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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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After re-watching episode 25 with english subs, I finally got why HW is marrying SK.  In the first scene he was talking about how his parents loved each other very much and how his mum is so lonely now.  He truly loves JH very much and knows she will always be in his heart and he would always miss her as much as his mum misses his Dad.  He is marrying SK so he would not be lonely. 

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oyeleyeolusina said: rosesinbloom said: I was watching TW closely this episode. Trying to understand his character. In many episodes, he portrays a selfish, possessive, and harsh individual. He fights for his family's honor, and places his wife's needs in the back burner. He seems fearful of his parents, and unfortunately can easily dismiss his wife's concerns. But in this particular episode at the hospital, I could feel his love for JH. His heartfelt worries for his wife was real. Also, TW was kind and respectful toward JH's sister as he listened to her criticize him and his family without provocation. I was touched by how TW acknowledged JH's pain right before he gently kissed her on the forehead, and told her to go with her sister to recuperate and to eat well. He, in the meantime was going to go home and pack some of her belongings, and join her later. Wow! Am I actually feeling a pinch of respect towards TW? :D

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Episode 26 (speculated interpretations)

My usual streaming link is mute for some weird reasons... I wonder why...
So i have to use an alternative streaming link..which gets choppy once in a while...

At sk's home,
sk's mom is giving hyun woo a lashing about jh's identity...
hw tries to explain himself...
sk's mom tells hw not to marry sk.
the wedding is off!
sk runs down to the living room and tells hw to go home now...
sk's mom lashes out again...
sk says yes she will die...if she cannot marry hw?
hw is speechless...
sk yells at hw to return home now...
she runs back up to her room.
sk's mom is mad at her daughter,, she sits down on the sofa clutching her hair..
hw leaves sk's house...
he leaves a voice message for sk...saying he is leaving now...

at jh and tw's house..
tw is looking at hw's msgs to jh...
scrolling up and down the msgs...
he reads hw's msgs intently...
word by word,
sentence by sentence...
tw broods...at jh's table...
he then walks out to the balcony...to ponder and sighs in a pensive mood...

at hye jung's new condo apartment with her daughters...
hye jung prepares breakfast for her two daughters...
they are playing with the big teddy bear jong nam...
she calls them out to have breakfast at the table...
they behave obediently...
hye jung dotes on them....
yuri asks about how long they are living at the apartment?
hye jung answers...
yujin asks about their father...
hye jung asks if yujin misses her father?
yujin says no.. they have jong nam, the teddy bear now...
hye jung smiles at them...albeit sadly...

at cold castle,
tj, mil and fil are having breakfast...
fil lashes out at mil on how she runs the household!
hye jung and her daughters are missing...
where is ji hye?
where is tae wook?
mil explains ji hye is at the hospital.
she then explains where tae wook is?
tj tries to say something...
fil tells him to shut up...
he then talks about hye jung...
mil talks further...
fil then tells tj to persuade hye jung and daughters to return home...
tj feels very helpless...

at mil's bedroom...
she is drinking tea...
she finds the tea scalding hot...and complains!
older maid is apologetic...
she tries to get the cup from mil and replaces a new cup of tea for her...
but mil is mad at the older maid and throws the cup and plate on the floor
scaring the older maid!
she then lashes out at the older maid for not telling her hye jung has left their family!
older maid is helpless...
she tries to pick up the pieces of the cup and plate...but looks at mil in a slight hidden disgust...
mil asks her what is she staring at?
older maid says nothing..
obviously she cannot stand mil.

older maid later visits hye jung at her condo...
she brings over some dishes...
she complains to hye jung about mil...
hye jung says something...
then older maid reveals that ji hye has been admitted to the hospital...
hye jung is shocked to hear the news...

at ji sun's house...
ji sun's in laws are taking good care of ji hye...during breakfast...
ji hye feels a little awkward...and overwhelmed by their enthusiastic gestures...
after eating breakfast for a while..
ji hye retreats to her room to rest..

js' in laws are chatting about ji hye...

while ji hye is resting in her room...
she hears that tae wook has arrived...
she anticipates tw in the room...
tae wook makes small talk with js' in laws...as he brings along jh's bag.

tw enters jh's room
awkward atmosphere...
jh intends to stand up...but tw tells her no need to stand up..sit sit...
he places her bag down on the floor...and sits down.
jh makes small talk with tw...
she asks about his family...
tw seems to tell her not to worry...and rest..
i didn't hear much in this scene...because the video is mute.
tw looks at jh in a weird sad way...
jh asks why is he looking at her like that?
does she look very pale now? (not sure about this line)
he says nothing...
he then says he has to get to work...
then he passes jh's mobile to her...
before he leaves, jh asks tw if he is okay...
tw says yeah... rest well...

as tw is driving towards his workplace...
he is fuming mad over hw's msgs...
he then stops his car and tries to control his emotions..
jh is looking at her mobile in her room...
she checks if she receives any new messages...but no new messages were sent to her...
indeed, tw has deleted hw's msgs...
jh is thinking about tw now...

hw goes to visit sk's house...
he stands outside her gate and tries to reach sk via the intercom...
but sk's mom forbids her to meet hw..
sk throws a tantrum...
sk's mom throws a bigger tantrum...
she tells sk not to marry hw...because hw obviously has kept a woman in his heart...
hw waits in vain, and then leaves to meet kyung min at the bar...

hw and a visibly stressed kyung min have a heart to heart talk
kyung min talks about the prosecutors investigating taejin's businesses...
he is worried...
hw listens to kyung min's complaints...and sorrows...
then kyung min reveals the problems in taejin's family...
he says hyejung is divorcing taejin...and taejin's sister in law has fainted and was admitted into the hospital..
upon hearing this...hw is worried about ji hye...omg...he is totally in his own little ji hye world again!

at hye jung's condo apartment...
taejin has arrived to try to persuade hj to return to cold castle...
he tries to sweet talk her...
but hye jung tells him to leave...she is not changing her mind...

taejin's old lover, the actress is holding a press conference...
she is making a comeback...to showbiz...by acting in a new drama...

tj and evil mil are watching the press conference on tv.
he comments on the actress...
his mom stares at him...
he switches the channel...
the news channel is reporting hyejung is filing a hefty divorce lawsuit with senator taejin...
urm...if i'm not wrong... the amount hj is asking for is....500,000,000,000 KRW = 464,468,183.93 USD
So...hj is asking for...about US $465 million in divorce settlement fees!
Although I thought...US $46 million would seem more reasonable?
they are both shocked...
on the tv news, secretary kim is shown handing in the documents at the registry of marriage's divorce department...
mil and tj are shocked to their wits' ends...
fil comes out and beats up tj...over his inability to persuade hj to return home...

pil ho is waiting for eun hee after work outside her office building.
he is driving a suave dashing blue convertible...
eun hee comes out of the building...
pil ho opens the car door for eun hee
she is flattered but is quite uneasy about the whole date thing...
seung soo is about to reach eun hee's building...
he witnesses eun hee entering pil ho's blue convertible...
he is gritting his teeth madly...

pil ho and eun hee are having a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant...
eun hee is feeling uneasy..throughout the date...
pil ho is trying to confess his feelings for eun hee...
eun hee is trying to come up with an excuse to leave the restaurant..
but pil ho convinces her to stay...

seung soo has followed them to the restaurant...
he deliberately sits at a table next to them...
eun hee notices seung soo...
seung soo makes noises...
pil ho is pissed to see seung soo...
why their english teacher is imposing on them?
pil ho and seung so are about to get into a fight...
eun hee is trying to stop them...
she is desperate and shouts "husband" at seung soo to stop it!
why is he doing this?
pil ho is shocked to see eun hee shout "husband" at seung soo...

outside the restaurant,
pil ho asks if seung soo is really eun hee's husband?
eun hee explains yes...
they make awkward small talk...
pil ho then leaves...

eun hee returns to the restaurant...to have a heart to heart talk with seung soo...
they talk about divorce...
eun hee suddenly displays a determination to divorce him...
she tells him to get prepared...
seung soo doesn't believe..it.
eun hee leaves the restaurant in a huff...after she has had her say...
seung soo chases after her... but the waiter stops him and asks him to pay for the dinner.

seung soo follows eun hee back to her residence at the old lady ceo's place...
jealous that eun hee is living in such a huge estate while he is living under ji sun's roof in a tiny room with chang wook,
seung soo makes sarcastic remarks at eun hee.
eun hee is mad at seung soo and tells him he better go away because the CEO doesn't like him!
seung soo then sarcastically insults eun hee in English, thinking she doesn't understand him at all...
he is laughing at her...when eun hee cannot control herself anymore, and replies in English fluently...
that she understands what seung soo is saying...
she then spurts a string of English vulgarities at seung soo
In English, she tells him not to come near her anymore...as she turns and tries to walk away...
Seung Soo is shocked and grabs eun hee's arm...
Eun Hee then says in English, she is not going to live in his shadow anymore...
Do not go near her again!
then eun hee leaves seung soo and enters the house...
seung soo is left with a shocked expression.. that eun hee can speak such fluent English!
hahaahha...this part is hilarious!

at ji sun's place...
ji hye is having a great time playing cards with chang soo and his parents..
ji hye is having great fun...
chang soo acts like a big brother to ji hye...and guides her on her cards...
ji hye is winning...hahaha

ji sun returns home...tired and exhausted after work...
she is happy to see ji hye having fun at home...
she then tells ji hye to go to ji hye's room with her...
inside the room, ji sun tells ji hye that her sister in law, hong hye jung has filed a divorce lawsuit against taejin...
ji hye is shocked...as she reads the news article on a tablet.
ji sun then badmouths hye jung, saying hj didn't visit ji hye once or asks about her once since she entered the hospital...
ji hye is worried about tae wook and his family...

ji hye calls tae wook to ask about hye jung's case...
tae wook says yes hye jung has decided to divorce taejin.
ji hye asks how is tae wook dealing with all of this...
tae wook says he is stressed over ji hye's problem and taejin's problem now...
ji hye asks tae wook...her problem? what problem is he referring to?
tae wook is silent for a while..
ji hye asks him what is wrong...?
he then says something to change the topic..and says he has to hang up the phone now, as he has to see his mom...
ji hye is visibly worried about tw's words...

tw meets with his mom...
who goes on and on to complain about hye jung...and ji hye...
and how women of lower class doesn't fit with their family...? (not sure about this...)
tw's mom warns tw that if anything happens between him and jh, their family is ruined.
tw listens and broods over what she says...

as tw is walking to his house from cold castle...
he is recalling scenes of his quarrel with ji hye over jh saying that she thinks she is incompatible with his family...
scenes of ji hye bickering with tw after her return from jeju island at the cafe...in episode 2.
scenes of ji hye arguing with tw over the one million us dollars...and her being made to feel unworthy for tw's family on the highway bridge...in episode 2
scenes of ji hye and him having a quarrel at the hotel room over jh's affair with hw...in episode 9.
when he returns home, he decides to call hyun woo to meet with him.
hyun woo is visibly stressed at his office alone..in the middle of the night...
obviously, he is thinking about ji hye's health condition.
hw's phone rings...
he picks up the call, and is shocked to receive a call from tw...
tw asks hw to meet him the next day...

at ji hye's apartment building...
ji hye comes running out of the lobby..
hye jung is waiting by her car outside the building...
ji hye is still shocked to see hye jung...
hye jung asks how is ji hye now?
she asks ji hye if there is a place nearby to sit and chat for a while?

jh and hj are having a chat by the playground.
hj talks about her decision to leave kang family...
i think she talks about her past...her desire to be wealthy with a status?
but then...now she realises she is all wrong...
ji hye listens intently...
then hj talks about smth...
maybe hj is saying sorry to jh for being such a richard simmons sometimes to her...
jh says...hyeong nim...
I think jh asks about yuri and yujin...do they know hj is divorcing tj?
it is quite a long chat...
but it is the first time jh and hj are having a heart to heart talk...
after their chat...hj prepares to leave...
by hj's car...
hj extends her hand out to jh...
jh shakes hj's hand sincerely...
secretary kim passes hj a hamper...
hj passes jh the hamper to wish her a speedy recovery...
jh is a little surprised to receive the hamper...
hj then tells jh to rest well and live well...as this may be the last time they meet each other.
hj enters the car with secretary kim and the car drives off
while jh looks on from behind...

hye jung returns to her condo apartment..
her daughters welcome her passionately...
but...someone is there too...
hj's face becomes crestfallen.
urm... it is none other than...father in law!
father in law sits down with hye jung to have another throw down...
fil asks hj if she wants to die?
hj looks at fil with a resolute expression...which says..."i'm not taking your crap anymore Kang Man Ho!"

hw arrives at the meeting place...seems like a hotel cafe?
hw sees tw waiting for him on the chair...visibly stern...and focused.
hw goes up to him...
tw sees him and stands up...
they look at each other with firm looks...

moment freezes...

end of episode 26!

This episode is a healing episode...for hye jung, ji hye, tae wook and hyun woo...
and a breaking down episode for kang family!

Wonder why tw is recalling those scenes of him and ji hye quarreling in episodes 2 and 9?
is he going to let ji hye go?
why did he ask to meet hyun woo?
what is tw going to say to hyun woo?

what is going through ji hye's mind when she listens to hj's confession and emotional out-pour?
does jh still want to divorce tw?

My god... ji hye...why it seems like you still care for tw?
and why hw seems like he still wants to marry sk?

What is going on???

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Sexydolcevita, please continue with your recap of episode 26, i really appreciate it...my online streaming is very poor, keeps on buffering....thank you

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elzbth said: After re-watching episode 25 with english subs, I finally got why HW is marrying SK.  In the first scene he was talking about how his parents loved each other very much and how his mum is so lonely now.  He truly loves JH very much and knows she will always be in his heart and he would always miss her as much as his mum misses his Dad.  He is marrying SK so he would not be lonely. 

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Annyeong everyone :)

Hi @SexyDolceVita I must say THANK YOU for recapping yesterday and today's episode. I'm not watching LIVE as I don't have the mood to watch weekend dramas now because of ISUG >:) maybe later once JH and HW are together finally then I will watch LIVE :))\

Your profile pic is Nam Sang Mi, you must be a great fan of hers. I like her too since Sweet Spy.

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Guest raminrooz

nzah said: elzbth said: After re-watching episode 25 with english subs, I finally got why HW is marrying SK.  In the first scene he was talking about how his parents loved each other very much and how his mum is so lonely now.  He truly loves JH very much and knows she will always be in his heart and he would always miss her as much as his mum misses his Dad.  He is marrying SK so he would not be lonely. 

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raminrooz said: nzah said: elzbth said: After re-watching episode 25 with english subs, I finally got why HW is marrying SK.  In the first scene he was talking about how his parents loved each other very much and how his mum is so lonely now.  He truly loves JH very much and knows she will always be in his heart and he would always miss her as much as his mum misses his Dad.  He is marrying SK so he would not be lonely. 

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raminrooz said: nzah said: elzbth said: After re-watching episode 25 with english subs, I finally got why HW is marrying SK.  In the first scene he was talking about how his parents loved each other very much and how his mum is so lonely now.  He truly loves JH very much and knows she will always be in his heart and he would always miss her as much as his mum misses his Dad.  He is marrying SK so he would not be lonely. 

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SexyDolceVita said: Thaila said: rosesinbloom said: I was watching TW closely this episode. Trying to understand his character. In many episodes, he portrays a selfish, possessive, and harsh individual. He fights for his family's honor, and places his wife's needs in the back burner. He seems fearful of his parents, and unfortunately can easily dismiss his wife's concerns. But in this particular episode at the hospital, I could feel his love for JH. His heartfelt worries for his wife was real. Also, TW was kind and respectful toward JH's sister as he listened to her criticize him and his family without provocation. I was touched by how TW acknowledged JH's pain right before he gently kissed her on the forehead, and told her to go with her sister to recuperate and to eat well. He, in the meantime was going to go home and pack some of her belongings, and join her later. Wow! Am I actually feeling a pinch of respect towards TW? :D

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When is HW going to finally find out how unhappy JH is and then become a strong man and fight for her? Is he now going to feel sorry for crazy SK and marry her anyhow? And how about JH, enough already of this wishy-washy attitude. Either she accepts this horrible life with the Kang family or GET OUT! We are on chapter 26 and she has not changed at all, she has gotten weaker and weaker! I hope the writers make her finally take a strong stand for herself! I am so disappointed at both characters!

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SexyDolceVita said: Episode 26 (speculated interpretations)

My usual streaming link is mute for some weird reasons... I wonder why...
So i have to use an alternative streaming link..which gets choppy once in a while...

At sk's home,
sk's mom is giving hyun woo a lashing about jh's identity...
hw tries to explain himself...
sk's mom tells hw not to marry sk.
the wedding is off!
sk runs down to the living room and tells hw to go home now...
sk's mom lashes out again...
sk says yes she will die...if she cannot marry hw?
hw is speechless...
sk yells at hw to return home now...
she runs back up to her room.
sk's mom is mad at her daughter,, she sits down on the sofa clutching her hair..
hw leaves sk's house...
he leaves a voice message for sk...saying he is leaving now...

at jh and tw's house..
tw is looking at hw's msgs to jh...
scrolling up and down the msgs...
he reads hw's msgs intently...
word by word,
sentence by sentence...
tw broods...at jh's table...
he then walks out to the balcony...to ponder and sighs in a pensive mood...

at hye jung's new condo apartment with her daughters...
hye jung prepares breakfast for her two daughters...
they are playing with the big teddy bear jong nam...
she calls them out to have breakfast at the table...
they behave obediently...
hye jung dotes on them....
yuri asks about how long they are living at the apartment?
hye jung answers...
yujin asks about their father...
hye jung asks if yujin misses her father?
yujin says no.. they have jong nam, the teddy bear now...
hye jung smiles at them...albeit sadly...

at cold castle,
tj, mil and fil are having breakfast...
fil lashes out at mil on how she runs the household!
hye jung and her daughters are missing...
where is ji hye?
where is tae wook?
mil explains ji hye is at the hospital.
she then explains where tae wook is?
tj tries to say something...
fil tells him to shut up...
he then talks about hye jung...
mil talks further...
fil then tells tj to persuade hye jung and daughters to return home...
tj feels very helpless...

at mil's bedroom...
she is drinking tea...
she finds the tea scalding hot...and complains!
older maid is apologetic...
she tries to get the cup from mil and replaces a new cup of tea for her...
but mil is mad at the older maid and throws the cup and plate on the floor
scaring the older maid!
she then lashes out at the older maid for not telling her hye jung has left their family!
older maid is helpless...
she tries to pick up the pieces of the cup and plate...but looks at mil in a slight hidden disgust...
mil asks her what is she staring at?
older maid says nothing..
obviously she cannot stand mil.

older maid later visits hye jung at her condo...
she brings over some dishes...
she complains to hye jung about mil...
hye jung says something...
then older maid reveals that ji hye has been admitted to the hospital...
hye jung is shocked to hear the news...

at ji sun's house...
ji sun's in laws are taking good care of ji hye...during breakfast...
ji hye feels a little awkward...and overwhelmed by their enthusiastic gestures...
after eating breakfast for a while..
ji hye retreats to her room to rest..

js' in laws are chatting about ji hye...

while ji hye is resting in her room...
she hears that tae wook has arrived...
she anticipates tw in the room...
tae wook makes small talk with js' in laws...as he brings along jh's bag.

tw enters jh's room
awkward atmosphere...
he places her bag down on the floor...
jh makes small talk with tw...
she asks about his family...
tw seems to tell her not to worry...and rest..
i didn't hear much in this scene...because the video is mute.
tw looks at jh in a weird sad way...
jh asks why is he looking at her like that?
he says nothing...
he then says he has to get to work...
then he passes jh's mobile to her...
before he leaves, jh asks tw if he is okay...
tw says yeah... rest well...
as tw is driving towards his workplace...
he is fuming mad over hw's msgs...
he then stops his car and tries to control his emotions..
jh is looking at her mobile in her room...
she checks if she receives any new messages...but no new messages were sent to her...
indeed, tw has deleted hw's msgs...

hw goes to visit sk's house...
he stands outside her gate and tries to reach sk via the intercom...
but sk's mom forbids her to meet hw..
sk throws a tantrum...
sk's mom throws a bigger tantrum...
she tells sk not to marry hw...because hw obviously has kept a woman in his heart...
hw waits in vain, and then leaves to meet kyung min at the bar...

hw and a visibly stressed kyung min have a heart to heart talk
kyung min talks about the prosecutors investigating taejin's businesses...
he is worried...
hw listens to kyung min's complaints...

at hye jung's condo apartment...
taejin has arrived to try to persuade hj to return to cold castle...
he tries to sweet talk her...
but hye jung tells him to leave...she is not changing her mind...

taejin's old lover, the actress is holding a press conference...
she is making a comeback...to showbiz...by acting in a new drama...

tj and evil mil are watching the press conference on tv.
he comments on the actress...
his mom stares at him...
he switches the channel...
the news channel is reporting hyejung is filing a hefty divorce lawsuit with senator taejin...
they are both shocked...
secretary kim is shown handing in the documents at the registry of marriage's divorce department...
mil and tj are shocked to their wits...
fil comes out and beats up tj...over his inability to persuade hj to return home...

pil ho is waiting for eun hee after work outside her office building.
he is driving a suave dashing blue convertible...
eun hee comes out of the building...
pil ho opens the car door for eun hee
she is flattered but is quite uneasy about the whole date thing...
seung soo is about to reach eun hee's building...
he witnesses eun hee entering pil ho's blue convertible...
he is gritting his teeth madly...

pil ho and eun hee are having a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant...
eun hee is feeling uneasy..throughout the date...
pil ho is trying to confess his feelings for eun hee...
eun hee is trying to come up with an excuse to leave the restaurant..
but pil ho convinces her to stay...

seung soo has followed them to the restaurant...
he deliberately sits at a table next to them...
eun hee notices seung soo...
seung soo makes noises...
pil ho is pissed to see seung soo...
why their english teacher is imposing on them?
pil ho and seung so are about to get into a fight...
eun hee is trying to stop them...
she is desperate and shouts "husband" at seung soo to stop it!
why is he doing this?
pil ho is shocked to see eun hee shout "husband" at seung soo...

outside the restaurant,
pil ho asks if seung soo is really eun hee's husband?
eun hee explains yes...
they make awkward small talk...
pil ho then leaves...

eun hee returns to the restaurant...to have a heart to heart talk with seung soo...
they talk about divorce...
eun hee suddenly displays a determination to divorce him...
seung soo doesn't believe..it.
eun hee leaves the restaurant in a huff...after she has had her say...
seung soo chases after her... but the waiter stops him and asks him to pay for the dinner.

seung soo follows eun hee back to her residence at the old lady ceo's place...
they have another heart to heart talk there...
then eun hee leaves seung soo and enters the house...
seung soo is left shocked...

at ji sun's place...
ji hye is having a great time playing cards with chang soo and his parents..
ji hye is having great fun...
chang soo acts like a big brother to ji hye...and guides her on her cards...
ji hye is winning...hahaha

ji sun returns home...tired and exhausted after work...
she is happy to see ji hye having fun at home...
she then tells ji hye to go to ji hye's room with her...
inside the room, ji sun tells ji hye that her sister in law, hong hye jung has filed a divorce lawsuit against taejin...
ji hye is shocked...
ji sun then badmouths hye jung, saying hj didn't visit ji hye once or asks about her once since she entered the hospital...
ji hye is worried about tae wook and his family...

ji hye calls tae wook to ask about hye jung's case...
tae wook says yes hye jung has decided to divorce taejin.
ji hye asks how is tae wook dealing with all of this...
tae wook says he is stressed over ji hye's problem and taejin's problem now...
ji hye asks tae wook...her problem? what problem is he referring to?
tae wook is silent for a while..
he then says something to change the topic..and says he has to hang up the phone now, as he has to see his mom...
ji hye is visibly worried about tw's words...

tw meets with his mom...
who goes on and on to complain about hye jung...
and how women of lower class doesn't fit with their family...? (not sure about this...)

as tw is walking to his house from cold castle...
he is recalling scenes of his quarrel with ji hye over her being incompatible with his family...
scenes of ji hye arguing with tw over the one million us dollars...on the highway bridge...in episode 2
scenes of ji hye and him having a quarrel at the hotel room over hw...in episode 9.
when he returns home, he decides to call hyun woo to meet with him.
hyun woo picks up the call, and is shocked to receive a call from tw...

at ji hye's apartment building...
ji hye comes running out of the lobby..
hye jung is waiting by her car outside the building...
ji hye is still shocked to see hye jung...
hye jung asks how is ji hye now?
she asks ji hye if there is a place nearby to sit and chat for a while?

jh and hj are having a chat by the playground.
hj talks about her decision to leave kang family...
i think she talks about her past...her desire to be wealthy with a status?
but then...now she realises she is all wrong...
ji hye listens intently...
then hj talks about smth...
maybe hj is saying sorry to jh for being such a richard simmons sometimes to her...
jh says...hyeong nim...
it is quite a long chat...
but it is the first time jh and hj are having a heart to heart talk...
after their chat...
by hj's car...
hj extends her hand out to jh...
jh shakes hj's hand sincerely...
secretary kim passes hj a hamper...
hj passes jh the hamper to wish her a speedy recovery...
hj then tells jh to rest well and live well...
hj enters the car and leaves...
while jh looks on from behind...

hye jung returns to her condo apartment..
her daughters welcome her passionately...
but...someone is there too...
urm... it is none other than...father in law!
father in law sits down with hye jung to have another throw down...

hw arrives at the meeting place...seems like a hotel cafe?
hw sees tw waiting for him on the chair...visibly stern...and focused.
hw goes up to him...
tw sees him and stands up...
they look at each other with firm looks...

moment freezes...

end of episode 26!

This episode is a healing episode...for hye jung, ji hye, tae wook and hyun woo...
and a breaking d

what is going through ji hye's mind when she listens to hj's confession and emotional out-pour?
does jh still want to divorce tw?

My god... ji hye...why it seems like you still care for tw?
and why hw seems like he still wants to marry sk?

What is going on???

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sobohomom2 said: SexyDolceVita said: Episode 26 (speculated interpretations)

My usual streaming link is mute for some weird reasons... I wonder why...
So i have to use an alternative streaming link..which gets choppy once in a while...

At sk's home,
sk's mom is giving hyun woo a lashing about jh's identity...
hw tries to explain himself...
sk's mom tells hw not to marry sk.
the wedding is off!
sk runs down to the living room and tells hw to go home now...
sk's mom lashes out again...
sk says yes she will die...if she cannot marry hw?
hw is speechless...
sk yells at hw to return home now...
she runs back up to her room.
sk's mom is mad at her daughter,, she sits down on the sofa clutching her hair..
hw leaves sk's house...
he leaves a voice message for sk...saying he is leaving now...

at jh and tw's house..
tw is looking at hw's msgs to jh...
scrolling up and down the msgs...
he reads hw's msgs intently...
word by word,
sentence by sentence...
tw broods...at jh's table...
he then walks out to the balcony...to ponder and sighs in a pensive mood...

at hye jung's new condo apartment with her daughters...
hye jung prepares breakfast for her two daughters...
they are playing with the big teddy bear jong nam...
she calls them out to have breakfast at the table...
they behave obediently...
hye jung dotes on them....
yuri asks about how long they are living at the apartment?
hye jung answers...
yujin asks about their father...
hye jung asks if yujin misses her father?
yujin says no.. they have jong nam, the teddy bear now...
hye jung smiles at them...albeit sadly...

at cold castle,
tj, mil and fil are having breakfast...
fil lashes out at mil on how she runs the household!
hye jung and her daughters are missing...
where is ji hye?
where is tae wook?
mil explains ji hye is at the hospital.
she then explains where tae wook is?
tj tries to say something...
fil tells him to shut up...
he then talks about hye jung...
mil talks further...
fil then tells tj to persuade hye jung and daughters to return home...
tj feels very helpless...

at mil's bedroom...
she is drinking tea...
she finds the tea scalding hot...and complains!
older maid is apologetic...
she tries to get the cup from mil and replaces a new cup of tea for her...
but mil is mad at the older maid and throws the cup and plate on the floor
scaring the older maid!
she then lashes out at the older maid for not telling her hye jung has left their family!
older maid is helpless...
she tries to pick up the pieces of the cup and plate...but looks at mil in a slight hidden disgust...
mil asks her what is she staring at?
older maid says nothing..
obviously she cannot stand mil.

older maid later visits hye jung at her condo...
she brings over some dishes...
she complains to hye jung about mil...
hye jung says something...
then older maid reveals that ji hye has been admitted to the hospital...
hye jung is shocked to hear the news...

at ji sun's house...
ji sun's in laws are taking good care of ji hye...during breakfast...
ji hye feels a little awkward...and overwhelmed by their enthusiastic gestures...
after eating breakfast for a while..
ji hye retreats to her room to rest..

js' in laws are chatting about ji hye...

while ji hye is resting in her room...
she hears that tae wook has arrived...
she anticipates tw in the room...
tae wook makes small talk with js' in laws...as he brings along jh's bag.

tw enters jh's room
awkward atmosphere...
he places her bag down on the floor...
jh makes small talk with tw...
she asks about his family...
tw seems to tell her not to worry...and rest..
i didn't hear much in this scene...because the video is mute.
tw looks at jh in a weird sad way...
jh asks why is he looking at her like that?
he says nothing...
he then says he has to get to work...
then he passes jh's mobile to her...
before he leaves, jh asks tw if he is okay...
tw says yeah... rest well...
as tw is driving towards his workplace...
he is fuming mad over hw's msgs...
he then stops his car and tries to control his emotions..
jh is looking at her mobile in her room...
she checks if she receives any new messages...but no new messages were sent to her...
indeed, tw has deleted hw's msgs...

hw goes to visit sk's house...
he stands outside her gate and tries to reach sk via the intercom...
but sk's mom forbids her to meet hw..
sk throws a tantrum...
sk's mom throws a bigger tantrum...
she tells sk not to marry hw...because hw obviously has kept a woman in his heart...
hw waits in vain, and then leaves to meet kyung min at the bar...

hw and a visibly stressed kyung min have a heart to heart talk
kyung min talks about the prosecutors investigating taejin's businesses...
he is worried...
hw listens to kyung min's complaints...

at hye jung's condo apartment...
taejin has arrived to try to persuade hj to return to cold castle...
he tries to sweet talk her...
but hye jung tells him to leave...she is not changing her mind...

taejin's old lover, the actress is holding a press conference...
she is making a comeback...to showbiz...by acting in a new drama...

tj and evil mil are watching the press conference on tv.
he comments on the actress...
his mom stares at him...
he switches the channel...
the news channel is reporting hyejung is filing a hefty divorce lawsuit with senator taejin...
they are both shocked...
secretary kim is shown handing in the documents at the registry of marriage's divorce department...
mil and tj are shocked to their wits...
fil comes out and beats up tj...over his inability to persuade hj to return home...

pil ho is waiting for eun hee after work outside her office building.
he is driving a suave dashing blue convertible...
eun hee comes out of the building...
pil ho opens the car door for eun hee
she is flattered but is quite uneasy about the whole date thing...
seung soo is about to reach eun hee's building...
he witnesses eun hee entering pil ho's blue convertible...
he is gritting his teeth madly...

pil ho and eun hee are having a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant...
eun hee is feeling uneasy..throughout the date...
pil ho is trying to confess his feelings for eun hee...
eun hee is trying to come up with an excuse to leave the restaurant..
but pil ho convinces her to stay...

seung soo has followed them to the restaurant...
he deliberately sits at a table next to them...
eun hee notices seung soo...
seung soo makes noises...
pil ho is pissed to see seung soo...
why their english teacher is imposing on them?
pil ho and seung so are about to get into a fight...
eun hee is trying to stop them...
she is desperate and shouts "husband" at seung soo to stop it!
why is he doing this?
pil ho is shocked to see eun hee shout "husband" at seung soo...

outside the restaurant,
pil ho asks if seung soo is really eun hee's husband?
eun hee explains yes...
they make awkward small talk...
pil ho then leaves...

eun hee returns to the restaurant...to have a heart to heart talk with seung soo...
they talk about divorce...
eun hee suddenly displays a determination to divorce him...
seung soo doesn't believe..it.
eun hee leaves the restaurant in a huff...after she has had her say...
seung soo chases after her... but the waiter stops him and asks him to pay for the dinner.

seung soo follows eun hee back to her residence at the old lady ceo's place...
they have another heart to heart talk there...
then eun hee leaves seung soo and enters the house...
seung soo is left shocked...

at ji sun's place...
ji hye is having a great time playing cards with chang soo and his parents..
ji hye is having great fun...
chang soo acts like a big brother to ji hye...and guides her on her cards...
ji hye is winning...hahaha

ji sun returns home...tired and exhausted after work...
she is happy to see ji hye having fun at home...
she then tells ji hye to go to ji hye's room with her...
inside the room, ji sun tells ji hye that her sister in law, hong hye jung has filed a divorce lawsuit against taejin...
ji hye is shocked...
ji sun then badmouths hye jung, saying hj didn't visit ji hye once or asks about her once since she entered the hospital...
ji hye is worried about tae wook and his family...

ji hye calls tae wook to ask about hye jung's case...
tae wook says yes hye jung has decided to divorce taejin.
ji hye asks how is tae wook dealing with all of this...
tae wook says he is stressed over ji hye's problem and taejin's problem now...
ji hye asks tae wook...her problem? what problem is he referring to?
tae wook is silent for a while..
he then says something to change the topic..and says he has to hang up the phone now, as he has to see his mom...
ji hye is visibly worried about tw's words...

tw meets with his mom...
who goes on and on to complain about hye jung...
and how women of lower class doesn't fit with their family...? (not sure about this...)

as tw is walking to his house from cold castle...
he is recalling scenes of his quarrel with ji hye over her being incompatible with his family...
scenes of ji hye arguing with tw over the one million us dollars...on the highway bridge...in episode 2
scenes of ji hye and him having a quarrel at the hotel room over hw...in episode 9.
when he returns home, he decides to call hyun woo to meet with him.
hyun woo picks up the call, and is shocked to receive a call from tw...

at ji hye's apartment building...
ji hye comes running out of the lobby..
hye jung is waiting by her car outside the building...
ji hye is still shocked to see hye jung...
hye jung asks how is ji hye now?
she asks ji hye if there is a place nearby to sit and chat for a while?

jh and hj are having a chat by the playground.
hj talks about her decision to leave kang family...
i think she talks about her past...her desire to be wealthy with a status?
but then...now she realises she is all wrong...
ji hye listens intently...
then hj talks about smth...
maybe hj is saying sorry to jh for being such a richard simmons sometimes to her...
jh says...hyeong nim...
it is quite a long chat...
but it is the first time jh and hj are having a heart to heart talk...
after their chat...
by hj's car...
hj extends her hand out to jh...
jh shakes hj's hand sincerely...
secretary kim passes hj a hamper...
hj passes jh the hamper to wish her a speedy recovery...
hj then tells jh to rest well and live well...
hj enters the car and leaves...
while jh looks on from behind...

hye jung returns to her condo apartment..
her daughters welcome her passionately...
but...someone is there too...
urm... it is none other than...father in law!
father in law sits down with hye jung to have another throw down...

hw arrives at the meeting place...seems like a hotel cafe?
hw sees tw waiting for him on the chair...visibly stern...and focused.
hw goes up to him...
tw sees him and stands up...
they look at each other with firm looks...

moment freezes...

end of episode 26!

This episode is a healing episode...for hye jung, ji hye, tae wook and hyun woo...
and a breaking d

what is going through ji hye's mind when she listens to hj's confession and emotional out-pour?
does jh still want to divorce tw?

My god... ji hye...why it seems like you still care for tw?
and why hw seems like he still wants to marry sk?

What is going on???

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