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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest chaudinh1609

Have just finished ep 34, 35. My conclusion based on parental view only. Ta Hwan is not yet qualified to be a father, or we can say Ta Hwan does not beseem to be a standard father, not to mention a good father. Why do I say that? Well, 
(assumedly Maha is Ta Hwan's son because the truth has yet been released)

Firstly, because a father MUST act equally among his children, children have no harm but adult does, so why blame children on mother's guilt. This proves Ta Hwan is still not mature enough to be a father, not to mention to become a true Emperor. He lets his heart dominant his brain, which is an absolutely taboo when rule a country. An Emperor must not let the hatred blind his decision.
Secondly, unfair treatment among princes will lead to internal power struggle where princes fighting each others to get the throne, which creates barrier between brothers, divide sentiments and bloody rain sooner or later.
For what Tana Shili had done, she deserves to be punished but her child (also Ta Hwan's child) was bornt, Ta Hwan blood flows in Maha.
In conclusion, Ta Hwan still has a long long way to go, first learn to read (done after living almost half-life), learn to be a good father (not yet, maybe he can ask Yeon Chul teach him some course, learn to use brain (refer Tal Tal) and then learn to be an Emperor (wow, no one better than Wang Yoo guru).
P/S: good night everyone, it is tax season here, god bless me :rongcon9:

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@chaudinh1609  oow hello again...

Nobody who's born in this world is ready or designed to be a good parent.

It's a condition where you must, need and have to put your full attention onto.. BUT to have a baby is not just materially ready, but MORE important is that you are mentally ready. Mentally means in psichological way.. those who have own kids will understand what I mean..

If I look at Ta Hwan from a parent's POV.. he seems to suffer a major trauma that leads him to treat Maha coldly .. Ta Hwan harbores a vendetta beyond anything else to Maha's maternal side and the fact that he and Maha's mother united is also because of Maha's grandfather doing..
to a man, when he forced to sleep with a woman that he doesn't love (or hate) it's actually equal to rape.. men are human too ... just like us, women..
Ta Hwan is in a severe trauma... What ET has done to him, to his family, SY, his loyal aidees... unforgiven...
I can make a long list about things that made Ta Hwan act like a less supportive father to Maha than to Ayusiridara but.. we all know what are they right?

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:-B I hope that this drama continues as is: interesting plot, fast-paced and moving forward to the best possible ending. All I really know is that EK was never meant to be a historical documentary and from the little I know about the novel (only what I have read here) is that it has not followed the novel to a T, which I personally am glad it hasn't. I have always found it interesting, and frustrating, how much influence netizens (?) have in influencing changes in dramas...many a good drama has gone to the dumps or at least down hill when Writers fall to the pressure.   :-?  I've thought about TH's 'lack of interest in 'his child'...it is unrealistic to think that his lack of interest is because he 'FEELS' that Maha isn't his....think about it real life terms...there have been fathers that have loved and raised a children Believing that the child was theirs, only to found out the child wasn't theirs...we have DNA they didn't. There isn't any reason for TH to doubt that Maha is his son...UNLESS, I missed something. That said, I believe that keeping his distance from Maha is even more than his dislike and disgust with TN...TH has to know that if He demonstrated any Major interest in Maha that TN and the Temur rat-clan would definitely use Maha EVEN more as a weapon against him and his empire. I really believe that TN's Love for Maha is a crazy-type of 'love'. Her love comes from her narcissism, which has nothing to do with a real mother's love. TN wanted a child for power. It didn't matter how she 'had' ...'got'.....this child ('power-weapon').. ..She devised the means to 'have a child'....what she didn't know was that her plan wouldn't work....and, her evilness knows no boundaries....does she love Maha, now? of course, in her crazy world (mind) I think she does. But, it is not a healthy,  unselfish love of a mother (TN doesn't have to be his Real mother to love him,  unconditionally. TN's love has been conditional, and it started when she faked a pregnancy and used someone else's child as her own for power. ......just my humble thought.....off to watch eps subbed :D.....No Preview?? ~X( =(( :!! =((

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Guest bellenelle

Hey! It's nice to see so many TH-SN shippers! I usually watch TV shows through gooddrama and I find that there's a majority of WY-SN shippers there :(

All in all I get the feeling that we'll suffer in the last few episodes and SN-WY will resurface with force. Secrets are meant to be discovered in Kdrama and I don't see how WY won't find out about his kid or how TH won't hear that Maha is SN's. TH and SN's relationship is bound to decline due to this element, even if TH tries to fight his jealousy and insecurity and SN tries to stay by his side, because insecurity is a very powerful enemy, and SN is bound to face situations in which she'll have to protect Maha, which will lead to more insecurity. I'm hoping for a miracle for these two, or at least for TH not to turn evil! *chebal T.T*


One of the things I like the most about TH is that's he not just another likable, flawless character (so much like my dear Bidam), and one thing I like about TH-SN is that even the imperfect character gets the girl and some sort of happiness. Yes, TH's way to treat Maha is not examplary, but I think it just makes him real. It's not everyone who can put aside their resentment and hatred of the other to take care of the other's child. Just look at women who've been raped and you see similar patterns. Some can put aside their trauma for the child, some mistreat it or have to give it away. That doesn't make them less good parents, they can be awsome parents with other kids. It's just the context in which they find themselves (the child they have and the baggage attached to it) that causes problem.  

And yes, WY probably would have been a great emperor and seems to have been born for it, but not all leaders start out being leaders. Leaders can be made too, and that's what we see happening with TH, and what's interesting to watch.

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mhmmm... @SeGafanlady I agree to your post and your POV, but i am also concern.

As a Parent (even though i am not one, but i have taken care of lots of kids that i call mine) I believe that Yes the love you share with your blood and the ones you share with someone that isn't your blood is different but sometimes it isn't. let’s say Maha was TH son, are you telling me because TN and her family treated TH like that should reflect to the love and care he gives to his own child?

For example like Dong Yi (sorry i keep pointing to Don Yi, it cause I watch it like plenty of times) the king has a son with Jang Hee-Bin, they did not sure us to the extent of how much care and love he gave to the child and if he was there for the child. But when Dong Yi first gave birth to her first and second son, we were able to see his love and concern but we could also see that no matter if the king and Jang Hee-Bin were in no talking terms, the kings does play and goes to see his son.

I think the main thing we really miss or wirtermin and PD miss is to show us the father and son relationship of TH and Maha… I don’t believe that because TN and her family did all that to TH should affect the love you should have for your kids.

Maybe for TH, it did because he was naïve and wasn’t quaite an adult that grew up until SN came to be by his side.

In a way, I still think there was a father and son relationship (even if it was small) between TH and Maha… and maybe there isn’t because then they can reveal that Maha really isn’t TH son and Th won’t feel sad or disappointed or hurt or something about it.

(Sorry for the long post)
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Guest ravendark

The declaration has been made, TalTal is MINE!!! Anyone that oppose to it shall be sent to TN for some disciplinary action

>:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)

Not any tonic i hope! Still worth trying for TalTal:)

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I can't agree more.... like a brass needs its sandpaper, Ta Hwan must experience more life learning and learn how to live more.. as an Emperor, a father and a husband..

I think there will come the day for Ta Hwan to realize that he is indeed Maha's father and finally able to express his fatherhood to Maha (if SY decides to keep it as a secret) and when TN and her evil father plus their clan demolished, Ta Hwan will be able to turn a new page in parenthood and open his heart and mind wider to Maha...

We have no idea yet where the story goes... I don't want to speculate further.... matters about Maha's identity is killing me..

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Guest amayah

Actually, Th's behavior towards Maha is no surprise. The problem is not that he doesn't love her. People can sleep with other people without love. The problem is that he was FORCED to sleep with her i.e. it was rape for him. (non-consensual) TN probably was the one who initiated and tried everything during their Ohlala. She did say it was like sleeping with a corpse. Now, if we were in a perfect world with perfect people, all rape victims who end up pregnant, wouldn't differentiate between any of their children. They wouldn't care about the father of the child. But since those VICTIMS do have feelings and are human, many give up the child for adoption while they happily raise up their wanted child later. Can we blame them? Can we call them bad mothers? NO!!! They were also victims of a cruel deed. Those children sadly reminds them of every second of the rape...For TH it was rape + he still has to see the mother and the family who forced him to it every day. It is really hard for someone in his position to love the child. It is the personification of all the hate he has for the family and what they have done. 
So, TN should be lucky that he is just indifferent towards the child... That's of course is just my opinion...

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Questions guys: So when Maha identity is known, What will happen to Maha, SN, TH and WY?

I believe it is a crime or something for SN to have had a child or something? But shouldn’t it not be a crime, because SN was first with WY?? (mehn, I need to know the Korean law during this time)

What will be the reaction of TH when he finds out? (based on Maha not being his child, I think he might not be affect much but SN having a child and it was her first and it was WY, I think he might be devastated or something)

What will happen to WY? How will he feel?

Then what will happen to Maha? I hope he won’t drive himself crazy then become abusive and co (that’s what happen to most king or something)

Mehn, this is driving me crazy!! I should just stop with my analyzing or something lol

@SeGafanlady Lol… yeah, matters about Maha identity is killing me too… It is driving me nut!!!

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My POV about this : TH was "raped" by Lady Pak too, well i prefer forced, but it didn't affect much TH, he wasn't excited about this baby but he was no indifferent, here it's pratically the same (minus ET killing TH's father), Maha has his "blood" (that's what he thinks) but here he kind of insulted his first-born son with the new born, i kinda felt bad for him (well i'm waiting for his real father to take him) because TH will create some competition between his two sons, that's not that good either, and when TN will die, Maha will stay alone in the palace because in order to protect him, SN will not show her love to Maha, she will hide the fact that it's her son... frankly speaking... if the palace knows that Maha is SN's child, i don't even want to think what will happen to all of them.

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sarah.lina said: My POV about this : TH was "raped" by Lady Pak too, well i prefer forced, but it didn't affect much TH, he wasn't excited about this baby but he was no indifferent, here it's pratically the same (minus ET killing TH's father), Maha has his "blood" (that's what he thinks) but here he kind of insulted his first-born son with the new born, i kinda felt bad for him (well i'm waiting for his real father to take him) because TH will create some competition between his two sons, that's not that good either, and when TN will die, Maha will stay alone in the palace because in order to protect him, SN will not show her love to Maha, she will hide the fact that it's her son... frankly... if the palace knows that Maha is SN's child, i don't even want to think what will happen to all of them.
lol.. you and i both... you and i both... I really do hope that WY will take his son... but do you think he can though? They can't just be like, here is your son, take him. Na, i don't think they can do that.

What will happen to Maha though? Almost all his life that he has been living, he thinks that TH is his father and then all of a suddden, he knows that "no, your father isn't your father" what will he do?

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Guest bellenelle

It's not just the "rape". TH was presented with the baby after learning that TN had killed Lady Park and tried to kill SN. It's just too much to turn your back on to show warm and affection to the kid. Sure, Maha's not guilty of anything. But he's the symbol of TN's murderous acts. He's the baby that Lady Park never had.

I'm not finding it too sad for the baby yet, since, like TH said, he's surrounded by people who care for him. But when if he grows up alone and scorned in the castle, if SN pretends she is not his mother, it is possible that he feels resentment towards her, TH and Ayu, and turns evil. Maybe SN will find herself having to face her own son, but I think I would rather that, and than having TH lose his mind and get SN to hate him again.  

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:-B another thought, is that TH's 'disinterest' in Maha is not only what everyone has mentioned, but it could also be what keeps Maha safe or safer. Although, I tend to side with the thought that TH demonstrating 'love' and interest in Maha would be a means for the Temur clan to use Maha to achieve their nefarious plans.

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@loli : Maha leaving the palace?, in my humble opinion --> NEVER, he's confined within he palace walls, only his dead body can leave it and i'm not even sure about that, the same goes for SN, so Maha living with his father --> IMPOSSIBLE:(( :(( :((

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hahhaa... On a side note to kepp this down a little, I must say, i really do love all the POV and understanding that i am reading about Maha and Th father and son relationship....

@cattx, i must say i really like the though of TH demonstrating 'love' and interest in Maha would be a means for the Temur clan to use Maha to achieve their nefarious plans. We might all be wrong but this actually put a definite reason to it.

But what if then they all find out what Maha isn;t TH and TN son?? do you think they would've gain favor when Maha becomes the "Crown price"?? mhmmm... But anyway, that's beyond ET

edited: Oh Maha Oh Maha, our poor Maha, what will we do to him @sarah.lina?? Our poor baby... what a unique life he has :(( :(( :(( :((

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Guest amayah

No, the situation with Lady Park was not the same. TN was a willing participant. She had a choice. Lady Park was a victim as well. She was a maid. She had not much choice but to do what ED told her. Did we see him arguing with her? No. He did argue with ED because he knew it was not Lady Park's fault. She was in the same situation like him. But TN WANTED to sleep with him. She FORCED him. This is about choices...or the lack of it.

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