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[Drama 2013] You're The Best Lee Soon Shin - 최고다 이순신


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:-? After reading all the comments and disappointments about today's episode concerning JH, SS and YA all I can say is that I hate to burst anyone's bubble.... and, I hope that I am wrong...but, I have felt all along that its a ploy by the Writers and the PD to keep SS and JH apart till closer to the end of this drama. Reason: IU's Korea 's little sister image...the Writers and the PD do not want to be judged or criticized for any mishap. Thus the plot has one unnecessary conflict after another to keep the couple a part and the longer the writer and the PD do this the less episodes are left for our SS and JH to become a so called couple or even have a kiss. :-S :( I even think that there will only be friendship between older sister and baker nothing more. As for the second sister's wedding and marriage, well, it can't overshadow IU and JH, so if it happens it will also be closer to the end of this drama. It's a good gimmick for the writer and the PD but it doesn't make for a great drama. [-( YTBLSS has been consistent in being Pleasant to watch, but it doesn't come close to being fabulous. Does YTBLSS have the potential to switch things around and end on a very high note and reach 'Greatness status? Yes, but the change has to come sooner than later for this to happen. The longer JH and SS are kept at just sweet little nothing scenes the quicker this drama stays at 'cute with no substance.' I don't blame the actors for the 'much to do about nothing' plot, I totally blame the PD and the Writers for not finding it in themselves to make a YTBLSS a 'Wow, take your breathe away' drama. :-?? YTBLSS = Cuteness Overload, BUT YTBLSS doesn't = Amazing, Took My Breathe Away. #-o OF course.........there is still a chance that I will stop breathing :\"> :x Let's [-O< it happens >:D< sooner than later!

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Guest AlobAro

ok guys.. sahur time for me...

i have to go to work tomorrow...how fun n merry my life is.. tsk! .. tsk! ..

c ya when i c ya... chinguzzz..

bye       bye       bye       bye       bye

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akinahana89 said: lovelyJihan said: ameen to that chingu..hahah u don't know my head is hurting like crazy,i just can't concentrate anything i didn't even watch the raw, this's the first time ever,am still boiling inside, nothing makes sense  am thinking different possiblities that can make everything sense, how the director came up with this kind of idea at this time when SS is just starting everything coulldn't he wait  after this 2get together :((

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Guest Tien Do

hi guys, I just wake up and eat my breakfast Greenand yup when i wake up, it's time to u guys to go to sleep Milk bottle (weird though)
Anyway, I see a lot people comment that YA need to go diedNini mouse (because she help people by using stupid way but nobody need her to help)  and JH smile and thanks like an idiotSoldier baby ,but don't know that ur gf get a lot bad thing from YA, after see an idiot we still have another person that is more idiot then JH that person is IS (where is ur mouth Yoyowhy u don't tell ur idiot JHYoyo that YA make SS turn to be like this) I'm done with that two idiotsSuper cute onion Now is CW & YS turn, I happy to ses that they can married each other and Cute pig 2nobody interfere (example like YJ and chicken ajyuhhmaCute pig 2). HS & WJ turn (i don't what to say about them because they never got a lot bad thing) but still hope they get married soon . Nini mouse

I can't believe that u guys spent 100 pages to comment for those happens Super cute onion ( but i happy and died because laugh so much after read all the commentsSuper cute onion) and I spent 1hr to read all the commentsRabbit 3(I just kidding guys Rabbit 1)

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It is up to you. LOL. It's just that I realized, at least for me, that I wanted JH to keep treating YA coldly as he has been. When I saw him smile at her, I didn't focus on what his eyes were saying, just his sweet smile aimed at YA and after everything that YA had been doing to hurt SS, I was so angry, my hands were shaking. I ended up taking that anger out on JH and though he deserves a bit of anger for the look he gave SS when she went back to the filming site with IS, he did not deserve that much anger. So when I went back after I calmed down and looked closely, I realized that when JH smiled, while it was a sweet smile, his eyes were dull. They didn't sparkle with the happiness they normally do under different circumstances. They looked more sad or stressed, even a little worried, but definitely for SS, and so I was able to move on from my brief anger at JH period. In the end, JH still has my entire heart and it is YA who needs to die already. lol. :))

At least we can say that you died happy and laughing? Keke~~ Glad we could amuse you with our wild thoughts all day. :)) :))

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Guest tigerlilydarkeyes

This drama is no longer fun to watch.  IS is an idiot!  The grandma and chicken ajumma scenes are sooooooo unberable... This is anothe disappointing drama after A Hundred Year Inheritance.  Sigh... It seems that the writer is wasting time... just to reach 50 epi... what a disspointment!

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I hope SS an just quit that drama and go to another one without YA influence. I don't think JH is someone who would.threaten if he found out about YA sabotage especially she is from different agency.

I think ultimately the director might be SS Savior since he seemed like a no nonsense guy and doesn't care for connections.it wouldnt surprise me if director finds out about YA and kicks her out and put SS as main cast

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Even though I was so excited for this week's episodes, especially with all the still photos of our pabo couple... I think you're right. Next week might be better. I'm trying not to set my expectations for ep 38 too high so I don't disappoint myself in case it's not everything I was hoping for. :)

I hope that's exactly what the director does! He really is a no-nonsense type of guy who hates lobbying and connections - so he will definitely not stand for what YA is doing to SS.

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conan3ran said: after watching this ep I wanna give the writer an advice please don't make a mess in JH family I really don't think there is a benefit
for making JH appa and omma have this misunderstanding .. now JH omma think that SS is flirting with guys like her mother urrr our pure SS  
and I think tomorrow's ep like some of you guys predicted  ,, JH will ask SS to apologize to YA then IS will tell him the truth he will run to SS to confess
then the ep will end ,, let's wait for ep 40 it might be better  

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if IS or SS still has YA's credit card, they should go buy a car, book some hotel rooms, or make some 'risqué" online purchases on YA's card... just saying with a revengeful smirk...

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Hmmmm.... my head's cool now.I haven't read all of your theories but I feel like I get more insights that prevent me from deleting JH's file.. hahah... joking, joking!!! My love for JJS won't be easily erased by one lousy episode.

Now, after seeing from different perspective, I believe that JH's action can be interpreted as gratitude because in any way YA has helped SS restore her career, which is despite just about to blossom, might be in danger due to this incident.  He just tries to minimise the destruction and the one giving the help is YA. I think that's how it is seen from his point of view.
I'm lol'ing hard thinking how we viewers were throwing fits furiously when we saw him talking ( AND SMILING!!!!!) to YA. It's  of course because we witnessed the whole story with our omniscient eyes. while from JH's small eyes, who just arrived to the scene and directly had to face difficult situation because of his artist, he might not be able to think as straight as we want him to be and he only wanted to solve the problem without leaving much sour taste to the PD. 

I agree with most of you who said that the problem was in the writing department.  Why in the name of God the writer made SS buy ice cream is beyond my senses.  He/she could have created conflict in a more classy manner, and therefore, and actually made YA a better, high-class villain. Doing it this way, the writer just wanted to show how nasty and bitc*y can YA be, without even thinking that by doing so it also did much damage to other side. Or... I dunno, maybe the writer wanted to show how naive SS is?? Since she totally fell to the hole YA dug for her??
There you go. Even though now I can see somehow in more positive lights, I haven't got the will to rewatch the ep. Maybe later after watching ep 38. 

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Maybe.. the amount of outrage we gave on JH last night, was because we are over possessive?? Because not only we know what kind of person YA is, but we also don't want JH to give a slightest care to her?? For her, the colder the better??

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