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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Episode 17 - tears, tears, tears - Poor LMH should get a crying bonus!

I think the enjoyment of this episode will depend on how you like your romance story, filled with cuteness and hot kisses, or if you prefer the occasional heartbreak to make the happy moments more intense. Well, since I got outed in this thread already. lol I like it if a writer can make me cry. Meaning I loved this episode from the very first second to the last moment, I got teary eyes when I first read the live recap, I cried when I watched it without subs and I got all chocked up when I watched it over and over again. Heirs might have had a slow build-up but it certainly delivers with its reveals.

Tan is still crying in the apartment, he tries to call ES while wandering the streets. I like this scene even more than the emotional break-down before. Tan cries and looks totally devastated when he sits there under the street lights. At the beginning, I was actually confused why Kim Tan was acting like ES had died and he will never see her again. Then I remembered that I knew that ES was still in Korea but Tan didn't have a clue what his father had done with her. I wonder if I had reacted more emotional if I didn't choose to spoil myself but then again, I really cried a lot during this episode so maybe it was a good thing. lol

Tan comes home and talks to his father. At this point, I want the chairman to take 'Parenting 101' and get re-educated by secretary Yoon in how to properly raise your kids. Poor Tan is obviously shaken by ES' departure and the chairman doesn't find a single word of comfort in himself, he can only blame Tan by saying it is his fault that he lost her. I understand that he wants to keep ES away and teach his son a lesson but he could explain to Tan that he will forget her and just try to comfort him. But nope, he doesn't even think about it. I'm sorry if this post sometimes digresses into an 'I can't wait to see Tan's father suffer' rant but writer-nim managed to make me really really look forward to that moment. I don't really care what happens to him but I at least want him to live alone for the rest of his miserable life...sorry, focus on Tan and ES!

CY and his father talk about Tan and ES and we learn that she got help from secretary Yoon to avoid leaving the country and stayed somewhere in Korea. The next day in school, both Tan and YD try to ask CY for ES' whereabouts. And writer-nim introduces with CY the second person who tells Tan that it is probably his fault that ES is gone. YD and Tan decide to look for her in their own ways.

Won and Yoon have made things official. No, they haven't declared their love for each other but became Vice President and President. And of course, they have couple nameplates. Their bromance is so cute. I was never in doubt that Yoon would pick Won's side. They always bicker and enjoy their company. I hope the two can successfully counter all the chairman's meddling with Jeguk company. Maybe they could just send him on vacation to the BOF's island and forget to pick him up again forever. lol

Tan is searching for ES. He looks at the CCTV recordings, has HS confirm that she didn't leave the country and finally, he sees her. She is standing in front of the moving truck full of boxes and is waving goodbye to him, planting maybe the seed of doubt in him that ES was not in fact dragged away by the chairman and all Kim Tan had to do was find her.

YD and Tan have different strategies looking for ES. YD's is definitely the more amusing one. He pretends to be ES and writes a message on his hotel’s website and then calls his lawyer. Meanwhile, Tan gets the black box memory cards of the nearby cars and buys ES' old phone number. So Tan and YD bicker about YD writing ES a message and YD getting excited for nothing because he believed Tan was ES. lol Tan gets a text message for a credit card use of ES to her old number. It doesn't name the exact location so Tan spends the whole night until morning calling possible stores of the mentioned company when he finally gets lucky. Meanwhile Tan's father finds out that ES with the help of secretary Yoon didn't leave the country as planned.

Tan goes to the seaside town where the credit card was used. He runs around the town looking for ES when he sees the 'I love California' T-shirt. ES and her mother walk on the beach, ES works in a bookshop but her mother has trouble finding any work. ES tries to not show her worry but once we see her without her mother, she can't stay strong anymore and starts to cry. She is thinking about Kim Tan while airing out her clothes. When he kissed her on the forehead, when he hugged her and told her he will miss her and their time in California. Tan sees her behind the laundry line but just before ES sees him, he turns around. I honestly didn't understand why he suddenly didn't have the courage to face her. But I got it on the second re-watch. People continuously tell him that it is his fault that ES is gone and he saw her waving goodbye with a sad tiny smile. So when he sees her again it must have hit him that it was never about him finding her. And he couldn't deny their accusations of being responsible. He follows her to the beach and watches her. He tries to take a step towards her but he turns around and leaves. It's so sad to see Kim Tan give up after the wild goose chase. One of the defining characteristics of him is his refusal to give up. He didn't give up on becoming family with Won until his father turned them into enemies. He didn't give up on his love until his father turned his efforts into the reason for ES’ misfortunes.

YD shows up next, they meet in the police station because his lawyer was successful in locating ES. He hugs her and is really glad to see her. I really liked how broken YD's voice sounded when he thanked ES for appearing in front of him again and for being alright. I know I’m in trouble if not only Tan but also YD is making me tear up. Sad episode is sad but I love it.

YD and his father talk about the chaos the fake ES’ message caused. YD bravely confronts his dad and tells him that his father can intervene in any other parts of his life but due to his own behavior, he got no rights to tell him what to do with women. YD's father shows a surprisingly 'human' reaction. He accepts YD's opinion and even praises him for not trying to fight him but make a deal. I somehow don't like the fact that I start to see the chairman as a worse father than him...

YD's father getting a call from the prosecutor office disrupts the dinner with ES, YD and Rachel. Esther doesn't want any part of his problems and cancels the wedding. And again, YD's father seems weirdly fatherly when he pats YD's shoulder and assures his son that he will leave the hotel to him in a good condition. It’s scary different to the chairman who constantly tells Won that Jeguk isn't his company.

Even sadder than seeing Tan cry and sob is when he finally gives up on his dream of being with ES. He's back at the empty apartment a night and stares at the dream catcher. He remembers ES's words that only pretty dreams can go through the holes. Loving ES was the good dream which he tried to keep but now he thinks that he has to let that dream go in order to not ruin it and turn it into a nightmare for her. Soooo sad! He reaches towards the dream catcher, hesitates and takes it down. Looking as if he just truly lost everything now, including himself. I like that you see Tan's shadow that reaches towards the dream catcher, as if Tan is turning himself into a shadow by removing his dream. LMH's sad face just kills me and the way you hear the dream catcher jingle if his weight is so heavy that Tan can't hold it easily. They also put his silhouette in complete darkness, foreshadowing the dark self-destructive path he will walk on later in this episode and the beginning of the next.

Tan visits his brother, he declares that he will do everything he demands, going to the US, giving him his stocks, never coming back and even avoid Won for the rest of his life if he requests it. At this part, I feel my heart breaking for Kim Tan. He didn't just take the dream catcher down; he also took away all hope for everything that he wanted in his life. He has given up on himself and doesn't care anymore. He explains to Won that he can take everything away from him in exchange for saving ES from their father and Tan himself. Because he liked her, he ruined her and took everything away from her. He says that he tried his best and is angry that leaving is the only way to protect ES. He tells Won that he will only see her one last time, so his brother should return ES to where/when she was before she met him. And we can see the first signs in Won's face that he is considering helping Tan because he doesn't like to see him this way. He even asks Tan if he is asking for help or a fight. Won you’re such a hidden softie, too bad Tan is feeling too miserable to notice.

Tan goes to ES, it's raining, he looks like the white prince that ES and YD joked about in his coat holding an umbrella. ES is trying to stay strong; she's clearly shaken by seeing Tan again. He apologizes and asks her if he has been bothering her since the moment they met. Yeah, just keep twisting that knife in my heart writer-nim! After telling him before to leave and not make her run to the next town, ES delivers the final blow of making Tan go away since she won't always find the strength to send him away for both their own good. She says yes, he always bothered her and we see Tan cracking apart when he repeats the same words when ES didn't want to take his hand and run away with him in Korea. I see. Did anybody count the tissues they needed for this episode? *sob* He says it with the same broken voice but this time ES doesn't reach towards him and hugs him. He says he won't come anymore and apologizes for asking her to hold his hand and for asking to take courage for him. More tissues. He gives her his umbrella and walks away in the rain. ES drops it and cannot stay strong anymore and sobs heartbreakingly. Normally, I would have cried even more now but no one else but 'Moment' decided to show up and no matter how sad the scene, I just couldn't keep crying when I heard love is the moooment...lol There were so many sad moments in this episode that I was actually glad that I was saved by this song for once. Thank you!

Tan gets home and looks miserable. He tells his father that he visited ES for the last time, so he should stop bothering her. And the chairman once again proves that he seems to lack any human empathy and only mocks him for making a fuss about a girl. How can his own father look at Tan's face and tell him such cruel words, I simply don't understand it. Did the chairman lose any feelings for other people when he lost Won's mother? Did he never love anybody? Tan gets angry and tells him that his heart hurts, that he's having a hard time, that he misses her and that living seems unbearable now. And even after these words, I can't really detect any empathy for his son in the face of the chairman. Tan goes to his room, destroys it and sits alone in the dark with a bleeding hand, a wild look and tears in his eyes. He's completely losing it.

Afterwards, Tan seems to be in a daze, like he's dead inside. YD seems to notice and worry. Others notice as well, HJ reveals herself to be Won's girlfriend by showing concern for his little brother. Tan goes to the free cinema he once was with ES and, to the now out of business dream catcher store, even this place is ruined. I just love writer-nim's references. He lies in his bed, crying with closed eyes. We see him with a beaten-up face finding out his father's spy located ES as well, taking pictures of her. Tan leaves and ends up in the police station for speeding without a license. And you just know he did it because he saw those pictures from the spy. Somebody take away Tan’s keys, this guy should be the last person driving around in his state of mind.

Won has a blind date with a possible marriage candidate, a rich phone company daughter. She's late and has no interest in pretending to be even polite to Won. Won leaves and gets a call from the police. The most noticeable change of how broken Kim Tan is when he's with his brother. The warm and affectionate little brother who was happy about Won showing concern or getting upset for his sake, shows no reaction to Won's words now. He only tells him that he's living the way his brother wanted and that there is no one left in the family that could be a threat to Won. And when you think this can't get any sadder, Tan tells him that they're not family. Kim Tan who was always trying to win his brother's affection and be a family, telling him the exact opposite clearly effected Won. If this wasn't such a sad moment, I would be happy for seeing that Won didn't really mean anything what he said to Tan over the years. He loves his little brother and he's shocked hearing those words.

After this, it's no real surprise seeing Won talking to his father about Tan. Won clearly sees that Tan is breaking apart and defends Tan when their father accuses him of being weak and not thinking about becoming stronger. Won says his little brother was always honest and affectionate to him for 18 years no matter if Won ignored or hated him and this requires real strength. Won praised Tan, defended him and he acknowledged that he noticed Tan's efforts. But of course, the chairman doesn't want to hear this and simply asks after Won's date, admits that he wouldn't treat Tan this way if Won didn't have HJ. He also says that his trust can only be bought by marrying the daughter of a large company which could be beneficial for Jeguk. Won's words if he isn't enough for his father are just heartbreaking. The whole Kim family could be a happy patchwork family if the chairman didn't expect everything to go according to his wishes, trust his sons and see if there are other ways to secure a future for Jeguk that doesn't require sacrificing both his sons' happiness. But he doesn't even want to consider it, he only sees his opinion.

Unbelievably, in this episode full of tears, heartbreak and sadness, there are a few lighter moments as well. Rachel and HS continue to feel attracted to each other, acting awkward and cute whenever they see each other. We also learn that HS actually plans to go to a film school. I'm so relieved, him having plans for the future means that he won't take drastic measures to rebel against his parents. It's a short scene and I don't think everybody will find it funny but I crack up whenever HS' mother absolutely unconvincingly tries to deny knowing about the possible prosecution against hotel Zeus. It's hilarious, she's fighting to grin and her face is kind of shaking. lol MS trying to tell YD rumors about ES' disappearance, the way he immediately shuts up and eats is hilarious. The other kids hang out at MS' studio, they worry about Tan and YD looks concerned, but MS somehow manages to make CY jealous and BN is on cloud 9 for her boyfriend to act all tough guy. lol

Tan still looks a mess, beaten-up face and dead eyes; he attends the anniversary Jeguk Construction meeting, making the audience whisper about him and receives worried looks from Won, his official mother and secretary Yoon. Sorry, vice president Yoon just doesn't stick with me.

YD and his entourage go to a club when they see Tan stumbling out of it. He looks even worse now. He runs into a passerby and manages to get in a fight with him. But YD gets a hold of him and pushes him away from the crowd. They exchange punches, but most of the time it seems like Tan only hits YD to get hit in return. They end up on the ground with YD saying in a breaking voice that he should just go see ES if he misses her that much. I think it's not easy for YD to say this when he's still in love. But Tan refuses and answers that YD can have her with tears in his eyes. There is something really sad about how Kim Tan just barely manages to stay on his two feet when YD takes him away from the fight, he looks so lost.

After this episode, I got the feeling the reason KES picked LMH to star in this drama was this episode. The way Tan gets continuously broken down can easily make you feel like the actor is over-reacting or repeating himself but because LMH knows how to express his feeling with only his eyes or face if he needs to, it actually never becomes boring to see Kim Tan cry, sad or angry sad. Even when it escalates and Tan gets worse, LMH still manages to make you feel for him. I agree with an article that was posted here, it’s because LMH knows how to make every one of his crying scenes in Heirs a bit different that I never once felt any one being repetitive. And he cries a lot in this drama!

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Guest stardusts

Hello everyone, as we all know, drama The Heirs is coming to an end with the last 2 episodes airing next Wednesday and Thursday. To celebrate the hard work of all the brilliant actors and actresses of the drama, our Fanclub is collaborating with Shin Hye's Official Korean Fanclub to buy some gifts for the cast of Heirs.

Our target is to raise as much funds as possible so as to get gifts for each and every actor/actress of the Heirs, to congratulate them for their effort, and to show our heartfelt appreciation to them for bringing us such an awesome drama this winter. We <3 Heirs!

This is a valuable chance to show international fans' love and support for the cast and we hope that you would be able to join us in this meaningful celebration. To join, please donate to the event:

** if you wish to participate as a Fanclub and would like your logo included in the presents, please email us your Fanclub name + logo after your donation. shinhyeorg@gmail.com ***

The deadline for donation is Tuesday, December 10 2013. The event is aimed to be held next weekend (after the broadcast of Ep 20, last episode of Heirs) We apologize for the tight deadline as we just confirmed the schedule with the Korean staff today.
Thank you!

Please go to PSHIFC to donate to help us buy gifts for the cast to show our appreciation:


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:-< :-< Just wanna say something about ep 17&18: This drama is not perfect but, I love it and I enjoy it very well. Every episodes got me so excited, screaming, jumping wishing for wednesday to come. I feel satisfied and wont ask for more. I can't stop brag about it to everyone..... But now I'm a little lost and disappointed right now. guess I was expecting more but got less.... I'm not blaming the character instead I am mad at the writer/director.
The recent ep was good but, I still feel like something is missing. I cried like a river. i felt his pain. My KT is suffering. Im so mad cos not much people seem to care or notice his pain. accept KW. YD did witness his suffer but he did nothing about it. I'm so mad that ES didn't get to see it. i wanted her to see KT in that state and feel sorry for him. when they walked passed each other. After she saw his face was a mess she didn't even turn around instead KT again!!! I know she endure it but, i was expecting to see ES secretly look at at KT first. I was so happy when ES run to looked for KT though... KT is dying his tear is falling even when he asleep T_T they show so little of ES time. i feel like KT is the only one in love :( i dont know how to express this....sigh
the plot just turned out plain and a little mess here.... what happened to all the things KT has said?? Like he was so brave how many time he has told people not to touch ES. KT is a thinker and he dares to act but, thing seem to turned out the opposite way in this ep.... I'm so frustrated and went back to rewatch theirs funny/cute moment again to feel better. Cos I feel like wanting to hit my head against the wall cos of this frustration!!!! I do love the last minute in ep 18. KT is back and he's showing his girlfriend to the world :) whatever going to happen in that party night, I believe he will protect her. They will hold hand and fight together.

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Hi guyz good morning havent here in a while and i got to read all the post and im wondering why there are many antis of psh still can't understand the reason. Im not here to defend her but shes a good and kind girl. We have to support every actor in everything they do and not to interfere in their lives, if they like each other or anybody let them be, they should be happy too, all we have to do is to support them always.

Peace guys!

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Guest kaleidoscopegirl

OMG!!! Look at those pics! LMH and PSH looks so cozy together :x I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More please [-O<

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Guest Llenzycris Salazar

excited but still a little bit sad for the upcoming ending.. I will miss everything.. .. and for the last time i want to see a happy YD.. 

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Guest prosperity

These LMH PSH pics are very interesting. I have never followed a drama while airing this closely so I am not sure if this is normal. A lot of interesting body language is all I am going to say.

In the latest BTS did anyone notice that it seems like LMH cursed? It seems like he said WTF @ :40. Does anyone else see it? :))


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avioza said: Hi guyz good morning havent here in a while and i got to read all the post and im wondering why there are many antis of psh still can't understand the reason. Im not here to defend her but shes a good and kind girl. We have to support every actor in everything they do and not to interfere in their lives, if they like each other or anybody let them be, they should be happy too, all we have to do is to support them always. Peace guys!

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