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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest jjsweeter0211

Kim Woo Bin Heats up the Gym with His Judo Moves

Flaunting off his beautiful self, Kim Woo Bin sported a Judo uniform and heated up the gym with a match with his onscreen father, Choi Jin Ho. 

Kim Woo Bin plays the hotel heir, Choi Young Do, while Choi Jin Ho plays hotel owner, Choi Dong Wook in SBS’ The Heirs

In the first and second episode, the engagement between Choi Dong Wook (Choi Jin Ho) and Esther (Yoon Son Ha) showed that Ra Hael (Kim Ji Won) and Young Do (Kim Woo Bin) will be becoming step-siblings. 

With the already-awkward dinner setting getting more uncomfortable with Choi Dong Wook slapping Young Do, the father and son pairing hit the gymnasium to let go of some steam. 


The filming for the judo scene took place on August 17 at a gymnasium located in Yong In, where Kim Woo Bin and Choi Jin Ho joined, suited up in uniforms. 

With both characters having a cold exterior, the actors made the atmosphere equally cold as the judo match began. This was the first action scene between Kim Woo Bin and Choi Jin Ho. 

The actors first greeted each other with bright smiles before going over the directions and rehearsing. 

Once the camera started rolling, the actors pulled of the scene beautifully with the direction of director Kang Shin Hyo and stunts director. As it was Kim Woo Bin’s first time trying judo, Choi Jin Ho, who has a black belt in the sport, helped the younger actor out. 

The scene was filmed perfectly and naturally as female spectators silently cheered the actors on. 

Photo Credit: Hwa and Dam Pictures


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only for the episode 3, look really interesting and great, i cant wait, finally more drama and emotion in "heirs" :)

looks good can't wait. totally want them to be back in korea so we can get to the meat of the matter. I am over the day players I want to the whole of the actual cast interacting with each other.

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Guest sullifish

hey chingu..2 more days left for ep 3 heirs..i want to see minho jealous of shinhye when she with minhyukloland also minho with jinhyuk..interesting scene..i hope the rating will be up to 15% and be the top 1 on wed-thur than medical top team and secret

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Guest prosperity

I can't wait to see Kim Tan's first scene with his mom. They were so comfortable with each other at the press conference. So I know that they will have great chemistry. I am ready to get an inside look at the the Kim family, once all family members are breathing the same air and living in the same house.
Storylines (not characters) that really have my interest as of now, it could change:
-The main OTP's
-The Kim family- everybody involved. I want to find out more about Tan and Won's relationship, will they ever mend their broken relationship? who will become the HEIR of this family? Can they both learn to wear the crown, so that it won't become too heavy for either of them? Tan and his mother, there seem to be some issues here. Tan knows his mother covets things that aren't really hers, so does he think she loves him, or does he think she loves the doors he can open for her? Tan and his father, Won and his father, Tan and his father's wife, Won and his father's wife. Like this family have so many possibilities. I just can't wait to watch what the writer will reveal to us.
-Tan and Young Do- what really caused the rift and can they mend it?
- Hyo Shin- because he seems to be the school's little black book, as he seems to have everyone's number. Therefore what will he reveal? I also enjoyed him on screen.
-Young Do and Rachel- they are so similar. What will living together bring to the forefront for these two? And no, I do not want a love line for them. Nope.

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Finally watched episode 2!! This episode was great really.

Lots of funny parts. I was really ROFL when KT was backing ES into the door and she uses her backpack, as if that will help her with a "drug dealer" or more like organ trafficker!LOL

KT piercing gaze , will seriously having exploding for the next 9 weeks. OMG!!!

What is up with the running all over LA like seriously. There is no way on earth one can run from Malibu to Hollywood no way!! ha! guess it wasn't important to them, they probably thought no one would notice. No just the psychotic fans of the cast that so happen to live in LA !!!
too funny especially the fat guys, hahaha to hilarious

Interesting episode, I swear everyone has issues and each one of them cope with it in a not so appropriate way. But they have been thru alot so it can be understandable,but not always justifiable. and reading you're guys post on KW and CYD made me realize this even more,

Our OTP both have suffered. CES she works way too many jobs to help out her mom and her sis whom she admired was supposively went to study abroad and get the family out of the mess they were in, but nope she was deceitful and only thought of herself. Both women approach the same situation at different angles and to some point are resentful which is normal.
CES sister wanted out of the poor life so she went abroad,but instead of going thru with it all, she fell in love with a loser, whom probably promised the moon and the stars in her hand and it was lie,she resented that and when she saw the opportunity, when CES came to give her moms money, she got it and ran. I wonder if CES will make a come back, I hope so, to see how her story develops and see if she better herself. Actually go thru with her studies and help out her family and just maybe find a good man.
CES also is tired of the situation they're family is in, but she instead of running way faces the situations head one, not letting no one see her weak side. Like when Rachel humiliated her, although she wanted to cry, she held her head up high with dignity and didnt cry in front of the enemy. I really love her character the most. She isn't run of the mill lead, that is a damsel in distress but hold her own.

KT being an illegitimate child, has faced great rejection, although he is by legal means son of his dad's second wife, while her mom lives at home as the mistress( which I see like a concubine, per DB who is right its like sageuk). That is humiliating, and he feels disappointed in his mom wanting things that are hers. I feel like he may just be misunderstanding her, he probably truly loved KT dad, but I am assuming KT's dad like all married men kept hidden the fact that he was married and when the truth was discovered she most likely felt humiliated. Although I think KT did fall in love with KT mom. Cuz from what the second wife said, he was flaunting his affair without a care of public opinion and the second wife to avoid humiliation then what she had already felt let him have lived with them under the condition of not ever getting divorced. I believe that if KT dad did get divorced he just may have married KT mom and give her and him his rightful place. Its all speculation, Ill know for sure as the story develops, but the fact that he has KT as legitimate son under son of his second wife is to avoid scandal yes, but also avoid humiliation,but it isn't enough, KT is exiled, outcasted by those he cherishes, his brother, probably his dad himself. Since dad seems cold with KW he is probably the same ,but I doubt it cuz he told KW to take KT along for the business meeting in LA.  In all this KT is handling it the best he can, instead of hating the world and those around him he has settled for being too lazy to care.
I believe CES will bring him back to caring to fight and not just stand there and claim what is rightfully his but the burden will be great the outcome will be worth it. I also think KT will show CES that not just the poor suffer also the rich due and sometimes taking things too hard then what they really are is what makes life much harder. Being a little more relaxed and carefree, you know loosen up, can give one a chance to stop and enjoy life.

Now the rest of the cast OH MY
LB has big time issues but its normal, her first love never cared for her so she is insecure, a little too much but she isn't a bad person. Getting a more deep insight on her relationship with her parents can makes us take a look more into insecurities perhaps.

CYD, evil dad whose probably abused his mom and she ran away and forced to get divorced when dad got sick of her. I think this because no good parent hits their child infront of others, unless they're out of control. His hate towards the poor maybe in root cuz of his mom that who knows how she lived with his dad and she was powerless and was pretty much kicked out of CYD life and there was nothing she or CYD could do. So to CYD not having money or power , he is nothing. This is where I believe again CES will play a big role in his life, in which having money and power isnt everything and there is other ways too.

Rachel, girl is a snob and all ,but she is also a hurt girl. Nothing has been mentioned about her dad, just mom who is a busy woman. This girl has been neglected and all she has or seems to have is KT, and seeing CES at his house, put sounded the red alarm as to protect and destroy. She has lost someone, or never has had anyone. This happens when parents work and put work first and all they give to their children is material things but not the essential, love. So these kids grow up spoiled, wanting everything by force but with an emptiness in their heart because they are afraid to not have it just like they didn't have the love of their parents. Rachel acts snobby because she has it all, but the one thing she wants really is love and she hasn't had it properly and when she gets her hands on it she will protect to keep it with all her might even if it means hurting others.

I think CYD and Rachel would make a good couple really. Two people who feel alone in the world and needing to be loved which they just might fullfil with each other.

KW guy has dealt with the same situation as KT except that him being the legitimate son he wears the heir crown. Because of this he is cold hearted and sees KT as a threat, why dad hasn't seemed to show much love to KW and seems like KT is favored in the situation. So KT is a threat a rival who he must get rid of. Because if KT takes the crown he has nothing. But he has it all wrong. If he realized that his lil brother is lonely just like him and whom just might be the one to show him that he is appreciated then thing could be fine with them and the rest of the family.

Can't say much of the rest of the cast yet... need more eps for that.

All I can say that in one way or another there is alot of neglect and pain among these teens which can be cured with their friendships

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Guest jjsweeter0211

From the interview~ ^^

- Lee Min Ho said that he has just turned 26 this year ( MC pretended to be shocked " Already?" with her aegyo voice which made PSH laugh) and he would like to act one more "young" and " bright" role before it's too late? He said that it might sound a bit unbelievable since he will act as a high schooler in this drama :)- They said about the " shocking" age gap between Kim Tan and Kim Won in the drama compared with the real age gap of Choi Jin Hyuk and Lee Min Ho.- Choi Jin Hyuk said that" Since his debut until now, he always has the characters either same age as him or older than him in real life. It has never been once role whose age younger than him in reality so he feels a bit sad heh. It must be fate ~~- Not very sure about what Kim Sung Ryung said. I think she talked about the " young" atmosphere in the filming site . ( She meant that so many young actors/actresses in this drama). Every time she arrives to the site, she won't feel tired at all . She feels energetic ;))- MC asked who is Shin Hye's ideal type between LMH and KWB? ( In the left side,  LMH joked that " she is not allow to lie/ has to be honest or not to choose both? KWB keeps looking at her in the right side :)) )- Shin Hye said that her ideal man is Jin Hyuk oppa :x- Kim Woo Bin talked about Running Man's appearance. He asked writernim to guest on RM the second time. He said that he feel disappointed about his first appearance and he wants to make up for it. ^^- Krystal said that she feels very burden and worried about this role especially because it's written by writer Kim Eun Sook. She said that the members support her a lot. She is asking them to continue to monitor her.- Hyung Shik talks about his member Kwang Hee who stopped feeling jealous of his popularity and wished him to do well. He is feeling very relieved and happy now.- Kang Min Hyuk said something which I am not 100% sure about.  I think he talks about he is confident about his appearance and he thinks he could do well in this role. Park Shin Hye said that" Wow it's not easy at all to be able to say that. While Hyung Shik said that " You are doing very well". ^^- Kim Sung Ryung asked Min Ho that " What do you think about 40%?" If it comes true, she and LMH will act in melodrama as a couple ^^?  The MC asked LMH if he could do kissing scenes with Kim Sung Ryung :* . He said " Of course, I could" ;))- Kim Sung Ryung said that it will be a drama that lots of viewer will enjoy watching :D.

It's only rough translation and it might not be 100% correct ~ Feel free to adjust any mistakes ~ Thanks a lot ~~
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