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Random post, based on everyone's posts since I haven't watched the whole episode yet.

- TaeMin mistaking APink for Girls' Day

I see it as intentional since the manager already told him NaEun gets jealous easily - if TaeMin, for example,  would say Chorong is pretty.  But this doesn't mean NaEun would get jealous over who is prettier than who.  The APink manager is only saying that as an example.  The only disadvantage on that joke is,  TaeMin would gain a lot of APink antis - especially those who love NaEun. 

- APink members trying to make TaeMin jealous by using his very own best friend Kai.  This will, IMHO, have a big backlash on APink - especially coming from their fans.  A lame joke I believe.  Why was TaeMin so cool  about this?  If you read comments on FB, I feel like using a big eraser and erase them all - @#$^%$$&%##&*(& - are the comments - makes my blood pressure go up!!! 

Not that NaEun has given TaeMin assurance - I see now that TaeMin has seen so much about what kind of a girl NaEun is - their last meeting before the separation is already a big assurance for TaeMin that NaEun is worried about them being apart - that she cares for him - hence, jealousy will never surface anymore (as of yet) - plus, didn't she say she missed him and even gave him a bonus 'I love you' after the event?

- The randomness that this couple shows us is what separates them from the other couples WGM had.  This couple and TeukSora couple are the only couples in WGM  who showed truthfulness and honesty - because they can't help but express themselves.  TaEun, just like TeukSora, spoke about their personal feelings for each other and never acted the roles they were supposed to be - that of virtual husbands and wives. 

Where do you see a husband who would plan to visit his wife's dorm because he misses her and haven't seen  her for one month?  As a husband, aren't you supposed to go straight to your house because you will definitely find your wife there, right? 

I'll see you later guys!

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8. Taemin's BRIWGM: It doesn't seem like you re jealous?T: I've figured out something.Anyway, Naeun's heart will be leaning on my side. I have this confidence.WGM: Where did that confidence come from?T: (Naeun out of WGM) has kinda expressed a little but no comment for now. I will let you know later when Naeun approve to. 
There's something fishy :)

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Guest Hee Yeon Jung

i'm loving this couple so much.
i really hope that they announce dating each other for real
can't wait for NB to see netizens comments about todays episode

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zingzing16 said: I think many fans are too used to variety shows acts. They always expect some sort of  big/loud reactions as seen on other show but that's just not how it works in real life. 
It's clear that APINK girls were surprised, to the point that they were absolutely speechless. And for me, that's a normal reaction when they see a respectable senior popping out of a carton box, who would be in the right mind to know how to react for tv? Even for Naeun, just look at the poor girl, I'm sure she couldn't believe her eyes, thank god she didn't spill all the milk on someone's face. idk why this sounds so wrong somehow

To be honest, I think a friendlier encounter from Taemin would have been better than a hide-out. Or may be just don't hide in a box, it's creepy. 
Now I'm curious to know the reactions from SHINee members when they see this episode *lol*, poor Taeminie, he'll probably get teased by his hyungs. *signs* 
BTW, anyone noticed the Twilight book? If I'm not mistaken, it's the English edition (I do have whole saga so...) 
Naeun must have a good English skill cos I have watched videos in which she speaks in a very nice accent and clear pronunciation. =D>

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myirishspring86 said: @peana: So true. Something really "real" is happening between this two, but whatever it is,I prefer them to keep mum about it for now.I want them to enjoy what they have (privately) rather than letting the public know about it. 
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After watching for the 5th time AM sooo loving today episode!!!! When they sit on the bed near to each other my heartbeat sooo fast....I can feel heat... :\"> :x

~> Haha...the anti just doing their job...they hate everything...poor them...hope they wont get heart problem becoz of hatred... [-O<
~> TE they really suit each other well..
~> Naeun really know how to control his hubby/bf now (from being so excited and spill the bean all over the place...LOL) she so matured and reserved....seem to me she now know her hubby weakness... coz she monitor her hubby/bf well... :x
~> Taemin is someone who is black and white...if he feel happy he will show or talk boldly and vice versa....but because of his forwardness he manage to bring his wife out of her shell... am so shock when he say "he need Naeun permission before he spill it" <~~ this must be so important/big secret for them but looks like Taemin is fine about it if he spill it out but maybe he not sure about Naeun...BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS HE NOW KNOW HOW TO THINK BEFORE HE TALK...at least about this... =D>

Am in cloud 9 now...even anti cant effect me...keke... :-*
TaeEun Chingoo...fighting!!!! 
p/s: About the couple name...even they say that they decide not to have couple name doesnt mean we cant give them one right... :-\"
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Guest taeunbracelet

myirishspring86 said: @peana: So true. Something really "real" is happening between this two, but whatever it is,I prefer them to keep mum about it for now.I want them to enjoy what they have (privately) rather than letting the public know about it. 

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@shirunsaadon: Actually,I think that way too about his last BRI. There is really something going on between this two that only the two of them knew. Him being considerate of Naeun's feelings about asking for his permission first rather than him spilling it, showed that he cared and protected her at the same time.

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Guest zingzing16

myirishspring86 said: I somewhat agree with you. I didn't expect him to hide in a box. .. Personally, I thought, it could've have been better if he just  surprised Naeun by showing up at their dorm's door step. But our young husband has a way of his own in doing things..maybe after he watched this episode,he will realize what would be appropriate  the next time he'll plan for something to surprise his wife. Way to go Taemin-ah :)
I imagined him,showing on the door step, with bouquet of flowers in his hand :)
I think, among the APINK members,Naeun is the one who could actually speak English well. It would be nice if ACUBE would let her  do the job in promoting any of APINK's activities and album overseas in the future. I even expected her to have the English lines in their past songs given to Yookyung  but sadly,ACUBE didn't do so.

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Guest karupin84

Just watched it for the 3rd times..something caught my attention suddenly..Taemin look a bit strange/different during their BRI...manly is one word but there are something else..he look calm/composed or maybe assured is the right word..i don't know..usually he look a bit unsure u know like someone who trying to read his crush action or try to get her attention..but today episode he look like he already over that phase..its like he already know that girl and just try to explain it to us only..its getting fishy seriously..i love that they have their own world outside WGM (their phone call and all) but there are part of me get irritatedly curious..haha
Is manager hoo taken? maybe i just go to korea and seduce him instead so i know more about Taeun's story :))

Today episode make me wonder what happend next week...wish i got Doraemon's time machine..my drawer is useless..envy Nobita.. :-S

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Guest zingzing16

karupin84 said: Just watched it for the 3rd times..something caught my attention suddenly..Taemin look a bit strange/different during their BRI...manly is one word but there are something else..he look calm/composed or maybe assured is the right word..i don't know..usually he look a bit unsure u know like someone who trying to read his crush action or try to get her attention..but today episode he look like he already over that phase..its like he already know that girl and just try to explain it to us only..its getting fishy seriously..i love that they have their own world outside WGM (their phone call and all) but there are part of me get irritatedly curious..haha
Is manager hoo taken? maybe i just go to korea and seduce him instead so i know more about Taeun's story :))

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Guest Crystal Tan

Just watched it for the 3rd times..something caught my attention suddenly..Taemin look a bit strange/different during their BRI...manly is one word but there are something else..he look calm/composed or maybe assured is the right word..i don't know..usually he look a bit unsure u know like someone who trying to read his crush action or try to get her attention..but today episode he look like he already over that phase..its like he already know that girl and just try to explain it to us only..its getting fishy seriously..i love that they have their own world outside WGM (their phone call and all) but there are part of me get irritatedly curious..haha

Is manager hoo taken? maybe i just go to korea and seduce him instead so i know more about Taeun's story :))

Today episode make me wonder what happend next week...wish i got Doraemon's time machine..my drawer is useless..envy Nobita.. :-S

For me I'm glad that everyone is supporting this couple, from SHINee hyungs & mgr, to Apink members & mgr. These are the people close to them and you can tell that all of them sincerely support Taeun (ignore those haters)! With their "close families" support, their mutual feelings for each other, therefore, their feelings were able to "bloom" well. Despite we do not know what is the future holds for them but nevertheless somehow or rather it makes me believe they should b able to maintain this lvl of relationship or even higher!

Anyway, it's late so goodnight/ good morning everyone!

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Okay, here's my random tought after watching last eps.

taemin + the managers = =))

The box, it just painfully awkward, but i understand the rest of a-pink members reaction, they hardly knew the guy, and the whole idea of a man jump out from a box in a girls dorm was kinda creepy :))  .While naeun, i guess she's those type, the one that react 5 minute after the incident. It need to be soaked in first.

A-pink vs girls day, yeah, he probably just want to melt the ice by cracking a joke.

Bed scene, pure gold :x . And i'm giggle non stop at the members antics. Chorong : "What are they doing in there, why won't they come out ?" :)) I love that girl.

Kai disaster, its a joke, a lame joke, but a joke nevertheless. But the one that amuse me are the stuff on twitter/facebook. One of the stuff that circulating are : "a-pink told taemin that naeun is interested in kai". Thats it, just one line, no second sentence like "a-pink members jokingly want to make taemin jealous by telling a false story".
It just funny and kinda ridiculous. I'm just glad last week theres no single line like "Exo perform an event specially for a-pink members" or "kai gave a present to naeun" circulating on the internet without explanation what the event was about.

Anyway great episode and i cant wait for next episode, taemin presents for a-pink members. It probably going to be those farting gadgets.

And personal opinion about naeun diary, i really hope those words on the screencap wont be able to be read or translated. It is a DIARY, a private stuff that no one should ever take a peek at. I dont think anyone like their privacy invaded and laying around on the internet, I know i don't.

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Guest glabahskul

I really like A-Pinks manager' date=' but i wonder what happened to Kung-Fu Panda, their old manager. :([/quote']

I read on twitter,he was naeun's manager.

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