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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Hi everybody...I decided to join in this forum too after SMH n usually comes here to read off comments n push the awesome or LOL buttons on ur comments. This drama is still a few episodes behind on KBSW n am too lazy to watch raw coz don't wanna screw my brain thinking what they r saying. Reading @timsha n others posts here kept me up to date while watching current episode on tv. Thx uols. I too hate that snake YJ, each time she got the same role as the hated 2nd lead who spins her way to get the mighty spineless hero. Keep on updating! :x ^:)^

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Guest atomickitty

This is why I can't stand YJ and wish she knew the truth about her father. Not that her behaviour would be any different. She'd still go around spreading her evil fairy dust on everyone and everything. I will be glad though that YJ has done us the favor that EH and her mother should have done 100x earlier of telling LK, someone with assets, someone with pull, that HM was accused of murder. I will never understand the Kdrama logic behind hiding important, meaningful things from family. I guess if everyone communicated with people as they should, we wouldn't have much of a story. Anyway.. going back to watch the rest of the episode..

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Guest atomickitty

sorry.. back for more venting...

140 episodes? How? I really thought (and was hoping) this would end at 120. Why 20 more episodes? That's a whole month!!! It means this won't end till next year!! (joking). I was hoping things would pick up, and head towards the conclusion, now that LK knows the situation. But I suppose not..

With that number in mind, I think YJ won't find out what her father did till around episode 115. Then she'll scramble to hide it for 15 episodes, and then the final 10 episodes to wrap up. Can I wait that long? I will have to I guess.

And something about the way Grandma is makes me think that she was JUST like YJ when she was younger which is probably why she likes YJ so much. She will be so distraught when she finds out she's been 'suckling' her son's killer. Is it wrong that I'm looking forward to seeing an old lady cry tears of regret?

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For a while I thought Halmoni has mellowed but she is back to her old self and spitting with rage at Hyeongman's family members ..... tears of regret??? nah more like tears of blood is what I am hoping for when she realises she has nurtured and lived with her son's 'murderer' and his family all these decades, shared meals, got her unwilling grandson to get engaged to his daughter and even gave her factory/life savings to him..... when she is kicked out of that factory she probably will go stark raving mad and go on to join her son....

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Grandma and YJ is on the rampage again I totally don't get YJ do she just hate EH or she realizing that SJ will never love her like EH she is the one destroying her on marriage, LK tell Grandma to hell with they're tofu someone please help enlighten me on the conversations can't wait another 2 weeks for youtube

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Hi automickitty,i think she will find out sooner then ep 115 and when she do she will walk around in a days but her and dad really going to try to run that EH and Mom family out of town because her marriage his really on the line is not about EH it's about her family and trying to hide the secret, Just couldn't leave well enough alone

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i'm also watching secret loving it been a while since i watched 16 episode drama. will catch up with the king's this week was waiting for 16 episode. than i will start to watch. for us die heart fans of EH let's hope they pick up the pace a lil bit. Also everyone who do the recap i like to say love you all and thanks  

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@timsha started watching SEcret a few days ago and really did a long marathon to go from EP1 to 12 in 3 days. Love the storyline there, interesting and great acting from the lead actress. The soompi thread also made interesting readings.

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Well Just Finished Watching Episode 96. Is SG going to try and hurt LK behind the letter and what was her and grandma conversation about. Why was devil girl at EH shop. I also would like to no about her and the police man conversation, Well the story line is picking up the pace a lil bit  Ep 97 showing She devil got caught trying to milk that hand for it was worth I'm wondering if he's going to bust her then or hook her up so he can bust her in a lie again. love to see how her and dad will try and wiggle there way out of this,  I think it's getting close to her finding out. If SJ do find out about SG I hope he get grandma some nerve pills and take her out the house before telling her. And the witness is back It's time for SG to Kill someone.
@kdramafan469 I'm also watching secret love a good korean historical drama checking out empress qi if your watching first born might want to check out golden rainbow but were watching a few of the same dramas      

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So in ep.97  SG does indeed tell LK that HM confessed to killing Doeksu, She believed him at first but the next day she showed him the burnt letter. I don't know if she was asking if he (HM) had wrote it or if someone else had. But she had spoken with Inspector Jo and he told her there was a witness and even told her the witness name. 
Why does no one ever question what SG says? They act like he's a Saint or something...when actually he is a DEVIL. I can't wait for him and his daughter to get what's coming to them. And I swear if the two of them are forgiven I AM NEVER,  NEVER,  NEVER,  EVER  watching another tv novel!!!

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Sorry I was late waking up today, managed to catch only about 60% of living streaming, then I was marathoning the drama 'Queen Of The Game' its really good and I could not let go of it, do watch it if u can, lost track of time and about 10 hrs later I realised I totally forgot about today's episode.  Am glad to hear that the snake got caught lying about her hand .... SJ found out??? :D  That silly twit always gets caught in her own web of lies but she never seem to learn.


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