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Super Junior Siwon and SNSD's Taeyeon fan thread


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Guest delulusarepsychos

"I will give flag to your posts bc we dont like this kind of talks in here.. ıf you continue to talk like this I will ask admin to delete your account... ıf you can understand what we are doing here, please delete your disrespectful posts or I will try to do it with other ways..."
lol you're acting as if all of my posts were disrespectful. read it all again my dear! and arent your flags enough? why should i delete it? once you create a thread, you cant expect that every posts and posters are gonna be on your side. you must ready yourself. and i dont think im being OT here because all of my posts are still connected with TaeWon, Siwon and Taeyeon. 
so no, you cant dismiss me here.      yes, im truly sorry with all of my disrespectful posts.     no, im definitely not trolling     yes, im open with more talks and will make sure to be more respectful.

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do you think I'm attention seeker? Are you serious? being fan of them and share my thoughts is attention seeker? Did you ever really read our forum? did you ever see how we tried to keep a lot of things secret... did you ever read out talks about ıf people learn one day how they bash them, did you ever read our worries about fans reactions...you talk nonsense... we keep this thread inside this forum more than a year... I made that videos 3 months ago bc we think ıts right time to people know Taewon more.. bc people started to write fanfictions and clamings over other idols.. and ıts better ıf they see them before they learn all snsd bf.. and ıt will happen soon.. they will learn all the bf soon... everyone knows SM plan..and this couple is the one who will bash more ıf they dont see anything belong them before ıt reveal.. their moments makes people thing they have a long term connnection, they have a chemistry... they make you think we dont have a right to bash them.. bc ıt looks like they really loved each other... without knowing their possible past everyone take it as butthurt couple from SJ and SNSD... they say why you are dating with that guy, he is blah blah... Siw fans gonna say why you are together with this Bi.tch...blah blah... bc they are not a characters in their fantasy stories and they cant love each other...

hahah you are really annoying and so wrong.. ıf we have photos we would share with others?? really... we are keep saying look at them there would be smth going on...please take them serious.. we are not going soshified, other big fan sites and claiming anything but we will share a photos with others??.. do you know there is a rumor about Taewon photos and I tried so hard to see it but bagged people not to reveal it bc f their relation never comfirm, people take it in wrong way...

who did sexual fantasy? Anisa made joke and we laughed.. ıs ıt sexual fantasy? and speculation?? what?? haha  ıts joke JOKE... ıt was about maybe they were holding each others hands not touching siwons butt!!...

I dont know why you cant take Siwon and Taeyeon... why ıts disturb you.. dont say your ways.. ıts excuse..we are doing it very proper way... we are talking with each other bc we are fan of this relation... not delusional characters that we created in our minds like others.. and we have a right to match their possible matching things.. they are doing it at fan accounts .. if we are right..ıts not smth secret..they are making kidding with fans bc people cant get their secret messages and we are talking like we see it.. you cant decieve us... there is nthing wrong... ufff.. anyway...

go and ship your couple... but I never let anyone bash me and this mature respectful people.. none of us deserve this... OK 

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Guest delulusarepsychos

again, i'm not against with your ship. im not hating on TaeWon. i would accept their relationship once it was confirmed (i just want Taeyeon to be happy)
what i didnt quite like is the way you always assume that your ship is real when in fact all of us doesnt have any idea with their private lives.being hypocrite. you always say other ships and shippers are being delusional and desperate when in fact you, too, are being like that because nothing is confirmed nor denied yet.attention-seeking. if you wanna help them, dont spread this and announce as if they are really dating. you're just making things even more complicated because we're not sure if they are really dating, if they wanna announce their relationship already, and if they would still be together until the very end (when SM finally decide to just let the rest of the girls and boys date publicly)

please learn the difference before reacting and accusing me of trolling. hope i've already made myself clear here. i dont wanna repeat it again.

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Guest delulusarepsychos

lol just because your ship is a hetero ship, doesnt mean it's legit =]
lol just because im against this (note: im not against taeyeon dating siwon OMG! how many times do i have to say this?!), doesnt mean im a taeny or girl x girl shipper
lol when did i say i was a TaeWon fan? omfg i've clearly said i wasnt! im just a Taeyeon stan who is against with annoying, pathetic and desperate shippers, be it homo or hetero!
lol are you really a sone? because if you really are, then you should know that A LOT as in A LOT, not just taeyeon stans, taeny shippers etc. are against with BAEKYEON or any other EXOTAENG ships. and please, dont get me started with the exo fandom. they are so against with their boys dating other girls! lmao so where did you get the idea that fans are slowly accepting it just because of these annoying baekyeon shippers? a lot of sones and exo stans are, in fact, so annoyed and done with all these shippers lol so again where did you get that idea? omfg you're really delulu

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Guest delulusarepsychos

lol you're definitely not respecting them as human because you're being too nosy! dont be so hypocrite please
lol why do you always say you're trying to help them? what if they arent really real? do you think spreading rumors of them being a legit couple helped them? obviously not. 
lol just because some fans are saying Taeyeon is gay, doesnt mean they are being delusional. you can never be too sure. you arent her. there's always that 0.1 possibility in everything. but the way they claim and spread to others that taeyeon is gay as if they are so sure is definitely wrong though. they arent respecting them as well.

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who said we are legit bc we are hetero shippers LOL..you are not reading anything I wrote right? we think we are in right way bc of things we saw... we think we are in right way bc we are more logical and better moments than other shippings, we are not making two girls gay bc one of them said " she is my wife" ..can you get it?" we are not fighting with fans with saying No she is gay, she cant be with a guy... we are not trying to skip it with saying Siw is christian but she is not... we are putting good clues and logical thinking on table...we are showing to shippers a real moments which shows real emotions, body languages, emotional reactions.. ıf we have a aim to show it to world dont worry I'm sure most people take them more serious.. bc we are not claiming delulu moments like "look she turned and gave stare, he hold her arms so they are couple things.." we are matching interesting moments which cant be explain with other reasons than couple actions... ıf that moments happened with a girl , we would say she would be gay and they are couple but everything happened with her and Siw and we thinks ıts a best clues about posiible real couple.. the rest will be learned by fans ıf SM decide to reveal someday...

what do you expect of course you cant wait every exo shipper like that shipping.. but some exo fans claming it and other likes or not knowing it ıf Baek goes out as Tae bf, at least some of them will be full supported bc they already liked them gonna be against anti's.. ıf they reveal taewon people like you also wont want to accept it and they will bash them ıts fanworld facts.. we know it and try to find more supporters bc they will need it...

I'm too noisy so I'm not respecting them as human!! WTF.haha.. how old are you?  also you are the noisy one here... who are the one who send 11 post one and another...you keep trying to accuse people without giving any real reason.. you cant accuse this people bc they love them and like to examine thier moments... this is called shippingggggg... get it please... this is fandom world.. also uff why I keep repeating things for person who cant get it...

you are shipper of another couple or delulu Taeyeon wife or husband. and cant handle this couple.. you are so childish and delulu..ıts impossible to talk people like you...you dont have to believe me, insiders, her real moments with other idols.. you can go and play in your fantasyland..

and I and others gonna examine their moments...you cant stop this with funny excuses... we like them and gonna like them inside this shipping...

and stop troll this thread ok.. ıf you dont want to ship them or dont want to except Tae would have bf facts go and like her in your own way... stop this!! you are so delulu and cant think proper so your words cant chance this clever peoples minds... we are not playing in fantasyland

stop writing same stupid things over and over ıf you dont have real reasons which shows we are wrong or not real shippers...

talk by yourself, you wont gonna take reply... ıt looks like you are not someone who would debate in proper way...

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Guest delulusarepsychos

evok =] please read this, im begging you. 
im ok with TaeWon, i swear to GOD, im really ok with them. im not lying. i dont know what you saw with my posts that made you assume that im against with TaeWon, but really, im ok with it. i would be one of the happiest and relieved fans once Taeyeon announce that she's gonna marry a guy like Siwon. at least i know she's gonna be safe with him

im not the type of fan who doesnt like her idol to be associated with the opposite sex. and im definitely not the type of fan who would leave her/his bias just because she/he's dating. 
i actually like Choi Siwon. i mean, who wouldnt? Siwon is nice and a ladies' man. he's respectful and a gentleman. he's really rich, educated and well, handsome. i know for sure he could take care of Taeyeon or any other girl that he would marry someday.
believe what you wanna believe but Siwon is one of the guys that i would want for Taeyeon. i like him much more than ____________ (i dont wanna mention his name). besides, my friend is an ELF and a Siwon stan so i could never bash him. 

what i dont like is the way you spread to others that they are indeed real when you, yourself, arent sure either. believe me, you are not the only one who im so annoyed and done with, im also annoyed with BaekYeon, TaeTeuk shippers because they also like to claim that their ship is real even if nothing is confirmed yet. so dont act as if you're the only whom im criticizing.
and please, a lot of my fellow fans doesnt wanna hear about dating rumors for awhile because they are still sensitive with the 4 dating scandals. spreading a dating rumor like this and claiming that it's real would make them so annoyed and before you know it, a lot of them are flipping already. and that's what i meant with "you're not helping them, you're making things even more complicated"
and im not judging the ELF fandom, but we all know this fandom is notorious with fan-wars and bashing every girl being linked to their oppas. i definitely dont want Taeng to experience that because she already has fair-share of immature fans commenting on her IG.
i know i could never stop you guys to ship them, and no, im actually not saying to stop shipping them. i respect your ship. what i would like is for you guys to take it slow and lie-low and dont claim as if they are really real without the confirmation of SM. that's it. that's all i want. im helping you guys as well because once it was revealed that Taeyeon is dating and it wasnt Siwon, then a lot of fans might actually make fun of you for being too sure, stubborn and delusional that they were really dating.

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but you cant get it, we are not talking like taeny fans.. we are not saying they are real couple.. we are saying ıf they are real, possible couple.. maybe... of course as shippers we are claming things... we are not tv couple shippers... we are not like they look cute together so lets ship them... or people who are trying to put their biases together... we are claming bc we think they are couple and keep it secret like other secret couples and we are sharing our clues with each other and with fans .. ıts their choice to believe it or not...

nothings change..we say we were wrong... we are not delulu fans who cant take the reality, we can handle it... we never go and say Tae how you do it to Siwon lol... also like I said there is some good clues and some secret things that is hidden by fans.. I cant reveal it.. I dont know when they will reveal or ıf they will reveal someday... but relaitons reveal.. ıf you are together you cant keep it forever... I cant reveal my connections but ıf Its true people has to take them serious you cant make people take them serious with saying look how they look cute together we are sharing our thoughts with also giving "possible" word.. but ıf the infos are wrong we never lose anything.. we stop to ship them and ship them with their real lovers.. we are not living in delusiona world

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Guest delulusarepsychos

"I'm too noisy so I'm not respecting them as human!! WTF.haha.. how old are you?  also you are the noisy one here..." 
lol what i said was NOSY not NOISY. those two words are really different from one another. you should have searched for the meaning of NOSY before claiming the word was NOISY.
i think you're the one who is being childish and hard here. see my posts, im not bashing anyone. im not deluding anyone. im not pushing my ship. oh god, at least try to understand my point my gawd.

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Guest delulusarepsychos

ok enough, im so f*cking tired already. i dont wanna argue with you anymore.
but ok, i have a question, why do you think they were real since 2010? i hate to admit it but im more convinced that TaeTeuk was the real deal before (2010-2011/2012).

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give me real reason that make you convinced about Taeteuk before 2012.. give me smth shows they are emotionally bond with each other.. dont give me earrings rumor (ıt already went out that ıts not couple item, they bought it in different times) or a rumor about them someone saw LT taking Tae from home at night... do you know LT already admit he was keep being a driver for a idol couples.. also they always say they are like brothers and sisters.. like Hee and Kangin...  I put a visiual clues about them ... did you watch any video that shows their reactions.. did you ever see LT shows some secret stares, emotional reactions over her gf ... how can you keep them like that.. you are in same stage with your gf, and you are not even secretly checking her... ıs ıt actions that bf can show... put everything to a side... explain me this... what is going on there? first clear Taewon moment..

I cant claim they dated before 2010-2011  we only saw very clear moments from Siw side but ıt goes very logical way and ıt turns as mutual reactions after 2010-2011... the times earring rumors goes out.. of course I cant claim Taeteuk is not real, no one can say it I only put two mans to table I check their reactions, their moments.. the logic and I share my thoughts and say LT is only big brother and Siw is the guys she emotionally bonded...

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Guest delulusarepsychos

i think what made me think TaeTeuk was real before was that one incident when Leeteuk and Sora were talking to SNSD and Taeyeon was acting as if she was jealous or something. Sooyoung was even looking at her at that time. so when i saw that, i thought to myself "something's definitely going on with these two." you know Taeyeon is my bias, i can say whether she's hurting or something. and what i saw from her eyes and actions were definitely "hurting"

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Guest delulusarepsychos

watch this video. this is what i was talking about with you that got me convinced that TaeTeuk was the real deal before. just look at Taeyeon, and watch Sooyoung's fishy glances to her, who wouldnt get suspicious when a girl is being jealous in front of a couple, right? 
when i discovered it and realized it, i've become emotional as f 8 c k lol but i never bashed the guy and the relationship though. but still, i was hurt as f * c k lmao maybe i was so young back then that's why
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Guest ArieW

Hi.. I am new here. Never put on any comment before. But I admit I've been a silent reader this whole time.
First time seeing this forum, I thought "Wow, Taeyeon Siwon is a couple?" I was put so much interest in your forums. I am a Taeyeon fans since 2009. and I've been following her activities since back then. and Yes I heard a lot of rumour about Taeng's bf. But bcos in 2014. there are already 4 members of soshi who revealed to be dating, then ppl started gaining interest who are the other shosi dating with? I am also curious. like HUGE. esp. Taeyeon becos I adore her. So many rumours going on. and Taewon is one of those.

to be honest. at first i was so much excited knowing that there was a possibility on Taeng dating with Siwon. so I started following your forums. I read every single comment about TaeWon called "real moment"~
but after sometime it, I started doubting this couple. because all the "real moments" you all provided here were so weak. a real WEAK. and can I say LAME? *sorry for my words*
becos you're not giving a real proof, not even single proof like a couple thing. you all just tried to connect each other sns, but for me, those what made it the weakest. Ppl post through sns could have other meaning. I mean not every single things they post is related to each other. they have other world too. maybe talking bout friends or family?? and about a video of them glancing at each other. I also have seen so many about idol glancing at each other view times and proven to be not real. there were lots of ppl and you can be sure if she/he looking at her/him. that cannot be accurate. and sometimes ppl glance to other ppl just bcos they curious of something not purely becos of they were interested on each other.

Sorry but as a hardcore fan of Taeyeon. compare with other forums (shippings), your forums (shippings) is the weakest and lamest ship. although i am happy if they were a really REAL. but no honey, I've seen other ones who is more convincing than this.
i'll be glad if all of you here started giving STRONG EVIDENCE, bcos honestly I am dissapointed.

and also. I believed TaeTeuk was real back then. They had stronger interactions and stronger moments.

Annyeong !

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delulusarepsychos said:

watch this video. this is what i was talking about with you that got me convinced that TaeTeuk was the real deal before. just look at Taeyeon, and watch Sooyoung's fishy glances to her, who wouldnt get suspicious when a girl is being jealous in front of a couple, right? 
when i discovered it and realized it, i've become emotional as f 8 c k lol but i never bashed the guy and the relationship though. but still, i was hurt as f * c k lmao maybe i was so young back then that's why
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Guest delulusarepsychos

ArieW said: Hi.. I am new here. Never put on any comment before. But I admit I've been a silent reader this whole time.
First time seeing this forum, I thought "Wow, Taeyeon Siwon is a couple?" I was put so much interest in your forums. I am a Taeyeon fans since 2009. and I've been following her activities since back then. and Yes I heard a lot of rumour about Taeng's bf. But bcos in 2014. there are already 4 members of soshi who revealed to be dating, then ppl started gaining interest who are the other shosi dating with? I am also curious. like HUGE. esp. Taeyeon becos I adore her. So many rumours going on. and Taewon is one of those.

to be honest. at first i was so much excited knowing that there was a possibility on Taeng dating with Siwon. so I started following your forums. I read every single comment about TaeWon called "real moment"~
but after sometime it, I started doubting this couple. because all the "real moments" you all provided here were so weak. a real WEAK. and can I say LAME? *sorry for my words*
becos you're not giving a real proof, not even single proof like a couple thing. you all just tried to connect each other sns, but for me, those what made it the weakest. Ppl post through sns could have other meaning. I mean not every single things they post is related to each other. they have other world too. maybe talking bout friends or family?? and about a video of them glancing at each other. I also have seen so many about idol glancing at each other view times and proven to be not real. there were lots of ppl and you can be sure if she/he looking at her/him. that cannot be accurate. and sometimes ppl glance to other ppl just bcos they curious of something not purely becos of they were interested on each other.

Sorry but as a hardcore fan of Taeyeon. compare with other forums (shippings), your forums (shippings) is the weakest and lamest ship. although i am happy if they were a really REAL. but no honey, I've seen other ones who is more convincing than this.
i'll be glad if all of you here started giving STRONG EVIDENCE, bcos honestly I am dissapointed.

and also. I believed TaeTeuk was real back then. They had stronger interactions and stronger moments.

Annyeong !

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ok than! I'm asking to everyone in here.. ıf you really think we dont have a good clues about them.. I will close this thread!!
I dont care anymore what people react after somethings happen... ıt looks like ıts better when some people dont ship them... people dont want this...
everyone can go and ship Taeny and Baektae..or whatever ...all other delulu couplings... they are delulu bc ıts so clear.. and I know it...

I'm off.. really I'm really tired to open some minds.. ıts impossible... you can believe whatever you want to believe... delusion is all about being k-pop..
you are all giving harm to your biases... like it happened to Fany...

you can all continue to examine their moments in here... I dont care anymore.. I cant stand anymore...

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Guest delulusarepsychos

lol evok please. try to see it. she's definitely jealous and hurt. she was even about to cry but you know our Taetae, she' always like to prevent her tears from falling. trust me, it's hard for me to admit this because im a taeyeon stan and not a taeteuk shipper. 
those two are in WGM, it's a job to act all real and natural. it's their job to kiss. and some fans are saying that most idols who are being casted in WGM have relationships in real life.
ok cut the jealousy thingy, how can you explain Sooyoung's naughty or fishy glances towards Taeyeon when they were watching TeukSora then?

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Guest ArieW

@evok I just wanna say that If only you all give stronger evidences then I would be on your side. Who won't be happy when your idol dating a GREAT GREAT guy like Siwon? He's like the most perfect guy idol in South Korea. I am so much into Taeyeon though I am a girl to the point I really want her to be dating rite now. plus I wanna know who she's dating now. Because I am a Taeyeon fan. So whoever she's dating now, I am happy with it. that's why at first I thought I could relieve my overthinking with your forums, but turned out I was disappointed.

I know, because you're not a Taeyeon fan I guess, you're a TaeWon fan. that's why everthing happens with Taeng or Siwon, you always try to connect it, or i can even say you forced it to make it a moment between them. you're being too subjective.

Taeteuk back then not only have a couple bracelet, but also interactions like hugging, etc. I bet you all already knew but prefer to ignore it. I don't know why you doubt a couple who had stronger moments (couple items) and interactions than a couple who had nothing (re: TaeWon). Although deep down, I really wished TaeWon had something similar even just one thing. but they DON'T have any. don't argue in this because I already lurking on any guy idol who had rumour with Taeng. but i found any about Taewon. that's why i am sad. why would there be a rumour of them when they had nothing to be coupled. I was sad over this. Can I ask you something, How do you gonna feel when someday it will be revealed they were not a couple. not even once. How do you feel?

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