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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest sachaaimee

The result of this 2 EPIC episode for me are :

  • YD keep lingering in my heart.... I always smile by my self seeing him... feel sad when he is devastated. I hope he find new love.....
  • Suddenly my lips are smiling seeing HS and RH.... finally I wish RH find her lovestory with HS. Its kindda cute that an heires of RS International is marrying a movie director.. I wish HS sunbae will have his dream come true.. which is becoming a movie director...
  • The kiss scene.. keep lingering in my head... kinda make me search for my hubbie and ask him to give me that kind of kiss.... well though i tried so hard to picture him as KT... but it kind of make me feel better... =)) =))
  • I cry everytime i re watched the episodes... their love have to go so much things... but that will make them stronger....

And for the next story I wish one of below would come true.... (to feed our hunger why dont we dream for a while 8-> ) 

There will be a time jump... and of course KT will met with ES again, but this time I don't want YD find her or KT find her... I want both of those guy doing his richard simmons so hard, so that they become very success and get together so well.... BFF for life.... I want ES that come to find KT first... It will be happen with JH help......... CY and BN got married, BN look so beautiful in her wedding dress, there KT and YD tease her for saying that KT is still like her.... and BN will upset and tell him that he never get her attention, and she will tell this to CY....then there ES at the wedding, come to find KT.... ahh KES noona please picture it so perfectly....YD's mom is return.. and YD got a new love... KA leaving daddy Kim and stay with KT, KA still have her rich status as KT now is a major stockholder, KW and KT run the company together and kick daddy Kim, KW will marry HJ finally....RH is engage with HS and they living together in a beautiful loft.

Then after bla..bla...bla...the story goes and we'll see the ending... KT coming from work and greet by his son who's running toward him... (like the pic that we all have seen before) he grabbed his son and hug him.... then inside his apartment (the one he gave to ES) his friends are there..waiting for him. at first YD say that he late, he make him waiting and waste his precious time...but he only smile and told his son to call omma... CY and BN are looks so cute together, MS is busy taking picture with YS keep following him around...KA busy at the kitchen with ES's mom and YD's mom preparing dinner, only KA is bussy telling ES's mom what to do as usual :)) :)), and KW enter the room with HJ he bring wine bottle and give them to KA after greet her and call her Ommuni...HS come to greet HJ, he hug her and RH said "I will let this pass away since she is your first love and I am the one whos sleep in the same bed with you..." HS and HJ smile together hear that. Then finally ES come out looking so stunning beautiful, KT rushingly hug her and kiss her.... 


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Guest ziimblu

Geum Jan Di did this!   Now, Eun Sang too!!!  Am dead now. 
Just done  with ep 16  :((  I wasn't prepared to shed tears
As KT slumped to the floor, beaten & helpless, I so wanted YoungDo to appear.     I know, right, why oh why YD  of all people!     But that is how my heart felt and longed.   Maybe -   If only for KT to have some faint connection with ES, and YD is a connection he shares with ES.    And I say this not without due deference to the feelings of YD,  but more with the thought of YD rescuing the  beloved of his beloved (cuz love giveths,  giveths, giveths... ), more with the thought of YD loving ES thru being kind to her KT.    Aiiieeessshhh, so many heart murmurs, I can't seem to explain how I am feeling but am sure you who love the three (KT YD ES)  understand what I mean. 
For so many episodes now, we saw how YD has dealt with his battles, and oh so many losses.  Yet, of all people, I wanted him to be there  by  KT's side, on that night, in that big, barren, glass bay windowed-wrapped apartment.    Perhaps, because, YD equally knows pain too, and more importantly, can relate with loss,  or losing ES (as he had lost ES long before his heart could even accept).  Perhaps, because I felt for the two, KT & YD too, I felt they would hit rock bottom, and that only their two, broken, lost hearts could somehow drown out the deafening silence their "empty hands & lives" now suffer. 
My heart goes out to KT.    As it did many years ago, for Gu Jun Pyo, when Geum Jan Di stormed out of his car, boarded that bus & just like that , ended the romance  fairies would swoon over for decades after.  
But, my heart goes out to YD too, especially after that convenience store sweet goodbye ES gave her, and that backhug scene he saw. (His driver was the kindest, huh, as if on perfect cue, he zoomed away from that scene.)   
Head bowed, KT was a ball of pain,  tears and anger too.   But then again, I worry too much more of the wrath that will be forthcoming from YD, who at this time, holds the world record for losing the one girl he loves, so many ways, so many times......

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Guest rain_drops

i enjoyed episode 16! so much happened and all i could think about throughout my thanksgiving day was the heirs and how i'm thankful for the writer, kim eun sook, who writes such beautiful stories! =D>

the cinematography was beautiful for this episode. the ending scene where KT cried was beautiful because of the view! don't hit me for saying this, but even when KT was crying, i kept looking out the window because i love night lights :-$

the scene at the convenience store with YD and ES was pretty, too and this gif definitely shows what i'm talking about.


like others, i'm hoping YD followed ES and knows where she is. [-O<

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First of all, I love this episode - the best!!! I for one think Won took the Mom and ES back to the place we first saw them - the old house. Won is the only one who knew where they used to live. Remember he went to check out the address after Rachel gave him the address from the entry sheet. The neighborhood is kind of run down and if the chairman do go looking for them, that place have so many hidden doors, I am sure the neighbors will protect the mom and ES. Hopefully Won can provide them the protection from all his "hood" friends.  This is what I think,

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Guest branwen

It may seem strange but I want Secretary Yoon to be the one to protect/hide Eun Sang and her mom. You know, he's a family friend but he's yet to interact with either ES or her mom. And it seems like he's got so much under his sleeve. He knows the Chairman very well so he could at least guess what Chairman is thinking. I just want some Nice Ahjussi action.

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I've just finished watching ep16 and cried a river, even though I new what to expect and had prepared myself already. How can ES leave him like that??? she is the only person he has left.She is his strength. He has assured her many times not to leave him and has tried his best to protect her..

I know she has her reason. She doesn't want to RUIN his life, the life that his father wanted to arrange for him. But he doesn't like that life. He doesn't want to be in business where you have to hold hands with your enemies, where there is no family, no friends.

Why couldn't they talk through it first?

I can't think now. It's midnight, I need to go to sleep, Crying before bedtime will cause puffy eyes when waking up. How can I avoid that now when i am still sobbing??? huhu 
:(( :(:((

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Guest potterky

i have been the longest silent lurker and i just love the posts by each and everyone.
the latest epi had been an EPIC episode (i still can't get over the KISS yet, omg the feels!) and can't wait to watch next week's.
though i could only hope eun sang had stayed on by tan's side by looking at how tan's been fighting for both of them, this was a losing battle. 
crossing the fingers and hoping for an excellent ending for this drama. 2 more weeks before we bade goodbye to this wonderful journey.
cr: stevenyeon @ tumblr

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Guest saechoy89

So many advancements once again this week with episode 15&16! I agree with what everyone said about LMH this episode and the amazing chemistry he has with PSH.
So much heartbreak this week:1) KT & Won.. They were progressing so well, but now KT doesn't "love" him anymore. Though, I think it's just a facade, he's still yearning for Won's love and is almost using YD's aggressive approach to gaining what he wants. Except we all know that, that approach should not work. You can't fight fire with fire, so please KT stick to your sweet self with your brother. The only good thing I saw was that Won is slowly starting to recognize what he has done to KT and is beginning to trust him more. We see glimpses of shock on Won's face when he learns that KT is stronger than him in fighting for his love. Which I think Won respects because its something he can't do.2) ES' Mom & KT's Mom: This separation is not a big one, but pretty sad because KT's mom had lost her only ally. I wished she had known about what the chairman was doing and possibly done something to stop it? She wishes people trust her and I think she will be hurt too when she finds out ES' mom couldn't turn to her in a time of need. She has proven recently that she does not want to hide in the shadow anymore and even had the courage to breakup the KT's an Rachel's engagement. If she saw how much KT was suffering, I think she would step in and help. Though the chairman is heartless. I thought that he would have a change of heart, but he's very cold and evil as ever. 3) ES + KT: this is probably the biggest heart break since these two are the main leads and I do agree because they have come so far along to be stopped like this. I really had hope the writer-nim would save us the trouble of a separation, but I was wrong. However, the pace of reconciliation has been pretty fast, so I hope KT reunites with ES asap! Or else I'll be pulling my hair like crazy next week.
Everyone talks about LMH's acting scene, but i think PSH did a great job this week. I loved the scene in episode 16 when she was pretending to be happy in front of KT after he showed her the apartment he got her. She was clearly faking the happiness and even shaking, so I'm surprised KT didn't suspect anything because he usually could catch on.Last thoughts: although there were heartbreaks, I think there were a lot more sweet scenes!I love YD's change of character to being sweeter. He still has a lot of work to do, but so far this change has made him even hotter in my opinion!ES +KT's dating & skinship.. yay.. more please!!YD + ES scenes were cute too. I'm glad they are actually forming a friendship.When ES hugged Changmin and Lee Bo Na! 4 more episodes Heir Lovers...! Until next week! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Now I completely understood why actors and actresses just couldn't say no to this writer-nim KES. Every word every sentence every action every scene every move are thoroughly crafted and connected! I really cannot focus today. My mind is all about Heirs. Can I just sleep and wake up it's already Sunday for preview? I am very nervous to know how the story goes! 

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Guest maizangel

Ahtan said: Omg guys, did I see wrongly but during the last scene as T kneeled, there's a shadow walking towards him? Like for 2 seconds only. Isit just me or? O.O

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