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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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WOW! Today's episode was simply beautiful! And Ha Ji Won was The Art incarnate. I can definitely say she is the most talented actress in S.Korea right now and watching her act is definitely a priviledge. Empress Ki is definitely the best role Ha Ji Won has ever played until now and it reveals her true value as an actress. I am speechless right now, mesmerized by her beauty and grace. Now the real story begins and we will definitely get to see an empress in the making! So excited to see what happens next!

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Guest sungieluv

i probobly should be doing my final projects right now. but....early lunch at 10:43AM, IM SO NERVOUS :((SN cannot put her love for WY on the side she needs to meet him right away CRY. or find a way to him. even thoes shes captured....... 
[ok i totally died from last nights BTS of that freakin beautiful SN&WY scene]HAHAH i cant wait till TH finds out its SN&WYs kid LOL HAHAH i like how he has a temper. YES YES YES MORE. i want more anger. hehe. he doesnt even know DS was the one who ordered the killing yet. HAHAHHA. 
aw hi TT&BY! TTs hair is still perfect.how will SN keep the vow safe?! ew i dont like how the creepy uncle looks at my SN.
aw cry my WY hes depressed :(( i love WY&co.OH SHEEET HOW DID BATAARO CHICK GET INTO HIS ROOM. ninja.HAHAI like TT&BYs entrance music. rock style. [side thought: i think if WY dies randomly imma stop watching this drama lol]
TS is getting on my nerveswow the counsel has rallied together much. im impressed! ET playing along. 
WYs dad is totally useless omg.... i love when WY gets all macho. omg TT&BY looks so helpless. SAVE THEM YESS GIVE THEM TO BY :(:-O i swear TT has a tear in his eye or my screens like...trippin. omg i love that eye contact scene. powerful.
aw Joko oppa i like him.omg i think theres gonna be a crazy turn around with selling SN. oh sheet where did she come from. BATARO. why does she wanna buy SN how does she know.....aww XOXOX BY&TT. :x ^:)^
aw poor TH he looks terrible :((
oh no. SN crys now. i wonder if WY even knows wat ET is doing behind his back. omg when shes reading the letters. thats so depressing omg omg omg. CRY CRY CRY. i wonder where she put the vow. omg she should tell BY&TT maybe?why is TT so charming. lmao how he talks to SN tho. has she given up now knowing ET is marry his niece off to WY. or is it the other way around. zomg she told them. oh wow they didnt know who Joko was?? or didnt even suspect. i hope SN& joko meet again like he said.Wow TT&BY bringing it back to the crazy times bc SN.ED is back! omg wat happened to TH hes like...TT why r u against it. u wanna marry SN HUH i c u. wow SNs words r do powerful. i love herrrr. still makes me nervous tho. what about WY cry. this makes me think of hwangjinyi wen she dances :xi swear  always laugh wen TT talks. man idono why his choice of words or how he talks. oh no there depressed WY again. i love their flashbacks.oh yicks. DS. haha he has no idea WY knows. WY is playing MINDGAMES. i love his choice of words. when hes talkin to people or thinkin in his mind.ew TT get away lolllll omg wow i think thats the first ALMOST SMILE we got from TT. HAHAHA ;)) &i wish i had a brain like SN i would learn so fast. crazyomg i dont want SN to go back to the palaceeee. she looks hellla beautiful. i wish WY could see her. :((WY already got married!?! CRY. welll their love story is basically over. SAD.golta words so hard omgimma cry this ending of the ep is gonna be crazy.omg crazy girl who r u trying to poison now. ugh disgusting. HAHA the girls sheet talkin about TS. 
this is gonna get CRAZYYI YANGYIIII! DW already likes her. SN looks the best.
i wonder why shes dressed in all white... its like shes trying to play mind games too. like shes a ghost or a dead person. oh man this is gonna be like when she first game to the palace. pretending she doesnt know him. but what happens to WY&SN CRYWOW no previews man.

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

@stclaus Haha yes finally ! It was great to see TT smile. It took us 24 episodes but we made it Hahaha.I also really like the HJW and Jin Yihan twitter pics.Now i'm impatiently waiting for the subs :D TT-SN became my number one ship now HAHA (since i always ship the "not likely to happen" relationship). But romance aside, both of them will put the palace upside down with their crafty tricks and their intelligencce (SN probably already understood that it's better to have TT on her side).  Epic duo on the way !! We better be prepared for some political schemes and manipulation coming from everywhere.
Permalien de l'image intégrée
Credits to : "Ki Huang Hu"Gallery (Empress Ki Gallery)
I see many of you wondering about ED's hair... This is just my opinion, based on the few sageuk dramas i watched and some little stuf i read about : I think ED had to cut her hair short before going to the temple. During the lapse of time (4 months and some more), it grew just a little. But i know that royals often used "fake hair" (some hair extension) to have a prominent hairstyle. I did see it in numerous sageuk dramas. So i guess that what happened with Empress Dowager. If you look at the previous episodes (before episode 21), and compare the two hair do, you will notice it is slightly different. They probably tried to make it seem as if she has "less" hair (??)
Well... i just did my best to make it seem as rational as possible. 
:-? :-\"

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@ChelseaS :I've always had a soft spot for BA and I adore the team he forms with TTI feel like he's not a bad person deep down but he's probably a little bit too ambitious and that's what will cause his doom especially that he's not the brightest bulb out there, one wrong step and he's done for. all this time, it's been TT who kept him on track, if BA's greed gets the better out of him to the point he won't listen to TT, it'll be his end
@yvonne11 : I guess it's part of those details that are brought up when they're useful to the plot then get overlooked on purpose when they're inconvenient

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lol i never had a problem like this in my drama history...
i really like SN with TH but i can also accept her with TT,WY.....
since there are so many ships in this drama.... dont be surprised if i jump from 1 to another and comes back.....
and currently i am boarding SN-TH...if they continue to show more of TT... I might jump there..

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Guest missred123

I think They could have made WY's wife prettier. Dang, she ain't cute. She looks like ET and BS put together. Will she be jealous of WY's and SN lost love.

@ohoheli Thanks for the pics. Guys, thanks for the recaps.

SN looks exceptional in her white. She died beautifully and TalTal resurrected her. Now, here comes the angel of death/revenge.

I haven't watch the eps as yet, but the rate it's going I feel like I am going through a drive thru and not for a happy meal.

One minute SN is in prison next she is in a concubine line. One minute WY is crying next he is getting married. Wooow! Betsy, slow down. Can I just mourn the death of the old SN and WY for a second!

If Dankisi kept the letters from SN that means he wanted her to believe that WY doesn't care about her. Now that she heard WY is getting married could this ring true for her? Will she feels like WY wanting to becoming king of Goryeo is more important than their love?

Can't wait for subs !!

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yvonne11 said: How does she pass the selection? Don't they have to check if she is a virgin? She also have a scar on her arm that is why she was a water maid before.... I am thinking Tal Tal and BA found a way for her. I think she might not even do any of the selection process and they just put her name. Since Tal Tal and BA knows the relationship/feeling of TH to SN, they know that her passing or getting selected would be easy. and if they really want TH to pick, they know he'll pick the person that he knows which is SN :) :) \m/ \m/

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Guest hunterdd

More on screen time for Tal Tal. For the shippers. * removed no EK link *
Also more on screen time for YSB. Is Batalo good or bad? If she is bad, hope she teams up with YSB.

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She even named her baby byul?? if that is not a proof that Kim So Hyun is the father then i'm the Pope :D :D

@missed123 : second that why did they cast this actress, i mean even Batolu is better than her, she's more charismatic, but then i think that the writers will not shoot many scenes with her like what they did with WY's father ;) so they just cast some common actress

But why did they bother make Batolu reappearing if not for WY???

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This is truly hjw best role yet no wonder she signed up for this project. No one else can pull off being a warrior and turn around be an empress, with all the horse riding shooting arrows and yet be so feminine... I watch this show for hjw!!!

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Guest bashful

WHAT IS THE PD DOING??????? Does it make sense that WY gets marry this fast just because he heard news that SN is dead (has it been months or a year had passed already..since there's no sub I don't really know how long it has been) ....but come on now.....you should not give up unless you see the body. I could understand why SN went and seek for revenge by herself. she probably did not what WY to get hurt or be involved. As someone had posted earlier, the PD probably set the marriage thing for WY so SN can't turn back but everything just happened in 2 eps...

PD rushed for SN and WY to sleep together
Rushed with SN pregnancy and labor
Rushed this revenge plot....and rushed WY marriage

why is the PD rushing for all these events all at once...we are only halfway into the drama.

I am so disappointed with the PD..... I will give it another 2 weeks and see where this drama takes the viewers...I would hate to drop a HJW drama due to the sloppy work of this PD.  :-< :-< :-<

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