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[Drama 2013] Princess Aurora 오로라 공주

Guest YunRa1430270238

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Hehe it seem you havent digest that drama. Glass mask a melo drama without revenge. LOL
Seo Woo will play evil role in King’s Daughter Soo Baek Hyang. The prelude story really touching and it is really sad that her character turn out to be an evil character.

Today PA not aired as usual because MBC broadcasting a sport event.

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Why, why, why????  If SS and PYJ will get married, I swear  I will not watch Aurora anymore. l like SS and Aurora and they have great chemistry together compared to Mama. I hope the writer is just making us pull our hair for now but at the end the two will be together. I really hope so. I'm so sad that SS is going to PYJ, of all the girls. This is crazy. 

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Guest RitzTarits Sim

While waiting for dramas I regularly follow, I view this drama with not much interest. I will say again, I like and go for the 2nd lead actor rather than the effeminate Mama actor. And this is the only drama where a dog gets more screen exposure than the 2nd lead actor this drama should have been titled "Princess Dog"!.

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Guest haodinh thi

[News] Princess Aurora Episode 105 Review: Oh Chang Suk’s Sisters are Astonished by His Scar


[News] Princess Aurora Episode 105 Review: Kim Bo Yun Yells at Jun So Min “What Do You Think You’re Doing?”


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I stopped watching wholeheartedly this train wreck halfway into it. However, I did check in here and there every so often. The way I see it, the main culprit of this mess is the scriptwriter. Sometimes, no matter the talent in the cast, if the writing is horrid, the outcome is just as horrid. The problem with daily dramas is that it's just too long. Many scriptwriters fall into this trap. The drama is just too darn long, and they lose focus in the writing a third into it. I have yet to watch a daily drama in which there has been no dragged out plots or putrid writing. The only two daily dramas that I really loved (although they also dragged here and there throughout their run) was "Be Strong Geum Soon" and "A Good Day for the Wind to Blow." In both cases, the scriptwriter stayed strong and true to their OTP. They were obstacles in their relationship, but not to the point of ridiculousness.
In "Princess Aurora," the scriptwriter basically wrote out RR's entire family except the mom early on into the show. Instead of a simple obstacle that the OTP had to overcome, she added a second male lead whom most of us thought RR should be with based on the character. She wrote the second lead to be far superior in terms of attitude, personality, background, etc over the main lead. However, she kept dangling the "love triangle" here and there when there shouldn't be one. For as much as SH loved RR, I didn't feel that RR loved SH as much as he loved her. RR would have flashbacks here and there of her memories with MM whenever she did or went somewhere. MM was never far from her thoughts. Although she was physically with SH prior to her last reunion with MM, she wasn't there mentally. At times, I felt that she forced herself to be with SH because MM's sister was just too stressful and painful to be around. SH treated her well and loved her, so she just decided to choose him because he was "safe" and he happened to "be there for her." There were times when she would force a smile around SH (at least in my opinion it felt that way). It seemed unfair for SH, and I'm pretty sure most of us knew it too. The scriptwriter wrote SH out only to have him back a few episodes later. Now, SH is only a shell of himself. All he does is mope around being depressed and thinking constantly of RR. The scriptwriter should have had RR be with SH. She should have developed this relationship more instead of just putting them together because RR couldn't be with MM. If her end game was MM, she should not have written SH to be "perfect." He should have had flaws which would have made the audience want to root for RR to choose MM in the end.
The scriptwriter left no room for any character growth (only regression), and I still can't believe the show was extended. How can something so downright boring and horrid be extended?! 
I do wonder if any of the veterans on the show realized what a pile of poo they got themselves into when they signed up for the drama. They're professional enough to continue the work, but it seems lately that a lot of them are just "mailing it in" in terms of their performance. There's no spark or energy in their acting. I also wonder if the actor who portrays SH thought that he was lucky enough to get out of this train wreck when his character was written off, only to be sucked back in, and doing absolutely nothing. What experience is he going to gain from this putrid show? I don't see how his acting can grow also.
The editing also had a hand in the poor drama. There were many times in which the editing would be confusing causing me to scratch my head, especially those scenes that were inserted that made no sense.
I do notice that many times, daily dramas would use lesser known actors/actresses for their main leads (mainly because they're not as expensive as top-notch stars). However, in this case, the two leads aren't strong actors/actresses. Combine it with a horrible script, directing & editing, it just leads to disaster!

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whome, I have to agree with you.  If there was a flaw with SH, it was that he lied to her in the beginning about having a girlfriend and his family background.  Granted he did come clean but wouldn't you question if he was lying about anything else?
As much as I wanted RR & SH to be together, I'm OK with her and M&M.  They are both immature and very similar to each other with their personalty. SH & JP is plain stupid!!!! It appears that he is doing it to show RR that he over her when he isn't...dumb!

With the extension, wondering if they will have RR & MM finally move out.  His older sister is really the problem with the younger sister simply going along.  Truly old maids!!!! Would love to see the director dump her!!!

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Guest haodinh thi


[News] Princess Aurora Episode 106 Review: Jun So Min Gets Scolded by Oh Chang Suk’s Sisters


[News] Princess Aurora Episode 106 Review: Kim Jung Do Announces Marriage with Baek Ok Dam to Lim Ye Jin


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What I find funny is that the three shrews have sacrificed for nothing and expect to be treated as elders....they are equivalent to RR and MM....they feel as if they are entitled to be treated as elders when they are not. they only act that way to RR because MM is the one who brings the money in! They are greedy and self serving! LOL

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Guest atomickitty

Suck it up RR.. Drink all that bad treatment up from it's super sized cup with sippy straw.. You asked for it! You thought when they came to you and cried their fake tears to get their man-child brother out of the temple that they were going to ease up on you? Idiot. You left a good man to go roll around in that nest.

I just want this to end so I can see what the writer does with SH. The rest of the characters are white noise to me. SH and his family are interesting me now because of this ghostly predicted illness.

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Guest RitzTarits Sim

@atomickitty - I  love your post above. I come here as often as I can because of the insightful comments such as yours (and many others too) and I crack at the names and adjectives hurled at the 3 love hungry old maids!  There are still so many episodes ahead so I wonder how many mornings more I will get to laugh when I open this page!  Princess Aurora?  It should be "Princess Dog and the 3 old maids plus one feeling young mom!"

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