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[Drama 2013] Princess Aurora 오로라 공주

Guest YunRa1430270238

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I am happy that the brothers are still with their wives.  I know it's only a kdrama, but it does not make sense that all three wives will leave their husbands in their poor state while they live their lavish lifestyle overseas.  The three brothers all seem very nice (except for the middle with a flaw, "unfaithfuness"), how can their  wives of many years just walk away.   Unless the brothers are all poor judge of characters and married someone worse than the three annoying sisters.

The pictures are really cute.  I hope the last picture is an indication that SS will cheer RR up.  RR seems very lonely that she has no one to share her heartaches and troubles with.

 Perhaps there is something lost in Chinese translation, but did she say she acted flirtatiously at SS because he is her manager, the one closest to her besides her family?  If she did, was she implying she's using him?  If that's the case, I am very disappointed with her character.  I like her because she's not fake and acts true to her character. Of course, SS does not deserve that.

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dramaok said: actually i'm glad MM only told RR what he wanted to do but did not actually do anything, kissing, or smelling, or hugging.it's better for RR to go home and think about it and imagine it and wonder about it. heehee <3
they are cute together. SHee is cute too. love-triangles are the best. 

source: JSM fB

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kdramafan1 said: I am happy that the brothers are still with their wives.  I know it's only a kdrama, but it does not make sense that all three wives will leave their husbands in their poor state while they live their lavish lifestyle overseas.  The three brothers all seem very nice (except for the middle with a flaw, "unfaithfuness"), how can their  wives of many years just walk away.   Unless the brothers are all poor judge of characters and married someone worse than the three annoying sisters.

The pictures are really cute.  I hope the last picture is an indication that SS will cheer RR up.  RR seems very lonely that she has no one to share her heartaches and troubles with.

 Perhaps there is something lost in Chinese translation, but did she say she acted flirtatiously at SS because he is her manager, the one closest to her besides her family?  If she did, was she implying she's using him?  If that's the case, I am very disappointed with her character.  I like her because she's not fake and acts true to her character. Of course, SS does not deserve that.

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Guest dramaok

yes they are BTS or just film site pics. more:https://www.facebook.com/JeonSoMin/photos_stream

text preview:40회
아직은 결혼생각 없어요
안나(김영란)는 우연히 헤어 샵에서 만난 로라(전소민)에게 말을 걸고, 그 모습을 본 설희(서하준)는 초조해진다. 지영(정주연)은 설희를 영입하기 위해 본격적인 작전에 돌입하는데.. 한편, 시몽(김보연)은 해기(김세민)를 찾아가 마마(오창석)를 해고시켜달라고 부탁한다. 

I'm not thinking about marriage yet.Anna who meets Rora incidentally at the hair shop strikes up a conversation with Rora, and Seolhee who sees this starts to fret. Jiyoung officially launches her plan to recruit Seolhee. Meanwhile, Simong goes to Haegi and asks Haegi to sack Mama.


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@dramaok ~ thanks so much ~ i really really like RR smile :)  her smile is really radiant.  And it's Monday so let the week begins! Keeping my fingers crossed of more MM/RR interactions! (so that to tide me over yesterday TBLSS episode).

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Guest dramaok

ep. 40 video preview:http://takeswf.imbc.com/wwwflv/Content/20137/40.mp4


some pictures from upcoming week:


ep. 41 text preview text:

마마(오창석)는 로라(전소민)를 찾아가 그동안 숨겨왔던 속마음을 고백한다. 안나(김영란)와 설국(임혁)은 로라와 설희(서하준)의 커플사진을 보고 흡족해한다. 한편, 여옥(임예진)은 같이 외출을 나간 나타샤(송원근)의 행동이 부담스럽기만 한데...

Mama goes to Rora and confesses his true feelings he's been holding in. Anna (SH mom) and Seolguk (SH dad) see Rora and Seolhee's couple picture and are greatly pleased. Meanwhile, Yeo-ok is out with Natasha and becomes uncomfortable by his behavior.

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Guest Fdfd Sadfs

class="title" style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 20px; color: rgb(17, 17, 17); margin: 0px; height: 40px; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Watch [RAW] Princess Aurora Ep 40http://www.kshow.tv/drama/raw-princess-aurora-ep-40/

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Guest atomickitty

urgh. MM's sisters. They are 85% of the reason why I'm leaving the MM camp. What makes them think they can ask for him to be fired... just so he won't be around RR? That is so ridiculous. I can't wait to see what he does when he finds out.

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Telling you MM's sisters are the reason why MM isn't a man...he's a woman in a man's body...let me also bring to you the burden of proof...they pray over him while he sleeps! That is a sign of deranged family! I hate it when people thinks for other people and claim they have their best interest in mind...only the person who is involved can answer that! Sheesh! This drama though good but still giving me heart burn...time to pull out the meds again!

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Guest gnaveyar

Hi all~~~  thisclose to jumping on the SH-RR ship too~

Anyways, ep 40...just a short recap :)
- SH's mom casually asked RR to suggest what she can buy for her young niece living overseas. RR suggested a good quality comb & scarf & some type of storage box & good sunblock. basically her suggestions were good and SH's mom was really satisfied.
- JY's manager was the sales rep that got a showdown by RR in ep.1, who criticised her for her poor service. RR apologised for her behaviour then and the manager says "nah, i was wrong then". JY sat with them for a while after that and showed a great interest in SH
- Natasha is helping JY in her quest to grab SH as her manager.
- RR and MM thinking of each other about the conversation of the previous night
- RR tells SH that her older brothers have gone to the States and no one can help her mum take care of the dog. SH offers to bring the dog along on shoots so that he can help take care of the dog during filming.
- Obsessive Witch #1 quarrels with Bro #1 again. He says he will work til the end of the month.
- Obsessive three witches wanting JY to be with MM. JY is smiling like a cat that got the mouse~
- MM takes extra care while filming RR's scene. (Main director is sick)
- Three witches asking director to sack MM. ASAP. Director speaking up for RR, but it's useless. hahaha.
- makeup artist asks Daji to move in with her so she can train her.
- MM says to RR, "let's start afresh/anew"   -.-

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Atomickitty, I can't agree with you more.  MM's meddling and annoying sisters are also a large part of the reason for me liking SS/RR pairing.  Why would the sisters even think that their brother is so superior that RR is still infatuated with him. 

Yes,  MM is better looking than SH and he is not a bad person at all.   As the saying goes, beauty is only skin deep. SH however has more character, his caring attitude and his cute parents makes me lean towards SH for RR. 

I want to see more of MM's personality shines, stands up to his sister.  As for SH, if RR/MM pairing is the end game, I don't want SH to end up with PY. PY is mean and selfish.  By trying to make SH her manager, she might find out the truth about SH and ruins the relationship between SS/SH.  This is pure speculation and I surely do not want this to happen.

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Oh no!  Did the second and third brothers really leave the show?  I loved having the brothers there to juxtapose against MM's sisters.  Maybe not so much the 2nd brother.  He was pretty boring.  But I absolutely loved the 3rd brother.  I loved how passionately he always stuck up for RR.  Remember when he discovered that his wife and hthe other wives have nasty names for RR?  And the way he went head to head with Sister#3 in RR's defense was awesome.

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Guest dramaok

I know me too it's hard to resist Seolhee's positive energy and his cute parents, but I cannot really hold MM's crazy witch sisters against him. It's not his fault he was born into the hwang family with 3 crazies who think they rule the world. Every time I'm about to climb onto the SH-RR ship, i'm haunted by Mama's puppy lashes and smile and im' reminded of his and Rora's sizzling chemistry and next thing I know, I'm waiting by the MM port again. sigh. MM fought for RR the first time around and he had enough sense and will to stand up against his sisters when they said no to Rora the first time around so i think MM has it in him to fight off the witches when it's needed. he just doesn't want to hurt their feelings by calling them meddling witches from the high mountain. 
can't wait to see how Mama

confesses tomorrow

they are lots of spoilers/rumors floating around the web about RR and MM and not sure how reliable they are but this is what i read:

1. mama confesses to rora and leans in for a kiss.2. seolhee takes a selca pic of him and rora and shows it to his parents3. parents gloat and end up on the set of Altair and the dad even takes a photo with Rora4. meanwhile Rora and Mama start their secret romance5. Rora's eldest brother is leaving the show soon. the plot is that his wife gets cancer and he's off to the u.s. too. (ep. 50)6. Jiyoung and the hwang witches start planning MM and JY's wedding.

could just be rumors but they are fun to read for me.

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Guest atomickitty

Urgh.. I hate secret romance. It's so annoying. I hope they don't go that route. If MM is going to be the one, fine... but why secret?

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I would prefer MM's sisters to leave the show and not RR's brothers.
If MM's sisters wanted to create opportunity for MM and PJY pairing, wouldn't they prefer him to continue to work as assistant director; after all PJY is the main actress in his drama. By requesting MM to be fired, they are admitting RR's attraction. I can't wait till they find out their precious brother is the one asking to resume the relationship and pursuing RR. I can't wait for PJY to know that MM isn't interested in her at all. 
MM did say that he will drop the girl if his sisters didn't agree to the relationship. Let's see how MM is going to eat his own words....
If we compare MM with SS, SS definitely has better prospects. He has an understanding parents and RR would fit into the family well as she is very respectful and good companion to elderly parents plus SS just adores her and I think SS's parents will like her too. As for MM, the sisters will definitely interfere in their matters and since RR is so opinionated about things, it will definitely create a lot of frictions. MM will be caught in the middle and there won't be any peace. The sisters are so into MM and I doubt they will ever let go unless some drastic things happen.  
I like both SS and MM(without the sisters). We know RR's preference but I will feel so sad for SS. I just hope that SS don't end up the PJY !

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