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[OFFICIAL] ♥O2 / Oxygen Couple♥ ~ *Jo In Sung & Song Hye Gyo* Heart-Warming Shippers


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@hclover96 thank you so much unni for this vid!!!! As ai said before you are beyond awesome chingguyah!!!

Few observations:

After KB and JIS hugged, he moves towards SHK and Writer Noh. Obviously, SHK did turn away.. And it was cut there!!!!!! Why is it cut there??? At that very scene???? I dont know if JIS was about to hug Writer Noh or SHK, but they cut it there????!!!! Now, there is really something fishy huh!

No bts for kissing scenes, and almost kissing scenes...

No dispatch pics of KMH and JIS after admitting..

"I dont date my co-star" thing from JIS. And SHK trying not to date co-star...

NOw that SHK filming china, and JIS turn down a kwon bon that would film in china.. What are they trying to protect??

Promtion in Japan Again? I hope both SHK AND JIS could come. But i bet that wouldnt be possible!

O2 couple makes me sick! But they also makes me fall in love!


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Guest Fion Chowfj

Hi! Kisseye and restudewi,me tooo agree on ur consensus and same thoughts! :-? [-X ! Btw kisseye,u posted the kiss scene very very slow motion,i watch it again n again! Wooow! So romance :\"> 8-> :x

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Guest Fion Chowfj

Kisseye,hclover,restudewi,yonnaoh,everytime i watch twtwb ost mv i feel soo sad when i remember O2 couples JIS & SHG..!*(i heard sentimental,romance song by singer The one,gummy,park hyo shin,etc)why??? :\"> 8-> may be my emotional up n down.!don know why?? :-/ :(

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posted early in this thread

That Winter Jo In Sung Helps Song Hye Kyo to her Feet, ‘Thoughtful’">That Winter Jo In Sung Helps Song Hye Kyo to her Feet, ‘Thoughtful’ Mar 19, 2013 • Category: News & Updates, That Winter, TranslationsThat Winter Jo In Sung Helps Song Hye Kyo to her Feet, ‘Thoughtful’">0 Comments


[My Daily = Reporter Jeon Hyung Jin] Actor Jo In Sung has been captured showing care and consideration for Song Hye Kyo.

The SBS Tuesday-Wednesday drama, That Winter, The Wind Blows published a behind-the0=-scenes video on their official site.

The unveiled video, which was from episode 9 of That Winter that aired last week on March 7th, featured the scene where Oh Soo (Jo In Sung) is looking for Oh Young (Song Hye Kyo), who is danger. Oh Young confronts Oh Soo about the pill he gave her after realizing it was actually a pill used to euthanize animals. She angrily tells him, “Why can’t you just kill me?”

In the process, Song Hye Kyo sobs as she sits on the floor, and as soon as “Cut” is signaled, Jo In Sung helps Song Hye Kyo to her feet and asks staff members for a jacket. Even after filming has ended, Jo In Sung is seen showing care and consideration to his co-star actress.

At the recent press conference for That Winter, Song Hye Kyo complimented Jo In Sung by stating, “Our drama has many emotional scenes and with the emotions being so heavy it makes for a lot of difficult times, but every time, Jo In Sung sshi is there waiting for me, and even when it is tiring, he always matches my pace, and for that I am grateful. When we film emotional scenes, everyone becomes down, but when we film the bright scenes, In Sung sshi makes the atmosphere of the set brighter. Since I do not have that kind of personality, it makes me more thankful.”

Netizens reacted by making such comments as, “Even Jo In Sung has fallen for Song Hye Kyo’s charms,” “With that kind consideration, everyone would fall in love,” and “They look really good together.”

(Reporter Jeon Hyung Jin hjjeon@mydaily.co.kr)

Source: My Daily via Naver
Translated by: Shanda @ Songhyegyo.net

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<That Winter> SHG and JIS are friends originally and therefore have good chemistry.
SHG on March 3rd, accepted an interview at a restaurant in Seoul and indicated that JIS and I are friends to begin with, in 2004, we were from the same company and had been involved in the same activities.

SHG says: A lot of JIS' good friends are also my good friends, so our relationship is one that we can hang out and have a drink together in our personal time. In terms of acting, because we are familiar with each other, it brought a lot of convenience. When I was acting in other dramas, it took some time to familiarise myself with the other actors but this time, I totally do not have such a problem and was able to devote myself into the drama very quickly.

SHG was full of praises for JIS' crying scenes: A male actor's tears are mostly about the same, but his tears are even more dramatic than an actress' tears that it is heartbreaking to watch.

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[TV Report = Park Gui Im] Actress Song Hye Kyo, who started in the SBS Wednesday-Thursday special drama, That Winter, The Wind Blows, shared her thoughts on the cotton candy kiss.

Song Hye Kyo had an interview with TV Report on the afternoon of April 3rd at a restaurant in Seoul Yongsan-gu Itaewon, and stated, “When Jo In Sung and I filmed the cotton candy kiss, I squirmed [from embarrassment].”

After Jo In Sung and Song Hye Kyo shared the kiss scene in episode four of That Winter, The Wind Blows, it became a hot topic. At that time, Oh Soo (Jo In Sung) figured out the answer to Oh Young’s (Song Hye Kyo) riddle was cotton candy. Afterwards, Oh Soo handed Oh Young the cotton candy, and she was no longer upset with him.

She continued, “When I was acting, it felt like eating cotton candy for the first time. I remembered eating cotton candy with my mom when I was a child. But, it was the first time squirming [feeling embarrassed] and eating cotton candy with a man.”

More than anything, “I also squirmed while filming the cotton candy scene. Director Kim Kyu Tae-nim was the only one who enjoyed it. Nevertheless it came out beautiful, so I liked it,” Song Hye Kyo said with a smile.

Meanwhile, Song Hye Kyo will star in Director John Woo’s movie, Love and Let Love.

Reporter Park Gui Im luckyim@tvreport.co.kr / Photo=Kim Yong Deok zoom69@tvreport.co.kr

Source: TV Report
Translated by: Shanda @ Songhyegyo.net


Sure that kiss has melted unni  .. we were faaaaaaaaaaar away and seeing the scene through our screens but went crazy about it  :D 




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SHG: "JIS has never lost his temper at me before"


SBS Melodrama <That Winter> has garnered strong viewership and responses from the very first episode with the grand team of actors and beautiful cinematography. With the impending finale, the female lead SHG has deep emotions.

SHG: This Show has received so much love and welcome, and it is not onlymy credit but it is as a result of the entire team's hard work. Whenwe were filming, everyone was able to co-operate and work well and with relentless hard work, we have made this film.

I would like to thank in particular, the director, the screenplay writer as well as the male lead JIS. It is because of their guidance that allowed me to delve into the character and play the part of a blind girl well.

JIS is a very very good actor. He has both great acting skills and good temper. Whenever I was unsatisfied with my own performance and requested for a re-run, he never once complained and actively co-operated with me, allowing me to put in my best.

I have worked with the screenplay writer before but she has never praised me for my acting. However, in this drama, she gave me affirmation on my acting and I was very comforted to hear that giving me a lot of confidence and strength to carry on. In the past 6 months, I have worked hard to play the part of OY to allow her inner feelings to be shown perfectly. Up to now, I feel like I have been living as OY.

Next, SHG will be joining Zhang Ziyi in a movie and the movie will require her to learn piano and waltz.

Translated from:

Korean: http://joynews.inews24.com/php/news_view.php?g_serial=735561

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[star Interview]That Winter Song Hye Kyo, “I cannot forget the last eye contact


▲ It’s finally over.

=It still hasn’t hit me. After we finished the last shot, Writer Noh Hee Kyeung and I hugged and I couldn’t control myself, I escaped the location. I was saying my final goodbye to Director Kim Kyu Tae, and again, I was moved to tears. Sending off That Winter seems to be such a difficult thing.

▲What significance does That Winter have on Song Hye Kyo?

=I wasn’t born to be an actress, so I always put in a lot of effort. The same is also true for this time. But, it seems I was matched by fate. Everything fell into place and good results came about.

▲As a blind character, your ‘eye acting’ was excellent.

=In the beginning, using my eyes to act was difficult. Expressing emotions was difficult and I was at a loss. At first, it was stressful, but now, I am used to it and looking in a person’s eyes while acting is rather awkward. (Laughs)

▲Are you satisfied with the happy ending?

=Of course. I always liked tragic outcomes, but this time, both the hero and heroine went through so much hardship that I thought, “It would be nice if they could be happy.” I am happy with the final scene where Oh Young makes eye contact with Soo.

▲You and Writer Noh Hee Kyeung came together again after Worlds Within. How is the Song Hye Kyo of now different from four years ago?

=I have matured more in expressing emotions. Teacher [Noh] even told me, “Back then you were like a little kid, but now, you are a woman.” It seems the 28 year old Song Hye Kyo could not follow the character of Worlds Within. Now that I am in my thirties, I feel rather comfortable.

▲Song Hye Kyo’s acting and looks are that outstanding.

=Through close-ups, Director-nim captured the fine tremors and movement of the muscles, and he helped with Oh Young’s expression of emotions. The lighting and filming director also did a great job, so I am truly grateful. (With laughter) To make an actress in her thirties look like this. Because I am getting a lot of compliments on my own, we joked with each other that, “This will be my last project.”

What was it like working with Jo In Sung?

=He was filled with energy and passion. His expression of emotion is far surpasses that of actresses. Out of all the actors I have seen, he was the best. In regards to acting, he has worries and a lot of greed. However, he does not just act alone, he fully understands his counterpart. Thanks to him, Oh Young appeared even more beautiful and lovely.

You both look really good together and people may misjudge that and a rumor could erupt.
=We match well together so it is likely that topic would come up. However, we have been knowing each other since 2004 and are long-time friends. During that time, we were in the same company and have met privately on several occasions.

▲For Song Hye Kyo, how was this past winter meaningful?

=It was really exhausting and painful, but I was very happy. Even though there were times of anguish, now I truly miss that time. I guess it’s a time that I miss enough to want to go back again.

▲In searching for your next work, what kind of acting do you want to try?

=I want to take a risk. Producers may not like it, but I want to challenge myself with a new character and project. Since That Winter was successful, it’s likely to create situations where I can challenge myself, so I’m thankful. (With laughter) I guess the next five pieces will fail. [Jokingly]

Reporter Ahn Jin Yong realyong
Photo=Reporter Kim Ji Gon jgkim@sphk.co.kr

Source: Sports Hankooki
Translated by: Shanda @ Songhyegyo.net

SHG Talks about Marriage and Loves Big Bang (Article from Sina)

SHG on 3rd April 2013 received an interview in one of the restaurants in Seoul. She shyly indicated that this is the first time in her life to receive such praise for being able to act out her her character in <That Winter> naturally and with trained acting skills was able to portray the lead well receiving lots of attention and praise.

SHG and JIS joined as the leads of the drama, together with Noh the Screenplay writer and Kim the Director worked on the drama <That Winter> which ended on the same day as the interview.
OY acted by SHG, regained her eyesight partially and ultimately ended up with her loved one, OS (acted by JIS) finally met, and under the cherry blossoms they had a happy passionate kiss, wrapping the whole drama with a beautiful scene in spring.

Below are the answers which SHG has answered:

Including the movie <Today>, in the drama <That Winter> your character was very heavy and sad, in the next movie will you consider changing the genre?
Answer: Yes would like to try a happier role. Because now I am so tired, really do not have the strength to take on another heavy role. I feel like I have poured all my emotions into this drama, so in my next drama, I was hoping to act in a romantic drama with more cheer. If I keep doing such dramas, it is not good for my health as well (laughs).

We hear that on the filming set, you and JIS had a good time, is it as a result of this drama?
Answer: We were friends to begin with. In 2004, when we first met, it was in an office and we had the same makeup artist. So we had a lot of chances to meet in private and have met for drinks on many ocassions. After that period, both of us were busy with our schedules but ocassionally we will still meet. Therefore with this drama, it gave us a chance to meet up again. Like for all actors which I meet for the first time, I will need time to get to know that person so that we are able to go deeper into the characters and become closer. But because two of us are already so familiar with each other, we could go straight into character and act in the drama. However, being too close also has its disadvantages, like for the candy kiss, both of us feel that it was mushy (smiles).
Everyone says that JIS has become a lot of manliness. What do you think has changed before and after army?
I always thought that he has a lot of manliness. Only through this drama, I realised, most of the actors' tears do not differ much, but IS acts the crying scenes with no less emotions that a female actress. Every single crying scene, he gives off a different feeling and this has surprised me. When filming I asked him "How can you be better at crying than an actress!" (laughs)

<That Winter> the character OY, does it have any similarities with yourself and how did you grapple and understand the deep emotions involved?
OY is a character I played, there is no similarities and totally a work of fiction. When I was acting in Woo's <Grandmaster>, I spent 4 years overseas. To me it is an unforgettable happy period but in emotionally I also suffered a lot. These experiences made me develop a lot of feelings inside. To be honest, it is not easy being an actress. If there are any misunderstandings, we can't immediately address that and explain. When we explain, not everyone believes our explanations. Therefore we can only put up with it. In addition, I have been acting for the past 17 years and have gained a lot of experience, therefore the feelings was able to come naturally.

All the seniors say that with a lot of experience, you will be able to portray a character better. Having said that, although I understand, but there was a mismatch in terms of understanding and my own feelings. That is to say that my experience and my acting was not in sync. Until not long ago, I was able to really understand that and become to go deeper into the character.

<That winter> has a happy ending, is this because the audience wanted it?
It was intended to be a happy ending right from the beginning. From 1-15, the main focus was on the love line, in 16, the writer has told us that it will be a happy ending.  In the past, we thought that romance dramas with sad endings will be more memorable for the audience. However, this drama has too many twists and turns and upheavals, so we wish to let OS and OY have a happy ending and live happily ever after.

After filming <That Winter> have you contacted JIS?
No! (laughs) not sure if it is because we are very familiar with each other already, on the filming set we also do not talk much. Because we have a lot of emotional scenes together, therefore nobody talks much at the filming set. After the final scene, we had a meal with the director and the screenwriter and it was also quite quiet, it felt like everyone was still immersed in the drama.

Are you easily hurt in real life as well?
(After thinking for a long time) Yes, I get hurt very easily but I will not show it. The most is I will flare up for a while (laughs) but most of the time, I will keep it to myself.

Fans are curious if you have any marriage plans?
When I was younger, I really wanted to get married. To be honest, it is not that I do not want to get married now, but that I feel I am in a comfortable phase in life. I am scared that it might be troublesome!. The sisters around me are single and they are worried about me because they also said the same things like me, thinking that it is troublesome. At that time, I had counter-questioned whether is it possible to do anything for the one you love? But right now I am beginning to think that it is troublesome too. (laughs) Maybe because I am working that's why!

After acting for 17 years, do you find it bothersome? Have you ever thought of changing jobs, especially around 20 years old?
When I was 20 plus, I did a lot of things which a 20 year old will want to do. No matter whether it is work or relationships, I enjoyed that period like a typical 20 year.  

Which is the most handsome actor that you have worked with and who do you wish to work with the most?
All of them are handsome, so it is hard to choose! To be honest, I don't really like handsome guys, but I love charming men. That is also very hard to choose especially for me, because they all have fans so I am a bit scared to choose (laughs).
I have always wanted to work with Park Hae-il. Most of his works I have watched before. A very bright outlook but in the dramas, he can be very wild and rough. That is a very magical feeling. 

Nowadays there are many variety shows, have you thought of being on one? Which one do you want to join the most?
There are really a lot of very good variety shows. I personally like to watch Running Man and Infinity Challenge. If this drama <That Winter> was not so heavy, maybe during the filming period, we might have gone on. Maybe next time if there is a chance, I will like to try it. It seems very interesting.

Last question, is there a particular idol group that you like?
I like Big Bang and their songs. Every Big Bang member is very charismatic. Their songs are very fast, and of good quality. Particularly I like to watch them on stage. Every member has a lot of talent and full of life, my mood also becomes very light and happy.

Have you been to their concert? 
No, because it is quite tiring to go to such crowded events. My body might not be able to take the stress so I seldom go to such crowded places. However I really want to go to a Big Bang concert once!  If I say that, I should get a ticket right? (laughs) Reporter: Maybe they will send both autographed CD and ticket!) No, I will buy the CD as a fan!

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@shey428, lol, you're on a roll here :))  I can see your shipping heart is on high again :D

Song Hye Kyo had an interview with TV Report on the afternoon of April 3rd at a restaurant in Seoul Yongsan-gu Itaewon, and stated, “When Jo In Sung and I filmed the cotton candy kiss, I squirmed [from embarrassment].”

I remembered an interview she had when she did the Hong Kong TWTWB promotion in June.  The host told her that the cotton candy kiss scene is very popular and memorable and asked SHK if it was embarrassing for her to film that scene since she knew JIS beforehand.  SHK replied no because she and JIS are long time friends so they are comfortable filming that scene.  I was puzzled at her answer because it's different from her previous reply.

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@hclover96 actually i'm lookibg for the interview hahahaha

Yes you got me! Im on high spirit today. I miss them so much, i go back in time...

Now i really think KMH thing is just a cover-up thanks to your vid @hclover96. I know, i feel it! Hahahaha >michi< :)) :))

Say.. 2-3 yrs from now.. We'll see..


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@shey428, I found the interview and the translation :)

MC:  Aside from crying scenes, you and male lead, Jo In Sung, have happy scenes too like the cotton candy kiss.  Since you know Jo In Sung beforehand, is it very embarrassing to shoot this scene?

Her answer is they filmed this scene well and comfortably.  From what I remembered from both of their past interviews, they both said it was very embarrassing and awkward to film the the cotton candy kiss scene and it took 2 days to film it.  Why is her answer in this interview quite different from her past interviews?  .  I noticed she always emphasized the fact that they are friends 

The part about JIS is from 4:00 to 4:40
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I know right?!

Defensive! i think. Hahaha

But i love it! Hahaha it's like screaming!! Whenever she was asked about JIS she would always say that they were friends way back when... While As i recall, i never read JIS mentioned this "long time friends" thing though...

Oh come on!

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Hahaha yeah me too! M

Where are the others?

After seeing all the cut scenes, screencaps.. Gifs and bts.. I feel recharged!! Hahahaha

I think i overdoze in oxygen today! Hahahaha


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I was like.. "Yeah yeah.. We get it you're friends then but how about now that you collaborated what can you say about him? I mean on a personal level.

And how come you two dont promote together knowing that the drama was huge success? You are look awesome together. Do you consider having anothet project with JIS?"

Lucky her i wasnt the interviewer. :)) :))

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