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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest lovingkdrama

Hi everyone, I have been a reader of this forum for as long as I started watching EK. It's been really interesting reading the different theories, thoughts, emotions that everyone has been sharing on the drama. Obviously we will never really know all the reasons as to why somethings happened the way it did. Unless of course the producers, writers openly share their thoughts with us.

Anyway I thought I'd share my thoughts too. I have not watch ep 51 yet but will be doing so shortly. To be honest, this is the first kdrama that has made me sign up to a forum so I can post a comment.

Here are my thoughts on the 3 main characters and thank you for reading and encouraging such lively discussions.

I will start out by saying that I am a supporter of WY as a character. He has carried himself very well as a person throughout the whole series. Never once would you have doubted his intentions. Unfortunately with TH, I cannot say the same. Time and time again he just irritates me with his immaturity and lack of inner strength.

I can appreciate that his upbringing has caused him to be the way that he is. But in some sense that is a cop out. We are all capable for change. When he was powerless during El Temur's reign, he would go back on his word. He would cower so to save his own life. When he had power, he would wield it so maniacally when he doesn't get his way. He is just totally unstable. Perhaps EK is his sheath and so good for him. But I find it a real tragedy and a waste, that someone like him should have had the privilege and blessing to have EK beside him for so long.

He is a poor judge of character. The times where he punished EK over Bayan's death was just ridiculous. It highlighted to me again that after years with EK, he still did not know her. He still had no sense that she was helping him and his nation MORE than Bayan was. That's when I eventually gave up on TH.
His killing of WY, that was to me just another salt in the wound.

If I really wanted to eradicate all proof of Maha's existence and the likelihood of the news getting out, I would have gotten all of WY's retainers killed. I would have ordered for all of Tanasiri's servants killed. And perhaps even the Empress herself just to be safe. Heck, I would even order for all the monks to be killed.
True, he wanted WY to fight him but that's just formality to make himself feel better for killing WY.

Had WY injured TH, TH would have ordered for WY to be shot dead immediately as TH grovelled on the floor. This is why I don't like TH at all. He is cowardly and only does things to make himself feel better under the guise that it's better for some else - and in most cases EK. If he really, really, really had EK's interest in mind, he should have released her in the first place. But he did not. On top of that, he ordered EK never to talk about Goryeo to Ayu. What's with that? I can understand why but couldn't he have at least appreciated why she might have wanted Ayu to know her origins and perhaps asked her to tell Ayu about it more carefully? But no. Not a single word about your homeland. Ayu is never to know where you came from, about your people etc. Such a narrow-minded emperor.

His treatment of poor Maha is also another sign of his character and once again in complete contrast with WY. I won't even bother. But how a man treats a little child, someone, something can be a sign of his inner character. And once again this is why I do not like TH. If I had to choose a hero to emulate in life, I would honestly choose to be more like WY and less like TH. That is all I have to say.

WY on the other hand did the exact opposite. He decided to make it easier for SN as best as he could to aid her. Some might say his throne was his main priority. But let us think about it for a second, if his throne was his main priority, then why would he have ordered his retainers to stay back and help EK and indirectly help Yuan? If his throne was his main priority, why did he relent and die so easily - after all his throne wasn't obtained without blood and tears.

Furthermore, he had just promised EK that he would make Goryeo strong - and we know WY doesn't simply make promises he doesn't intend to keep. Whatever he did from the moment he had SN in his heart, it was for SN. He put up a brave front so as not to burden her further. This was from the moment he told her not to weep. It was all for her. It was his way to make it easier for her. He came alongside her without her knowledge to aid her even if it meant that it benefited TH. EK and TH have no idea how many times WY have saved their skin. Sure it was more for EK then TH. But would TH have been able to do the same? i.e knowing that saving EK would indirectly save WY? For me I would say no. TH is incapable of that.

TH would never have done the same. Whenever he did something small, he wanted recognition. The killing of WY is the only thing I recall that he has done - and tried to hide it - that was supposedly to help her. But as I said, even that in itself did not make complete sense.

EK - I think she is just stuck between two people that she loves. And WY's passing would help make the situation somewhat easier. But in all honesty, I don't know how she could marry a guy who cowardly begged for his life at the expense of her own father's life. Some people might say, TH didn't know. So what? The agreement was not based on whose life was to be spared. Regardless of whether it was SN's dad or somebody else, the agreement was that TH would spill the beans. Once again another cop out.

But I give credit to EK. Perhaps her strength is that she was always able to come back to the bigger picture. And that spurred her own direction/future. And this was why after eliminating all her enemies within the Yuan palace, she was able to move on and still do what was better for Yuan and hopefully better for Goryeo.

Anyway thanks for listening.

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Guest ReyamA

@Cherkell .. yes it was her wrong choice ! .. it's not only about with who she ride !! .. this scene have a lot of meanings, when she choose to ride with the emperor, she choose for power, she let her true love gone cuz of her revenge. She lost everyone she cared about when she became an empress, the only thing that left for her was the power !! she regret choosing that bath, and that is why the writer made the final scene, she was hesitating. 
The writers can complete the scene and make her ride with the Emperor just as before but he didn´t, cuz if she has to choose again After what she has been through, then she will choose the King and be happy in her next life.

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Guest lovingkdrama

ReyamA said: @Cherkell .. yes it was her wrong choice ! .. it's not only about with who she ride !! .. this scene have a lot of meanings, when she choose to ride with the emperor, she choose for power, she let her true love gone cuz of her revenge. She lost everyone she cared about when she became an empress, the only thing that left for her was the power !! she regret choosing that bath, and that is why the writer made the final scene, she was hesitating. 
The writers can complete the scene and make her ride with the Emperor just as before but he didn´t, cuz if she has to choose again After what she has been through, then she will choose the King and be happy in her next life.

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Guest WEyD

Empress Ki I do not regret, the day I clicked watch on your first episode nor the 51 hours I dedicated henceforth, getting to know you and your journey. You were truly awesome! My great fondness to the cast, the writers and everyone who contributed to this drama, also including the real tragic historical figures. In another epoch of my life, I will comeback and relive you again. 

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So when Monday comes around, are we going to hold a death anniversary for WY? and on Tuesday for TH and TT?

I think I'm going to cry when Monday and Tuesday comes around and I have nothing to do...

EK sucked me dry of any interest in other drama's. I simply can't pick up anything else right now because I can't let go yet...not when the end was so tragic.

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Guest shammyhjw4ever

Hi everyone, :-h :-h :-h
I just dropped by to say
THANK YOU for all your insightful, funny, and awesome posts in this thread!!!

Yes, I'm a certified lurker here for i can't really catch up with the thread ...
Anw, i LOVE Empress Ki so much!!! I also loved the ending!

Likewise, i loved the historical facts and predictions posted here.. 
To all the reasonable posters here.. Thank you for sharing your ideas and also...

for those who have shared my memes
(yes, I'm the creature lol =))  behind EMPRESS KI FANDOM FEELS!!!)   

Once again a BIG THANK YOU for following my blog and sharing & agreeing the same feels towards the drama and our TALNYANG SHIP!!! :x :x yes, still can't get over with TT's death :(( :(( :((

and no, even the drama had ended.. I will still be posting memes and anything alike...
Also, will still make the blog alive and kicking!!! and still always, feel free to share it ... :)

I will surely miss all your posts and your presence!!! This isn't a farewell guys, i'm certain we will meet again!!! \m/ *smiles like SN*  =))   
*off to making memes*  ;)

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So I finally watched the last 2 episodes of Empress Ki and I feel like, with the show gone, something from my heart has gone missing and I would not find it again - this show was so beautiful and the actors were so great, I think it will be difficult to top this show in my heart in the coming years. 
I will always remember Ha Ji Won for her splendid performance - she is truly a force of nature, that woman!- I believe it would be difficult for her to find another role which will display her perfect acting skills in the manner that Empress Ki did. She is the perfect representative of a Korean actress for me, and NO ONE will be able to surpass her, ever. 
 I also loved the actors who interpreted the Emperor Huizong (Ji Chang Wook- great acting, especially the "acting crazy" parts, no one would think he is an introvert watching him act) - Taltal (Jin Yi Han - man, I am going to follow this actor's work from now on, he is super sexy!) - Wang Yoo (Joo Jin Moo - I have a feeling he and Ha Ji Won will reunite again in a movie project in the future - to tell us how their love will finally be successful in "another life", as she said to him while she was crying his death) - even Tanashiri (Baek Jin Hee - that girl will become a movie legend, if she carries on in this way) - CONGRATULATIONS to all for every moment of wonderful acting and beautifully expressed emotions, I hope you continue to pick up movie projects which will reflect your value as actors and as human beings :) !!
I also loved the ending - we finally got our answer - Sungnyang was really in love with TaHwan, although she kept the memory of Wang yoo too, in her heart - but her faith with Ta Hwan would begin from the moment she chose to ride with TaHwan back at the beach - and the ending finally confirmed that. I really hoped for a final kiss between the two but I guess that a final mutual confession was more emotional and suitable for that scene (although I did think to myself - why wait till he's on his deathbead to confess to him??? :P )
So in the end there is nothing left to say other that Thank You - to Empress Ki staff and actors, to all the soompi netizens who poured their hearts out here in this forum during this journey with this splendid drama, to all the viewers who enjoyed and stayed faithful till the end to this show and to the subbers who offered their help in subbing it. It is thanks to you that this drama could be watched and understood by us, international fans and we got to truly enjoy it!  
Empress Ki is truly a success in the acting world - I believe it will be a moment of reference for all future historical Korean dramas and from now on it will be placed on the "golden Historical KDrama list" alongside Jumong, Yi San, Dong Yi, Dae Jan Geum and all the other beautiful historical stories that have been turned into dramas. Thank you for letting us see such a beautiful story and such beautiful acting and I look forward to meeting you all again! :)     

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Guest Issy_1

of course I'm joking here and everyone is entitled to their opinion but me personally, definitely won't regret such a bath  :x
Take care everyone :)>-

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

@cristurbat OMG was that some kind of telepathy ? You posted your picture right in the moment when i was making this : 

JUST A LITTLE THANK YOU GIFT, so we won't end Empress Ki on a bitter note, but on a more delulu and fun way ^^ 

First pic : Despite the three of them being killed off, this is how it will always be in my mind and in my imagination : 10294341_1448353342074832_58874932013633

Second pic : Brief recap' of Empress Ki's memorable "couples" : 1902922_1448353518741481_457759384422791

+ A Talnyang MV (credits to 8088Yuki) : 

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Guest bashful

Interesting point there. And it does make sense.  Othperwise why bring that scene up again for viewers rethink about it again as we all knew what had already happened? But as I mentioned in my 1st post - we will never truly know why :)


Honestly the writers always throws out a cliff hanger at the end for the audience making them wonder. To me that last scene does not bother me. I wouldn't even worry about it. In the very end SN loves TH. If the Writer was still trying to emphasize the love triangle till the very end, it's pointless because during WY death she said the next life she wants him to forget her and she will be the one to remember and repay him for all he has done. This is guilt she feels for WY. Whatever they had was made clear to viewers that it was in the past. As I mentioned before when WY gave her the hair pin that night she cried thinking about TH. In the morning SN hesitated to put on the hair pin to me this tells me a lot. That scene really made me wonder at that time on how SN really felt. But back to the last scene....... before SN also hesitated on going on either horse during the time this scene was aired, but then she told WY that she wanted him to ride comfortably so she went with TH instead. At the very end of the scene she still hesitated meaning she still wouldn't be able to go on WY horse. This is my interpretation of that last scene.....Regardless SN would not had chosen to go on WY horse. Many ppl were saying she regret and hesitated on going on TH horse but to me it's the other way around. If SN was given the choice to choose again she will still hesitate on going with WY. Look at the scene closely again she was standing closer to TH horse. This means her heart has already decided for her during that moment.

Had anyone seen the Northcape story for Empress Ki. I think ppl could link it to this ending if you want. Lol what happens after.

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