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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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It is also funny <:-P <:-P how Eun Sangy told her mom (Ep 4 at 26 minutes) to "seduce a rich man" <:-P <:-P as a quickest solution to get them out of their situation (i.e. no need to stay at Tan's house). Living with no freedom under somebody else home. Have to talk silently, eat leftovers in the kitchen with no chairs and walk tip-toeing. <:-P <:-P But in the end it was, Eun Sangy who is the one that managed to "seduce a rich boy", <:-P <:-P i.e. Tan's dad paid (plus with interest) her passed away dad's debts and got both ladies out of their situation. <:-P <:-P

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I am having a tough time sharing my thoughts here because I am still in my withdrawal mode :(( Heck, I haven't even finished watching Ep 20 completely because every time I tried to I will feel this stabbing pain in my chest. Yes, I am that obsessed! I am currently reading the PSH-LMH shipper section of this forum so that I won't feel like I'm missing The Heirs so much, and assuming that the drama hasn't ended! I cannot wait for the SBS drama award, will we be able to live stream the show too? I hope we can. And I also cannot wait for the DVD to be out... I feel like the subtitles there would be different, right? Sometimes I think different subtitle version gives a completely different meaning to every scene. So I am assuming I'll watch a completely new show, however it means! :>

Stay together, chinggu! I feel sad too seeing the number of online members is decreasing each day. It really feels like it has ended, though it already has. Denial, denial, denial~!

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Will Kim Tan join the Broadcasting/Journalism Club (Eun Sangy is the Club's Freshman Director Ep3), :P:P now that Hyo Shin sunbaenim is no longer in-charge of the club (HS joined for 3 years)? Perhaps Tan can make his :P:P romance (dirty, dangerous, passionate love drama that Hyo Shin like to make) (Ep3) movie, that he always wanted Eun Sangy to divert to. Eun Sangy can collaborate with Tan for her beloved horror 8-X 8-X with Tan's romance :P:P mix called "ho-man-ce", together with her thriller 8-X 8-X scary, occult, splatter genre movie, (Ep12) 8-X 8-X "Hello Sydney", "Scream!", "Friday the 13th", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". 8-X 8-X They can direct, produce, script-write, act and distribute that "ho-man-ce" movie". =)) =)) Someone (Eun Sangy) fainted in the movie, while another (Tan) piggy-back her to the house, sound familiar, isn't it? =)) =))

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Episode 20 - let's continue to go straight ahead

So it's over and I'm feeling sad because there will be no more episodes and happy because I’m relieved that I liked the ending. Congrats to the Heirs cast and crew for making a great drama and ending things with the highest ratings of the drama: 25.6 %! I hope we will see the team at many award shows at the end of the year! Other award shows will be fun but the SBS drama awards will be madness! Muhahaha! I don't want to be in SBS shoes in trying to rank their fantastic Wednesday-Thursday line-up this year! lol

I want to thank all the people posting in this thread, due to all the discussions about lipstick, icebergs, fluffy pink cardigans, a petition to never play 'Love is the moment' again, fangirling about the closet kiss and discussing if writer-nim should be kidnapped to give YD a real shot at ES, I had more fun watching this drama. lol And I want to thank @Enonane1%20., @briseis, @akane_tran, @iamafan1 and all the other people who escape my mind at the moment who posted/shared their insightful views and personal experiences about the characters and the storyline and made my viewing so much more meaningful. I started to watch Heirs, because I liked KES' writing from Secret Garden, love LMH's acting, became interested in PSH after seeing her act in Flower Boy Next Door, knowing KWB from School 2013 and getting swept off my feet by a certain Gumiho father called CJH. But I stayed because of the unexpected cuteness of BN/CY couple, the surprise of two ajummas becoming my second OTP, getting my heart broken by Tan, YD and ES, the likability of OTP and because of my favorite pair of K-drama brothers Kim Tan and Won. This is only my 4th drama that I watched live and because of everyone in this thread I had a great time. So thank you!


YD and Tan are still standing on the rooftop. They both feel cold and dark because of their fathers' unsure future. Throughout the drama, Kim Tan slowly re-connected with his friends and family after leaving his exile in the US and being shown by ES that there is more than just living in the day for people who living itself is a struggle. He got inspired by a girl that has a harder life than himself and shared the pain of getting rejected by a beloved family member. ES lost her dream of following her sister whom she admired like a distance dream and Tan found the courage to have a dream by meeting her. They exchanged the ownership of the dream catcher creating a good dream shared by both of them. And throughout the drama they tried to make it reality.

Tan receives his notebook from his teacher in America. He has added the question of which crown Tan was trying to wear: wealth, fame or love. It obviously always has been love for Kim Tan, the love of his brother, mother and ES. So Tan answers that Won chose wealth by becoming the new owner of the study room but crying every night, making the house he has lived in into his own exile. Tan also describes how he has become a high school senior, a dream he never had before, and we get to see a glimpse of MS' hidden seriousness. Every one of the kids realized that the other were having problems of their own becoming slowly adults. Being 18 just makes everything feel more intense. Tan and ES meet at the bench at school and ES asks him about his birthday wish. Tan wished for everyone he knew to become happy and he describes his dream of inviting them to a party in 10 years. And that he wishes that even then ES will be there at the end of the road with him. ES always being the realist points out that seeing all these people smiling at the same time is very unlikely. Tan says that's why it's a wish. ES hopes that his dream will come true.

Tan is an interesting character, his journey isn't as dramatic as YD, he already changed after leaving Korea, going from the bully to the lonely quiet boy we meet at the beginning of the drama. He has acquaintances with who he spends time but he isn't really close with anybody, there are a lot of scenes where we see him writing in his journal or just thinking. He is doing what his brother wants from him, just living in the day, because he wants to win his brother's affection. Then he meets ES. Besides becoming interested in her through her fight with her sister, he also seems to realize after he spends a few days with her that he misses the human interaction which comes from living together with someone. He tries to prevent ES from leaving because he is starved for affection and just wants to be with someone a little bit longer after his family abandoned him. Won was the one who send him away but his father and mother didn't do anything against it. So in his attempts to win ES' love and spend time with her, he appears more desperate and straight forward because he already knows how it feels to get rejected and live without love. One of the things, I really liked was that Kim Tan didn't immediately follow ES to Korea. No, he thought about his life in the US and his family in Korea and then he decided to return. So ES was definitely the stone that nudged him in the direction and gave him the courage to turn down his brother's wish of staying in exile but she wasn't the only reason. Since Kim Tan's life is basically without worries besides his difficult family situation, he has the luxury to dream and think. So, it's no surprise that the is the dreamer/romantic in his relationship with ES. It's almost like he is the dream and ES the reality who met on a Midsummer day. And after all their struggles they become a realistic dream: Tan turning more realistic and instead of promising to remove all the thresholds in ES' way, he knows that they will fall again but can get up together and move on. ES learns to not only see the most likely outcome but dares to dream of a positive turn by knowing they can get hurt but still keep going straight ahead closer to a better future.


ES the girl who doesn't have time for all the usual high school students’ dreams of having a boyfriend or just having time for herself, becomes the dream of someone else: Kim Tan. But ES doesn't allow herself to be swayed by Tan's dream-like words because she knows she will be the one that suffers a harsher reality as a consequence. Although, ES likes to compare herself to a vanishing dream, she is more like the returning reality after the dream has vanished. She asks the important questions of how Tan envisions them to be a couple, how they will overcome the hurdles of his father's opposition and how he will prevent himself from getting hurt. Yes, ES cries a lot in the 20 episodes of this drama but the situation always justifies her short break downs. She simply cries and then tries to move on with her life. That's why she is able to go on when she and Tan separate and Tan refuses to continue like normal and becomes self-destructive instead.

Tan's character further denies ES being a simple weak female that cries, I mean who cries more than Tan in Heirs? lol And I don't see him as weak or question his masculinity for crying so much, so why should ES' crying be a sign of her weakness or femininity? The writer likes to break down both equally and presents reasons for it, so ES and Tan toughening up and crying less all of a sudden would have been a really weird turn of events. I mean ES' character even says that she is trying to hold it in but her life always decides to turn dramatic.

ES reveals in this episode that she found out the identity of the person who draws the chalk body line: every day it's a different student of Jeguk high school. Also ES now sees how every one of these rich kids has a burden to carry as well and hopes that they will learn more from it than just being hurt and breaking apart. Further explaining what kind of reasons writer-nim had for writing Heirs, we get a playful scene with BN, CY and YS: Being 18 is a special time. Everything is more dramatic. It's the time to cause yourself pain and feel lonely but also fight a big hurdle/enemy and have big dreams with a passionate heart. And even if you don't like this little exposition scene, I thought it was worth the little fan service of seeing BN and CY kiss.

ES' mother tells her daughter about her sister contacting her again. And we see how much ES changed. It's a reversed mirror of the first episode. All tough she still complains about her sister's selfish behavior, she also wants her sister to know that she's happy and wishes her well. ES has found a dream and hope in her life which doesn't change her life into a fairytale but let's her look forward to the future. No matter if it will be only a secretary job or something else, she will continue to walk straight ahead with Kim Tan on her side and continue living her life.

Tan & ES

Tan returns return from his business trip, he visits ES at work and they hug. I still find it cute that Tan is always the one that seems to be a little bit happier to see her. The way he leans into the hug and just seems happy being able to hug her, gives me butterflies. When they talk ES notices his mood and tries to cheer him up by promising that she didn't cheat on him. I see ES making fun of Tan's jealousy all the time in their shared future. lol

Tan and ES visit his father in the hospital. And we see first signs of him taking a liking to ES by agreeing to accept her books. He even jokes around a little bit, informing ES that he will have to live very very long if he has to stay healthy until ES has repaid her debt to him. I love that Kim Tan has no clue what they're talking about. Since there was no time jump it's difficult to tell but I think the chairman will warm up to ES over the years. ES is just too clever to not break his defenses.

Tan and ES are walking hand in hand in the snow. Tan and ES describe how they separated and reunited at 18 which makes me think that this scene is set a few years in the future. They bicker around how ES still hasn't bought Tan a meal and if she refuses to do it because she wants to cook for Tan, making him wonder if he perhaps received a proposal from her. ES sticks her tongue out, denies and walks away a short distance but in the end she waits for him. They hold hands again and say that although they might end up kneeling again, they will keep walking forward, looking at each other lovingly. Ending Tan and ES' story this way doesn't show us how exactly their future will look like but by them promising each other to go always straight forward no matter what happens, the how doesn't matter or we can imagine it, because in the end, they found the courage to simply keep holding onto the other's hand regardless of the circumstances. It makes me think of the novel ES quoted when she worked in the bookstore: "What love is there besides that? Besides the fact that I couldn't let go of that hand".


Despite it being the final episode, writer-nim gave the most memorable scenes to somebody else than our OTP. I love the ending scene of them walking in the snow but there is simply something so raw about the scene of YD and his mother meeting for the first time in years. The same way Kim Tan managed to make my heart ache for him, YD's simple quiet 'Omma' had the exact same effect. Yes, seeing YD having a girlfriend would have been nice but for his character it's so much more satisfying to see him meet the person that he longed for, his mother. I think if they had shown us their first meal after the reunion, I would have been a crying mess.

YD and his father have a goodbye dinner and his father's lawyers are trying to reassure him the next day that he doesn't need to worry. I didn't think it was possible to change my view about YD's father so much. He's still an awful father in my eyes but at least he cares about what happens to his son. I got a little teary when the lawyers gave him his father’s message of there still being rules, almost like a promise that no matter what, he will always be YD's father and take care of him in some way.

YD apologizes to the kid that he used to bully in the past. To be honest, I was surprised by this scene but I loved what it said about YD's character. He has started thinking about his past actions and the hurt he caused. When he goes to see his mother but can't bring up the courage to face her but instead is crying outside the cafe, it felt so bad for him. YD being on the route of self-realization doesn't stop there. So it's no surprise when he and Tan sit awkwardly together in his room and he indirectly also apologizes for his behavior to Kim Tan's mother. YD uses it as an excuse for helping Tan. And even though his last scene with Kim Tan is passing by each other without a word, the fact that neither of them know how to grow distant or make up means that they will always have some kind of relationship and care about what the other one does. They might be too shy to call it friendship but who knows what will happen in 10 years, if he comes to the party like Tan imagined they might have learned to make up by then. lol

YD is at the motorbike shop again but this time it's for a safety inspection. He remembers his real first meeting with ES when another girl delivering chicken walks in. He symbolically lets go of ES and puts a band aid on his cut finger and heart, allowing it both to heal over the time it needs.

YD goes to his mother for the second time and they finally have their tearful reunion. And no matter if he will live with her in the future, I believe that YD will be OK now because he has learned how to apologize and he has people that care about him even if they don't talk about it. I'm sure he will overcome the pain of losing his mother all these years ago by creating new memories with her. He's no longer there unchanging but has joined Kim Tan on the road of becoming an adult.


His ending reminded of being careful what you wish for because you might not like it. All this time, Won longed to be in control of the company, the chairman's study room, but sacrificing HJ in order to obtain it makes it value seem small in comparison. The sad thing is that there were ways to avoid this sacrifice, by combining forces with Kim Tan sooner or by forcing a fight against his father but just like YD not knowing that he gave up his last chance to eat with his mother for years, when he choose to ignore Tan, Won didn't know that he would have to fight a tougher opponent than his father which would force him to make his decision. I like to think that Won will get a 2nd chance with HJ in the distant future or that he will find happiness without HJ  in other ways like secretary Yoon did.

Tan and Won move back home. Won tries to mobilize as many allies as possible, he even asks his brother to go to YD and convince them to support them. Tan wants his promise in return to keep doing business with hotel Zeus no matter what happens to YD's father. Secretary Yoon visits Esther and she agrees to side with Won and Tan as a favor to him, saying their goodbye. Won meets with the telecom daughter and seems to set up their marriage in exchange for her and her father's support.

It's the day of the voting. The Kim brothers manage to win by a small margin and the chairman is allowed to stay at the company but JS warns Won that this is only the beginning. But Won has learned from this experience who his enemies and allies are.

HJ reads the news about Won marrying the rich daughter of the telephone company at a bus station. She cries and seems to have come to a decision because next we see her and Won sitting in a cafe. She finally makes her wish. She breaks the wishbone and wants them to break up. She doesn't blame Won nor does she curse him for letting her find out from a news article. She says that she knew that they were far apart so Won shouldn't feel sorry about it. And with this they break up, making me think how different things could have been if Won had fought for his love a little bit more, if he didn't get distracted by his paranoia about Kim Tan, if he found a different way to strengthen the company prior to the collapse of the chairman. But Won made his choice and he will have to learn to live with this regret.

Won and Tan argue about Won marrying so suddenly. Won wants Tan to stay by his side and have his back. He will still be lonely but it's better with Tan here. He asks Tan to take his business lessons seriously from now on and not have any other dreams, which is not really a big sacrifice because we haven't seen Tan thinking about a certain dream job or anything. It also seems that Won will have more of a family to draw strength from in the future, Tan's mother, Tan and Won, they all seem to have grown closer after waiting together anxiously for the outcome of the chairman's surgery. When the good news that the chairman will be OK was shared by the doctors, they looked like a real family.

I also think that Won will have a real friend and ally in Yoon and that his appearance on the fishing trip will be only the beginning. CY and his father are on a father-son trip and we learn that CY will be probably living under BN' control in college and love it. They're interrupted by Won and Tan showing up. Won and Yoon's faces are priceless when they learn about the other kid's ranking in the final exam. Yoon being shocked that you could be happy with your child placing 50th and Won being upset that Tan did so much worse than CY in school. Lol Poor Tan, I see Won comparing him to Yoon's son now all the time.

The older Kim brother who only had limited screen time still managed to show an interesting character development throughout the drama. At the beginning, I had trouble understanding why he treated his half-brother coldly but writer-nim filled in the blanks nicely. Growing up together with Tan after his father brought his mistress into the house without divorcing his wife and having experienced how his father and his relatives fought for the company made him choose to not invest his feelings into a doomed relationship with his little brother. Most of the paranoia shown throughout the drama certainly came from how his own father continuously trying to undermine his leadership as the president of Jeguk group. But since the chairman had to do a lot of backstabbing and deal with betrayals from his own family to become the owner of the company, I can somehow understand why he wanted himself, Tan and Won to be alert of each other at all times. It's easy for Won to ignore his brother when he was only having small problems but when Tan broke down, he simply couldn't keep himself from helping and acknowledging his little brother for the first time. 

The ajummas

I think if LMH and PSH as ES and Kim Tan didn't have great chemistry, I still would have continued to route for them as a couple because I have a weakness for the womance/friendship of their mothers. Kim Tan's mother might seem arrogant, mean and her luxury a cause for envy but her tears and sad fate makes it hard not to feel for her. ES' mother might seem weak, quiet and a cause for pity but her strength in character and opinion got shown in how she takes care of her daughter and Kim Tan's mother. She understands that her being mean is simply an outlet for her helplessness at her situation. Trapped in a house as a mistress and having her son be the child of the woman that taunts her for it, the official wife. I loved how ES' mother throughout the drama was always the voice of reason for Tan's mother. Telling her that she should have used a disposable phone to hire the photographer or how she made fun of her when she was wallowing in self-pity when she told her that there was a book called 'It hurts because you're a mistress'. lol I have a hard time deciding which of their characters I like more because I simply loved every scene of them together. Tan's mother got to show more and more of her good heart throughout the drama and ES' mother become the most balanced character on the drama. She is not ashamed of being a housekeeper; it's her work after all. She doesn't hesitate to defend her daughter against her employer when Tan and ES got found out by his mother. And she comforts her ex-employer and friend by sitting on the beach with her when she cries. So seeing Tan's mother fulfilling her dream of walking outside, holding the hand of her son, I liked to think that no matter if she returns to the chairman or not, after all the chairman and JS will finally divorce, I hope it will be her decision now and that she will find a way to keep her friendship with ES' mother alive, fulfilling her son's wish of them talking like close friends on his imagined party.

Rachel and HS

HS is saying his goodbyes and we finally find out what kind of rebellion he has planned. And it's thankfully not another suicide attempt. He wishes ES and Tan to become a boring romance movie which is hopefully a hint to his future after his military service. Tan finds out about HS going to the military. He rushes to the train station to say goodbye. They hug and HS promises to return safely.

Esther seems to have woken up and tries to care of her daughter. She wants to go on vacation with her, two single women, and sends Rachel to a doctor to get a prescription for sleeping pills. She noticed that Rachel had started to take hers. There Rachel and HS meet once more. They share secrets with each other and HS' cryptic answer if he got a girl waiting for him, makes me hope that sometime these two will find together. 

Despite not becoming a real couple at the end of the drama, there are more than enough hints that at some point in the future they will become one. Even if it takes 10 years to have them go on a date at HS' movie premiere like in Tan's day dream, I'm sure it will happen. The timing has to be right and I think after Rachel takes over her mother's company and HS becomes a successful director, they might have good chances to have a successful relationship.

I hope you were able to enjoy writer-nim's ending for this story, I sure did. She didn't end things on exploring the future of OTP but nonetheless Heirs got a fitting ending, because ES and Tan will continue to go straight forward, no matter the obstacles, no matter the hardships. It's a promise that they will make it and we only have to imagine the rest like Kim Tan did. And I know four simple words will never be the same again: "Love is the moooment". lol Thank you, Heirs team!  And in case you feel a little bit disappointed with the ending I'm gonna leave you with the following quote from another TV show:

Endings are hard. Anybody with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. Chuck (fictional character and writer himself)

I think writer-nim really tried and it's not like she wants to disappoint but simply the task of writing a perfect and satisfying ending for all fans is an impossibility.

I'm not sure if Heirs will become a personal favorite of mine, only time will tell. It didn't leave me with the same instant impression like Secret Garden but that could be because it was my first KES' drama and at that time her writing seemed like a beacon of light compared to the rest. It got everything that I look for in a drama. Flawed characters, backstory and no simple good or bad explanation, reoccurring themes and a well-crafted ongoing storyline and secondary/third characters who might have limited screen time but each get their moment to shine and impress you. I believe I expected more comedy of Heirs and got more melo and heartbreak instead and now that it's over I have trouble deciding how I feel about it, maybe because it makes me feel melo myself. lol But since I already started to re-watch the drama and keep watching the ES/Tan scenes...I think it's on a good way.

Thank you writer-nim for making me appreciate PSH as an actress more, I mean more than one fan seems to have caught the Kim Tan virus of finding ES getting prettier with every scene, and for creating this wonderful drama which was different from what I expected but nonetheless entertaining. And I hope ES and Kim Tan will be forever stuck in their closet...lol


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@shewoonmoon \m/ \m/ Weird that Choi Young Do being a 17 years old/11th grader boy in Heirs, due to his "real-life" image (I know he is a model first before an actor, plus he is very conscience over his image), \m/ \m/ but in Heirs, he doesn't wear sports shoes like the rest. Kim Tan, Cha Eun Sang and the rest of Jeguk students mostly wear sports shoes to school. But Young Do until the last episode (Ep20), he never wear the white shirt or a tie, only wear the Jeguk blazer. \m/ \m/ Plus he wears dress shoes to school. \m/ \m/ Dress shoes (derby shoes at that) is what an adult usually wear at smart casual or formal event. \m/ \m/ Young Do should wear as a student should, especially since he is no longer a rebellious teenager. 8-} 8-} Someone at this forum, mentioned earlier, (sorry, can't remember what page number and whom to credit to), that Kim Woo Bin's powerful management agency, SidusHQ, 8-} 8-} put pressure on Writer KES to ensure that Young Do character shine the most in this drama, The Heirs. 8-} 8-} Hence resulting in KWB script/story-lines, even all his fashionable attires and scenes are the most memorable to fans and sky-rocket his image to greater heights amongst the casts. Is that why, Woo Bin get to don like a model and not as a 17 year-old student should be dressed at school. ^:)^ ^:)^ No offense, to a lot of Young Do fans here, just my observation and my humble opinion, from the drama. Please, pardon me. Thank you. ^:)^ ^:)^ https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1507965_701410536565518_1841217947_n.jpg

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someone can translate? talking ablut Kim Tan? The Heirs?
대만Fion ‏@fion12152m

#SBSAWARDS 김탄을 통해 감동적인 연기를 보여 주며 행복하게 해 준 우리의 민호 쒸!이 배우님에게 감사드린다는 말씀을 꼭 전하고 싶습니다!자랑스러운 이배우님!앞으로도 열심히 응원해 드릴게요!반드시 대상을 받으시길!

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FanCam BTS LMH and PSH -- they are so cute.. :))
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"[131012]The Heirs - 演員們的番外篇Actors' funny story

credit: Hayden 
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Guest omgitscrystal

Another fanmade video :P
Used JunSu's Love Is Like Snowflakes from Nice Guy OST! ^^
I think the mood suits KT and ES very well ^^

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Guest skullee


said: @shewoonmoon \m/ \m/ Weird that Choi Young Do being a 17 years old/11th grader boy in Heirs, due to his "real-life" image (I know he is a model first before an actor, plus he is very conscience over his image), \m/ \m/ but in Heirs, he doesn't wear sports shoes like the rest. Kim Tan, Cha Eun Sang and the rest of Jeguk students mostly wear sports shoes to school. But Young Do until the last episode (Ep20), he never wear the white shirt or a tie, only wear the Jeguk blazer. \m/ \m/ Plus he wears dress shoes to school. \m/ \m/ Dress shoes (derby shoes at that) is what an adult usually wear at smart casual or formal event. \m/ \m/ Young Do should wear as a student should, especially since he is no longer a rebellious teenager. 8-} 8-} Someone at this forum, mentioned earlier, (sorry, can't remember what page number and whom to credit to), that Kim Woo Bin's powerful management agency, SidusHQ, 8-} 8-} put pressure on Writer KES to ensure that Young Do character shine the most in this drama, The Heirs. 8-} 8-} Hence resulting in KWB script/story-lines, even all his fashionable attires and scenes are the most memorable to fans and sky-rocket his image to greater heights amongst the casts. Is that why, Woo Bin get to don like a model and not as a 17 year-old student should be dressed at school. ^


^ ^


^ No offense, to a lot of Young Do fans here, just my observation and my humble opinion, from the drama. Please, pardon me. Thank you. ^


^ ^


^ https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1507965_701410536565518_1841217947_n.jpg

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