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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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tessieroo said:
Interesting - so TH is basically agreeing with BA to flatten Goryeo or is he just going along with it since no one else has approached TH with any "battle" plans? In other words, TH is susceptible to being BA's (and Dowagers) puppets since Ki isn't discussing any plans with him (for anything) and neither is anyone else. I can't believe TH forgot his promise to Ki nor do I believe he's forgotten his son is 1/2 Goryeo so I'm having a hard time believing this sudden change in TH. It makes no sense taking the above into consideration and with him knowing WY was a major contributor in bringing ET down. Color me surprised. 

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@hanaseyes The only reason why ET was able to control the troops was because he had the money to fund it.  He was able to feed and pay the troops, and give enough bribery to those who lead it.  Look at how the governor's were going to side with him when he offered to wipe their debts to him?  Money talks no matter what era we're in.
Go back to EP35 when TH was in the room with SN, TT, BA, and ED talking about how they can take down ET.  It was mentioned that because of his wealth, it's hard for them to just take him down.  It was also mentioned at the end of EP33 when ET was telling WY that he would need to use his finances to control the troops, and DK said they had to fund the troops.
This is how SN intends on holding the power in her hands.  Have enough money to bribe those who can influence the decisions (Governors), and fund those who can fight for her (the troops).

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maybe they built an army based on goryeo. As we can see goryeo king, WY father ask WY to help SN to become next empress. And as SN ask WY herself to help her become empress and Ayu as crown prince, he asking what's in return. It's a bussines between them. WY provide army, and SN provide the money. And if they succed, Goryeo can free from Yuan. That's SN goal also/
Probably this is lead to the first episode of the drama when TH says that SN save his live. It can be from yuan team POV, SN-WY is gathering a coup by build an army. As the stach can be manage to build army and include the train itself. Since SN is TH favor, he will pardoned her but not with WY. Thats why SN ask for forgiveness.
As for maha, i still don't have any clue about the reveal of his identity. Since according to history, DS only son died in infant and for the novel, i don't have any idea about that.

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Guest Mary de Vera

After watching episode 40, I realized that the writers intention for keeping Dangkise still alive is for SN to kill him slowly piece by piece-first with the stabbing of the left eye, next she will probably stab his right eye so that he will be permanently blind the same way they did to her father.  Also, SN will cut his tongue.  In the final scene between the two nemesis, she will shoot her arrow straight to his heart just the same way Dangkise killed her mother. Total KARMA!!! Hope the writers are reading this.LOL

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@tessieroo This was an earlier sentiment I posted about SN's "failure" to trust TH: (ok only some of it is hidden under the spoiler tag   :-/ )

the situation right now is so contrived, there is nothing simple about it. It is not even like SN is making the situation complicated: the situation already is complicated. If SN lets TH know about her plans to find the money, TH will be in a predicament in which he must choose love or his country. We know TH is willing to risk his throne but if he does, and it is found out, he might actually lose his throne (would he lose his head too? I guess it is possible since he would be considered a traitor). However if he decides he will stick with his country, he will be betraying SN again, and it would hurt her deeply.
I also wish SN could just simply trust and wait on TH, after all he wants her to be empress and make Ayu crown prince too. However it is not that simple. At the moment TH can't go against BA since he needs BA's loyalty. If TH later tries to set Ayu up as crown prince, later on down the line, they will use that stupid "being of goryo bloodline" card again (especially ED, who has a say on who can be crown prince, and we already know she will fight against the option of Ayu. Without more power it will just be a repeat of what happened to SN). SN being from Goryo is an issue that will never go away. TH's favor, unfortunately, is not enough politically wise. It is odd that even with the backing of all the governors TH still could not make SN empress, but that means there are other political players at play that we don't see, like the ministers that signed the petition. I am not sure that even if TH were to obtain 100% of his power as emperor (if there is any doubt that he has that already) he would be able to put SN in as empress because the opposition of ED and BA is too strong. This is all the more reason for SN to go behind his back (I understand her reasons, but I still don't like the fact she has to do so) and try to gain more power to beat back the opposition. If SN wants to be empress she has to gain power some how (she can't keep relying on people like BA to help back her up), and that treasure is the most expedient route. This is a situation that may very well drive a wedge between TH-SN, but hopefully TH will understand her intentions when the time comes.

I don't feel as though TH had a sudden ambition come over him. He displayed signs of ambition the moment he wanted his power as emperor back. I know one reason he wanted to be emperor was to avenge his father, but he could  have done that while living as ET's lapdog. He doesn't need his power as emperor to kill ET, he could slip him poison, but at the time I doubt he knew ET was immune. The point is he just needed to get close to ET and make him let his guard down so TH can get him. So of course now, emerging from his weakness as emperor, he would want to show everyone how strong and capable he is. In reality if there is nothing obstructing his way there is no reason an emperor would turn down an expansion of his empire, especially if he has the means to do so, and BA has tapped into that with TH. TH probably doesn't want to go down in history as the puppet emperor, so having such an accomplishment like that under his belt is more than tempting enough for an emperor under normal circumstances, and even more so for TH who has something to prove.The rapidity in which he agreed with BA probably has nothing to do with his fight with SN, because if he was thinking of SN he would hesitate as she crossed his mind. He probably wasn't thinking at all, under normal circumstances this isn't something one would think about deeply about because with the treasure he would have the necessary funds. TH, after all, has a legacy he needs to build and protect. Also TH doesn't seem to dislike SN so much that he would not care about her feelings pertaining to him invading her mother country, just look how upset he was when BA interrupted his family time. TH didn't even send her away, he just had her wait a bit. So what I am curious about is whether TH will make SN choose between him (and Ayu) and Goryeo. Does TH think that after all this time SN would begin to identify herself as a yuan citizen, after all she wants to be the empress of Yuan. Or may be she would be ok with it because her husband would be ruler of that country, or was TH simply going with the flow.   Most of all as Ayu's mother, TH would probably expect SN to eventually accept it all because the empire will eventually go to Ayu, so the thinking would go, whats good for Yuan, is good for Ayu, the future ruler of Yuan. Sadly though this is just one more reason SN can't let TH in on her plans. Even if TH wanted to expand Yuan, I wish he would at least know to exempt Goryeo.   

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Well I never thought at all that even in treasure hunting WY needs to audition EB for a singing contest just to find what they have been looking for.  I guess, EB will have a fair share of gold as his prize after having found it.  Sure enough even the miners' kids can't beat EB when it comes to memorizing and singing songs.  =D>   =D>            

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how sad...the ratings went down. Hope they can recover tomorrow. I thought todays episode was very good, very fast pace, minus the constant flashback.

Now that TH is aware of what is happening, looks like the will take part. This might be what breaks him and SN.

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Is it just me, or did anyone else notice a little too much green in this scene?
First it's SN and WY in their couple green outfit, then there's EB and JB.  4 out of 7 people in the room are wearing green!
Even the candles are growing green!  
Do they celebrate St. Patrick's day in Korea, if they do, they're a week late.

@critcs EB deserves nothing! It wasn't even him who discovered the secret to the song, it was SN, and she didn't even have to keep singing it like him.

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Guest critics

Guys, from episodes 1 - 39 we didn't see this face, right?  Only in Episode 40, well maybe the head of Merchants Group is an alien or perhaps he's "Coming from the Star" also.  Couldn't even find his face among the Korean actors/actresses.  8->  8->

EDITOr should I say that GOLTA is a two-face eunuch, literally?   :-?

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@ pegster thank you very you make me laugh so much specially when you mention they celebrate st. Patrick's day. Ha ha ha ha....... Thank you for your transltions and explanation and to all who give time recaping and explaining every detail of the episode. Excited again for the next episode. It so hard to start another k drama when empress ki still on air. More power Empress ki. Fighting !

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