no tomorrow, there are at least 150 people visiting this thread every night . No one complained, no moderator shows up. Now everything changed. NO THIS NO THAT. I know every forum has its rules but as I see this thread hasn't do sth that serious. When too much rules, it's no fun.



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safiresea said: Ok....so here's my LAST off topic post here so bear with me guys... (haha, not really because believe it or not guys, you get off-topic pin even WHEN you're ON TOPIC! hahaha....that's cuz you can't control other people's hands!)
First off you didn't hear from me because I was asleep and woke up and just read through these shocking development!!! :-O :-O :-OSecond off....I'd like to APOLOGIZE TO EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD (INCLUDING @iloveporkandbeans) FOR INADVERTENTLY CAUSING A SEMI-WAR HERE AND THEREFORE CAUSING THIS UNNECESSARY UNCOMFORTABLE VIBE. I feel like Helen of Troy all of a sudden :(  PPWEEELLLEASEEE FORGIVE ME  *crawling on hands and knees?!?!* 
I want EVERYONE to know that I have NO ISSUES whatsoever with Off-Topic Buttons, I know I go off topic sometimes but that's because we are a family here and we are human, we relate and reply to each other....I understand while the show was airing to keep a strict regimen about keeping to the show....but after the show is finished, we as fans, is what made this thread moving and alive and beating...for those who participate and for those who lurks.  I think, it will be a cold, cold place if all we do is come here to pick up pictures of the show (which by now is done soooo much already in the last thousand or so posts and that is why you see newer things being posted such as KSH doing things unrelated to MLFAS or JJH doing things unrelated to the show...and so forth) and if we're all just waiting on the news of MLFAS....then this thread should be dead until April or whenever the DVD is out.  It's gonna be so boring a place if all we do is rehash the same thing we've been doing for last thousand pages...and waiting for new news of MLFAS? it's like digging for gold!! we wouldn't be off topic so much if they weren't so stingy with news and extras!!!  hahahha.....And please, this is not an issue pertaining to just us, I'm pretty sure it happens in other thread as well.  But yes, from now on I will try to stay on topic, if I'm here at all because it does become tiresome when you have to watch your every word. When you make things unpleasant people will leave, and when they do there won't be as much news, there won't be as much information shared, and there won't be as much humor....and eventually it will wither and die....and I'm sad for that....but rules are rules right? :-S :-S :-S
And just to clarify....I was just having a little fun tease with iloveporkandbeans, if I do have a real problem with her, I would have PM her about it instead of posting it on here because I wanted her to come out and play.  My bad for assuming that other people have the same humor as I do...and really, after being on here for so long and posting a lot, I thought you guys, and especially ilovepork, who've been following and seeing all my posts, had understand my writing style, my wit, and my humor by now.....BUT, alas, that is not to be.  AGAIN, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON ME FOR ASSUMING.....as I just made an A---S----S out of myself in front of everyone....waeeeee!!! *goes cry in a corner* (lol, not really).  The same reasoning apply to my funny posts between me and @jshen312 ....if I was really deadly serious about flirting with him I would have PM him alone, but I didn't want that, it was just harmless fun we are having and having it out in the open gives it a lighter feel and keep the bond between EVERYONE and NOT just between us two, that was my intention.  Sorry guys I hope you can try and understand.
TO ALL MY FRIENDS (especially Maddie) I love it that you guys came to my rescue, lol, even without my needing you guys to.  The irony of it is that I didn't even get a chance to read what iloveporkandbeans said to me as it was taken out, because I can't find it anywhere...HAHAHHA was it really that bad??  Well, even if it was, trust me you guys, I would just laugh it off and not be offended in the least (I'd probably reply back in my own style but mad? angry? nahhh)  Seriously, life is too short to carry around negativity over something so trivial and for a stranger no less....I save my strong emotions for those I actually love and care about, lol....if I take offense at every Jane and Joe, I'd have high blood-pressure by now kikikikiki.  So yes, my passionate friends, save all that rant for LINE....well, lol, now I'm kinda worried to see what I'd find in LINE chat hahahahaha. I'm sure lots and lots of flame throwings and needle pokings abound, ahhahahaha
And to @wordswoo I just read your rant...hmmm....sorry you feel that way, that's too bad, I thought we were somewhat like "friends" since we worked together on a MLFAS project....oh well.  I appreciate your input but like you said there are those who enjoy it and those who don't...and to me there are far more of those who do and that's why I continue what I do.  If you actually read my fan-fic, you'd understand why I have such a huge following....I don't just skim the surface to degrade our couple by making them "do" the deed or the dirty (which by the way is a natural progression in any relationship...even with one that's an alien!)....it absolutely carry the story as an extension to the real MLFAS because as fans most of us cannot let go as of yet and to me there's so much more they can expand on and write for Season 2....and these are just some of my ideas put down for fans to enjoy.  That being said, I think by now everyone knows my site to go to so from now on I will abstain from posting any further Chapter update here....if you guys want to read or want to sign up for update just go do the site and put in your email address ok? :\">
THAT'S IT GUYS!!! THANKS FOR HANGING IN THERE ;) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Group hugs anyone? >:D>:D>:D>:D< ..........(yes @iloveporkandbeans I'll even hug you...you seem to really need it right now)

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Guest safiresea

@iloveporkandbeans hahahahahah...no hugs for you then, I'll save it for my passionate friends ;)  And thanks for re-posting your reply, I was very curious....now that I see it, I see why some of them might have gotten a little carried away, I'll apologize on their behave but they are really just adorable, lovable, passionate fans who will defend KSH/DMJ & JJH/CSY....and apparently now ME!....I on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing.......hahahah.....you're doing the tough play with me huh?....I would sooo have my own comback for you kikikiki......but alas.....Iet me stop this from continuing and ugh umm.....stay on topic?! 
DMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I missed you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!............*pspss* I'm good right MOD?

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Guest safiresea

fuschiah said: @safiresea I do hope you will still keep writing the fan-fic and remain sticking to your story line (whatever idea you've got on your head related to our OTP) regardless what happens today... No discouragement or whatsoever..because I'm a fan of your writing..and you're a damn good one...

Today is a hard day for this thread..and it kinda breaks my heart to see this happened.. I hope we all can survive this and carry on and make it as enjoyable as it's used to be . We are all here for the love of this show despite it has ended for more than a month.... Let's just spread the love, not hate ... >:D< >:D< >:D<

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Guest llove

verona said: So we can't post things abt JJH or KSH stuffs here? Just discussion abt the drama and the characters? To be honest, I personally don't like the idea of new shipper thread because we know the way we ship this couple is very diffirent from others. We love them as much as love M J and SY, shipping them is just my fantasy that always remind me of CSY and DMJ.It has been a moth since the drama ended, everything was fine. The thread still runs like no tomorrow, there are at least 150 people visiting this thread every night . No one complained, no moderator shows up. Now everything changed. NO THIS NO THAT. I know every forum has its rules but as I see this thread hasn't do sth that serious. When too much rules, it's no fun.

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Guest crazy4ywcfts

Hah! I'll just shut up and stop posting stuffs here you say? I might be back in May you say? Huh, my foot!
Yup, I'm back. Lol, I can't stay away from this thread. Oh, this:
CHEER UP GUYS! IT'S ALL A MISUNDERSTANDING! EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE FINE NOW except fot the fact that we can't do this and that
I'm just curious and I wanted to ask if the Samsung CF considered as DMJ & CSY or KSH & JJH? If it's tthe second one, we can't post it here, right? Tell me it's DMJ & CSY, please? :o3 :o3 *puppy eyes*
Btw, to remain on topic, I'll repeat this lame a** sentence that I've repeated so many many times before, Do Min Joon, Cheon Song Yi, I missed you guys so much!!!!!

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Guest maddie

safiresea said: @iloveporkandbeans hahahahahah...no hugs for you then, I'll save it for my passionate friends ;)  And thanks for re-posting your reply, I was very curious....now that I see it, I see why some of them might have gotten a little carried away, I'll apologize on their behave but they are really just adorable, lovable, passionate fans who will defend KSH/DMJ & JJH/CSY....and apparently now ME!....I on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing.......hahahah.....you're doing the tough play with me huh?....I would sooo have my own comback for you kikikiki......but alas.....Iet me stop this from continuing and ugh umm.....stay on topic?! 
DMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I missed you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!............*pspss* I'm good right MOD?

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Guest mademoisellegeline

OFF TOPIC HERE!!! I was gone for two days and this is what happened! Wow!! I just became a member here about a month ago so I don't know much about rules and the moderators never really showed up here telling us to stay on topic til now. Since I became a member, there were far more off topic convos including mine way back then, but I never got any off topic (except for KSH past photo)or did any moderators drop by to tell us to stay on topic. I understand why majority of the people here felt the need to defend @safiresea unnie coz since I joined and contributed here, she's been one of the major contributor of this thread and she never had a problem with anybody until recently. Also, i understand why some people felt that the mods are being unfair because you guys (mods) haven't really showed up since i joined a month ago telling us to stay on topic and be friendly until recently when there are far more off topic post since I joined. I know we get really nasty with our comments, but that's just the way people will react if a peaceful environment gets threatened. I haven't been here long, but I noticed that people only reacted in a bad way when someone is reacting in a negative way. But yeah anyway, i'll just lurk here since I'm not really a major contributor and I don't like the new environment now. It's so strict, so much hate and my only delulu paradise escape feels like a private property (atleast imo since there are so many restrictions). I thought thread are supposed to be interacting with one another whether you're on topic or not. Well I guess I was too ignorant joining without knowing the rules. I was too excited to join when I found out about soompi forums because I saw a lot of people like me who love the drama, actors and one another so I just pretty much joined. Oh well!

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So so. We must be on topic. Then it means at least we need to mention someone from ycfts. Right? I think Its not that hard.

Do haraboji bogushipda!!!! :(( You are my DESTINY. ( hope its not off topic)

Soompi has many rules. Need to update some of them.

The costumer is King.

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just to clarify some things about the extension. i am not really against fan-fics made by fans, i myself made a script back then when the drama is still airing. this is my opinion, like @safiresea said, you can't please everybody right? but i have to speak my mind. this is a forum anyway and i am reacting about the drama. I don't want to have enemies here, i am just expressing myself. i am also a writer by profession. my comment about the extension is based from my profession as a writer. we have ethical and technical issues and one of them is plagiarism. one have no right to alter or copy the characters of one's work. you can have your own version of the story but see to it that the names of your characters  and the plot are different from the original. it you continue someone's work that is plagiarism. that's why i posted that the extension is a no no for me. 
if you happen to read twilight series and fifty shades of grey... let me share some. actually, fifty shades of grey is a fan-fic made by the fan of twilight. but because she is aware of the ethical and technical issues of a writer, she made her version different and made a name of her own. if you want some advise @safiresea, as a friend since you said you thought were friends, you can create your own story base from YWCFTS. Who knows you'll made it big in the publishing industry. And your fans will support you, that's for sure.
but please let's just leave our alien couple as it is. i am asking for a little favor here, for the sake of our favorite couple... thanks for reading. hope to gain friends here not enemies..

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Guest safiresea

@LimaS  .........umm...love the pics that you post.....but ummm....be careful kay cuz
1. those pictures are NOT MLFAS related and2. you need to put some of it in "spoiler" tags
you might get in trouble......I know I did get a good scolding from them in PM :(  ahhhhh....farewell Soompi, back to lurking mode you've been fun while it lasted, well...I have better things to do with my time anyways.
P.S. when I see the pics of DMJ's people when he first came to earth, they seem to be all male....I wonder if they have female on their planet.....hmmmm....

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lol... @swingbaby, No soompi doesn't have many rules... we just want to make the forum a friendly environment for people to discuss about the drama... When the discussion start to become personal, than it's no longer about the drama.

As long as people are posting something related to the drama and not personal individual characters of the character (JJH, and KSH) like the picture that @limaS (sorry i used ur post as an example) post, then it is all good. As long as People are not bashing each other instead of talking about the drama, its all good.

The thread is make for the drama not anything else.

Also if you are going to post non related pictures or gifs about individual person of the characters, please use the spoiler tag!!

@safiresea, you're writing Fan-fic about DM and CY?? mhmm... i need the links to it so i can go read them lol... So in your fan-fic, did Dm and CY have kids together? how cute are they???

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Guest safiresea

@wordswoo....lol, it's not like I didn't know that.  And just so you know, that's WHY they called it FAN-FICTION!  Or else I'd made my own story line and get published by now! hahahhaa....I had some people mentioned to me and I had clarify with them that it is copyrighted by the original writer so therefore I cannot do anything that will profit directly or indirectly from that. GIRL!! I know ALLL about that already.
And yes, I know about 50 shades and it's origin as well....but the difference is that 50 shade is looking to publish and is creating a contemporary characters completely different from Twilight....not to mention that it is merely more of an INSPIRATION rather than a need to expand on the story TWILIGHT.  Whereas mine is purely FAN-FICTION (not a new novel onto it self) of what I think could happen in Season 2.  I'm sorry, if you're not happy with it, simple solution...then just don't read it, :) problem solved.  Just so you know I used to work in a law firm so I know my share of legalities...it's not illegal when people voice their thoughts, opinions, views, etc.  IT IS HOWEVER NOT OK, if said person is profiting from the original work....which I'm not trying to do here even if I wanted to, lol.

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Guest safiresea

@loli..omo, you just found out? I'm already on Episode 28 almost Episode 29! hahahah....well, if you're curious, come to the website (posted under my signature) and find out for yourself if it's any good, lol.
PS.  I really, really hope that there's gonna be lots and lots of NG for the RED CARPET KISSING SCENES....I was so happy to know that there's over 100 minutes of NG!!!  So ready to see what's it about! ;)

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wordswoo said: just to clarify some things about the extension. i am not really against fan-fics made by fans, i myself made a script back then when the drama is still airing. this is my opinion, like @safiresea said, you can't please everybody right? but i have to speak my mind. this is a forum anyway and i am reacting about the drama. I don't want to have enemies here, i am just expressing myself. i am also a writer by profession. my comment about the extension is based from my profession as a writer. we have ethical and technical issues and one of them is plagiarism. one have no right to alter or copy the characters of one's work. you can have your own version of the story but see to it that the names of your characters  and the plot are different from the original. it you continue someone's work that is plagiarism. that's why i posted that the extension is a no no for me. 
if you happen to read twilight series and fifty shades of grey... let me share some. actually, fifty shades of grey is a fan-fic made by the fan of twilight. but because she is aware of the ethical and technical issues of a writer, she made her version different and made a name of her own. if you want some advise @safiresea, as a friend since you said you thought were friends, you can create your own story base from YWCFTS. Who knows you'll made it big in the publishing industry. And your fans will support you, that's for sure.
but please let's just leave our alien couple as it is. i am asking for a little favor here, for the sake of our favorite couple... thanks for reading. hope to gain friends here not enemies..

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Manila Aliens! YWCFTS will be aired in the Philippines thru GMA this April!let's support our alien couple guys! let's make high ratings, who knows they might visit our country soon....
BTW: I dont like the tagalog dubbers but i can deal with it as long as i can see do min joon and cheon song yi again. (Heart Evangelista for CSY and Mikael Daez for DMJ - hope they will do their best to make my favorite drama perfect.)
Why do i have this feeling that i have been outcasted here? Ottoke?
Mahangin sa labas! Grabe nawindang ang gulgol kong buhok. hahaha(it's windy out there. my frizzy hair gets more frizzy. hahaha)

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