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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@stclaus & @pegster : and maybe that place it's where the Merchant Group is, so now this will tie all the plots together, they've mentionned too much their boss, so it's most likely that. (and Batolu is not alone she's with Jokho too)

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@loli I've been just quiet about my relationship with TalTal... I've been "his supporter" since episode 16 my dear... my relationship with him goes a long way... hahahahaha
Edit: I have witnesses B-)

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So now that we've had all this baby talk, does anyone want to move on to the next topic :P
I was thinking about WY, what did TH mean that SN saved him.
Now that we see in EP35, WY was on TH's side, helping him take down ET.  Since TH, and everyone else is aware of this, there is no way that TH would try to link him with ET when they take down ET.
What could be the reason that WY would need SN to save him?
Could it be that WY will try to use these troops to go up against TH after they take down ET?  If that's the case, why would he try to use Yuan troops to battle TH?
Is it because he knows about his son...maybe he decides that he wants to take SN back?
Am I going coo coo like ET... 8-}

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Where is @anjshin, and @petria? Don't tell me you guys want to disappear when ET and his clan are not dead yet and its not the end of ET??

hahahah lol @pegster, yes, lets move to the next topic.

I think it meant that maybe, just maybe TH want to kill WY bit because TH knows what WY means to Sn and killing him will bring back SN mad face and will neglect TH again and it seems like TH doesn't want that... but i am not too sure.

I don't thinking WY will use the troop on Yuan, remember the first woman he loves in Yuan now

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sarah.lina said: It wasn't that difficult for SN to love someone who is a representative of the ones she despises the most (her father was killed by Yuan people, her mother also and taking goryo citizen to be tribute as maids and eunuchs). So it's possible for TH too.

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@pegster : i'm trying to think of it, but everytime i try, i fell :D :D TH and WY are "getting" along rather well and i don't really see SN "betraying" TH now... ah STRESS, but they have my curiosity now :> :> :>

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@pegster and @loli Unless that "saving WY' skin" goes back to pure politics... once ET clan is down, maybe the governors will push TH to also get rid of WY, but Ki will intervene and express how he helped the Emperor on bringing down the Clan; lately they seem to put much importance on the so called governors and their opinions (even though on my eyes they're as useless as Zhang and Tapjae)...

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@pegster : WY trying to kill TH?, he's an ambitious man but not stupid, i will throw at him some bananas if he will try to do something like that [-X [-X

- About SN, i'm too lazy to check the first episodes but she was pretty vocal about her hatred to Yuan people and the ones that killed her mother, WG and YBS she considers them as traitors no more no less.

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I can't think of a reason why TH would say that to WY either unless it's about Maha or the writers, who are ever so merciful when it comes to WY, won't put the man out of his misery yet and will come up with something to make his life harder 

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Guest amayah

@loli lol  yup the both gain something out of it. But I doubt you could compare both kind of gains or even blame TH lol it's more like when a guy is holding a knife at his victim's throat and is telling her to be quiet and not move...Anyway, we probably agree to disagree and I think I should stop the 'r' topic here in this drama. I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable :) 

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lol... @eunsuhae I know right, they just want to make WY life a living hell even though he is t=fighting to overcome it... smh lol

mhmm.. @SeGafanlady unni, Don't go there with me lol.. I am African and we know some voodoo...  soo no line for me, i can jump all the line and be in the first place in a thin air lol.. hahah >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)

So guys, we've talked about TH and Maha relationship to Maha being killed or having a unique life and TH and WY being saved by SN to being killed to fighting eachother, Can we change the subject again please?

Lets move to the happy thought. Think about baby Ayul cuteness :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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sarah.lina said: It wasn't that difficult for SN to love someone who is a representative of the ones she despises the most (her father was killed by Yuan people, her mother also and taking goryo citizen to be tribute as maids and eunuchs). So it's possible for TH too.

I understand where you are coming from and what you are stating. A lot of us have mentioned before that maybe if MAHA was to in the care of SN, it will change the way TH feels about the child. But at this point, MAHA is weapon aimed at TH and he will not be able to express anything more but disregard towards him. For SN, it also required ALOT of time for her to even accept TH so it can’t be an overnight deal so I must say, it was extremely difficult for SN to accept TH.  He had to put his life on the line for her over and over again before he was able to win her over. No one said that TH can’t or will not accept MAHA, but there are factors to consider and the way he feels now or the way he currently treats MAHA can be explained or understood giving that TH has suffered a lot under the oppression of ET clan. It’s not MAHA’s fault, but the blame can’t be passed to TH as well.     

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@bluedora : I didn't put the blame on TH, his action was childish though it was the birthday of Maha (that's not the suitable behavior of an Emperor). I don't even give a damn about how he will treat Maha from now on, i'm more interesting by how SN will treat MaHa, but one thing is for sure MaHa will spend half of his life believing that TH is his father and that he doesn't like him, he will see Ayu as the favorite, so... get ready for the competition :))

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@adjani - I so agree! It serves no purpose for either man to know but it's so not fair that WY won't even know he has a son! ARGGG! It's driving me crazy.  :((   I would actually rather he find out without it putting anyone in danger. 
@sally_b -  I just call her wuri lovely, calm @rinchan76.  :D
@loli - Awww, that would be cute! If TH had been secretly going to visit Maha only when Tana wasn't there! (don't blame him)  ack.gif
@larabn - YES! This is the part of "revenge" dramas that I detest - when they start trying to make the audience feel sorry for the villains? Are you kidding me? Tana not only got away with pushing SN down the stairs, her whole family laughed & gloated about it. She also got away with the witch/curse crap. :-w
@rinchan76 - Exactly, Maha has been "used" by the Temur clan since before he was "born". He's probably even being groomed to hate TH. This is why I'm hoping SN manages to keep him in the Palace and TH forms a relationship with him. (after the evil ones are gone) 
Errrrr...SN came to love TH because she knows he has/had absolutely nothing to do with her Father's death and she already knew the tribute issues and her Mother's death were the fault of the Temurs clan. TH is as much a victim as she is. What she doesn't know is BA/TT's role in that decision nor does she know it was Wang Go? (her Father's death) I do believe she knows he played a role in her Mother's death. I also doubt any of this will be brought up since the audience is smart enough to figure this all out themselves. 

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

@loli I can confirm that @stclaus is a "proud supporter" of TT since episode 16 ^.^" Can't deny it, but the TT fangirls are increasing day by day. It's only a matter of weeks and intense episodes before we become an army x)\o/
I hope we can get a preview for episode 36 as soon as possible. It's very hard to wait... i'm going crazy thinking of ET clan's death... but also because of the amazing cliffhanger Oo 
I don't know why, but i have the feeling that the place El Plague is headed at is the same place where Bi Soo is going. And i also have the impression that Wang Go is somehow involved in it. It could be that ET didn't really send him away and that he gave him a super crucial mission involving the finance of the Empire. Then Bi Soo finds out and informs WY, who is able to make some kind of deal with WG and... OK i shall stop here.

By the way, it's been like two weeks since we last saw a post of @carmens on the thread... a bit unusual :/

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I sincerely hope that SN does not ever reveal to anyone that Maha is her son.  My best case scenario, is that the secret stays hidden...but the demise of ET and the Clan, will oust TN....leaving Maha to be raised by SN.  Hopefully when TH sees SN doting over little Maha and Ayu, he too will then do the same and they will be a happy family all together....of course this would be in a perfect world....I just don't see the writer's making it that nice and neat for us.  There just has to be more angst to the story.  I just feel any other scenario would result in something bad for the Maha, SN, WY and TH. How could TH save SN when it would be uncovered that she deceived the King, claiming to be pure so she could become a concubine and then what about poor Maha, how could he be saved.  It just bothers me what type of awfulness would await this drama if the truth is completely revealed.  Poor WY would just be devastated.  I would think, since we know she becomes Empress, that maybe that is a clue that the truth is going to stay hidden. Do you seriously see TH being willing to raise as his own SN/WY's baby??  I just don't, he would be so very hurt and I don't see SN causing that much hurt to either man.  Oh, this part of the drama is so frustrating!

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