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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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Guest eunhyeonly

I'm sorry to disagree on some of the post here that Js
is being very kind...I think the writer is starting to make her
look dumb and clueless...clueless more or less...I mean come on!
your adopted parents was taken from you?..your design was also
copied and this 2 guys are competing for your attention and your clueless?
I just hope that she become a little bit more feisty...'coz Iove the interaction
of the otp plus the second lead...

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Guest august101

I don't think JS has to become mean or distrusting of everyone and everything, she doesn't have enough information to connect the dots about the aunt's deception, but I really want her to become a bit more careful especially where her designs are concerned. The day after someone steals her work she's happily showing her sketch book to someone else!

Nice doesn't have to equal dumb.

It's the plotholes that are getting to me like why would KH/JS have wrote all those letters to Mrs Woo if she has amnesia? The Luna Project is a joint thing between two companies even as a part timer JS would hear about KH's adoptive father, shouldn't we at least have a scene of her thinking " the same name, what a coincidence"?

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eunhyeonly said: I'm sorry to disagree on some of the post here that Js
is being very kind...I think the writer is starting to make her
look dumb and clueless...clueless more or less...I mean come on!
your adopted parents was taken from you?..your design was also
copied and this 2 guys are competing for your attention and your clueless?
I just hope that she become a little bit more feisty...'coz Iove the interaction
of the otp plus the second lead...

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laquetahodge said: august101 said: I don't think JS has to become mean or distrusting of everyone and everything, she doesn't have enough information to connect the dots about the aunt's deception, but I really want her to become a bit more careful especially where her designs are concerned. The day after someone steals her work she's happily showing her sketch book to someone else!

Nice doesn't have to equal dumb.

It's the plotholes that are getting to me like why would KH/JS have wrote all those letters to Mrs Woo if she has amnesia? The Luna Project is a joint thing between two companies even as a part timer JS would hear about KH's adoptive father, shouldn't we at least have a scene of her thinking " the same name, what a coincidence"?

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I'm so tired of innocent, clueless, gullible, too-trusting, not-a-mean-bone-in-her-body heroines.

I hope to goodness that JS will find out quickly KH's deception and that she will claim back her rights, not as someone naive but as someone who seeks revenge in a smart way.  Would really love to see KH eat humble pie, although to be fair, of her own making, KH did not have it easy keeping up with the pretense all those years (as she once acknowledged to her birth mum).

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august101 said:
It's the plotholes that are getting to me like why would KH/JS have wrote all those letters to Mrs Woo if she has amnesia? The Luna Project is a joint thing between two companies even as a part timer JS would hear about KH's adoptive father, shouldn't we at least have a scene of her thinking " the same name, what a coincidence"?

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According to the the ep 8 recap StaRiX reposted from the blog,

"Jung-Soo talks to her friend and they try to figure out why he gave her a phone and her friend thinks that Jin-Hoo likes her and tells her to just use the phone because he doesn't want anything from her"

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I'm sorta making a wild guess here....but judging from the teeny Korean I know, did JH just said to MK that he likes JS? Or, is he asking MK if the latter likes JS?

Oh, KH-ah...what a tangled web you weave when you try to deceive. Looks like her machinations to push JS out of Shinwa/Luna project is her unraveling.


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Guest Mary1430292397

what an interesting ep. did i hear it right? did JH say that he like JS to MK?  :x looking forward for tomorrow's ep  8->

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Look's like I was right about KY not really bothering about winning over JH himself but instead targeting his grandadfather so that he will order JH to marry her. The angry post-mortem into what happened at the blind date shows JH being alarmed when his grandfather tells him in no uncertain terms "I'm the one who decides who my grandson marries!", which is a far cry from his apparently light-hearted tone in the previous episode when he had asked JH to just meet the woman concerned to please him, and no worries if nothing came of it. He accuses JH of having secretly had his eye on KH from the start and having engineered her a place in the Luna project group so as to further their relationship. It looks as though grandfather, on the basis of this suspicion, is preparing to order JH to drop KH from the project when there's a knock at the door and it's KH herself showing up to make a crafty move. She says she's come to accept full responsibility for what happened and to admit that the breaking-up of the blind date was entirely on her initiative, based on a misunderstanding and a hasty misjudgement of the situation and so JH isn't in any way to blame. That not only absolves JH of the gross rudeness which his grandfather thought he had deliberately planned in advance, but it makes his grandfather view her in a different light and makes him grudgingly admire her "courage" and "honesty" in risking his anger to save JH, as well as apparently showing that she obviously must care a lot for him to take that risk. His objection to KH was not so much to her, but to the simple fact that she was not the grandaughter-in-law he had himself chosen, and that by apparently favoring her over his grandfather's candidate JH seemed to be daring to make his own mind up about who to marry. But we get the distinct impression that KH is getting herself into a position where she becomes grandfather's choice, and heaven help JH if he doesn't fit in with that.

BTW, as will be obvious to anyone who watches the episode, I could hardly have been less right in my conjectures about those cards in the café. Nothing whatever to do with cucumbers!! In case the visuals don't make it quite clear, it turns out to have been a sort of loyalty rewards scheme. The big coffee shop chains worldwide now use electronic loyalty cards that get swiped at the till to record your purchases until you've collected enought for a freebie, but there are indeed some independent coffee shops that manually stamp your loyalty coupon on each purchase, as obviously happens here. Though rather than keeping the cards in their possession, the regular customers in this system apparently peg them up on that board to retrieve on their next visit. And what JH did after coming back to the café frantically trying to find JS, but having (of course) narrowly missed her, was to pay for enough coffees to stamp a whole boardful of cards in her name. When he comes back yet again, he discovers that all the cards have gone, showing both that she came back and saw his gesture, and that she is signalling she doesn't intend to accept it. Just as she returned the phone to him after erasing all the records of his calls, though she forgot to erase the mapping of MK's number to his name, so that when MK keeps trying to call her, the returned phone rings in JH's pocket, and MK's name shows on the caller display, so JH sees to his annoyance how keen MK is to find her too (and he's also able to read MK's text to her telling him he's waiting for her where she normally has her street stall, hence the cliffhanger meeting between the rival men).

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